Poll: Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

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Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (and he's among those who can be talked about at WS)

    Votes: 33 14.3%
  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (though he's not presently among those who can be talked about here)

    Votes: 15 6.5%
  • Yes, I think she was, and I have some theories, but no specific person in mind.

    Votes: 59 25.5%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "yes", she was murdered.

    Votes: 65 28.1%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "no", she was not murdered.

    Votes: 32 13.9%
  • No, I firmly believe (think) Shannan Gilbert was not murdered.

    Votes: 27 11.7%

  • Total voters
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I know there are some very in depth discussions on this board. But to be honest they are very crowded with heresay. SOme of the bigger accusations are not backed up by fact.
I based alot of what I thought on the fact that SGs body was being held/hidden and MG could not bury her. That turned out to be untrue.

I agree and it's easy to get hearsay and facts confused. There is so much information to absorb! Sometimes I think my brain is gonna bust! :banghead:
According to post 429 page 18 of the following thread the throwaway phone is a never before heard and unsubstantiated rumor started by fluke on the lisk site


I found that while searching for a post I recently read about cadaver dogs indeed seaching cphs house. Still searching.

The source of that is his letter to 48 hours. I believe he is actually allergic to dogs, and I don't think there is a dog bowl or dog in the pics of his house.
Truthspider has named several instances where he was un cooperative. I just named two. The lawsuit, not saving the video tape.....I will let the man with the most intimate knowledege chime in when he logs in. Truthspider, the floor is yours.

I'm not sure why you believe it was Oak Beach resident CPH's responsibility to save the video from the gate, but it wasn't.
What lawsuit involving CPH is hindering this investigation?
Truthspider has named several instances where he was un cooperative. I just named two. The lawsuit, not saving the video tape.....I will let the man with the most intimate knowledege chime in when he logs in. Truthspider, the floor is yours.

Denied calling MG, refused poly, Leaving OB as often as possible and for long periods of time, particularly during the times when the investigation had boots on the ground in OB.

CPH is one of the nicest guys you can ever meet, and would do anything to help anyone.

"I'm not sure why you believe it was Oak Beach resident CPH's responsibility to save the video from the gate, but it wasn't."

We don't think it was CPH's responsibility to save anything, but you seem to be contradicting yourself somewhat here. Moreover, when meeting MP & AD on Sunday or Monday (May 2 or 3rd) he neglected to mention that the gatehouse had a camera, which at that point would have Saturday morning's events on tape, this seems more than not helpful. In hindsight it appears intentionally negligent.

Also, leaving absolutely no forensic evidence was very unhelpful... :)
Denied calling MG, refused poly, Leaving OB as often as possible and for long periods of time, particularly during the times when the investigation had boots on the ground in OB.

When meeting MP & AD on Sunday or Monday (May 2 or 3rd) he neglected to mention that the gatehouse had a camera, which at that point would have Saturday morning's events on tape, this seems more than not helpful. In hindsight it appears intentionally negligent.

Also, leaving absolutely no forensic evidence was very unhelpful :p

I know a lot of LEO's, and to a man none of them would take a polygraph if suspected of a crime, or blow into a machine if suspected of OUI. Does that make them suspect or smart in regards to their defence?
Every single person in the community knows there are cameras there, but doesn't think of them as the answer to questions regarding what happened or who was here when. There isn't that kind of access to their info. It's certainly not a residents responsibility, nor do they have the ability, to view them and find out about any history of events they feel like.

First I want to thank you for acknowledging that you know CPH, and he is a good fellow from your perspective. I then can assume you do not believe CPH has anything to do with SG or the LISK events.

I respect you for defending CPH, or at least trying to explain away some of the issues that other sleuthers have used to incriminate (myself included) CPH.

This brings me to a dilemma, do I believe you and trust that your knowledge and awareness of CPH and his behavior is sufficient to exonerate him.
Do I consider the evidence about his activities regarding this case as having more weight than your opinion.

MP and AD may have just wanted MG to have a contact in the area who was concerned about what happened to her daughter. All three of them have stated that is how he got the phone numbers,


Think about what you have written here. "MP and AD may have......"
It would make sense that they give MG a phone number from Oak Beach, rather than giving the resident of Oak Beach Mari's number. Why did they not give Mari, GC's number. he knew much more about the events of that night than CPH.

If I want to contact somebody, I get their number and call them. I do not ask a third party to give my number to a stranger who I do not know, and ask that person to call me. It makes no sense!

Put yourself in MP's shoes for a minute, and assume CPH has no involvement in this case. MP drives to CPH's house, explains to CPH that a girl has gone missing, and CPH says something like.."oh that is too bad, how can I help?"

MP can respond in one of several ways.

a) 'you can look around the neighborhood and in the wetlands with us.'(MP did not)

b) 'you can organize the neighbors and look around' (MP did not)

c) 'can you tell me if there is a security system with cameras in the area that I can look at.' (MP did not)

d) ' Mr. CPH since you never met SG and do not know anything about the events of that night, and you have nothing to contribute, CPH, you can be the contact in the neighborhood for the missing girl's mother. Here is her number, give her a call.

Honestly does this make any sense to you? Is that what you would do if you were SG's driver and cared for her?

I am not saying definitely CPH is guilty of anything, but he is more involved criminally with SG's disappearance and death than he admits.

CPH could be a wonderful guy and history is full of wonderful guys who do terrible things.

CPH could be a wonderful guy and history is full of wonderful guys who do terrible things.


This part is not lost on me. /\

As to the rest, I'm not here to defend CPH, I don't think he needs it. I believe he inserted himself into something for some attention and had no idea that it would turn into what it has. None of the scenarios you listed made much sense or seemed very possible/plausible, but since we really have no idea what anyone of the players here said to one another, including MP and AD to MG, we may as well imagine some that do make sense and exonerate CPH, MP and AD and show SG died tragically in the marsh with no help from anyone but herself.
I'm also pretty sure MP did not drive to CPH's house, but met him in the community.
This part is not lost on me. /\

As to the rest, I'm not here to defend CPH, I don't think he needs it. I believe he inserted himself into something for some attention and had no idea that it would turn into what it has.

And why do you think he denied the calls?

None of the scenarios you listed made much sense or seemed very possible/plausible, but since we really have no idea what anyone of the players here said to one another, including MP and AD to MG....
some of us know what they said, or at least what they claimed they said...
And why do you think he denied the calls?

some of us know what they said, or at least what they claimed they said...

Because it turned into what it turned in to.
Knowing what anyone "claimed" to have said equals not knowing what they said. A claim of what was said would need to be backed up by the other person or it's just he said/she said. Of course, if the wrong two people agree to what was said, the conspiracy card gets thrown out.
I'm also pretty sure MP did not drive to CPH's house, but met him in the community.

By "community" what (or who) do you mean? What makes you pretty sure about this? Additional info would certainly be helpful!
By "community" what (or who) do you mean? What makes you pretty sure about this? Additional info would certainly be helpful!

I never heard that they knocked on his door. I though they went to the area to look around and ask people if they knew or saw anything, and ran into CPH coincidentally.
Because it turned into what it turned in to.
Knowing what anyone "claimed" to have said equals not knowing what they said. A claim of what was said would need to be backed up by the other person or it's just he said/she said. Of course, if the wrong two people agree to what was said, the conspiracy card gets thrown out.

I'm not sure I understand your reasoning, "Because it turned into what it turned in to." If the conversation happened the way CPH claimed (after denying any calls) and it was just, "Hey, MP and AD were looking for your daughter and gave me your number in case there's anything I can do to help, let me know," WHY LIE? It makes no logical sense! It wasn't until after SG's body was found that he admitted to the calls to MG.
I never heard that they knocked on his door. I though they went to the area to look around and ask people if they knew or saw anything, and ran into CPH coincidentally.

Ugh! I was confused. I thought you were referring to a time prior to the night/morning SG disappeared. I'm sorry, my thinker needs a tune-up.

Why wouldnt Pak just goto JB if they wanted a contact? Wouldnt Pak go to someone that he actually had contact with that night?
They both admit to meeting cph and the two parties stories about this meeting appear to corroborate each others.

How do you know this? Do you have a link? I find it hard to believe that they would have given CPH Shannan's little sister's phone number. Do they corroborate this?
I would like to know if the SCPD has an investigator trained in dealing with sexual sadistic psychopaths, and if so, has he or she met with and questioned anyone in Oak Beach regarding either the death of Shannan or the the other murders. From what I have read, questioning such a person (if you could call him that) requires a very experienced investigator/interrogator trained Specifically in dealing with this sort of predator.

I don't think getting guidance from an expert with the FBI is going to help. I think the experienced investigator whether from the Fbi, SCPD, or any other agency would have to do the questioning himself.
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