Poll: Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

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DNA Solves

Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (and he's among those who can be talked about at WS)

    Votes: 33 14.3%
  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (though he's not presently among those who can be talked about here)

    Votes: 15 6.5%
  • Yes, I think she was, and I have some theories, but no specific person in mind.

    Votes: 59 25.5%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "yes", she was murdered.

    Votes: 65 28.1%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "no", she was not murdered.

    Votes: 32 13.9%
  • No, I firmly believe (think) Shannan Gilbert was not murdered.

    Votes: 27 11.7%

  • Total voters
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Truth, so you don't struggle with it anymore, it's four letters in a row in my mind.
Searching the marsh would be the logical thing to do in my opinion because that's where BB said she saw SG going.
As far as the guy who was saying it, if it was JS jr., it's my opinion he's got his own agenda, anger issues, and lack of social skills. That doesn't make him too dumb to see the marsh as the place to look. Frankly, I always thought the marsh had been searched and was surprised to find out it wasn't.

Truth of the matter is there probably was no need to look any further than the cops did that early morning. Believe it or not this wasn't the first call of a person screaming for help in the middle of the night and when the cops get there they find nothing to report.

What and where do you expect the cops to look? Why would they even bother to look. Did you folks know there are about 150,00 -200,000 burglar alarms that go off each year in Suffolk County, and literally 99% of them are false. It has gotten so bad that then PC Dormer went public and said his Department would no longer respond to alarms if they are deemed to be chronic. Not that this wasn't a stupid thing to say, but he said it. It has gotten so commonplace that the dispatcher might get a call from an alarm company and not dispatch a car for an hour or so. Sometimes longer.

My only questions regarding this particular matter is: What kind of call did they get, and how fast was it dispatched, and after it was dispatched how long did it take for a cop to get there. What did he do when he got there. What could he do? These are all legitimate questions that need to be answered.

Cops are not magicians no matter what they would like you to think.

Until we know more about the incident, and the cops aren't willing to release the tape we may never know.

Also, keep in mind the SCPD/IAB will NOT investigate any case of misconduct if there is a chance the County can be held liable. Contrast that to the NYPD. NYPD will investigate ANY case no matter the potential liability to the City. The cops are charged with investigating these situations, the defending of any malfeasance is for the County Attorney. Let the chips fall where they may.
Truth of the matter is there probably was no need to look any further than the cops did that early morning. Believe it or not this wasn't the first call of a person screaming for help in the middle of the night and when the cops get there they find nothing to report.

What and where do you expect the cops to look? Why would they even bother to look. Did you folks know there are about 150,00 -200,000 burglar alarms that go off each year in Suffolk County, and literally 99% of them are false. It has gotten so bad that then PC Dormer went public and said his Department would no longer respond to alarms if they are deemed to be chronic. Not that this wasn't a stupid thing to say, but he said it. It has gotten so commonplace that the dispatcher might get a call from an alarm company and not dispatch a car for an hour or so. Sometimes longer.

My only questions regarding this particular matter is: What kind of call did they get, and how fast was it dispatched, and after it was dispatched how long did it take for a cop to get there. What did he do when he got there. What could he do? These are all legitimate questions that need to be answered.

Cops are not magicians no matter what they would like you to think.

Until we know more about the incident, and the cops aren't willing to release the tape we may never know.

Also, keep in mind the SCPD/IAB will NOT investigate any case of misconduct if there is a chance the County can be held liable. Contrast that to the NYPD. NYPD will investigate ANY case no matter the potential liability to the City. The cops are charged with investigating these situations, the defending of any malfeasance is for the County Attorney. Let the chips fall where they may.

My only questions regarding this particular matter is: What kind of call did they get, and how fast was it dispatched, and after it was dispatched how long did it take for a cop to get there. What did he do when he got there. What could he do? These are all legitimate questions that need to be answered.

the initial report from the initial responding officer has not been given to the gilbert family or gilbert family attorney so - these are super valid questions that deserve a respectful report - if only the family could GET ONE from SCPD!!!!

the initial report from the initial responding officer has not been given to the gilbert family or gilbert family attorney so - these are super valid questions that deserve a respectful report - if only the family could GET ONE from SCPD!!!!

These are the kinds of questions that MG's attorney can ask if the civil suit goes forward, at least if MG's attorney is worth a damn. The police response time would certainly be a relevant aspect to look at when trying to determine the "timeline" of SG's death. I'm sure, if he wanted to, and if the case gets that far, MG's attorney can request the 911 calls be played as well.
Tokillamockingbird is now calling you hawkster. HAHAHA the nickname is spreading.

Thats how you know you we are all here (for the most part) on the same team and break each others chops kind of like friends do in real life. I like it guys and gals. We rip each others throats out but we are all cool in the end (unless you are here for disingenuine reasons)

This is about the most I have smiled in a while.
Did you hear only part of the report? Or do you have selective hearing?

Deedee21, I listened to the whole thing, and my hearing, AND comprehension are pretty good.
The things I asked about are the things I heard and couldn't believe I was hearing.
Deedee21, I listened to the whole thing, and my hearing, AND comprehension are pretty good.
The things I asked about are the things I heard and couldn't believe I was hearing.

I Apologize if I sounded rude. I think what he said is pretty routine. Depositions reveal information that they did not previously have.I guess thats when decisions are made when moving forward.
Tokillamockingbird is now calling you hawkster. HAHAHA the nickname is spreading.

Thats how you know you we are all here (for the most part) on the same team and break each others chops kind of like friends do in real life. I like it guys and gals. We rip each others throats out but we are all cool in the end (unless you are here for disingenuine reasons)

This is about the most I have smiled in a while.

so sorry
meant no disrespect or ....anything.
i guess just used to the ---- ster at the end of names...
i'll try to remember its SHAW at the end.
i humbly apologize.
Deedee21, I listened to the whole thing, and my hearing, AND comprehension are pretty good.
The things I asked about are the things I heard and couldn't believe I was hearing.

I heard the same thing. In essence, they pretty much said they are filing this lawsuit to get the case back in the public again, so that they can get money for another autopsy because they were pretty dissatisfied with the first one. They said it so casually, that it almost sounded normal. LOL
I wonder if, during this civil litigation, SG's cause of death will be pondered and so... what will Ray do? Will he go with SC ME's determination of "unknown" or will there be enough money generated by that time to hire an independent to possibly help bolster his legal argument?

And just for posterity (or because I seem to have time on my hands) I transcribed what I heard during the Q&A regarding SG's remains:

Reporter: Why hasn't the body been returned?

Ray: The body hasn't been returned because up until the summertime the medical examiner continued to exercise jurisdiction over the body. The medical examiner offered the body to the family... I shouldn't call it the body, but remains... to the family in the summer. We have asked them not to deliver the bones at this point because we want to have an independent medical examiner look at them and come up with a different report. We are extremely dissatisfied with the work of the medical examiner here in Suffolk County in this case. The only reason we can't have this done right now is because Mari has no money to pay a medical examiner to come in. I have contacted a number of medical examiners to do the work and they all want a fairly good sum of money and she is poverty-stricken, she doesn't have it. So we are hoping maybe with this lawsuit we can stir enough public interest that she can get some money and get that done. So it's on hold.
His hats and coats. Dont forget umbrellas. He reminds me of "SINGING IN THE RAIN".
Theres was a Q&A and he answered the question. Thats not what I would zoom in on though. He said he gave her narcotics, he said she was with him. He said he handed her over to Pak. That I do not believe.ECT. What we know is shes dead and was not wearing any jeans.
She was in an illegal, high risk business. She ran from a client (john), actually called the police and said people "they" were after her and trying to kill her. Year later her remains are found in the same area and her pants are gone.
Yes. Sounds like foul play to me.
Glad to see Fred and Edna cleared the thing about the body and the ME. Just a thought? Has any Websleuther considered that SG ran out of JB's house with her pants in her hand?

We believe she went there for sex. JB says otherwise....lol. OK, maybe they were playing strip poker.....lol.

The thing about it is if SG ran out of the house means it was a hasty departure. Of course she was there for some sexual activity. You have to figure she had her pants off. She either ran off with in her hands, or she left them behind and the occupants threw them away. This may well be why Dormer said it was accidental. Coletti is not telling the truth about all of what he saw. Who knows why. Maybe that is what he was basing his opinion on - SG ran into the elements with little or no clothes on.

ONE THING I am certain of with SCPD/DA is they LIE JUST TO KEEP IN PRACTICE. A very good lawyer said he was astounded on how they operate. They will have a perfectly good case and they will still put the case at risk by LYING. They can't help themselves.

I just dug up the NYS SIC Report. If someone can tell me how to cut and paste a PDF document to this page I will try.
Glad to see Fred and Edna cleared the thing about the body and the ME. Just a thought? Has any Websleuther considered that SG ran out of JB's house with her pants in her hand?

We believe she went there for sex. JB says otherwise....lol. OK, maybe they were playing strip poker.....lol.

The thing about it is if SG ran out of the house means it was a hasty departure. Of course she was there for some sexual activity. You have to figure she had her pants off. She either ran off with in her hands, or she left them behind and the occupants threw them away. This may well be why Dormer said it was accidental. Coletti is not telling the truth about all of what he saw. Who knows why. Maybe that is what he was basing his opinion on - SG ran into the elements with little or no clothes on.

ONE THING I am certain of with SCPD/DA is they LIE JUST TO KEEP IN PRACTICE. A very good lawyer said he was astounded on how they operate. They will have a perfectly good case and they will still put the case at risk by LYING. They can't help themselves.

I just dug up the NYS SIC Report. If someone can tell me how to cut and paste a PDF document to this page I will try.
She was there for three hours. She had plenty of time to get dressed. In fact I thought that JB may have asked MP to come and get her because he was going to pay her for two hours and not three. That may be why she did not want to leave. This is speculation on my part providing theres any truth to JB asking MP to get her out of his house.
I work with a woman who I would consider a casual and pathalogical liar. Its a way of life for her.I would not draw a line in the sand as to how far she would go. Its horrible being around someone like her. Then she goes to Church.
She also had enough time to prepare her for a private audience with the Pope. Certain facts can be reasonably assumed: She went there for sex. She most likely had taken her pants off. She left hastily believing someone was trying to kill her.

Whatever is being spoon fed to the dummies ( public) is pure BS, IMHO.

KEEP IN MIND ONE THING! When SG first went missing it wasn't a big deal. There was plenty of room to change the story to protect the 'innocent.' SG really became a BIG DEAL after the GB4 were found. It was then too late to tell the truth. THEY LIE JUST TO KEEP IN PRACTICE. this time I suspect they got caught.

If Generals Petraeus and Allen had these guys on board that scandal would have been buried.

There is NO lie too big or too small to tell. If I can get the SIC report on this board it is worth reading. The idea they pretty much got away with it has only made them more arrogant. With Spota as DA they have NO fear whatsover of lying to protect others.
My only questions regarding this particular matter is: What kind of call did they get, and how fast was it dispatched, and after it was dispatched how long did it take for a cop to get there. What did he do when he got there. What could he do? These are all legitimate questions that need to be answered.

the initial report from the initial responding officer has not been given to the gilbert family or gilbert family attorney so - these are super valid questions that deserve a respectful report - if only the family could GET ONE from SCPD!!!!

From what I've found in my searches, there doesn't seem to be ANY report (police OR incidence report). I don't think one was filed. How would they be able to produce a report that never existed in the first place?

Police/incident/supplemental reports were all part of my FOIL request. I spoke with the County Attorney on Wed. since I hadn't heard back on my appeal, yet. He said he was expecting to send something out by the end of the week (which would have been yesterday). If something was sent to me yesterday, I should have it by Monday or Tuesday.
so sorry
meant no disrespect or ....anything.
i guess just used to the ---- ster at the end of names...
i'll try to remember its SHAW at the end.
i humbly apologize.

Hawkster and I are cool.
Nobody was being disrepectful.
We are here for the same reason.
Glad to see Fred and Edna cleared the thing about the body and the ME. Just a thought? Has any Websleuther considered that SG ran out of JB's house with her pants in her hand?

We believe she went there for sex. JB says otherwise....lol. OK, maybe they were playing strip poker.....lol.

The thing about it is if SG ran out of the house means it was a hasty departure. Of course she was there for some sexual activity. You have to figure she had her pants off. She either ran off with in her hands, or she left them behind and the occupants threw them away. This may well be why Dormer said it was accidental. Coletti is not telling the truth about all of what he saw. Who knows why. Maybe that is what he was basing his opinion on - SG ran into the elements with little or no clothes on.

ONE THING I am certain of with SCPD/DA is they LIE JUST TO KEEP IN PRACTICE. A very good lawyer said he was astounded on how they operate. They will have a perfectly good case and they will still put the case at risk by LYING. They can't help themselves.

I just dug up the NYS SIC Report. If someone can tell me how to cut and paste a PDF document to this page I will try.

GC is an old man. He would probably notice the nice framed woman who showed up at his door with no pants on! He would have mentioned that in an interview SOMEWHERE
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