Poll: Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

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Was Shannan Gilbert Murdered?

  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (and he's among those who can be talked about at WS)

    Votes: 33 14.3%
  • Yes, and I have a POI in mind (though he's not presently among those who can be talked about here)

    Votes: 15 6.5%
  • Yes, I think she was, and I have some theories, but no specific person in mind.

    Votes: 59 25.5%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "yes", she was murdered.

    Votes: 65 28.1%
  • If I had to guess, I'd guess that "no", she was not murdered.

    Votes: 32 13.9%
  • No, I firmly believe (think) Shannan Gilbert was not murdered.

    Votes: 27 11.7%

  • Total voters
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I'm not testifying in a court of law, so I don't care what it's called there. And that little tidbit of info (that they were doing coke) doesn't "solve" anything; it would probably be odd if a 46-year-old man who was welcoming a prostitute into his home at 2 am was not doing coke (I mean, duh). So it was a yawner for me when I heard it.

Well, in that case could you ask your friend who knows JB who killed SG then? lol I'm not going off of hearsay.
So... she changed out of her sandals into boots, then changed into sneakers? Did MP have a wardrobe closet in his car?

I'd love for MP to tell us exactly when he saw her in sneakers. So far as I understand his story, she was in with the john(s) then fled the house... nothing about letting her in the car before she fled to get changed again. Did she go in the house wearing tall boots and come out in sneakers? When did this all happen in relation to being hysterical? "911, please come and help me they're going to kill me... but hold on I have to change shoes."

Sorry to harp on the shoes, but the detail just really stands out to me. That and the purse.

Wish Coletti could describe what he saw her wearing.

p.s. Brewer was surprised when she, a call girl, asked for money, because he just thought they were keeping each other company? How dumb does he want us to think he is?

I also keep coming back and thinking about her shoes, jacket, purse, etc. In the "Michael Pak" Thread, approximately around Page 37 and on, there is a discussion we had about her possessions. :seeya:
Well, in that case could you ask your friend who knows JB who killed SG then? lol I'm not going off of hearsay.

I could ask them that, and guess what? They'd have no freakin' idea, just like you and me.
Also, I am not sure if I have missed something or not but I seem to have only read or heard about black strappy sandals and knee high boots. Kinda makes me wonder where in the world the sneakers came from in the first place.
How many shoes is she carrying around with her? And why? With her being an escort the knee highs make sense and it also kinda makes sense she had on black strappy sandals before changing but where did the sneakers come from?
It's all a bit odd.

Thanks, Giagreen, I read a few articles this morning before logging on and could only find references to "shoes", boots, and the little sandals (or ballet flats with straps). Being able to run around that much in flats makes much more sense than those boots, which I would assume had high heels (e.g. "hooker boots" - no disrespect intended). But it still doesn't make sense that she changed into her boots for the appointment, then somehow got back into her flats during the mayhem. Who knows, maybe there is a good explanation. Would love to know if those footprints in the sand were of someone in heels, flats, or barefoot... off to read the MP thread re: her possessions.
The family of Hofstra student Andrea Rebello intends to sue the Nassau County police over the fatal shooting of the 21-year-old Tarrytown woman as she was held at gunpoint by an ex-convict during a home invasion last month on Long Island, according to court papers.

Nella Freitas Rebello, the mother of the college junior, was appointed June 6 by the Westchester County Surrogate's Court as the administrator of her daughter's estate to pursue the lawsuit.

The "cause of action" for the suit cites "wrongful death, civil rights and negligence actions against the County of Nassau and its police officers and possibly other defendants to be named after discovery," lawyers for the family wrote in court papers filed in Surrogate's Court in White Plains.

so if mrs. rebello can be appointed administrator of her daughter's estate to pursue the lawsuit... and mari gilbert is the legal administrator of HEr daughter Shannan's estate...

how come Mari didnt sue pak for wrongful death. HE LEFT and she died. he openly admits he left. we know she died COULD BE BECAUSE HE LEFT. she didnt drive.. how the hell was she supposed to get home?

end of statement.
The family of Hofstra student Andrea Rebello intends to sue the Nassau County police over the fatal shooting of the 21-year-old Tarrytown woman as she was held at gunpoint by an ex-convict during a home invasion last month on Long Island, according to court papers.

Nella Freitas Rebello, the mother of the college junior, was appointed June 6 by the Westchester County Surrogate's Court as the administrator of her daughter's estate to pursue the lawsuit.

The "cause of action" for the suit cites "wrongful death, civil rights and negligence actions against the County of Nassau and its police officers and possibly other defendants to be named after discovery," lawyers for the family wrote in court papers filed in Surrogate's Court in White Plains.

so if mrs. rebello can be appointed administrator of her daughter's estate to pursue the lawsuit... and mari gilbert is the legal administrator of HEr daughter Shannan's estate...

how come Mari didnt sue pak for wrongful death. HE LEFT and she died. he openly admits he left. we know she died COULD BE BECAUSE HE LEFT. she didnt drive.. how the hell was she supposed to get home?

end of statement.

I've wondered this all along. I would also like to know how this isn't involuntary manslaughter. I mean I know MP prob left in fear of getting in trouble but isn't that how most involuntary manslaughter charges even come about?
What els doesn't add up is that I have heard Mari and other family members of SG say that they think she was heard being put into a trunk of a car. So wouldn't that be MP car they were talking about?
The family of Hofstra student Andrea Rebello intends to sue the Nassau County police over the fatal shooting of the 21-year-old Tarrytown woman as she was held at gunpoint by an ex-convict during a home invasion last month on Long Island, according to court papers.

Nella Freitas Rebello, the mother of the college junior, was appointed June 6 by the Westchester County Surrogate's Court as the administrator of her daughter's estate to pursue the lawsuit.

The "cause of action" for the suit cites "wrongful death, civil rights and negligence actions against the County of Nassau and its police officers and possibly other defendants to be named after discovery," lawyers for the family wrote in court papers filed in Surrogate's Court in White Plains.

so if mrs. rebello can be appointed administrator of her daughter's estate to pursue the lawsuit... and mari gilbert is the legal administrator of HEr daughter Shannan's estate...

how come Mari didnt sue pak for wrongful death. HE LEFT and she died. he openly admits he left. we know she died COULD BE BECAUSE HE LEFT. she didnt drive.. how the hell was she supposed to get home?

end of statement.

This is quite a reach. SG could have waited with GC until police arrived and she'd be able to answer a lot of the questions people have herself. MP is not responsible for her death, unless somehow he defied physics and time restraints and actually murdered and dumped her.
I've wondered this all along. I would also like to know how this isn't involuntary manslaughter. I mean I know MP prob left in fear of getting in trouble but isn't that how most involuntary manslaughter charges even come about?
What els doesn't add up is that I have heard Mari and other family members of SG say that they think she was heard being put into a trunk of a car. So wouldn't that be MP car they were talking about?

MP was her driver (as we all know)
but "driver" in pimpology is also code word for PIMP. or TRAFFICKER.
we know prostitution is illegal and so DRIVING her...and booking her for a job in prostitution is illegal.

he has openly admitted he ran. well..he's actually said a lot of conflicting things. maybe the lawsuit against the good doc....will bring about "discovery" for J.R.,Esq. to question MP in deposition. That's about all I can think of......but yea - he's definitely culpable for a wrongful death suit.
MP was her driver (as we all know)
but "driver" in pimpology is also code word for PIMP. or TRAFFICKER.
we know prostitution is illegal and so DRIVING her...and booking her for a job in prostitution is illegal.

he has openly admitted he ran. well..he's actually said a lot of conflicting things. maybe the lawsuit against the good doc....will bring about "discovery" for J.R.,Esq. to question MP in deposition. That's about all I can think of......but yea - he's definitely culpable for a wrongful death suit.

Driver doesn't always equate to pimp and/or trafficker. Nor is every woman in the business being pimped or trafficked. I respect your crusade to protect victims of human traffiking and the prosecution and punishment of their traffickers/pimps. However, I have seen no evidence that ANY of these victims were being forced or coerced into prostitution. They made that CHOICE for whatever reason. They were not being forced. Therefore they are victims of murder not sex trafficking. JMVHO

And just to try to keep this thread on topic, despite replying to an off topic post, I STILL am not sure if I think SG was murdered but I lean towards no.
I've wondered this all along. I would also like to know how this isn't involuntary manslaughter. I mean I know MP prob left in fear of getting in trouble but isn't that how most involuntary manslaughter charges even come about?
What els doesn't add up is that I have heard Mari and other family members of SG say that they think she was heard being put into a trunk of a car. So wouldn't that be MP car they were talking about?

Do you have a link for that? TIA

I have never heard anything in MSM @ SG being put into the trunk of a car.

I have never even heard rumors of her being put in the trunk of a car!

I've heard rumors of her being pulled into a truck, but they were just that, rumors and probably should be discussed in the rumor thread. J/S
This is quite a reach. SG could have waited with GC until police arrived and she'd be able to answer a lot of the questions people have herself. MP is not responsible for her death, unless somehow he defied physics and time restraints and actually murdered and dumped her.

That is not necessarily true. SG was running from him. He kept chasing her and that had caused her to run out from under the boat and take off. If maybe he had stopped chasing her to began with she wouldn't of felt the need to run. Not only that but MP could of stuck around and talked to LE.
Do you have a link for that? TIA

I have never heard anything in MSM @ SG being put into the trunk of a car.

I have never even heard rumors of her being put in the trunk of a car!

I've heard rumors of her being pulled into a truck, but they were just that, rumors and probably should be discussed in the rumor thread. J/S

It has been stated several times in the MP thread. And there has been lots of talk about it. Car-truck....same thing to me, if we really wanted to get technical wasn't MP driving an SUV? And rumors or not it came from her mother so why isn't her mother going after MP more? Personally I don't understand how her mother could even say that if she hasn't been allowed to hear the 911 calls.
Thanks, Giagreen, I read a few articles this morning before logging on and could only find references to "shoes", boots, and the little sandals (or ballet flats with straps). Being able to run around that much in flats makes much more sense than those boots, which I would assume had high heels (e.g. "hooker boots" - no disrespect intended). But it still doesn't make sense that she changed into her boots for the appointment, then somehow got back into her flats during the mayhem. Who knows, maybe there is a good explanation. Would love to know if those footprints in the sand were of someone in heels, flats, or barefoot... off to read the MP thread re: her possessions.

Not sure if JB had a girlfriend or how old his daughter was. But I was thinking maybe he had a pair of women's shoes by his door and in a panic and out of it she just put them on and ran. Just a thought.

Gilbert noted that she identified as her daughter’s the pocketbook and phone cops discovered, but said she didn’t recognize the shoes.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/cri...-daughter-back-article-1.989357#ixzz2W2X9DUwH
I've wondered this all along. I would also like to know how this isn't involuntary manslaughter. I mean I know MP prob left in fear of getting in trouble but isn't that how most involuntary manslaughter charges even come about?
What els doesn't add up is that I have heard Mari and other family members of SG say that they think she was heard being put into a trunk of a car. So wouldn't that be MP car they were talking about?
BBM. Being put into the trunk of a car is clearly different than being pulled into a truck. I think it's an important distinction. I also think it's important to note that it IS just a rumor. Not trying to be petty, just trying to keep the facts straight.

By the way, nice to see that there is new interest in these murders. Welcome. :)
That is not necessarily true. SG was running from him. He kept chasing her and that had caused her to run out from under the boat and take off. If maybe he had stopped chasing her to began with she wouldn't of felt the need to run. Not only that but MP could of stuck around and talked to LE.

Wouldn't leaving equal stopping any sort of "chase"? You need to decide what you believe happened.
Wouldn't leaving equal stopping any sort of "chase"? You need to decide what you believe happened.

Well we do know that MP was following and looking for SG up to when she had darted out from under the boat in GC yard. And then from what GC had said MP then followed SG from there. So really know one knows what had taken place after that.
I have heard so much about another neighbor calling 911 and I do believe that to be true. But I personally can't find nothing about it, except what I have read on here. All news reports, videos I have seen or read seem to only talk about what had happen up to GC last seeing SG running from MP.
So, how can anyone believe anything about what had happen after that? Know one really knows for sure, other then SG and unfortunately she is not here with us to tell us what happen to her that night.
Who knows why SG got scared and ran. What I do believe is SG was street smart and JB underestimated her. She knew something was up with him. He must of revealed himself in one way or the other and she caught onto him. Thats why she took off. He either intercepted her shortly after or someone Brewer knows did.
Is someone upset that Fieldnotes went to OB and did a couple of interviews? Inquiry blog gone. Is there a back story as to why that is?
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