** COVID-19 POLL**: What concerns you most about COVID-19?

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What concerns you most about COVID-19?

  • Accuracy and timeliness of information from government agencies

  • Health and safety of you and your loved ones

  • Economic impact, i.e. lost wages due to illness, job layoffs, depreciating stock or 401K values, etc

  • Local, state, national preparedness to handle any/all cases of COVID-19

  • Irrational panic due to unavailability of food, medicine, or other necessities, business or school

  • Other ______________________________

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I voted for “health and safety of loved ones”, (elderly loved ones with health issues), and also pets specifically included wrt to who can take care of them if I and other close contacts are infected. I am also concerned about if someone might not want to take care of the pets because they are worried they may pose a health hazard if the owners are sick.

Second on my list of concerns is re: supplies, but not wrt to their availability necessarily, as I do believe America IS the land of the plentiful, but more relating to the anxiety of having to go out and get the food and supplies and being around sick people at the stores. I also worry about, perhaps unnecessarily, surface contamination and cross contamination via people with dirty hands touching things, etc.

Thanks for asking. That was quite cathartic and therapeutic. Felt good to get those worries/concerns out.
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I also voted ‘health and safety of loved ones’. Also, the health and safety of my many rescue cats - luckily, our vet is a close friend but, still - I wouldn’t want to put her health in jeopardy if one of the gang got sick and I was ill myself. Secondary to that, the panic buying and hoarding concerns me - I saw people yesterday with trolleys heaving with provisions.
As an aside, weeks before this all kicked off, I placed an absolutely enormous order of cat litter, kibble and cat food. When it arrives on Monday, I am pretty sure the delivery driver will think I am one of those Doomsday preppers...
i voted for one, but "all of the above" is probably a more realistic concern of mine. thanks for the poll!
I agree w/you swede re "all of the above." While I have strong concerns for ALL of these options, I voted for "economic impact," because I am deeply concerned about what our daily lives may be once the dust settles. The ripple effects of this pandemic are tough to imagine, but surely there will be major changes to our Western Civilization as we know it today. :confused: Thank you for the poll!

Just saw this article that supports my concerns.
Coronavirus will bankrupt more people than it kills — and that's the real global emergency
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I voted for “other”.

Other means: 1) it is a pandemic.
2) according to articles, the virus has already mutated in February and might have become more contagious. It can mutate again, and again. The immunity to coronaviruses is weak, and with the mutations, it can drop the part that has formed the immunity. So it might be biting the same people several times.
I voted for health and safety, but economic impact is also huge. A family member is an infectious disease specialist and I fear for her health and life, and for her family. I’m praying a lot these days...
All of the above.
My daughter came to me tonight and asked me if Christmas would be cancelled this year because Santa is old and he should stay home so he doesn't get sick....so I'm also concerned about the impact this is having on children.
I understand the fear and frustration most people have about the virus, but everyone needs to look at the bigger picture.
Yes, you should be cautious, but there are other things happening in this world that are being blanketed. Crime and conspiracy, among other things, are right under our noses, but we are way too busy applying hand sanitizer to see it.

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