POLL: What do you think happened to Stacy?

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What do you think happened to Stacy?

  • Drew is responsible for Stacy being missing.

    Votes: 39 6.0%
  • Drew is responsible for his 3rd wifes death and Stacy being missing.

    Votes: 610 93.1%
  • Drew is responsible for Stacy being missing but has nothing to do with his 3rd wifes death.

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • None of the above. We don't know anything yet.

    Votes: 19 2.9%

  • Total voters
I think he is responsible for both of their deaths, and more than likely others that we don't even know about. I agree with another poster on this thread.... SERIAL KILLER.
I feel strongly that Drew planned to kill Stacy and that he killed her with the missing bedside dresser in their bedroom. I believe that Tom knew exactly what he carried out that door .. "warm to the touch"... He put her into the blue barrel that Tom carried out to the SUV .. I believe she was dropped into the DesPlaines River and will eventually be found. I believe he also killed Kathleen and with Stacy wanting a divorce, he would never let Stacy go out of his sight. According to the pastor, Stacy told him that Drew killed Kathleen. Drew knew he had to get rid of her. I also believe he is responsible for other missing people in that area. Hopefully law enforcement is looking into his connection with other missing or deceased persons in that area. Lastly, what man or woman would be on stage laughing and joking in front of the media and cameras? He has an aloof chilling personality. He has never broken down and showed any level of emotional distress and this is the MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN. He did not get involved in the search.. Instead, he went forward falling in love with women and drawing attention to himself. His behavior is not hard to figure out...
All the signs of an arrogant sociopathic killer.
I believe Drew killed both his wives and we will find more bodies he is responsible for as time goes on and LE follows his trail. He is a serial killer and if he was not stopped, he would continue to kill.

He is a self centered ,ego maniac that has no true feelings toward others. I do not find him much different than many of the men who want to do away with their wives or gfs. Once they are tired of them, or they become unwanted, they have to find a way to rid themselves of them. Drew is just a bit more outrageous because he seems to follow the same pattern and would probably if he had the opportunity have killed all his wives, and future wives.

I'm not sure if Stacy will ever be recovered. I'm positive he threw her in the river and she may never wash up. We can only hope she will be found.

One day all his crimes may come to light and justice will be served.

I believe Drew killed both his wives and we will find more bodies he is responsible for as time goes on and LE follows his trail. He is a serial killer and if he was not stopped, he would continue to kill.

He is a self centered ,ego maniac that has no true feelings toward others. I do not find him much different than many of the men who want to do away with their wives or gfs. Once they are tired of them, or they become unwanted, they have to find a way to rid themselves of them. Drew is just a bit more outrageous because he seems to follow the same pattern and would probably if he had the opportunity have killed all his wives, and future wives.

I'm not sure if Stacy will ever be recovered. I'm positive he threw her in the river and she may never wash up. We can only hope she will be found.

One day all his crimes may come to light and justice will be served.


www.acandyrose.com has this all for reference!
I voted in this poll a long time ago, but never left a comment. I voted that Drew killed Kathleen Savio, and is responsible for Stacy's disappearance. I think he killed Stacy, and wouldn't be surprised if Drew is responsible for other deaths too.

I think it's likely that Stacy was killed sometime between 10:30am and 12:00 noon on October 28, 2007. I base my conclusion on the time line given - she spoke on the phone with Bruce Zidarich until about 10:25am, and by noon, Drew was covering up the morning's events. Next door neighbor, Sharon Bychowski, reported that she went shopping at about 9:30am and when she left, both of the Peterson vehicles, Drew's Denali and Stacy's purple Pontiac Grand Prix, were in the driveway. When Sharon returned home about 11:30am, Stacy's car was gone.

I originally thought that the evidence suggested that Stacy's body was in the blue barrel/container that Drew's stepbrother, Tom Morphey, helped load into Drew's Denali the evening of October 28, 2007. But after this week's testimony, I question if Stacy's body was in that blue barrel/container.

Drew stated that Stacy had called him and told him she was leaving him for another man, and that she left her car at Clow Airport, which is walking distance from the Peterson home.

Last week in the hearsay hearing, two different people testified that they were walking on Apple Valley Road between 6:00pm and 7:00pm on the evening of October 28, 2007. They testified that they saw a suspicious man, dressed in dark clothing and wearing a dark, hooded sweatshirt.

One of the witnesses was a woman who was walking her dog, and she said she left her house at 6:34pm because she looked at her clock before leaving. She described the dark clothing and the dark hooded sweatshirt, saying the hood was up and she didn't get a good look at the person's face other than the man had a gray mustache.

The other witness said he was taking a walk on Apple Valley road between 6:00pm and 7:00pm, and he testified that the suspicious man came from the direction of a purple car, a General Motors car, but he didn't identify the make or model.

The band mother who picked up Tom Peterson for a band concert sometime between 3:00pm and 3:25pm said that she noticed that Drew was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt that day. She had to wait for Tom to come out of the house and Drew was in the garage with the door open and the little girl, Lacy, was playing on the driveway.

I did a map search for Apple Valley Road and find that its several blocks away from the Peterson home, in the opposite direction from Clow Airport, and one could probably easily walk that distance in just a few minutes.

Based on the testimony at the hearing last week, I think it's possible that Drew left the house briefly, shortly after he killed Stacy, and moved her car to Apple Valley Road, and walked back home. This would shore up his story that she had left, going to visit her grandpa at the assisted living home that day.

When Sharon got home from shopping she called the Peterson home. Kris answered the phone and when Sharon asked to speak with Stacy, he got flustered. Drew took the phone and said Stacy had gone to visit her grandpa. Sharon asked if the kids could come over for some Halloween candy she had gotten them. Drew said after lunch. When Drew took the children to Sharon's house about 1:00pm, he said he had a brief errand to run and asked if Sharon could babysit. Sharon said he was only gone about 15 minutes.

If Stacy's car was parked on Apple Valley Road, and Drew needed to take something from the house to Stacy's car, he could have easily made that trip in 15 minutes.

If Stacy's car was parked on Apple Valley Road all day, it would have been out of the Peterson driveway and probably out of the way for someone driving pass the Peterson home to see if Stacy's car was there. I'm sure Drew knew that Cassandra or other family members wouldn't be driving down Apple Valley Road to get to the Peterson house.

The police stated that the cadaver dog hit on the trunk of Stacy's car, suggesting that a body was in the trunk of that car at some point.

So, I'm trying to decide...........did Drew remove Stacy's body from the Peterson's house sometime that day and put her in the trunk of her car parked a few blocks away? Or, was Stacy's body in the blue barrel/container that Tom Morphey helped move downstairs from the master bedroom and to Drew's Denali?

If Stacy's body was in the blue barrel/container, Drew could have removed her body and put it in the trunk of Stacy's car, discarded the barrel, and either buried her or put her body in a lake or river. He knew that Tom Morphey was uncomfortable with what he already knew - that Drew wanted to get rid of Stacy. He might have presumed that Tom would break down and talk. So the blue barrel/container would be a distraction.
The killer can't get away with murder, forever. Something will happen to prove the real facts.

I believe Drew killed Kathleen, and Stacy. I also think he somehow disposed of Stacy from his airplane...wonder if he flew it shortly after Stacy went missing?
Drew is a scary man, very self-centred. It is very sad how he has ruined all his kid's lives, now they do not have moms.
I believe Drew never grew up...He wanted his wives to be at his beck and call. They probably were at first, but then children come into the picture, moms get tired, preoccupied with the little ones and their needs, and daddy took the back burner...and daddy Drew, felt left out, ignored. He hated that, that is why he went for younger and younger women, ones he could groom to keep him Number 1.....but they grow up too, like Stacy did, that's when Drew starts losing it....and planning....and let's not forget, he is greedy for money...he wanted it all, and when he couldn't have it, or thought he might have to share it in a divorce, he offed his wives...they should be looking for that blue barrel out in the wilds, wherever Drew flew that plane...His plane keeps coming back in my thoughts...he threatened that no one would ever find her..........
I just found this place a recently for other reasons, but I think I love you all! Drew just as such a creep factor. I don't think that she is where she wants to be but where he wants her to be. I change the channel whenever I see him on because I hate the fact that they give that narcissistic creep any more attention. There is a talk radio program in Chicago that won't interview him because the woman can't stand him and thinks he's guilty.
It is sickening to me that DP has not been charged in Stacey's death. We all know she is dead, IMO, and we all know who had motive to want her dead. Many people have been charged and convicted in almost identical circumstances. This is just like Cal Harris case, convicted (twice) of killing missing wife Michelle.
first thing dp was a cop so he should know the best way to get rid of a body. At first i thought he would dump the body in water too, but unless you drop a body in the ocean, there's no for sure way it will not be found. DP is not a stupid man, just by looking at his pictures and the way he grins in them. This does not mean he didn't make a mistake, humans will only do things they are comfortable with. Change scares most people and they resist it. He would bury a body somewhere he has been.

Being a cop you hear and see many horrible things (if you are a psycho killer) you also learn best ways to dump a body, or get away with a crime. At first i thought he probably burned the body, at his house or property he owns maybe in trust. This is still possible but, then i thought wheres the best place to bury a body, a cemetery...If he did kill her, im not 100 percent sure she isnt hiding somewhere, she knew he could kill her and she is very young, maybe she did go away, and did not think it would go this far, maybe she is scared to come back because of all the time people have spent looking for her? I know i would be scarred to come back and face the ridicule of the U.S.. Well if that is not the case and he really did hurt her, the best way to find her is to go back to basics... He does not think he will be caught which means he put her somewhere he knows no one will look. like a cemetery...

Back to the basics means to solve this we need to know every place he has lived, visited as a child, or places owned by his great great uncle...we need to know about what kind of cases he has been involved in, anywhere that would be great to hide a body. he had about 10 hours to do whatever he did... What books has he read, favorite books, movies he owns. I just think starting with this information will solve this case. There has been so many case studies proving the movies we watch and things we read have influenced people to do things, they normally would have never done. If he just randomly decided to kill her we would have found her. He knew the place before he did this or else he would not be so smug...Does anyone know how to get a list of these things? Oh and just a thought, I don't think the blue barrel everyone is looking for, had a body in it, i think he knew by creating a diversion like this would keep people distracted from really looking in the right places. I think he got ideas from the Scott Peterson story. I think once we all abandon the blue barrel idea, and really start tearing apart his life he will start to lose the grin. One last thought...Their cars were checked, did all the police cars get checked?
first thing dp was a cop so he should know the best way to get rid of a body. At first i thought he would dump the body in water too, but unless you drop a body in the ocean, there's no for sure way it will not be found. DP is not a stupid man, just by looking at his pictures and the way he grins in them. This does not mean he didn't make a mistake, humans will only do things they are comfortable with. Change scares most people and they resist it. Being a cop you hear and see many horrible things (if you are a psycho killer) you also learn best ways to dump a body, or get away with a crime. At first i thought he probably burned the body, at his house or property he owns maybe in trust. This is still possible but, then i thought wheres the best place to bury a body, a cemetery...If he did kill her, im not 100 percent sure she isnt hiding somewhere, she knew he could kill her and maybe she did go away, and did not think it would go this far, maybe she is scared to come back because of all the time people have spent looking for her? I know i would be scarred to come back and face the ridicule of the U.S.. Well if that is not the case and he really did hurt her, the best way to find her is to go back to basics... He does not think he will be caught which means he put her somewhere he knows no one will look. like a cemetery... Back to the basics means to solve this we need to know every place he has lived, visited as a child, or places owned by his great great uncle...we need to know about what kind of cases he has been involved in, anywhere that would be great to hide a body. he had about 10 hours to do whatever he did... What books has he read, favorite books, movies he owns. I just think starting with this information will solve this case. There has been so many case studies proving the movies we watch and things we read have influenced people to do things, they normally would have never done. If he just randomly decided to kill her we would have found her. He knew the place before he did this or else he would not be so smug...Does anyone know how to get a list of these things? Oh and just a thought, I don't think the blue barrel everyone is looking for, had a body in it, i think he knew by creating a diversion like this would keep people distracted from really looking in the right places. I think he got ideas from the Scott Peterson story. I think once we all abandon the blue barrel idea, and really start tearing apart his life he will start to lose the grin.
It is sickening to me that DP has not been charged in Stacey's death. We all know she is dead, IMO, and we all know who had motive to want her dead. Many people have been charged and convicted in almost identical circumstances. This is just like Cal Harris case, convicted (twice) of killing missing wife Michelle.

My guess as to why he hasn't been charged is being charged in Stacey's death is going to be their re-try should he happen to be found not guilty in KS's death. with no statute of limitations they have all the time in the world to bring charges. Hopefully he will be found guilty of murdering KS but if for some reason he's found innocent I would love to see him walk out of the jail, only to be re-arrested for SP's murder.
My guess as to why he hasn't been charged is being charged in Stacey's death is going to be their re-try should he happen to be found not guilty in KS's death. with no statute of limitations they have all the time in the world to bring charges. Hopefully he will be found guilty of murdering KS but if for some reason he's found innocent I would love to see him walk out of the jail, only to be re-arrested for SP's murder.

These are my thoughts exactly! :)
Well, I know one thing, I'm full up sick and tired of him and his smug self. After reading the media thread update about him trying to sell his Harley I just wanted to puke. He has the starting bid on Ebay for $50,000.00 are you freakin' kidding me? Who the he!! does he think he is? I pray with all my might no dumb *advertiser censored* bids on it for that price. All that would do is make him even more smug, as if he isn't already smugly enough.

'Nuff said before I get a lifetime ban............
Does anyone know if the Harley sold?
Nope. Then it appears that it was relisted and then removed and no longer available for some reason.

I hope they put the kabosh to it, I wish they'd put the kabosh to his smugly self.
Thanks TallCoolOne. So DrewP can't sell his bike at the inflated price, wonder if he will now try to sell it locally at the actual price? Or did he get a bid from a murderabilia collector with the condition that he take it off the market?
Thanks TallCoolOne. So DrewP can't sell his bike at the inflated price, wonder if he will now try to sell it locally at the actual price? Or did he get a bid from a murderabilia collector with the condition that he take it off the market?
You know, I'm not real sure. I checked the first auction one day and there was one bid on it for $37,500. But that doesn't really mean a thing. That could just have been someone bidding it up for him, you know, to show that someone's interested in it to try to get someone else to bid it up more. The auction was a private auction meaning the bidders info was not shown, which it isn't really shown any more anyway like it used to be. I'd pretty much bet that it was a friend who had just signed up with no bidding history and by going private the fact that they had no other ebay history would not be visible.

Whomever was putting the auction up had 0 transactions to their name so I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the bidder also had 0 transactions. You get busted by ebay for doing that and they will zap you, which makes me think that's exactly what occurred. Like I say, I'm not sure, but I'm not new to ebay, been a member since 1998 and have over 500 transactions to my name and have seen a lot of BS go on there. They are getting smarter and are onto the antics of some of these losers, and we all know what a loser the subject matter is........
I am just relieved that ol' Drew isn't out and about picking up new ladies at this point.
Yes, justice has to be done for Kathryn and Stacie...........and will be.

This guy was afforded a sense of entitlement because of his "badge" for FAR too long.
Well, I know one thing, I'm full up sick and tired of him and his smug self. After reading the media thread update about him trying to sell his Harley I just wanted to puke. He has the starting bid on Ebay for $50,000.00 are you freakin' kidding me? Who the he!! does he think he is? I pray with all my might no dumb *advertiser censored* bids on it for that price. All that would do is make him even more smug, as if he isn't already smugly enough.

'Nuff said before I get a lifetime ban............


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