Poll: What was the duct tape used for?

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What was the duct tape used for?

  • To silence Caylee during the murder

    Votes: 333 47.9%
  • To stage a kidnapping

    Votes: 184 26.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 178 25.6%

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Going off of the info that LE doesn't believe the tape was used to stage a kidapping, I believe it was used to silence her before/during the murder. Since the remains have been found, most of LE's investigation has centered inside of the house--particularly Casey's room. IMO, they found fibers on the tape that show the bedroom to be a crimescene. The bedroom is probably where little Caylee's mouth was taped shut--perhaps even where she died.


"...Investigators said they're still trying to determine why the child's mouth was taped shut with duct tape. At this point they said they do not believe this was meant to look like the child was killed by a kidnapper..."


ETA: Depending on how close the reporter translated what LE actually had to say, the clue may be that LE is trying to determine "Why the child's mouth was taped shut with duct tape." Why would anyone need to "shut a child's mouth?"
Until the LE says exactly where they found it.
So I can't vote on what it was used for..I guess I don't want to believe it was on her mouth, and it was just on the bag..so sad
I voted other because it could be the tape that kept the bag closed. I keep thinking of how Laci Peterson's baby was found with tape wrapped around his neck. Turns out it had nothing to do with the case.

I thought about little Connor's body too. I'm sure the forensics can prove if the tape was placed there on purpose or happened to land there later. The type of tissues remaining under that tape will reveal the truth. I tend to believe it was placed there to silence the child.

I don't believe it was to stage a kidnapping since Casey said the kidnapper was the child's own "nanny".

I do believe the evidence in that bag will point to only one person. That person is Casey.
I voted "other". The paper this morning says the duct tape was wrapped around Caylee's head. There's only one reason someone would do that. To block the airways........nose and mouth. There were no clothes in the black bag. The person that handled the body did not want the clothes found with the body for identification. This was premeditated in its' ultimate form. This was no accident.
Here is a new link that just came out saying the mouth was taped shut. I like you have heard various stories on this as well.


Didn't someone state early on that a small rug was missing from the home?
Perhaps that is what the child was wrapped in. If LE did remove a piece of carpet from the home (reported in rumor thread) perhaps they are searching for fibers from that rug on the carpet. It would then make sense why they took all those vacuum cleaners to check for more rug fibers.
From this morning's Orlando Sentinel. The duct tape was wrapped AROUND the head.


I'm thinking she put this tape on her after she chloroformed her so she would suffocate.

Duct tape wrapped around the head makes sense...IF THIS IS TRUE. Big if. I don't think we can know yet. But,

Wrapped around the head would have kept a great deal of hair in place. The hair would have also kept the tape in place over the front of the skull if the tissue had decomp'ed.

No one would wrap tape around the entire head, and I mean a circle wrap not totally covered, of a live person they knew they would have to 'unwrap' at some point when they woke up.

The tape if it's wrapped around the skull surely would have had to have been put there after death? Or, with the knowelege they were not ever going to have to try to remove it?

I vote; other
I voted to silence Caylee....how can someone be so heartless? I hope Caylee didn't suffer too much at the hands of her own MOM!!! :furious::furious:
I believe it was to silence her in the process of her death. IMO, I do not feel that this child inhaled a chemical, fell asleep and died. I believe it was more horrendous than that. I am so saddened by this outrageous act...
The first place the fluids start leaking out of the body after death is through the nose and mouth. I think this is what the duct tape was used for. After all, fluids in the car trunk is what originally pinned this child's murder on her mother. Fluids also cause the decomposition smell therefore I think the chloroform was used to try and cover up this smell. Just my thoughts.
The first place the fluids start leaking out of the body after death is through the nose and mouth. I think this is what the duct tape was used for. After all, fluids in the car trunk is what originally pinned this child's murder on her mother. Fluids also cause the decomposition smell therefore I think the chloroform was used to try and cover up this smell. Just my thoughts.

Are you sure? I would think there would be more bacteria and enzymes to hasten decomposition in the gut than in the head.
Going off of the info that LE doesn't believe the tape was used to stage a kidapping, I believe it was used to silence her before/during the murder. Since the remains have been found, most of LE's investigation has centered inside of the house--particularly Casey's room. IMO, they found fibers on the tape that show the bedroom to be a crimescene. The bedroom is probably where little Caylee's mouth was taped shut--perhaps even where she died.


"...Investigators said they're still trying to determine why the child's mouth was taped shut with duct tape. At this point they said they do not believe this was meant to look like the child was killed by a kidnapper..."


ETA: Depending on how close the reporter translated what LE actually had to say, the clue may be that LE is trying to determine "Why the child's mouth was taped shut with duct tape." Why would anyone need to "shut a child's mouth?"

OMG! It just makes me hate her even more.
I think the staging of the kidnapping was as far as her planning went, and she believed she could get away with the Zani story because people seemed to buy her lies all the time.

but here's what I don't get about the kidnapping theory: if you wanted people to believe your kid had been kidnapped, why wouldn't you act frantic with worry and call the police immediately? waiting 30 days and then being like "yeah, she's at disney world, cocoa beach, wherever" nonchalantly, is not a good way to make your case. or maybe she did, because I don't know in what world she's living in that she thinks her kid can go missing for 30 days and no one will ever notice.
I am very sure about the nose and mouth. I live with a Licensed Funeral Director. He deals with this all the time.
but here's what I don't get about the kidnapping theory: if you wanted people to believe your kid had been kidnapped, why wouldn't you act frantic with worry and call the police immediately? waiting 30 days and then being like "yeah, she's at disney world, cocoa beach, wherever" nonchalantly, is not a good way to make your case. or maybe she did, because I don't know in what world she's living in that she thinks her kid can go missing for 30 days and no one will ever notice.

Well, the longer no one realized Caylee was missing, the more fun KC could have, and she didn't want to draw attention to her missing daughter. Remember, she said "I've been trying to do my own investigation, which was stupid". It's not a good way to make her case, but she's been trying to convince everyone that "Caylee will be in danger" if she spills the beans. Sheesh, her parents bought it!
I voted that she used it to slience her :( :furious: I'm starting to think she drugged her then drowned her. :furious:
I read on topix a post questioning that if Caylee had been duct taped while alive wouldn't she take the tape off? Were her hands also bound? I'm siding with the after death duct tape.
I voted to "stage a kidnapping" ALTHOUGH...it was more likely put there to close off an open orifice that escaping odors, maggots & flies were coming from.

The latter would be my 1st vote...and staging a kidnapping would be my 2nd vote.
I think Casey soaked a rag in cloroform and taped it to Caylee's mouth to keep her quiet but it killed her instead.
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