Poll: Who Do You Think Will Be The BEST Witness For The State???

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Who Do You Think Will Be The State's Best Witness???

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I agree with you, Chilly.

But if we are picking a witness who testifies, I vote for CA. Her 911 call is compelling evidence of a dead Caylee in the trunk, and she is the one who had regular phone and message contact with KC in June/July and will bring forth the ridiculous claims of Caylees whereabouts, when other evidence shows no sign of Caylee after June 16th.

Good point. LE surely has all the text messages between CA and KC during the 31 days too. Those will be very telling.
I had a hard time choosing between Tony and Amy and ultimately chose Amy. Amy was pretty much KC's BFF during the 31 days and she is the one who she talked to about the smell in her car. Plus, I don't think LE has released all of the interviews they've had with Amy as of yet and still wait to be surprised by everything Amy knew.
"I just wonder if she (Casey) hated her mom more then she loved Caylee."
(jeshhhhhhh....has she been reading Golda Meir -my signature - just kidding. lol)


The insights from Casey Anthony's maternal grandmother are disturbing.

NBC's "Today" this morning highlighted those words and the Anthony family tensions. Grandmother Shirley Plesea told investigators,"I just wonder if she [Casey] hated her mom more than she loved Caylee."

Casey Anthony is charged with Caylee's murder. Her defense team says it will not respond to this information, released by the state last week, until her trial begins in the fall.

NBC reporter Kerry Sanders looked back at the time when Cindy Anthony, Casey's mom, was giving daily interviews. Plesea proved prophetic. "Cindy's out of control for one reason," Plesea told investigators. "If Cindy doesn't believe Casey, then Caylee's dead. Honest to God, that's my feeling."

How to make Case talk? Put her in the general jail population, Plesea said -- a comment that many readers have suggested.
Casey Anthony Stole Checks from Grandma
Written by: Whitney Luce

Casey Anthony’s grandmother is testifying against her, claiming the tot Mom stole checks from her in 2007.

Things just seem to be going from bad to worse for Casey Anthony, the Orlando mother accused of killing her toddler.

Detective interviews released today indicate that Casey Anthony’s grandmother wanted to have her arrested after her checks went missing in 2007, according to the Miami Herald. Anthony’s grandmother, Shirley Plesea, decided not to pursue the case out of concern for Casey’s daughter, Caylee, the Miami Herald reports.

Plesea also informed detectives that Anthony “tormented” her mother, Cindy, during the same time period. During this time, Anthony also claimed she was traveling with Caylee in Tampa and Jacksonville.

According to the Miami Herald, Casey made promises to her mother during this time period to return Caylee home, but failed to do so.
I didn't vote on these choices. I think Casey herself is going to be the best witness in terms of her behavior, lies, etc...that can and will be testified to by all of these people. Including Cindy. CA will be a very good witness because she will be treated as a hostile witness, and her own lies will be exposed. MOO, of course.
I voted for Cindy Anthony - but only because if they really choose to go after her, everything she swears to can be taken completely apart - I think it would be helpful to the jury. (And on a broader note - I'd sure love to see it!!) :)
I gotta say Yuri Melich. He seems pretty unflappable under cross, and guaranteed he and JA know more about this horrible crime than anyone (other than KC, of course).
I'm really hoping SP doesn't pass away before the trial begins. From what I know she's pretty old and I'm praying she makes it to trial b/c I think her comment regarding "KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee" was pretty crucial and that she would repeat it in court. JMO
I was also looking for caseys name. I picked George. I think because he's her Father the impact of his testimony will really make the jury realize she's nothing but a baby killing liar. thank goodness he's the only honest one in the family IMO.
I am hoping P.I. Casey blows the lid off the whole case....even if it's to save his own butt. Seems funny he jumped the B.C. boat leaving the A's to go down with the ship.....My theory, he knew J.H. would happily tell in depo all he knew about the burial site (I know she wasn't buried, but "dump site" makes me :sick: ) so he gets a good attorney - turns states' evidence - for Ammunity....Writes a book.
I believe this will play out in court like a 1000 piece puzzle and everyone that the state calls will play an important part in shaping the final picture for the jury. I hope that Caylee herself will be one of the strongest witnesses along with her "dump site" to point the finger straight where it belongs. The entire A family has done enough with their words and actions and lack-there-of. Her friends will be beneficial as well as the PI's and LE. But, seriously, 31 days says it all.
I think it's hysterical that the SA has called TONS of witnesses to testify while the defense only has their paid experts who are just going to try to confuse the jury. Says a lot IMO..
Hi All,

I'm new here and haven't posted but spend tons of time reading...I think George. I think at the end of the day, George is not nearly so deceitful as the rest of them. George wears his heart on his sleeve, and no matter how hard Cindy/Casey/Lee try, they cannot make him forget his darling girl Caylee. And I believe that no matter how hard he tries, his disgust at what he believes his daughter has done, will show thru. I'm not saying he doesn't love Casey -- of course he does. But I think George is one of those people that "does the right thing"...or at least I hope he is. Time will tell, I guess.

Great to be here and I'm an awe of the sleuthing...

I am curious why people think that George A will be such a good witness at trial.

Granted, in his first interviews, he did seem to be saying that he was supicious of KC's part in Caylee's 'disappearance, but he quickly fell into line with the family's public declarations of rotting pizza and watched kidnappers and KC's friends are to blame.

In all his recent public appearences he has been asking people to support his daughter and declaring that he does also. Since no one actually knows what he testified to in the Grand Jury why do people think he will stand for Caylee during the trial and refrain from putting the family spin on anything he says in the witness box?

I am hoping that those who voted for George are correct. I thought he would be the one to speak for Caylee at first but as time went on I began to change my opinion. I am hoping that your reasons for voting for him will convince me. :)
Cindy will likely be the most watched, talked about, and analogized. She and Lee will talk in the biggest circles, and George will get the nicest treatment from the state. Tony will be effective, but he has little to offer in evidence; his story will be the biggest and best in the circumstantial war.
Hi All,

I'm new here and haven't posted but spend tons of time reading...I think George. I think at the end of the day, George is not nearly so deceitful as the rest of them. George wears his heart on his sleeve, and no matter how hard Cindy/Casey/Lee try, they cannot make him forget his darling girl Caylee. And I believe that no matter how hard he tries, his disgust at what he believes his daughter has done, will show thru. I'm not saying he doesn't love Casey -- of course he does. But I think George is one of those people that "does the right thing"...or at least I hope he is. Time will tell, I guess.

Great to be here and I'm an awe of the sleuthing...


:Welcome-12-june: TLS! Isn't this a great forum!
TL & forensics. I think the state will ask very limited questions of GA, CA, and LA. All three will prove to be hostile witnesses, and will willingly perjure themselves.
TL & forensics. I think the state will ask very limited questions of GA, CA, and LA. All three will prove to be hostile witnesses, and will willingly perjure themselves.

If they perjure themselves and are prosecuted/convicted they can no longer profit from Caylee's death and will probably do time themselves. I wonder how far they will go to try and protect Casey.
I have a feeling Lee will cause a big "to-do"..he seems more apt to slip up and I think he knows ALOT more than we've been privy to....

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