Possible Diagnosis

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Hi, actually antisocial personality disorder is often found in murders (aka sociopath). Nevertheless, antisocial pd has been coupled with narcissistic pd in several criminal cases.

Here is the criteria for antisocial pd
There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

- failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
- deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
- impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
- irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
- reckless disregard for safety of self or others
- consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
- lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another

I would have to say I could site an instance of Caysee doing everything listed but perhaps the first. And that is just from tv info.
I would have to say I could site an instance of Caysee doing everything listed but perhaps the first. And that is just from tv info.

I would have to say that I could site instances of ME doing all of the things listed in this criteria as well but without knowing a persons background (other symptoms, history of abuse, family history etc etc..) one cannot put it into proper perspective.

Mental illness is not simply black or white and just because we see behaviors associated with an illnesses does not mean that one has that illness. Several psychiatric disorders have many of the same issues.
I agree that there is a definite overlap of symptoms in this case. If she was on SSRI's it could have been part of the problem. It's interesting in a lot of the cases where mom murdered their children they were found to be on SSRI antidepressants. Paxil has recently admitted that they have known for a while now just how dangerous Paxil is.

I doubt she was on any psych meds.. first of all her lawyers say there is no history (they would be stupid to lie because it will come out if she has been on meds or had been seeing a shrink) and her family seems the type that would be too embarrassed to be even associated with mental illness. Though I don't know this as fact.

I won't even get into my feelings on the drug Paxil other than to say I have known for years that it is not good... I have seen aggressive behaviors and suicidal ideations coming from a person who had never before had them simply from taking Paxil... so I agree with you on that as well!
I would have to say that I could site instances of ME doing all of the things listed in this criteria as well but without knowing a persons background (other symptoms, history of abuse, family history etc etc..) one cannot put it into proper perspective.

Mental illness is not simply black or white and just because we see behaviors associated with an illnesses does not mean that one has that illness. Several psychiatric disorders have many of the same issues.
I have to agree that most of us have done/been most of those things at one time or another. However, they are not part of our personality or part of how we go about viewing ourselves, others or the world in general. I do agree that symptoms have to be viewed in context (frequency and intensity) and there is no way we can adequately diagnose Casey without knowing A LOT more about her. I think we are all just trying to understand why someone would act a certain way and throwing out possibilities.
I have to agree that most of us have done/been most of those things at one time or another. However, they are not part of our personality or part of how we go about viewing ourselves, others or the world in general. I do agree that symptoms have to be viewed in context (frequency and intensity) and there is no way we can adequately diagnose Casey without knowing A LOT more about her. I think we are all just trying to understand why someone would act a certain way and throwing out possibilities.

I used myself as the example in that post because I'm not "normal".. I'm not "most of you".. I do have a mental illness and have had symptoms much like the ones listed. However, I have Bipolar disorder not the other illnesses listed. My point was that it could be several other illnesses other than Casey being a Psychopath.
I used myself as the example in that post because I'm not "normal".. I'm not "most of you".. I do have a mental illness and have had symptoms much like the ones listed. However, I have Bipolar disorder not the other illnesses listed. My point was that it could be several other illnesses other than Casey being a Psychopath.
Oh, I agree that she doesn't necessarily have Antisocial Personality. However, a lack of remorse or empathy isn't common at all among those with Bipolar...you are lucky enough to feel all the grief and guilt as those of us who are not Bipolar..;) I have to say that Casey's PUBLIC behavior has led many to believe she is not grieving the loss of her child...however temporary or permanent that loss may be.
Originally posted by Suzi

Personality disorders and considered incurable right? A case of a narcissist locally had her own shrink tell the court that she's incurable, and only incarceration might help her.

Not always the case here. Take me for instance I have been diagnosed with Multiple personality disorder/Disociative Identity Disorder. Although there are no meds that will cure it, It can be cured with intensive therapy. So it is cureble, just takes time and energy.
I don't think anyone of us without "interviewing" Casey is capable of truly making a diagnosis in this case. Most of what we have been told has been through second parties. How many times do we hear someone casually make the statement "So and So is crazy, or bi-polar" We can speculate and I am usually the most guilty among us with doing that. But to even think, based just on what we have heard or seen, that we are qualified to make a valid diagnosis re: Casey, is just arrogant and we really shouldn't do that.

I am old enough to remember people being placed in mental institutions years ago because a family member that wanted to get rid of them either gave a doctor a lot of money to say the family member was crazy OR had them committed on their own.

This whole family would make an interesting case study. But there is still not enough information from professionals for any of us to continue to speculate.
Not always the case here. Take me for instance I have been diagnosed with Multiple personality disorder/Disociative Identity Disorder. Although there are no meds that will cure it, It can be cured with intensive therapy. So it is cureble, just takes time and energy.
DID is not a Personality Disorder, it is classified as a dissociative disorder.
DID is not a Personality Disorder, it is classified as a dissociative disorder.

I know this, but my point is you can be diagnosed with a personality disorder, and still be able to be cured. Maybe not with meds, but with intensive therapy...
I know this, but my point is you can be diagnosed with a personality disorder, and still be able to be cured. Maybe not with meds, but with intensive therapy...
This is exactly right. No one who is willing to get treatment is beyond help. It's like Lupus, there is not a cure for it but the patient can be made to live more comfortably with it. I never give up on anyone who is wanting to get help. The problem is most of these people are so into denial of their problems that they don't get help and don't take meds on a regular basis so you never see them until they reach crisis level.
Oh, I agree that she doesn't necessarily have Antisocial Personality. However, a lack of remorse or empathy isn't common at all among those with Bipolar...you are lucky enough to feel all the grief and guilt as those of us who are not Bipolar..;) I have to say that Casey's PUBLIC behavior has led many to believe she is not grieving the loss of her child...however temporary or permanent that loss may be.

The reasoning behind my post that we are now discussing was simply to point out that what was listed in the link that nicole long island posted. The criteria for anti-social personality disorder are also behaviors found in other mental illnesses or defects. I used my own diagnosis as an example.

I respectfully disagree with you in that during a manic phase when we hurt people (emotionally) we feel little to no remorse or empathy. We place the blame on others and are indifferent to others pain.

Again- I am not saying that I think Casey has Bipolar because I don't think that is the case. I was trying to remind people that percieved behaviors do not = a diagnosis.
I don't think anyone of us without "interviewing" Casey is capable of truly making a diagnosis in this case. Most of what we have been told has been through second parties. How many times do we hear someone casually make the statement "So and So is crazy, or bi-polar" We can speculate and I am usually the most guilty among us with doing that. But to even think, based just on what we have heard or seen, that we are qualified to make a valid diagnosis re: Casey, is just arrogant and we really shouldn't do that.

I am old enough to remember people being placed in mental institutions years ago because a family member that wanted to get rid of them either gave a doctor a lot of money to say the family member was crazy OR had them committed on their own.

This whole family would make an interesting case study. But there is still not enough information from professionals for any of us to continue to speculate.

We don't have nearly enough information on Casey to know what's wrong with her, I agree.
I have a friend who is Bi-Polar - she must stay on her meds or else trouble ensues. She has a great husband who monitors the meds as much as possible but sometimes she plays the 'I'm fine' game. She stops or cuts down on them. She is a very good woman, loves animals, (has no children), will help you in a second if needed. One time she visited me, and without my knowing she turned off the water in my bathroom, kitchen, etc. What a shock after she left - but we figured it out. I called her husband immediately and he contacted her doctor. She later admitted that she thought she was in a concentration camp and the pipes were filled with deadly gas. She apologized to me but I shrugged it off.
What I don't understand is why Casey's parents have not noticed these personality problems? Why haven't we heard from any aunts, uncles, cousins?
Also, Casey has often said that Caylee is very close to the house. That could be taken two ways - :confused:
I was not aware she has an issue with drug use. I really can't see that she does have any major problems with any major drugs- she has been in jail all this time and has not appeared to go through any type of withdrawl. She is not being held in a medical unit or segregation which is what they would do to make sure she stays safe while detoxing. Having seen her in court a couple of times and on video in jail, she does not have the "shakes" or anything else that would go with her being in withdrawl from drugs.

She seems to have tendencies for several different dx's. No doubt she has Bipolar-like behaviors and attitudes but IMO we don't know enough about this woman to know if she has ever had issues with depression OR mania not to mention delusions of grandeur etc etc.

I am not saying a dx of Bipolar is out of the question- I certainly wouldn't be surprised if information came out that shows she indeed has a history of Mania/Depression but IMO she presents more like a person with a personality disorder than with a person with Bipolar.

OneLostGrl. I don't think she's Bi-polar either and like you I definitely think she has a personality disorder and there are ton's of them.

I do think she does drugs and there is the possibility that she may be addicted to something.... More like Club Drugs. I think she's been mixed up with some drug dealers one of them being that the guy who put up the huge amount of money for the return of Caylee and who own's all kinds of non existent companies and Real Estate. I think his real business is drug trafficking.

Somewhere in one of these threads I believe she was qouted as saying
she was afraid for her life. Correct me if I'm wrong. If what I say above is correct, then I can see why she's afraid.

I would love to know her background..........how she grew up, what she did in High School, her relationship with her mom and dad, her brother.... That would tell us so much more. I'm sure LE has that info.

Guess I'm saying, "What we don't know we could write a book with"

Time will tell.

Definitely Narcissistic.

And talk about "delusions of grandeur"!!! She wanted to believe that she had a job which she didn't have, to pay for a "nanny" that probably doesn't exist. Now she expects people to believe that her child was kidnapped, but not in the usual way with a ransom note, but in a "special way" that only she and her family can deal with because the cops would bungle it.

So she becomes one of Charlie's Angels and goes out looking for the child herself (allegedly) in her own little super-sleuth daydream, because calling 911 would just be too beneath her.

And where did she get these delusions? Possibly from her own mother, who is now taking calls and following leads on her own. Every time her mom is on TV, she lectures someone about how no one can understand anything except the family.

Borderline, Delusional, Bipolar, Sociopathic - call it what you will. Perhaps all of the above.

How about a 'Princess'

Hello all, been reading the forum for the last few days and decided to join up. I live in Orlando, where of course it is the top story of every newscast here, and I have become enthralled with the case. Can't get enough of it! I live near several of the involved locations (Amy/Ricardo condo, old folks home area she took the cops to) and could easily do a little investigation work around them if needed.

This post may belong in the Theories thread instead, but I thought it might also apply in the Diagnosis thread here also, as I agree with the Delusions of Grandeur post by Thoughtfox.

My current opinion is that Casey hid her with someone to keep her from Cindy, possibly as punishment for how Casey was being treated by Cindy (that per Cindy's Myspace blog on July 3, which I'm really surprised none of the news outlets have hit on). I don't think she ever expected it to blow up into the huge national deal it has become, but now that it has she is going to try to take advantage of the situation in order to become a *Celebrity* (In her warped mind at least).

What could now happen is whoever has Caylee may get tired and/or scared becaue of all the press attention and all of a sudden Caylee will be found wandering around a mall or something by herself, and the "Kidnapper" will never be found, resulting in possible vindication of Casey ("See, I wasn't lying!"). Casey will then do her best to turn this into a situation where she becomes a *Celebrity* and tries to make money out of the situation somehow.

She didn't plan the whole thing out this way, but will take advantage of how it has turned out any way that she can.

Of course, there is the decomposition dog hits to contend with, but I am hoping that turns out to be something else and Caylee is OK.

Anyway, great forum and I look forward to being able to contribute in some small way!

Muzikman, Welcome to WS. and thanks for posting. I wish your theory was correct, we all do.

I agree that not enough is known about Casey to say for sure that she might have this or that. But, enough of her behavior has been made public to say that she did not act like a normal person long before Caylee's disappearance and afterwards. Chronic lying and stealing is not normal, but I guess the experts will have to decide if it's a mental issue or if Casey is just immoral and dishonest.
I agree that not enough is known about Casey to say for sure that she might have this or that. But, enough of her behavior has been made public to say that she did not act like a normal person long before Caylee's disappearance and afterwards. Chronic lying and stealing is not normal, but I guess the experts will have to decide if it's a mental issue or if Casey is just immoral and dishonest.

yep that's why they go to school :)
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