Possible matches for UID Longview, TX woman

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I would say you are correct Sherlock K.C.!

The "Ruth Johnson" sketch looks very much like Shirley Banning, so I'd be interested to find out if detectives ever looked into a possible connection. What was it that someone was so concerned about Shirley revealing about a family member? What would have been so incriminating?

Exactly my thoughts. Something
serious enough that she was murdered for it most likely
I would say you are correct Sherlock K.C.!

The "Ruth Johnson" sketch looks very much like Shirley Banning, so I'd be interested to find out if detectives ever looked into a possible connection. What was it that someone was so concerned about Shirley revealing about a family member? What would have been so incriminating?

Did I miss something? Does it say somewhere that Shirley had something incriminating to hide about a family member?
Did I miss something? Does it say somewhere that Shirley had something incriminating to hide about a family member?

Yes. Her boyfriend ace banning. He was a criminal. I believe he had been in prison for rape... Just google her name. There was renewed interest in her disappearance because they thought she might be buried in a well on his family property in another state.
So, is it suspected that maybe she helped the family member? I'm still skeptical, only because most women her age had that same look. It actually looks like my maternal grandma. She was evil so who knows. Of course, she's not in a well and unfortunately lived longer than she should've.
It's the shape of the glasses that caught my attention. In my training it has been mentioned that people tend to stay with the same basic shape of glasses over time.. Even the part in the hair is the same. I used to live in OKC. I drive to dallas at least once a month. It's a very quick drive( 3 hrs). Of course she was north of OKC..It is very common for people in Oklahoma to frequent dallas, especially to get up to mischief. It's not far fetched to think she would help/ cover for banning "for love".. Or fear. I have yet to see a pic even close to the "Ruth" before or since.
So...MH could have possibly been abducted by Shirley Banning and presented as one of her three children? Just trying to wrap my little brain around this info...
I don't have any theories on that. A timeline would help. I wonder if her sons have any information.
I would say you are correct Sherlock K.C.!

The "Ruth Johnson" sketch looks very much like Shirley Banning, so I'd be interested to find out if detectives ever looked into a possible connection. What was it that someone was so concerned about Shirley revealing about a family member? What would have been so incriminating?

One possibility, that they were doing something with / to children that they shouldn't be doing. Jmo
Has anyone on WS contacted any authority or site with the info that FLEK may be MSH and Shirley Banning looks like Ruth Johnson? Curious as to if anyone who has the ability to vet this out could be working on it. TIA.
I just looked to see ruleouts : there are only 4!!!! WOW! I thought by now we might be looking at at least 100 !
Clara Giusti 1962 Washington
Michelle Giusti 1961 Washington
Parley Pate 1959 North Carolina
Denise Sheehy 1954 New
so I guess MH has not been ruled out , has Anyone submitted her? and I swear I have seen a pic of MH's mother ? anyone ?
Here are MH's parents
Can someone look up birth info for the snow( banning) woman's kids? I thought she had 2.. But an interview I read stated..3.. And one was a girl
I did a Charley Project search for girls/women missing from 1980 to early 1988. Some of them don't seem to have been suggested as matches. I looked for brown/green/hazel eyes because as someone with hazel eyes I know the color is a subjective thing. I also chose girls who were tall enough in early and mid-teens to have gotten to 5'8" or above by adulthood. I also took into account that we can't go by the original nose in case FLEK had plastic surgery.

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/m/marlow_robin.html (28 when she went missing, but FLEK may have been older than she claimed)

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/d/drzewiecki_jeannette.html (was a dancer, from Texas, altho is stated to have a daughter)

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/h/houchman_michalle.html (this is likely a murder though)

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/a/addington_lisa.html (this may be an abduction)

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/p/porco_kristina.html (likely a murder but stats match)

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/g/green_martha.html (likely abduction but the 1st pic resembles the Becky Turner DL pic)

http://www.missingpeople.net/elaine.htm (Canadian, some resemblance)

http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/d/day_mary.html (stats would match, she is either a runaway or victim of foul play)
I think we need to get Rose Cole and Melissa Highsmith ruled out. I dont know how to go about that does anyone have a contact?
I think Rose Cole ought to be ruled out on age alone. She would have been 32 in 1988. JMO
Why do you know for a fact they are not FLEK?

I dont , thats why I think we ought to get them ruled out first , they both look like good possibilities, dont you think Linda9681 I dont think its Rose but the circumstances are strong , MH, its a possibility too
I just wish I had unlimited access to all databases. That would make this 100x easier.

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