Possible pending arrest in the near future?! Steven Powell discussion

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Smoothoperator; I too think SP knew what JP was going to do. They may have planned it right before his arrest. If JP sent him any mail, LE will receive it first, but I think it was all talked about earlier. Maybe not the how, but the promise of it.

sherryk; You may have something on the utilities thought. Perhaps evidence is hidden in one of the homes around a utility hookup or connection. Perhaps it just means this was necessary to JP and SP. IDK, but I hope LE thinks about it. The money I have no idea about, guess that will be investigated and info released whenever it comes to light.

Also, don't think SP will tell the truth about anything. I am certain that any prosecutor would be aware of that, so I doubt there would be any deals without the clause of having the remains found exactly where told. Even then, I don't think any prosecutor is too keen on helping him out for info any time soon.
About the money, IMO this was some twisted logic from JP. I think it may have been intended for the burial. A "good" father would make burial arrangements for his children and would pay for them. I think he may have also wanted to ensure that when it was discovered that the Cox's couldn't get their hands on it. And maybe he even had some thought that if the P. family was helping with the expenses that should somehow give them the right to some say so in the arrangements and that the family would make sure that he was buried with the boys.

I too wonder about where the money came from. Unless perhaps when Susan was alive and earning the money, JP was controlling the finances. And he kept tightening the household budget. I think he was putting money back from her earnings, hiding it somewhere. After she disappeared Daddy was paying the bills until he went to jail. There is also the possibility that he found some lucrative but perhaps criminal source of income. (There were all those pictures around.)
About the money, IMO this was some twisted logic from JP. I think it may have been intended for the burial. A "good" father would make burial arrangements for his children and would pay for them. I think he may have also wanted to ensure that when it was discovered that the Cox's couldn't get their hands on it. And maybe he even had some thought that if the P. family was helping with the expenses that should somehow give them the right to some say so in the arrangements and that the family would make sure that he was buried with the boys.

I too wonder about where the money came from. Unless perhaps when Susan was alive and earning the money, JP was controlling the finances. And he kept tightening the household budget. I think he was putting money back from her earnings, hiding it somewhere. After she disappeared Daddy was paying the bills until he went to jail. There is also the possibility that he found some lucrative but perhaps criminal source of income. (There were all those pictures around.)

Has it been reported where the money went? tia
I can not find a forum to post this question or comment.. this seems to be the closest I can find... Steven Powell the father.. what could he know.

a few things come to mind.. first being it is reported that JP left instuctions how to disconnect the electic.. why HE knew there would be nothing left of the home to disconnect.. it would burn down.... could that been some kind of coded message to father.. who was the information on how to disconnect electic sent to???

It is now being reported that 7000.00 was withdrawn from JP account the day or days before this tragedy happened.. where did the funds go.. could that of been a code to dad to get word to family on where to find the 7000.00? What was the point of the withdrawl.. did he think that somehow the Cox family would get their hands on it?

I am very concerned on the electric disconnection.. and the fact that the father didnt seem suprised and cursed out the officers who told him of the news.

I bet anything that 7k shows up in the mail at a realtive home and it is for legal fees for dear old dad.. JMO

why the electriciy instructions if the house was to burn..

These things are some type of clues.. dont know what.. but it is

ITA SP/JP thick as thieves!
Did they have a plan between them?
Deputies seize cell phone of Josh Powell’s sister
Post by Adam Lynn / The News Tribune on Feb. 8, 2012 at 10:32 am with No Comments »

Pierce County sheriff’s detectives confiscated the cell phone of Josh Powell’s sister after she refused to give emails and voicemails he left for her before he killed his sons Sunday, newly filed court records show.

Alina Powell called 911 on Sunday to report she’s received four emails and a message from her brother that made her concerned for his safety. Detectives contacted her later in the day and requested copies.

“During the interview, Alina became upset and refused to allow Det. Sanders to copy the emails and refused to provide the phone to Det. Sanders,” the search warrant states.

The detectives later got a court order and seized the phone.

Read more here: http://blog.thenewstribune.com/crim...h-powells-sister/?storylink=twt#storylink=cpy
Good! I'm tired of this family's stonewalling.
I haven't heard yet. But based on the most recent statement from the cousin, I have my theories.

I'd love to hear your theories!
The money adds another level of mystery to this tragedy.
Deputies seize cell phone of Josh Powell’s sister
Post by Adam Lynn / The News Tribune on Feb. 8, 2012 at 10:32 am with No Comments »

Pierce County sheriff’s detectives confiscated the cell phone of Josh Powell’s sister after she refused to give emails and voicemails he left for her before he killed his sons Sunday, newly filed court records show.

Alina Powell called 911 on Sunday to report she’s received four emails and a message from her brother that made her concerned for his safety. Detectives contacted her later in the day and requested copies.

“During the interview, Alina became upset and refused to allow Det. Sanders to copy the emails and refused to provide the phone to Det. Sanders,” the search warrant states.

The detectives later got a court order and seized the phone.

Read more here: http://blog.thenewstribune.com/crim...h-powells-sister/?storylink=twt#storylink=cpy

You have got to be kidding????

Does this entire family hate Susan enough to ensure her body is never found and never given a proper burial????

And I thought the Anthony family defied all reasoning. Just kidding it appears the Powell family is just as diabolical. The whole lot of them have something completely off.
Maybe the family is protecting some disturbing secrets and poor Susan was just an element tossed in to them. I have no idea, but I do find not giving them the phone or emails odd.
This is a true double murder of 2 little boys and even though the murderer killed himself, it should still be investigated.
I hate to bash the Powell family but a few of them just won't co=operate
with the LE, tells me that they are still protecting the killer and maybe their father
(the leader) or even themselves.
They should be investigated.
If there is nothing to hide, they will be cleared! JMOO
I don't understand how a person could not be overly emotional about his son and grandsons deaths. Could S have known about J's plan before hand?


That's what I was wondering when I heard he showed no emotion. This is awful, but I keep wondering if the two boys were sexually molested by their Grandfather and Father. It appears that Josh was as a child by his Father. Maybe SP doesn't care because now he knows that the boys stories can't be used against him. Maybe he encouraged JP to do what he did. JMO

Divorce documents between Steve Powell and his ex-wife, Terrica Powell, depict what they describe as a sexually and emotionally abusive childhood for Josh and his four siblings.

SP sent Susan pictures of himself NUDE? I had NEVER heard this! g r o s s!!!
Now I do believe he had a hand in Susan's death as well!


Eta: he was obsessed with Susan... Was he stalking her as well?:what:
~I wonder

Yep. Except SP claims it was Susan who had a thing for him and who was he to refuse that? More cringe worthy details in the below thread.

I don't understand how a person could not be overly emotional about his son and grandsons deaths. Could S have known about J's plan before hand?


This is my thoughts exactly.
This was all planned out!
SP knew that is why he wasn't shocked, horrified or broken!
SP sent Susan pictures of himself NUDE? I had NEVER heard this! g r o s s!!!
Now I do believe he had a hand in Susan's death as well!


Eta: he was obsessed with Susan... Was he stalking her as well?:what:
~I wonder

I have thought all along that sp was involved with her disappearance. And when you listen to the lyrics in the link you provided, about being within her, smelling her perfume, touching her...it goes along with the theory of her possibly being drugged for jp and sp's sick minds. IMO. The whole situation with the brunch, how long it took him, each served individually by Josh, Susan gets sleepy enough to excuse herself while her friend is still there. Then he later tells reporters, no she didn't take a nap, she went to bed at bedtime. And then all the strange ramblings made by Steve, his obsessive love for her, she returned it, etc... Maybe she did have relations with him like he describes, but she may not remember (really hope I'm wrong,but...).
Josh's mom talked about the incident where jp made a comment about girls being good for nothing but their body...and then he turned to his dad and said, "isn't that right dad?" And Steve said yes, that's right. This shows me jp was looking to impress his dad and wanted his approval. Jp sang his dads praises, so I wouldn't put it past him to help his dad out with his sick fantasy! Maybe Susan woke up during sp's assault, maybe that's why the car alarm went off??? Josh consistently says, "I would never hurt her." Who knows, but so many of sp's statements have made me wonder.
I also think maybe something about the $7000 may be found in Alina's phone.
I wouldn't be surprised if SP is very involved in Susan's disappearance. He is just as crazy as his son!
The September warrant sought details specifically from Steve Powell's laptop, which he used in his job helping coordinate purchase and placement of school furniture. It also requested a search of state-owned vehicles that Powell may have driven.

Steve Powell said last year that he had a flirtatious and somewhat sexual relationship with Susan Powell. Her parents said she thought he was a creep and moved to Utah in part to get away from him.

In a search of Steve Powell's Washington state home last year, authorities found explicit images on his computers and images of people being photographed without their knowledge. Among them were pictures of Susan Powell.

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