Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert, 24, missing May 2010, found Oak Beach Dec 2011 #3

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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This is a continuation of the Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert thread. Quoting from the original to clarify why this thread was started in the first place.

While there are mixed opinions with regard to Shannan's relationship to this case, we do know that, had she not made the 911 call, and had not her family's persistence in finding their loved one missing, these other murdered victims may never have been found. ( link ) Now, it certainly may turn out Shannan's case is completely unrelated to these. Then again, in light of proximity, the fact that she also used craigslist, and the odd witness accounts? What's that old saying? Imnsho, that's not a coincidence. that's a pattern.

That said, Shannan's missing person's thread contains useful info along with photos ( link ). There's also a wealth of information on the site set up by/for her family regarding both her case as well as the cases of the other victims. ( link )

That said, please do not attack each other and/or make accusations against each other. Also, bashing victims' family members is against ToS. As is sleuthing these family members. Discussing what they may have or not said in media interviews, is okay. Just please be respectful.

Previous thread(s):
Thread #2
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Another year ends, and nothing comes from the leadership of the Suffolk County Justice system, that shows any progress in solving these crimes.

They fought for years to suppress the 911 tape, for what reason?

They could have charged Brewer and/or Pak with related offenses, but did not. Why not?

How was it that Michael Jackson's MD ended up in jail for administering drugs to him, yet Hackett is not even charged in his treating of Shannan?

Sadly I feel we will hear nothing more from LE. Justices delayed is justice denied.
A thought triggered by all the hoopla regarding George Santos, the controversial congressman from Long Island.

I was led to believe Democrats were 'Soft on Crime' and the Republicans were the "Law and Order party". However it seems Long Island has been traditionally represented by Republicans.

Seems to me some aggressive law and order Republican would be very active regarding the LISK and Shannan Gilbert cases.
At this point, truthfully, I'm beyond depressed that we're still here, and Shannan's case, along with the larger LISK victims case as a whole, is taking so long. Some days I check these boards now and then hoping for some new info to come out, only to feel tears sting my eyes and anger fill my heart, when days and days pass with no news of any new leads...or when there is a lead, there's little information, then silenced.

The lack of justice for the victims is digging deeper wounds year by year. They are not forgotten, and just even imagining the agony the families are dealing with year after year dealing with a system and case that seems broken, just adds to the pain through the years.

Right-wing, left-wing, chicken wing, I don't care where someone is putting stock at this point. I'm for anyone, as long as they are not corrupt, honor, serve, put their utmost efforts in. Someone strong, not into cronyism, bribes, willingness to put files like these at the top of the priority list, instead of letting them sink, or bury beneath a pile on someone's desk.

I pray (most literally) for someone gutsy enough to be utterly transparent and state everything that was mishandled from the beginning. Someone with real cojones who cares enough about the truth and solving this they would put their career, reputation, and even life on the line possibly, to expose how the case got to this point, and alllllll the mistakes. This case is not going away, we will not forget, the families will not forget. Time doesn't heal all wounds, in this case, I feel the more time, the deeper the pain cuts.
At this point, truthfully, I'm beyond depressed that we're still here, and Shannan's case, along with the larger LISK victims case as a whole, is taking so long. Some days I check these boards now and then hoping for some new info to come out, only to feel tears sting my eyes and anger fill my heart, when days and days pass with no news of any new leads...or when there is a lead, there's little information, then silenced.

The lack of justice for the victims is digging deeper wounds year by year. They are not forgotten, and just even imagining the agony the families are dealing with year after year dealing with a system and case that seems broken, just adds to the pain through the years.

Right-wing, left-wing, chicken wing, I don't care where someone is putting stock at this point. I'm for anyone, as long as they are not corrupt, honor, serve, put their utmost efforts in. Someone strong, not into cronyism, bribes, willingness to put files like these at the top of the priority list, instead of letting them sink, or bury beneath a pile on someone's desk.

I pray (most literally) for someone gutsy enough to be utterly transparent and state everything that was mishandled from the beginning. Someone with real cojones who cares enough about the truth and solving this they would put their career, reputation, and even life on the line possibly, to expose how the case got to this point, and alllllll the mistakes. This case is not going away, we will not forget, the families will not forget. Time doesn't heal all wounds, in this case, I feel the more time, the deeper the pain cuts.
100% in agreement with you. Keep praying.
At this point, truthfully, I'm beyond depressed that we're still here, and Shannan's case, along with the larger LISK victims case as a whole, is taking so long. Some days I check these boards now and then hoping for some new info to come out, only to feel tears sting my eyes and anger fill my heart, when days and days pass with no news of any new leads...or when there is a lead, there's little information, then silenced.

The lack of justice for the victims is digging deeper wounds year by year. They are not forgotten, and just even imagining the agony the families are dealing with year after year dealing with a system and case that seems broken, just adds to the pain through the years.

Right-wing, left-wing, chicken wing, I don't care where someone is putting stock at this point. I'm for anyone, as long as they are not corrupt, honor, serve, put their utmost efforts in. Someone strong, not into cronyism, bribes, willingness to put files like these at the top of the priority list, instead of letting them sink, or bury beneath a pile on someone's desk.

I pray (most literally) for someone gutsy enough to be utterly transparent and state everything that was mishandled from the beginning. Someone with real cojones who cares enough about the truth and solving this they would put their career, reputation, and even life on the line possibly, to expose how the case got to this point, and alllllll the mistakes. This case is not going away, we will not forget, the families will not forget. Time doesn't heal all wounds, in this case, I feel the more time, the deeper the pain cuts.
This case truly opened my eyes to the corruption on Long Island. I feel the same as you.
Judging by what the SCPD said at the start of the released 911 call video, Shannan's case will basically remain shelved unless someone comes to them with evidence that she was murdered. They do not think that it was a crime. During the press conference, Harrison stated that the FBI had done an independent review and that the "prevailing opinion" was that her death was "most likely non-criminal."

He then added, "If more information is provided we will further investigate that evidence."

To me, that seems like they've arrived at a conclusion that won't change unless someone who previously withheld information suddenly decides to come forward. Doubtful.
Judging by what the SCPD said at the start of the released 911 call video, Shannan's case will basically remain shelved unless someone comes to them with evidence that she was murdered. They do not think that it was a crime. During the press conference, Harrison stated that the FBI had done an independent review and that the "prevailing opinion" was that her death was "most likely non-criminal."

He then added, "If more information is provided we will further investigate that evidence."

To me, that seems like they've arrived at a conclusion that won't change unless someone who previously withheld information suddenly decides to come forward. Doubtful.

So I guess it is all over, regarding Shannan Gilbert's death and the SCPD, based on this information.

I violate a traffic law, and the full might of the Justice system hits me.
  • Dr. Hackett lies and denies, no justice.
  • Brewer supplies drugs, no justice.
  • Pak pimps, no justice.
So Sad.
I remember a news video where Mari and Sherre stated that they were told (I don't know by who) Shannan was thrown into a van and was missed by police by five or ten minutes. Does anybody remember that? Could the van be Michael Paks SUV?
Hi everyone. Can anyone find the episode from 48 Hours that aired on December 17, 2011? Not the one from 2013. This one had interviews from Pak and I think Alex Diaz. It was aired on A&E and I think it was aired on CBS July 12, 2011. I remember watching it when it aired, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. It's like the episode been scrubbed from the web. This rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.
Hi everyone. Can anyone find the episode from 48 Hours that aired on December 17, 2011? Not the one from 2013. This one had interviews from Pak and I think Alex Diaz. It was aired on A&E and I think it was aired on CBS July 12, 2011. I remember watching it when it aired, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. It's like the episode been scrubbed from the web. This rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

The link says this is available with a Paramount subscription (I haven't tried it)

"48 Hours" Long Island Serial Killer (TV Episode 2011) - IMDb
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The link says this is available with a Paramount subscription (I haven't tried it)

"48 Hours" Long Island Serial Killer (TV Episode 2011) - IMDb
Thank you! Unfortunately it ends up redirecting to the one released in 2013! I remember the Michael Pak interview and he was laughing when he was describing Shannan's situation. It haunted me! Especially more so after hearing the 911 call. I'm glad there are people out there that are still interested in solving the case. So thank you everyone here for not letting it go away. This May 1st will be 13 years.
Sorry not sure how to post on my own yet without doing a reply to someone else's post. The police make me so angry, still saying that Shannon Gilbert was not a victim of LISK, especially since she has no drugs in her system. I think that she was a victim and she somehow got away and went into the swampy area to hide. LISK did not think it was worth it go in after her because he figured she would die anyway and he would continue to keep getting away with murder.
Welcome [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]mdeitzler3262[/COLOR].

Shannan may or may not have been a victim of the LISK, there is no solid evidence that she was.

Because of the amount of activity outside at Oak Beach that early morning, with many people identifying each other, if the LISK was involved in Shannan's death, then likely the LISK is either MP or a resident of Oak Beach, because as far as we know those are all the people identified that night.

MP was the only non-resident that I am aware of. Personally I believe the LISK and the person responsible for Shannan's death are two different people.
Thank you! Unfortunately it ends up redirecting to the one released in 2013! I remember the Michael Pak interview and he was laughing when he was describing Shannan's situation. It haunted me! Especially more so after hearing the 911 call. I'm glad there are people out there that are still interested in solving the case. So thank you everyone here for not letting it go away. This May 1st will be 13 years.

That 2011 episode was what prompted me to look into this case (and eventually becoming a WS member)... it was memorable!

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