Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert, 24, missing May 2010, found Oak Beach Dec 2011 #3

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On another thread I stated my thoughts on Pak and added a thought from the post up above:
1. While in the house she contacted him several times. (In other words please help, come and get me.)
2. She was upset he was using her real name. It went against how they ran escorting. She knew something was up.
3. Her staunch refusal to leave JB's home is very much unlike how most escorts operate. Since they were partaking in an illicit activity, you don't want to draw attention to yourself but she kept doing that and wanted the police there.
4. Pak never takes the phone to talk to 911, let alone give them the address to where SG was at.
5. If she made her own appointments, like Pak said, why didn't she know the address to where she was at? She didn't know because Pak booked appointments, particularly this one.
6. Brewer fakes he wants her to leave and go home--Pak plays along.
7. They know she's on a 911 call, they play along like they are the good guys.
8. Pak said Brewer and SG left to go get cards, lube and prescription meds. It's all a set up. If they would have found her sooner and tested her hair and body, I'm sure they would have found they drugged her.
9. About a half a dozen times she says asks if "this" was all a set up. She knew what was going on.
10. She knew he was apart of what was happening to her:
SG: You're being sarcastic.
Pak: About what?
SG: About this.. you were part of this all

I could say more.....
The second-oldest sister currently oversees a Facebook page called Praying for Shannan Maria Gilbert, which is dedicated to trying to solve Shannan's murder.
View attachment 437009
Her family is grateful SG's remains were found.
Shannan was the reason law enforcement found many other victims in same area.
Shannan's family believes they know who was responsible for her murder.
In due time they will be arrested.
In my opinion RH was nowhere near there. Brewer was hanging out with her for 3 hours before her 911 call. How does waiting 3 hours to make a move on her make sense. You really think RH would be working with someone else? You think he would call a girl with an armed driver? RH made sure to use Burner phones. He picked all his victims up. It took him 12 years to get caught. RH wrapped his victims in camo and put them more or less on the side of the road so he could go back and visit them. Shannon was found in veggitation that would slice you up. Why would a potential murderer go through all that when they could have dumped her body somewhere easier to get to. The cops used a treaded vehicle to reach her.

If she was so alert and coherent during her 911 call like some claim she was. Why wouldn't she have said someone is trying to take me? Someone hit me . Someone choked me. Someone's got a gun a knife a bat. She didnt mention one real specific thing.

After she got put through to state police she said "there's somebody after me" 2x. She's asked "where are you " she repeats "there somebody after me asked again "where are you mam".... after a 5 second pause she says again "there's somebody after me"..

Pak begged her to get up and go home she resisted... 2 mins later she's begging him to take her home. As soon as he said let's go home she didn't want to.
Maybe she wasn't awake those whole 3 hours and had just came to, maybe pak was going to profit...we know we can't trust his statements! i think she was hiding the phone at some points, so she may not have heard what the operator was asking her. bottom line is there are so many maybes and so many unknown facts that i don't think it is safe to rule anything out. sickos traffic girls to one another. pak would never have gone that far for that long for the money he states. barely gas money. Perhaps if brewer and pak were actually charged with something, we wouldn't have all of these theories...why didn't anyone watch the video of the gate to find out where she went? there are too many unanswered whys in her case to not suspect something sinister and a cover up.
Cops claim to have found the Gilgo 4 in the Gilgo Beach marshland while looking for Shannon. Several miles away from where Shannon was last seen.
<modsnip - not victim friendly> where the police said they believed she had run off and drowned.
Where her jeans and cellphone and shoes and pocketbook was laying in 30yrds behind Hacketts house.

<modsnip - not victim friendly>

Then there is Shannan's cellphones. The cellphone tower would have logged her cellphone pings. The fact her phone never connected to a cellphone tower anywhere else was enough to know that she had never left the Oak beach area.
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Due to my lack of expertise and limited insight, I don’t think I am in no place to judge if Shannan Gilbert was or was not a victim of the Long Island Serial Killer but I wonder sometimes too if Shannan had ingested cocaine that night is it possible that she unfortunately suffered from cocaine toxicity. According to the NIH, some of the symptoms of cocaine toxicity include headache, confusion, anxiety, delirium, agitation, rambling, paranoia, high blood pressure, ectopic beats, restlessness, seizures, hyperthermia and also cardiac arrest.

Addiction.co.uk also mentioned that the paranoia not only feels very real to sufferers but the belief that they are being targeted and that people are out to get them becomes all-encompassing and overwhelming.

I sometimes wonder if Shannan Gilbert was victim of cocaine toxicity that could have led to feel filled with fear and distrust and also led to a tragic and fatal cardiac arrest or seizure in the marsh, a place maybe she thought she could hide, lay low or cut across to the main road and its streetlights. I in no way am blaming Shannan and think a swifter and more caring police response could have saved her life or at least quickly connected her to the medical services that would have had the ability to do so if this was the case. According to the article I read, cocaine toxicity could happen to anyone who ingests the substance, even long term users and those who are unaware if their products have been mixed with other illicit drugs.

This is just a thought and could absolutely be wrong or irrelevant.
Due to my lack of expertise and limited insight, I don’t think I am in no place to judge if Shannan Gilbert was or was not a victim of the Long Island Serial Killer but I wonder sometimes too if Shannan had ingested cocaine that night is it possible that she unfortunately suffered from cocaine toxicity. According to the NIH, some of the symptoms of cocaine toxicity include headache, confusion, anxiety, delirium, agitation, rambling, paranoia, high blood pressure, ectopic beats, restlessness, seizures, hyperthermia and also cardiac arrest.

Addiction.co.uk also mentioned that the paranoia not only feels very real to sufferers but the belief that they are being targeted and that people are out to get them becomes all-encompassing and overwhelming.

I sometimes wonder if Shannan Gilbert was victim of cocaine toxicity that could have led to feel filled with fear and distrust and also led to a tragic and fatal cardiac arrest or seizure in the marsh, a place maybe she thought she could hide, lay low or cut across to the main road and its streetlights. I in no way am blaming Shannan and think a swifter and more caring police response could have saved her life or at least quickly connected her to the medical services that would have had the ability to do so if this was the case. According to the article I read, cocaine toxicity could happen to anyone who ingests the substance, even long term users and those who are unaware if their products have been mixed with other illicit drugs.

This is just a thought and could absolutely be wrong or irrelevant.
SG had no cocaine in her body.
The only ones pushing cocaine, paranoia, and high blood pressure was Hackett and Pak.

SG had no cocaine in her body.
The only ones pushing cocaine, paranoia, and high blood pressure was Hackett and Pak.

Oh, I took the forensic scientist quote to mean that the drug results may prove nothing because of the harsh elements Shannan Gilbert’s remains were unfortunately exposed to over the course of two winters. She argues, for example, that Shannan Gilbert was known to use cocaine but this wasn’t reflected in the toxicology results based on the tissue samples available to her.

Shannon did not die from a drug overdose.
Oh, I took the forensic scientist quote to mean that the drug results may prove nothing because of the harsh elements Shannan Gilbert’s remains were unfortunately exposed to over the course of two winters. She argues, for example, that Shannan Gilbert was known to use cocaine but this wasn’t reflected in the toxicology results based on the tissue samples available to her.
Her toxicology test was negative for drugs.

Her toxicology test was negative for drugs.

But from that link:

“Dr. Kobilinski, though, says the tests actually prove nothing, since Gilbert's body withstood harsh elements for more than a year and a half.

"She was a known cocaine user," he said. "And the fact that we find no evidence of cocaine again suggests that this tissue is highly compromised."”

As it happens, I don’t think she died from a cocaine overdose either, I just think it’s important to acknowledge that no one seems to know the scientific basis for drug screening on the state Shannan’s remains were found in. The same 2014 article is quoted over and over but it’s not infallible.

Whether or not she was on any kind of drugs, it’s quite clear to me that the woman on the 911 call is in the midst of a paranoid crisis. It’s also clear to me that over the course of 20 minutes, two men could have easily overpowered her if the plan was to do her harm. The call lasts as long as it does because they’re trying to get her out of the client’s house WITHOUT hurting her.

But from that link:

“Dr. Kobilinski, though, says the tests actually prove nothing, since Gilbert's body withstood harsh elements for more than a year and a half.

"She was a known cocaine user," he said. "And the fact that we find no evidence of cocaine again suggests that this tissue is highly compromised."”

As it happens, I don’t think she died from a cocaine overdose either, I just think it’s important to acknowledge that no one seems to know the scientific basis for drug screening on the state Shannan’s remains were found in. The same 2014 article is quoted over and over but it’s not infallible.

Whether or not she was on any kind of drugs, it’s quite clear to me that the woman on the 911 call is in the midst of a paranoid crisis. It’s also clear to me that over the course of 20 minutes, two men could have easily overpowered her if the plan was to do her harm. The call lasts as long as it does because they’re trying to get her out of the client’s house WITHOUT hurting her.

Yes but the rest if the article states otherwise. Especially from John Ray.
After listening to the 911 for the zillionth time. And reading Hackett's depoe and most of all Joe Scalise's statement to LE that he knew SG had been injected oops given a sedative... I believe Shannan was killed. Listen to her 911 call. SHE hesitates every time answering questions. She knows who it is but won't name a person(s). She won't because if she does she'll suffer immensely.
She did suffer immensely. They murdered her. MOO
But from that link:

“Dr. Kobilinski, though, says the tests actually prove nothing, since Gilbert's body withstood harsh elements for more than a year and a half.

"She was a known cocaine user," he said. "And the fact that we find no evidence of cocaine again suggests that this tissue is highly compromised."”

As it happens, I don’t think she died from a cocaine overdose either, I just think it’s important to acknowledge that no one seems to know the scientific basis for drug screening on the state Shannan’s remains were found in. The same 2014 article is quoted over and over but it’s not infallible.

Whether or not she was on any kind of drugs, it’s quite clear to me that the woman on the 911 call is in the midst of a paranoid crisis. It’s also clear to me that over the course of 20 minutes, two men could have easily overpowered her if the plan was to do her harm. The call lasts as long as it does because they’re trying to get her out of the client’s house WITHOUT hurting her.

How can you differentiate between paranoia and fear with so little information?
What makes you so sure her fear was unreasonable when there is everything to suggest it was appropriate?

The study shows that social anxiety and persecutory ideation share many of the same predictive factors. Non-clinical paranoia may be a type of anxious fear. However, perceptual anomalies are a distinct predictor of paranoia. In the context of an individual feeling anxious, the occurrence of odd internal feelings in social situations may lead to delusional ideas through a sense of ‘things not seeming right’. The study illustrates the approach of focusing on experiences such as paranoid thinking rather than diagnoses such as schizophrenia.

She certainly exhibited fearfulness but I think it's a stretch to diagnose her with clinical paranoia and there is neither justification nor evidence for it.
On the night of May 1st, 2010, Gilbert, a young Craigslist escort, had been with Joseph Brewer, a first-time client, at his home. Brewer lived near the gated entrance to Oak Beach Association, a modestly upscale collection of a few dozen homes built closely together along narrow roads that descend to the ocean-facing beach. Gilbert, a warm-hearted 24-year-old raised primarily in foster care, fell into prostitution the same way many women do: an unstable upbringing, an uncertain future, the alternative of earning less in 40 hours at minimum wage than in one day as an escort. Gilbert craved the spotlight and aspired to be a professional singer, though she used her relative economic power as a means to reconnect with her family. Her date with Brewer would pay for a birthday gift for her mother Mari, who later told a reporter she tried to talk Shannan out of working that night, that just having her there for a visit was present enough.

nb, Shannan was never diagnosed as schizophrenic, her sister was. Article is incorrect in that afaik

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