Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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No, I don't think this was about Greyvenstein and Divaris. They are, or were, not married, and Reeva said 'husband'.
I think it was clarified somewhere that she was talking about another friend of hers.

Thinking about it some more, if it was Divaris, she wouldn't have said "hitting on my friend Sam's husband". She would have said ""hitting on Justin".

.. ah yes, you're right :thumb:

So that's what Oscar likes to thumb through in the toilet. :floorlaugh:
:Banane53: :Bananahide: :Banane10: :xena_banana: :bananajump:
I agree, the little jumping bananas are really annoying.

:Banane49: :Banane08: :Banane21: :Banane48 :Banane18:

They remind me of my son when he was little, ADHD city!!!

:Banane45: :Banane05: :Banane59: :Banane43: :Banane29:

For all read-only WSers out there who may not know what we're talking about, here they are. AAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh...(me screaming)
:Banane13: :Banane41: :Banane57: :Banane12: :Banane27:

ps:: There are a million these things but the max to post at any one time is 20.
I have updated 2.1, 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 in Key questions as per my previous post above.

The stark difference in the scenarios is clear:

Gun before gun - the shots that kill Reeva are a rash action at the climax of an escalating argument.

Bat before gun - two deliberate, considered acts of violence directed at Reeva in that Oscar must both fetch and use the bat and then subsequently fetch and use the gun. This is premeditated however you look at it.

I favour the former. There is, of course, a 'Something else before gun' scenario which falls between the above. And Oscar's version.

Only speaking from my own experience (on the receiving end) of this kind of thing, I'd have to say the latter.

What would escalate things from bat to gun, IMHO:

- Something she said (i.e., something he THOUGHT she said.)
- Something she did NOT say (e.g., he expected / demanded an answer.)
- Closing him out (i.e., closing herself in.)
The state touched as much as they could/should at this stage: "3. AND WHEREAS the State is entitled to request that questions for consideration of the Superior Court of Appeal/Appellate Division should be reserved". I don't think it was coincidence either that they filed Count 1 (competent verdict) and Count 4 (acquittal) together.

Qs of law can be argued and refused on the ground of Seekoei at any stage from now on, right up to and including (if and when) the SCA hears them. So, even if Masipa reserves all the Qs, this does not mean Seekoei has been overcome. Petitioning the SCA is something the prosecution only needs to do if Masipa refuses to reserve (some or all of) their Questions, but if this stage happens, then again the Seekoei hurdle can indeed be put up. The state could even at this stage ask Seekoei as a Q of law itself, since this issue then arose on the trial.

I would say it is 50/50 whether Seekoei can be overturned, and the chances only that good due to the scrutiny/publicity.

If I were Masipa, I would probably reserve my own Q of law about Seekoei to the SCA, submit all the state's Qs as dependent on that, get my teeth stuck into the state's Qs in my report*, and grant OP bail if he wants it.

Seekoei is irrelevant/independent of the appeal on sentence.

* There is plenty to get stuck into, in my view, unfortunately.

O.M.G. - BAIL?

If he gets bail, all h€!! will break loose!!
Why? Why would you grant him bail?

If he CAN get bail I absolutely believe the Masipa would GRANT OP bail.


1. She can
2. She feels he's being unfairly picked on by the state in appealing
3. PERHAPS, to "put it to" the state for appealing (her verdict).
I haven't bothered with Phelps since her claim that the real problem was the way the state drafted the Indictment.

We have to be careful with some of these analysts.

Grant has offered detailed and carefully researched legal analysis over some months. Phelps offers media soundbites.

I haven't seen any proper legal argumentation from her as to why Grant is wrong.

Indeed I have seen better argumentation from Grant as to why Grant is wrong.

I tend to be very suspicious of legal analysts who offer a firm conclusion one way or the other on highly contentious issues without having run through the arguments in detail.

Well said, Mrjitty. LOL

Grant is First Class. He can be nothing but a tremendous boon to the State’s appeal. What a feather in Nel’s cap to bring Grant onto the team!

Not only has Grant got a great legal mind, he has no qualms about admitting if he doesn’t know something (he checks and double-checks) and he’s quick to admit and correct any mistakes; he delivers it all with easy confidence, humor and genuine humbleness.

With Oscar now facing an appeal of both the verdict and sentence - plus the double threat of Nel + Grant - he may just want to confess to murder right now and get it over with. lol
Only speaking from my own experience (on the receiving end) of this kind of thing, I'd have to say the latter.

What would escalate things from bat to gun, IMHO:

- Something she said (i.e., something he THOUGHT she said.)
- Something she did NOT say (e.g., he expected / demanded an answer.)
- Closing him out (i.e., closing herself in.)

Could it be, OP intended to lock Reeva in his home and then drive away to make party? He had done exactly that with Ex ST.
It's 4am here so excuse me if I've recalled incorrectly, but didn't OP claim to have said he had advised his cousin to not drive out to OP's place in his new vehicle? Was it on the calls from the 13th when that was supposed to have happened?

Why would a young man spend time(20+-? mins) talking to a male cousin instead of trying to sex up his hot new gf the night before Valentine's Day, unless it was all just a publicity stunt for both of them? The usual reason you would think, given his "******" morning news, would probably be money woes, but perhaps it had something to do with OP's feud with ST's millionaire and Batchelor?

He had had stitches previously due to his inability to let his previous ex go without a fight, even though he was already in a new public relationship, perhaps there had been some ongoing tit for tat going on that OP was scared might be coming "home" to roost that he was having his cousin help him with(weren't his cousins acting as bodyguards during the trial too?)? Heck, the whole JE thing could easily have stirred up some bad blood and not just between OP and RS, wasn't JE engaged to someone else at the time that OP may have been concerned about?

So looking at possible reasons for an argument, if OP was feeling guilty for whatever was going on between him and JE, then add to that RS's coffee with her ex, then the possible news that his lawsuit over the assault charges was still a problem and maybe even getting word that he might be getting dropped as a sponsor for whatever reason(poor loser, etc) and then to have RS with her new contract and a new tv show about to kick off(even if they weren't in a "real" relationship, the brand trumps all it seems and that wouldn't be good for his).... let's just say that A type personalities don't often do well in second place, it's black and white to them, win or lose.

He may have been trying to "sex her up" (a wild phrase - ha!) but she wanted no part of it. Or maybe he wasn't even trying because he knew she wouldn't. That is, if June is correct and or Reeva was going to end it.
If he CAN get bail I absolutely believe the Masipa would GRANT OP bail.


1. She can
2. She feels he's being unfairly picked on by the state in appealing
3. PERHAPS, to "put it to" the state for appealing (her verdict).

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I can't even look at her face anymore. This bail thing has been my fear all along. Does anyone have a definite answer to this?

So that's what Oscar likes to thumb through in the toilet. :floorlaugh:

Maybe the inside of the toilet has seen some "wood movement" after all...
Could it be, OP intended to lock Reeva in his home and then drive away to make party? He had done exactly that with Ex ST.

I heard that bit about Sam Taylor getting locked in for hours.

REALLY?? If no phone, no iPad , no computer...

1. I'd set off the alarm
2. I'd break a window and jump out.
(Actually, I'd break ALL his windows and just jump out of one of them)
Maybe the inside of the toilet has seen some "wood movement" after all...

I, literally, just spit my Diet Mountain Dew out across the room.

This TRULY takes the prize!!!!!!!
I don't know anything about batting eyelashes, either, because we couldn't see it.
I assumed she had gotten the info. from a blogger/twitterer/reporter on the inside. Then, again, NG has been known to just make stuff up.

This is why we need a twitterer in the courtroom who can focus on critical things like eyelash batting AND give us a fashion critique. I mean, what was that white boa thing worn one day by the dark-haired woman with the glasses (Sheila's sister?) who always sat next to Aimee, and what does Masipa wear under that robe (if anything...ha!)?

There was that time m'lady confirmed OP had something in his eye, maybe one of his lashes came loose from all the fluttering...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I can't even look at her face anymore. This bail thing has been my fear all along. Does anyone have a definite answer to this?

Re-watching the trial, I have had a LOT of problems seeing Masipa. It's funny how much you see differently when you know the "end of the story." least the end of the first part of the story!!
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