Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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An interesting post by Jeremy99 yesterday on DS, copied in full:

This is why so many legally trained people are confused:

'subjective foresight can be proved by inference. Moreover, common sense dictates that the process of inferential reasoning may start out from the premise that, in accordance with common human experience, the possibility of the consequences that ensued would have been obvious to any person of normal intelligence.'

The process of foresight begins when one buys a gun for self defence and keeps it next to the bed. One knows what a gun does. One visualises possibilities. One imagines what one might have to do, when one choses to employ a gun for self defence.

So you can obviously see that if you have a gun for self defence, and someone breaks in to your house and you shoot them dead, that it is hard to argue you did not foresee this eventuality.

you laid in a lethal weapon, rather than making alternate choices.

The next logical step would then be to ask whether, in the light of all the facts and circumstances of this case, there is any reason to think that the appellant would not have shared this foresight, derived from common human experience, with other members of the general population.'

Yes the circumstances do matter.

If I fire warning shots out the window, I might not actually foresee hitting anyone. If I grab a knife in panic and strike out blindly, i might not ever have turned my mind to outcomes.

However the judge held he did intend to shoot the "intruder"

So how can the subjective foresight not have been inferred?

“The question is 1.) did the accused subjectively foresee that it could be the deceased behind the toilet door; and 2.) notwithstanding the foresight, did he then fire the shots, thereby reconciling himself to the possibility that it could be the deceased in the toilet? The evidence before this court does not support the state’s contention that this could be a case of dolus eventualis. On the contrary, the evidence shows that from the onset, the accused believed that at the time he fired shots into the toilet door, the deceased was in the bedroom while the intruders were in the toilet.”

This is troublesome to say the least, because he intended to shoot whomever was behind the door. What does the identity of the deceased have to do with it?

“He did not subjectively foresee this as a possibility that he would kill the person behind the door, let alone the deceased, as he thought she was in the bedroom at the time.”


“The accused cannot be guilty of murder dolus eventualis … on the basis that, from his belief and his conduct, it could not be said that he foresaw that either the deceased or anyone else for that matter, might be killed when he fired the shots at the toilet door. It also cannot be said that he accepted the possibility, or brought that possibility into the bargain.”

but on what basis has this inference be made?

We find this...

“It follows that the accused’s erroneous belief that his life was in danger excludes dolus.”

Puzzling to say the least

Acting in self defence of ones life makes the killing lawful - it does not exclude intention to kill.

There really is nothing about the facts that dispel the obvious inference.

And it really points to the larger issue

People are keeping guns for self defence (or private defence) - but the law is extremely restrictive about when you can shoot people in self defence.

Masipa herself found that the force used was not reasonable - which rules out (Putative) Self Defence.

The judgement makes no sense on its face.
This confirms what I thought. Mrs Stipp testified that the left hand window was open and Dr Stipp isn't sure

I have a question re the window, when and how did it go from this:


to this:

The second photo is quite a bit later, as the toilet door has been removed by then.
The second photo is quite a bit later, as the toilet door has been removed by then.

Yes, sorry, I didn't mean as far as the picture timeline, I suppose I was suggesting that due to viewing what evidence the PT had, OP's story went from a silent open window that he noticed as he walked into the bathroom after the moment "everything changed", to a window that had slammed all the way into the frame, causing his first "startle" all the way from the bedroom.
Yes, I'm struggling to understand the curtain and fan arrangement (although I've figured the doors now). I'm trying to think how I would set it up to minimise light (and insects) but still draw air in ....

You can give up struggling because it can't be done. If you recall, I tested this out thoroughly myself. Trust me Mr Fossil, it's impossible.
Yes, sorry, I didn't mean as far as the picture timeline, I suppose I was suggesting that due to viewing what evidence the PT had, OP's story went from a silent open window that he noticed as he walked into the bathroom after the moment "everything changed", to a window that had slammed all the way into the frame, causing his first "startle" all the way from the bedroom.

Looking at your first photo, where the right hand window is open all the way, how is it even possible that it could move all the way to the left to hit the frame. The first and second windows from the left appear to be fixed. That would make it IMPOSSIBLE for the right-hand window to hit the frame.
You can give up struggling because it can't be done. If you recall, I tested this out thoroughly myself. Trust me Mr Fossil, it's impossible.
Certainly looks that way. I'm looking closely at the wording OP uses to see if I can picture what he wants us to imagine, both from the bail statement and hearing (Roux says some interesting things there that are never subsequently picked up on - I'll find one which I've posted before and re-post shortly) and then the trial. He uses terms like "draped around the fan" and "over the fans".

I've added another perspective to my thinking now too. You already know about my Reeva persepective (which I confused you with yesterday). Just on this, having thoughtfully slept on the left so that he faces Reeva, OP thoughtlessly left his prostheses by the right side of the bed all night. Reeva had a veritable minefield to step through each time she got into or out of bed, particularly in the dark. Why leave them there when the balcony door was to be shut, hence they couldn't be aired any longer, and he would need them when he got up (on the left side)? No answer required.

The second perspective is this. Everything that OP says up to the point of the initial bail hearing (the bail statement was signed on 19 Feb and he says he provided the info about 2 days after he was arrested e.g. 16-17 Feb) he has to provide from his recollection. Other than a brief trip back upstairs to fetch Reeva's bag he has no other reference points for the precise state of the rooms. He has none of the police photographic evidence at this point. Perhaps Amy can help a bit with the state of the bedroom. Hence he doesn't recall the duvet on the floor (nothing he can do about this) or the jeans (not added until his EIC). The implications of where things are can't be considered until he sees the photos. I'm re-looking at the changes and additions he makes from this perspective.
Looking at your first photo, where the right hand window is open all the way, how is it even possible that it could move all the way to the left to hit the frame. The first and second windows from the left appear to be fixed. That would make it IMPOSSIBLE for the right-hand window to hit the frame.
It must be stopped by something. He can't mean the far left window frame. It's probably just terminology. Just like his blinds aren't blinds but nets.
It must be stopped by something. He can't mean the far left window frame. It's probably just terminology. Just like his blinds aren't blinds but nets.

My other point with the pics of the window are that the first one shows that the window is not all the way to the frame of even the middle window but in the second pic it shows that it can go at least flush with the middle one, since you can't even see the frame of the "open" one. Also, yes, it's the minute detail that OP came up with after having access to the PT pics that raises my eyebrows. It seems obvious to me that by "studying" all those pics he was painting his story with too much detail.
On which side of the bed did OP sleep on 12 Feb 2013 (the previous night)?

From trial cross examination (p313)

Nel: Now have you been sleeping on the left hand side of the bed since you were injured on your shoulder?
OP: Yes, on and off. Some days when I have training it hurts. Some nights Reeva does not sleep over at my house, or did not sleep over at my place and then I would sleep in the middle of the bed, but on... during that period if I could not sleep... if Reeva was not sleeping at my house I may have slept on the right hand side, but faced the curtains. But I would not climb into bed and face away from her. So I climbed into bed on the
left and I had been sleeping on the left during that time.

From bail hearing:

13:59 PM - 20 Feb 2013 Mandy Wiener @mandywiener
#OscarPistorius Roux: You may not have seen the accused had medical patch on shoulder as he had a problem with shoulder. Botha: No I didn't.

#OscarPistorius Roux: He slept on the left side that evening because of the shoulder problem. He usually sleeps on the right side.

#OscarPistorius Roux: Reeva also spent the previous night there.
She usually sleeps on the other side and did the previous night.

I'm trying to find if any other reporters picked this up or if MW has misrepresented what Roux said. Of course, OP would say Roux has misunderstood what he told him.
My other point with the pics of the window are that the first one shows that the window is not all the way to the frame of even the middle window but in the second pic it shows that it can go at least flush with the middle one, since you can't even see the frame of the "open" one. Also, yes, it's the minute detail that OP came up with after having access to the PT pics that raises my eyebrows. It seems obvious to me that by "studying" all those pics he was painting his story with too much detail.

BBM .. remember that thing when Nel was quizzing him over and over about the thin piece of cable that went under/around the speaker? Someone here (I think it was Minor4th) said that they thought the reason why Nel was going over this was to try and ascertain just how much/closely the DT team had been looking at the photos. Pistorius seemed to know the correct answer immediately, anyway .. so it's possible that is what Nel was trying to do there, just in the same way he tricked Pistorius into immediately correcting him on something after having said he was tired, etc, and Nel was able to establish that Pistorius was nowhere near as tired as he was making out to be.
A very crucial point never brought up in court.

OP testified he was temporarily deafened by the gunshots but he never mentioned being temporarily blinded by multiple muzzle flashes.

This lends even more credence to witness and State claims that the bathroom light was ON during the shooting.

It would also be very difficult to aim the shots as closely as he did if the light was off. I am sure the light must have been on.
Barry Bateman and Mandy Wiener at the bail hearing on 22 Feb 2012.

MW: Now Gerrie Nel also made the point that they acknowledge the fact that OP was crying on the scene of the murder and that he was very emotional, but Gerrie Nel seems to suggest that he wasn’t crying because he had accidentally shot RS.

BB: Gerrie Nel – and he actually became quite – he was quite hard on the accused in this case saying that, you know, it was almost like he immediately felt remorse or felt sorry for himself afterwards. You know, he had shot this woman and now he’s suddenly realised, like, “Oh no, there goes my career. Oh no, I won’t be able to travel any more” and, you know, “I’m stuck in this position now”. So he was very tough on him saying he doesn’t believe that he’s showing remorse. The reason he was crying after the shooting is because he’s suddenly realised the depth or the gravity of what he’d actually done and he’s had to show somehow to try and get out of it”.

Now listen to OP during his trial and you’ll see how accurate the above is when Roux is talking about this and then compare OP’s demeanour when Nel starts:

To my mind this is what all the tears have been about from just after the shooting and every moment since ... not for Reeva ... for him and how he's ruined his life. It's just so obvious. Even when so many were in tears when Kim Myers was testifying, including Sam Taylor, there wasn't a single tear from him.
On 7 October 2012, less than 4 weeks prior to meeting OP, Reeva shared a photo on twitter with a quote on the photo saying “good girls love bad boys”. How prophetic.

She talked about what she thought about Valentine’s day.

“I’ve realized that although Valentine’s Day can be a cheesy money-making stint to most people, it’s a day of expressing love across the world. It doesn’t have to only be between lovers, but by telling a friend that you care, or even an old person that they are still appreciated.”

Her chilling final interview says goodbye to all 2 days before her death. I find it even harder to watch now than I did before.
DJ and bar manager Alan Taylor dated Reeva for 6 months while she was a law student and described her as a "very intelligent, beautiful person, easy on the eye as well as an amazing character. She is absolutely everything everyone says she is, and more, and the world is definitely a worse place without her. She touched many lives and was headed for stardom. It makes me sad that someone took away someone so special, so young. I’ve always regretted the way we broke up, but we did stay in touch and she helped me through a very difficult time before I left South Africa" he said.

His loving tribute to Reeva turned frigid when the talk turned to her killer. "I sincerely, with all my heart, hope justice is served long, hard and ice cold (in one of the worst prisons in the world)," he said.

This photo of Alan Taylor is from another article which repeats some of the above.


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Looking at your first photo, where the right hand window is open all the way, how is it even possible that it could move all the way to the left to hit the frame. The first and second windows from the left appear to be fixed. That would make it IMPOSSIBLE for the right-hand window to hit the frame.

This kind of window has a stop somewhere on the frame at the level of the 2nd window otherwise the first window would slide right past the second and you'd either have to risk hanging out and reaching for it to pull it back along or you'd need a ladder.
I wonder what she discovered about Reeva?

.. that's weird .. I wonder what she meant by 'corky' .. and she's applying that to both of them, i.e something about their relationship and she says it doesn't put either of them in a good light. All I could find on the Urban Dictionary was that 'corky' means a combination of cute and dorky, but I don't think she means that somehow!

Interesting ..

Edit: oh, I think she said 'quirky'!
"... also it's interesting to note that there is additional research that has been uncovered that indicates that Reeva and Oscar had more going on in a sensual/sexual(?) way that would lead us to .. down a path that might be .. hmm, I dunno .. 'quirky' perhaps is the way to say it. None of that was entered into evidence .. none of that is known to anyone and certain journalists have gotten hold of these communiques and so there's another story to be told there .. really .. and I'm not sure who or how it will be revealed because it doesn't necessarily shed the best light on either one of those parties."
"... also it's interesting to note that there is additional research that has been uncovered that indicates that Reeva and Oscar had more going on in a sensual/sexual(?) way that would lead us to .. down a path that might be .. hmm, I dunno .. 'quirky' perhaps is the way to say it. None of that was entered into evidence .. none of that is known to anyone and certain journalists have gotten hold of these communiques and so there's another story to be told there .. really .. and I'm not sure who or how it will be revealed because it doesn't necessarily shed the best light on either one of those parties."

.. she's surely not just referring to that whatsapp message where Reeva asks OP where he would like to have sex and gives three options .. the couch, the stairs, and was it the kitchen counter (I forget now?) .. and OP answers 'the couch'?
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