Post sentencing discussion

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I was trying to dig out some insights into REAL LIFE in SA prisons. Strangely enough if you google 70% percent of results is related to . . guess who . . Oscar, quite annoying. So far there is also little to be found from NGOs or other independent sources.

So here is a mix for the ones interested.

An encouraging story of a SA prisoner who managed to transform and became a musician.

Filmed in a Johannesburg prison 2012 with lots of prisoners statements. (though one guy has a strange view on "clapping women" only being a problem for ex-prisoners).

This one is REALLY AMAZING . . about YOGA classes in Pollsmoor 2013. If you believe in the possibility of transformation, you should have a look. It's touching to watch and listen to these guys.
This is the organization behind the project, very good work and good thoughts. Very inspiring.
They're all as bad as each other, quite honestly :-/

Agree, I'm afraid you are right. And as Mr Happy pointed out . . already past his prime. It was just this money milking greediness that angered me. I can find lots and lots of better stuff for him to do in prison than pondering about his career as a runner.
So glad to hear you are continuing with this, Mr Fossil.

Here's a sketch of what I'm thinking. It's not finished but I'd like to invite discussion sooner rather than later. If I've missed something vital that completely undermines it, I'd rather know now and divert my efforts! Equally, it still needs some refining so I'm hoping a bit of 'crowd sleuthing' will speed this up!

Witness testimony analysis 2

Some key points and assumptions it makes:

1. The earlier sounds that the Stipps hear are Reeva slamming the toilet door three times as she struggles with OP to close and lock it (see below)
2. The Stipps see the bathroom light is on at this point. This is damning to OP's version.
3. The Johnson call time is wrong. Burger's phone is fast (see below). The police could prove this but perhaps didn't recognise the need to
4. Burger and Johnson hear OP mimic Reeva's cries for help (mocking, sounded embarrassed). They don't hear his later shout for help because they have come inside and are talking
5. The trigger for OP firing the gun is the loud click made by an iPhone 4 when you enter your Passcode (thanks to Nick van der Leek and Lisa Salinger for this) because she is going to call the police
6. OP uses the bat after the gun, as he says
7. Nobody hears the cricket bat striking the door (the Stipps have also come inside to await Security and are talking)
8. Dr Stipp sees OP moving in the bathroom at a time OP says he is

I'm out this evening so may not have time to discuss anything until either later (UK time) or tomorrow.

The phone usage argument remains unchanged, although the precise logistics for the argument that EvdM hears on and off for an hour may change. The argument fits better if it is on the front side of OP's house (e.g. nearest EvdM) for her, and only her, to hear it. The fact that the security guards miss it is irrelevant as it's intermittent. She only hears Reeva because OP is keeping his voice down but Reeva isn't. She's confronting him. I'm wondering if the open door may relate to this period ... but would OP be downstairs on his stumps? The barging of the bedroom door follows when Reeva runs upstairs (with his phone?) and locks the bedroom door before running to the bathroom after he pushes it open.

A couple of other points:

Toilet door slamming

I think OP was convincing when he argued that Reeva wouldn't have answered him when she was in the toilet because she was scared. He points Nel to a previous episode in her life. In his version, she wouldn't know what was happening outside the toilet and wouldn't have risked giving herself away. I think that is totally plausible (even though Nel doesn't). But what is not therefore plausible in this version is Reeva slamming the door after he has been screaming and shouting: she would have closed it quietly. It was this that put me on to thinking about door slams being what the Stipps heard. Does OP use real events: the door slamming, pulling on the handle, barging the door, but in a different context?

Johnson call time

Johnson provided the time in his statement from the phone itself and subsequently voiced his concerns to Roux about its accuracy by asking where the reference to times was taken from.

Roux: We have the time
Johnson: M’lady, can I ask the reference to the times, were they taken from my statement or were they taken from a central time server which I would assume the cell phone provider would have available?
Roux: Mr Johnson, I’m curious about it, because you explain to us, and we know your cell phone data, we know that’s the central data, we know you put it in your statement. You know you would not lie to the policeman and say it was 3:16 and the duration 58 seconds. You said to us that you checked it. That’s why I’m saying to you, and we received ... let me help you, we received from the police the time calls were made by the accused. The exact time calls.
Johnson: Thank you

The exact times calls were made by the accused?! How does this help? Johnson has been duped by Roux into believing the time of his call has been verified but it was never corroborated against any other objective evidence (Strubenkop call log or the cell phone provider's records).
Just voted then - must admit I'm surprised at the way the votes are falling. No offence but I thought you'd made a typo with the balance of 'Yes' vs 'No'. I thought it would be the opposite.

Oh, it's one of those polls where you can just keep on voting every time you visit the page .. my guess is that the Pistorians have been hard at work ;-)
Oh, it's one of those polls where you can just keep on voting every time you visit the page .. my guess is that the Pistorians have been hard at work ;-)

Aha - thanks. I suspect you may be right re the Pistorians. Ah well, while they are all there voting 'No', 'No', 'No' they can't be causing mischief elsewhere and being stripped of an honorary degree is probably low on his list of things to worry about right now.
Robyn Curnow ?@RobynCurnowCNN Oct 21
Prison official to CNN: #oscarpistorius is a 'B' group prisoner. Only allowed 2 no-contact visits during a weekend and 45 over the year.
Robyn Curnow ?@RobynCurnowCNN Oct 21
Prison official to CNN: #oscarpistorius is a 'B' group prisoner. Only allowed 2 no-contact visits during a weekend and 45 over the year.

He surely doesn't want to waste those on Van Zyl does he? :confused:
Oh, I'm so glad you were still onboard to see my questions. Thank you so much for your helpful response. I love the way you expanded your answers, teaching me other interesting things about SA.

I'm pushed for time right now, but first thing tomorrow I'll try to backtrack to find the link where I believe I saw the puzzling word "presenter."

Hope to see you here tomorrow.

Welcome, always happy to help. I'll be around today :)
He surely doesn't want to waste those on Van Zyl does he? :confused:

Even though he's not going to be subjected to it for nearly long enough IMO he is going to hate and resent all the rules and being ordered about. Getting told when to get up, eat, shower, go to sleep etc - the whole regimentation of prison life is going to be hard for him to adapt too, at least at first. He's used to being regimented, but on his terms not some warden's.
His supporters are all freaking out about that at CP's twitter account. He'll just have to be good won't he so he gets bumped up to the group A category.
BIB- Ooh, chocolate if he's bumped up! His previous diet of energy drinks and coffee sounded quite unhealthy, so prison food might actually be better for him. As for his supporters 'freaking out' because he can only have 2 visitors at weekends, they should be celebrating his 10-month sentence, not whining about visiting hours.
BIB- Ooh, chocolate if he's bumped up! His previous diet of energy drinks and coffee sounded quite unhealthy, so prison food might actually be better for him. As for his supporters 'freaking out' because he can only have 2 visitors at weekends, they should be celebrating his 10-month sentence, not whining about visiting hours.

BIB . The "they" are the same 20plus superfans/groupies that have been tweeting their unconditional support since the trial started. Even Carl must realise what a tiny, dwindling handful of supporters his brother has.

And all the "Oscar cries himself to sleep" stuff is probably just more PR spin. We'll start to hear more and more after the first visits this weekend.
Because of the 10 months joke sentence they need to make it look as he is really suffering. Uncle Arnie was looking forward, even on the court steps after sentence, to his nephew's "Restoration" . So they are planning for the future. Let's hope an appeal announcement kicks their long-game-strategy out of the park.
BIB- Ooh, chocolate if he's bumped up! His previous diet of energy drinks and coffee sounded quite unhealthy, so prison food might actually be better for him. As for his supporters 'freaking out' because he can only have 2 visitors at weekends, they should be celebrating his 10-month sentence, not whining about visiting hours.

You are SO right ! I am also very uncomfortable with the fact that they don't waist a thought on other prisoners and appreciate he is already treated different from the usual ' non celeb' offender. Which in a way I'm ok with as I don't find pleasure in seeing him suffer.

One of the things that attracted me to this forum was that people - despite anger, disgust, outrage, etc - still looked at OP as a human being, a very faulty and mislead one with despicable attitudes and behaviour. But I never saw any hatred poured over him.
One of the things that attracted me to this forum was that people - despite anger, disgust, outrage, etc - still looked at OP as a human being, a very faulty and mislead one with despicable attitudes and behaviour. But I never saw any hatred poured over him.

Errr ... I don't think Lux likes him very much. :giggle:
OP’s agent, Peet van Zy,l says he's seeking a meeting with him in prison in the next few days to discuss his running future. South Africa's Olympic committee says OP is ineligible to compete for five years.

He said that lawyers will meet with OP in prison on Friday, after which it will become clearer when Van Zyl and OP’s track coach, Ampie Louw, can talk to him about his career.

The only thing Peet and Ampie can tell him about his career is that it’s over, finito.

I didn't like that last line of the article: "....Reddy, the chief executive of the Olympic committee, conceded the "legalities" of Pistorius' position might have to be investigated if the department of corrections allowed him to return to work while under house arrest."

What would the "legalities of Pistorius' position" be?

Hopefully the IOC will ban him for 5 yrs too.
Here's a sketch of what I'm thinking. It's not finished but I'd like to invite discussion sooner rather than later. If I've missed something vital that completely undermines it, I'd rather know now and divert my efforts! Equally, it still needs some refining so I'm hoping a bit of 'crowd sleuthing' will speed this up!

Witness testimony analysis 2

Some key points and assumptions it makes:

1. The earlier sounds that the Stipps hear are Reeva slamming the toilet door three times as she struggles with OP to close and lock it (see below)
2. The Stipps see the bathroom light is on at this point. This is damning to OP's version.
3. The Johnson call time is wrong. Burger's phone is fast (see below). The police could prove this but perhaps didn't recognise the need to
4. Burger and Johnson hear OP mimic Reeva's cries for help (mocking, sounded embarrassed). They don't hear his later shout for help because they have come inside and are talking
5. The trigger for OP firing the gun is the loud click made by an iPhone 4 when you enter your Passcode (thanks to Nick van der Leek and Lisa Salinger for this) because she is going to call the police
6. OP uses the bat after the gun, as he says
7. Nobody hears the cricket bat striking the door (the Stipps have also come inside to await Security and are talking)
8. Dr Stipp sees OP moving in the bathroom at a time OP says he is

I'm out this evening so may not have time to discuss anything until either later (UK time) or tomorrow.

The phone usage argument remains unchanged, although the precise logistics for the argument that EvdM hears on and off for an hour may change. The argument fits better if it is on the front side of OP's house (e.g. nearest EvdM) for her, and only her, to hear it. The fact that the security guards miss it is irrelevant as it's intermittent. She only hears Reeva because OP is keeping his voice down but Reeva isn't. She's confronting him. I'm wondering if the open door may relate to this period ... but would OP be downstairs on his stumps? The barging of the bedroom door follows when Reeva runs upstairs (with his phone?) and locks the bedroom door before running to the bathroom after he pushes it open.

A couple of other points:

Toilet door slamming

I think OP was convincing when he argued that Reeva wouldn't have answered him when she was in the toilet because she was scared. He points Nel to a previous episode in her life. In his version, she wouldn't know what was happening outside the toilet and wouldn't have risked giving herself away. I think that is totally plausible (even though Nel doesn't). But what is not therefore plausible in this version is Reeva slamming the door after he has been screaming and shouting: she would have closed it quietly. It was this that put me on to thinking about door slams being what the Stipps heard. Does OP use real events: the door slamming, pulling on the handle, barging the door, but in a different context?

Johnson call time

Johnson provided the time in his statement from the phone itself and subsequently voiced his concerns to Roux about its accuracy by asking where the reference to times was taken from.

Roux: We have the time
Johnson: M’lady, can I ask the reference to the times, were they taken from my statement or were they taken from a central time server which I would assume the cell phone provider would have available?
Roux: Mr Johnson, I’m curious about it, because you explain to us, and we know your cell phone data, we know that’s the central data, we know you put it in your statement. You know you would not lie to the policeman and say it was 3:16 and the duration 58 seconds. You said to us that you checked it. That’s why I’m saying to you, and we received ... let me help you, we received from the police the time calls were made by the accused. The exact time calls.
Johnson: Thank you

The exact times calls were made by the accused?! How does this help? Johnson has been duped by Roux into believing the time of his call has been verified but it was never corroborated against any other objective evidence (Strubenkop call log or the cell phone provider's records).

Thank you Mr. F - very thought provoking! And thank you for ALL your insight, time & analyst with regards to this trial, so helpful. Much appreciated.

I am still absorbing the new "tweaks" to your original thoughts on the above. But would like to specifically ask at this time a question with regards to the call logs & Mr. Johnson. Suggesting Roux was actually using "the accused" version of times to support the "exact time of the calls". But how would Nel ever allow that?

Would a seasoned prosecutor like Nel allow something so key as the official time of every call made, received, etc to be based on "the accused"? Wouldn't Nel make sure the times were validated through cell phone providers & Strubenkop call logs, etc?

I understand that the verbiage Roux uses with Mr.Johnson is very suspect & could be interpreted as that. Perhaps he is just saying.."we received from the police . . . . the time the calls were made by accused". Not that the accused provided them. The whole thing sounds weird, because Mr. Johnson is asking about the acurracy of the calls HE MADE. So you're correct, why would Roux even mention "the accused" call records from police? Mr Johnson didn't call the accused on his phone.

It's just hard to even imagine that Nel would let something as important as this slide.
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