Post verdict discussions #2

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Not really directed at you but, Does this also apply to the Womans Day interview of Frost??

Did nothing wrong other than finding herself working with a clam, but I'd bet this magazine paid her for her words.

I don't think ANYONE should profit from GBC murdering Allison. Why on earth should anybody make money off Allison dying? It's immoral IMO.

If Jocelyn Frost did take money (which we all suspect she did), hopefully she donates it to Allison's daughters. But I'm not holding my breath.
Not really directed at you but, Does this also apply to the Womans Day interview of Frost??

Did nothing wrong other than finding herself working with a clam, but I'd bet this magazine paid her for her words.

I guess so .....
My thoughts on Frost are that as soon as she could get away from GBC she did. She even 'tricked' him out of getting her money ( outfoxed the fox ?) I don't know her from a bar of soap but I think her morals are probably higher than TMcH. Perhaps she has donated the money to the children's fund. It's something we will probably never know. And really maybe TMcH has donated anonymously as well, we'll never know that either.
Thank-you for the link.
I have GBC's records, but I cant identify TMH phone.
On the list there is the #'s of others which I can reference, but I didn't see TMH's.
Does it end in 74? (If anyone knows from other documents we have)

I believe the number ends 3114, will try and find another link from WS.
Thank-you for the link.
I have GBC's records, but I cant identify TMH phone.
On the list there is the #'s of others which I can reference, but I didn't see TMH's.
Does it end in 74? (If anyone knows from other documents we have)

I think it ends in 114.....
“@TheMurrayD: I have a launch date for my book, 'The Murder of Allison Baden-Clay'. December 1 with @randomhouseau #badenclay”

“@TheMurrayD: My book, 'The Murder of Allison Baden-Clay', on the @randomhouseau website here: #badenclay”

Speaking of cashing in... I hope some of the proceeds go to Alison's family....
A big Thank-you for the help with the phone numbers Pi Thoughts and Timmy - Cheers.
I really appreciate your thoughtful and detailed post; also that of Tigerlily75 a while back and Susan 12. It seems like I am the only one getting a hard time for my thoughts on the negative posts about TM though! But a big thank you ... I appreciate reading your unbiased and compassionate posts.

I know I'm risking stones being thrown my way here (ducks) :thinking:... However, since much of the media attention (and attention here) is on TM driving GBC to murder and having to admit she played a role in it... I don't agree.

I don't say she's smart, gifted, talented, funny, "Better than Allison" etc. Rather, I think she was fairly vulnerable and susceptible to GBC, as many other women seemed to be, and with the help of his manipulation was able to foresee a future with him. Even if she “started” the affair this implies that GBC gets out of blame for the affair. He was the married person (as I understood it, TM wasn't married but had a "partner" where the relationship was dissolving) and he's the one who's broken his vows. At least TM left her partner/husband when she realised it wasn’t working.

If this wasn't a murder trial, and GBC had divorced Allison years ago and married TM (as TM expected), how much mud would we sling TM's way? None, because there wouldn't have been a murder. A murder that was committed by GBC - let's not forget how unfathomable an act this is, what sort of person it would take to physically do what he did, how shocked people around him were when Allison went missing. I think it's important to keep an eye on the real devil here - GBC. By blaming TM, are we joining in with all those in the past who have given him leniency? Think of his friends who perhaps thought, "Oh, I'll lend him the money, he's in trouble but it's not totally his fault, so, OK". He's an expert at blaming anyone but him. I think all of GBC's actions are entirely his fault and his failure to see this led to what happened.

On the other hand, why do we romanticize and even adore "famous couples" who came together when the husband married his mistress? I'm thinking Bogart & Bacall, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward... these famous men cheated on their wives with these women ("Bogart was still miserably married and his early meetings with Bacall were discreet and brief, their separations bridged by ardent love letters" - his Wiki entry) and left behind their children and shocked first wives. Johnny Cash, his wife and June Carter also come to mind. Even Angelina Jolie is now being cut some slack for “breaking up” Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston (I thought, “It was his decision.”) Before he died, some reporter asked Paul Newman to give up the secrets to his long, happy marriage. They didn't ask him about the part in the beginning where he kept promising he'd marry Joanne, then changed his mind, and it went on for ages and in frustration Joanne almost married Gore Vidal instead. (Gore at that point identifying himself as bisexual.)

I'm referencing famed Hollywood stars, who are after all just people with faults, traits and a tendency to cheat (at least at some point in their lives). So why do we condemn the woman when the man is the one committing adultery? And in the case of GBC and TM, GBC not only cheated but committed murder. IMO, there's only one person to blame for Allison's death: Gerard Baden-Clay. I admit I'm not fond of the BC family either, from what I've heard, but I wouldn't attack them on the street - because I can't say for sure what level of involvement they had, and it must be horrifying to learn your son's a murderer. In a lot of cases like this, the parents don't even really BELIEVE what their child has done until a good decade or two after the murder. And that’s in cases where the parents seem to be decent people who did a good job of raising their child, who would later go on to murder someone.

As to sisterhood, I feel like women need to stop condemning other women so much. Perhaps this has all touched a raw nerve, I don't know. But an example close to my heart: my best friend of 20 years - since early high school - recently married a man who was cheating on her with his ex. She found out and they broke up for nine months, then got back together. I knew for a fact that he was still cheating on my friend with multiple others and made the mistake of telling her. Surely, I thought, after 20 years of solid friendship she has the right to know about this. Instead, she started cutting me and all of her female friends out of her life. Towards the end, she spoke with panic over any female he worked with as a b**** who would probably "steal" him. I kept thinking, "How do you steal a person? He's doing all the cheating." He is a cop, by the way, and you can't imagine the reaction she had when he was assigned a female partner. Without even knowing a thing about this female partner apart from stalking her facebook page, my ex-friend decided she was the devil. This woman was going to "take" my friend’s husband. She went on a witch-hunt over this woman for about six months. Finding nothing, she still continues to hate her and any female that could be part of his world. She is now still married to him, her only friends are his family, she turns a blind eye to his cheating, blames random women for trying to "steal" him, and is bringing up a baby more or less alone as he "works late".

And this is a woman who I never, EVER thought would shoot the messenger.
Speaking of cashing in... I hope some of the proceeds go to Alison's family....

With regards to @TheMurrayD book, perhaps someone who 'tweets' could tweet him and ask if anything will be donated to the family from the sale of the books. I follow him on twitter but I have no idea how to tweet ! :(
With regards to @TheMurrayD book, perhaps someone who 'tweets' could tweet him and ask if anything will be donated to the family from the sale of the books. I follow him on twitter but I have no idea how to tweet ! :(

Just type @TheMurrayD and then your question and press tweet :)

I would but my twitter is in my name and real life photo :)

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THe world knows that TM is not the first person on this planet to fall for a married man...


I'm pretty sure the world knows GBC was responsible for Allison's murder, as the world knows TM was the mistress of a 3yr affair with GBC.
Completely Agree with you WWGY and;

let's see if TM has it in her : some morals, to make some amends, the character - however she described herself... on national television thus international media...

Eventually, this will be public knowledge one way or another.

TM's ex-partner, and their twin boys aged 16, probably know the answer today without needing to ask TM.
(Respectfully snipped by me)

It's all well and good to say if it wasn't her it would have been somebody else. I think it's fair to put the shoe on the other foot - if it wasn't GBC I have no doubt TMcH would have hooked up with somebody else.

I also would like to know how much from that interview she donated to the Dickies. I'm sure the Dickies would decline her donation but that's for them to decide. Or TMcH could donate anonymously to the children's fund if she had any conscience AT ALL !!
Just type @TheMurrayD and then your question and press tweet :)

I would but my twitter is in my name and real life photo :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you but I stupidly used identifying details when I signed up as well ! What was I thinking :(
Hi bajas

I tell my children : just because everyone/majority do it or think it or all say it - doesn't make it ok...

The loudest person in the room isn't the smartest, or funniest, etc, etc, etc.

More money doesn't equate to decent person.

Comes from the such-and-such family certainly doesn't equate to decency guaranteed...,

Big car doesn't equate to...

and the list goes on.

THe world knows that TM is not the first person on this planet to fall for a married man...
Ok so I've removed a whole bunch of posts.

We do NOT at all allow sleuthing or questioning of other members.

That is against TOS to do so.
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