Post verdict discussions #2

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Ollijack, thank you, the children are the first and foremost, if TM's kids are doing well and TM is getting support then I am genuinely glad that this is not affecting them to the point their lives are ruined and miserable, sadly for Allison, her 3 girls and the entire Dickie clan, they will never get that opportunity.. I do not not hate TM, I actually wrote a post a few days before he interview stating I thought the paid interview was teh smartest thing she had done through all this , I felt the whole ordeal would of affected her livelihood and this would filter down to her boys.. I have no ill feelings towards Bajas either , as I can see she has a very close connection with TM's boys through her own son, so it is understandable, but, Im making a point that it was the decisions of 2 adults that affected forever the lives of 5 children.

I dont appreciate being referred to as a hater though, if someone had read all my posts, I have called a spade a spade, at time humour heals pain, and to be honest, anyone caught in situations like that, would get flak, how many celebrities get caught with their pants down and get humiliated, sadly, TM is experiencing her share seeing the man she was having " a loving and caring relationship with" murdered his wife so he could clean up hid finances and move on with TM..

It is what it is..
I GUARANTEE the GBC clan will have a totally different view to people on here as well...Not that anyone would give a toss about them....

I do give a toss about them . They are human too and their son and brothers crime has impacted them hugely!! I am sure there is much suspicion and speculation said about them that is incorrect. Some may be correct but they have to live with that and they will feel judged completely. Maybe their parenting way and family pride has caused this fall in their family but we don't know that.
My prayer is that GBC will sit down and realize the impact he has had on so many people and attempt to mend his ways. It's sad that one man's selfishness could impact so many people from one end of QLD to the other!!!

I am sorry, but I do not, not after they denigrated poor Allison making out she was a terrible mother who could not get off the couch!!!!

His sister smiling away and having no care , NONE of them helped search for Allison!!! WHY!!!

The parents being total ASSHATS and pashing in front of the media while their daughter in law was dead in mud , cast under a bridge like a bit of rubbish..

They made their own bed and they showed no regard for anyone else's pain except THEM..

A lot of people here, will agree with this, but if this is how the discussion is going to go, not everyone is going through the PITY stage, then I will be opting out now as I have no pity for people who put themselves in the position they are in now, and I do not for one second have a single care for the GBC " BWANA" clan after they tried to portray Allison as a useless depressed mother who did nothing but vomit in cars and sleep on the couch!!!

I really hope her friends and parents do not read all this sympathy for the people who did not give a damn, did not help look for her and ultimately denigrated her when she is not here to defend herself.

I believe the Dickies and Allison's friends, and I found their interviews far more interesting than anyone else crying for themselves..

RIP Allison, and I will make sure I keep spreading the word for donations for your beautiful girls through the trust account, seeing she cant get the big buckd for them having interviews from the grave...
Amatteroftime....good lord, you aren't a hater! isn't that a funny expression? You know there are more kids
affected too. Olivia's, Allison's sister and brothers kids. I guess Adams, though young, what an awful thing to
grow up knowing their uncle is a cold blooded murderer. Allison's friends kids and the girls school friends, the list
goes on. He is beyond words....gutless creep. :juggling: Gerard juggling his balls....hehehe
Thanks for your replies to my post. I wasn't going to say anything but my son read a few of the posts about TM and he was shocked and upset to read these comments about his best friends' mum, whom he happens to know as well. I am pleased Todd Fuller gave TM dignity in his summing up. She fell for the BC product and she fell hard is what he said but she also gave him an out but he didn't leave her alone. I have been victim to someone like GBC, a manipulative, lying, conman who caused me endless grief but everyone believed him. He got me at a time in my life when I happened to be vulnerable and he just didn't leave me alone and it is extremely difficult to get away from these types of people. I have had protection orders against him for 5years now, have moved countries and have a secret address and he still doesn't leave me alone. It must be even harder if you completely completely in love with someone and have no idea what a dangerous person you have fallen for which is what happened to TM. GBC is responsible for his wife's murder and destroying the lives of those who loved him. Let's not lose sight of this fact.
Oh and BTW, I never said anyone was a hater...I said the comments that were being written about TM were hate-filled /hateful which they were. There is a difference.
I think we as a society, need to put the blame where it belongs, squarely in GBC's court as he alone is the one guilty of murdering his wife, guilty of destroying the lives of everyone in his family, Allison's family and TM and her family, to a degree, as well.
I doubt that TM will ever forgive herself for the part she has had in this.
I am sorry, but I do not, not after they denigrated poor Allison making out she was a terrible mother who could not get off the couch!!!!

His sister smiling away and having no care , NONE of them helped search for Allison!!! WHY!!!

The parents being total ASSHATS and pashing in front of the media while their daughter in law was dead in mud , cast under a bridge like a bit of rubbish..

They made their own bed and they showed no regard for anyone else's pain except THEM..

A lot of people here, will agree with this, but if this is how the discussion is going to go, not everyone is going through the PITY stage, then I will be opting out now as I have no pity for people who put themselves in the position they are in now, and I do not for one second have a single care for the GBC " BWANA" clan after they tried to portray Allison as a useless depressed mother who did nothing but vomit in cars and sleep on the couch!!!

I really hope her friends and parents do not read all this sympathy for the people who did not give a damn, did not help look for her and ultimately denigrated her when she is not here to defend herself.

I believe the Dickies and Allison's friends, and I found their interviews far more interesting than anyone else crying for themselves..

RIP Allison, and I will make sure I keep spreading the word for donations for your beautiful girls through the trust account, seeing she cant get the big buckd for them having interviews from the grave...

Amatteroftime.....thankyou for writing that....agree with all my heart....they had choices all the way...yes, support your loved one but have some morals and use your brains.
Allison was their family, they have been hard and callous. Oh yes they chose and now they have to live with their choices.
In a post on my facebook page, an acquaintance of the BCs asked not to paint them all with the same brush (or whatever the saying is). While I can understand their position in supporting their son and can even commend them for that, i think there's a difference in supporting someone and actively assisting someone, even if it's only by testifying that he was married to a dead weight. (sorry wrong choice of words)

With TM yes I understand that she was a woman who thought she'd found her soul mate and was led on by an expert manipulator for years, but I don't see how her current behaviour (ie interview) is helping her and her children put it all behind her and move forward. Before the interview she had some anonymity with her new name and her difference in appearance, now she's put herself back out there.
I am unsure how anyone can expect GBC's family to suddenly stop loving him because he was found guilty of this crime, also he probably has convinced them (mum, sister and brother) that he is innocent although I suspect his father knows exactly what happened but I am still left wondering why his mother didn't give evidence during the trial..
I am unsure how anyone can expect GBC's family to suddenly stop loving him because he was found guilty of this crime, also he probably has convinced them (mum, sister and brother) that he is innocent although I suspect his father knows exactly what happened but I am still left wondering why his mother didn't give evidence during the trial..

Karo, that's the last thing people expect, why the family are disliked, well its taken two years of them being scornful of Allison, speaking untruths at the trial and showing their contempt of Allison family. Yes they are disliked very much and this is a pro Allison page. They are hard to stomach IMO.
Hey did everyone also notice TM say that she liked Gerard before he was aware of his feelings or similar?

Does that mean she initiated it?

That's not nice. Whatever happened to a little sisterhood?

I agree re the sisterhood, but I don't believe for a second that he didn't sleaze onto her from the first moment he met her selling her house all that time ago. Maybe she didn't know whether or not he was serious about taking it further or not and that is what she meant - but he would have sleazed onto her from day one (ick).
I agree re the sisterhood, but I don't believe for a second that he didn't sleaze onto her from the first moment he met her selling her house all that time ago. Maybe she didn't know whether or not he was serious about taking it further or not and that is what she meant - but he would have sleazed onto her from day one (ick).

Oh ROFL....I can see him as a plump amoeba in the mustard BLAZER.....hehehe....sleazing onto her...:happydance:
I think along those lines a lot, I can not imagine what her husband must of been thinking ( relief ) when all this came to light. She admitted to being attracted to him for a year before anything happened, she admits to being attracted to him before he was... Imagine what her kids and ex-husband feel now, thinking back, her poor ex husband, he must be thinking about all this and just realised that she had been emotionally unfaithful for over a year and then started the physical side, all behind his back, and sacrificing time away from her young kids ( in 2008 when it started they were around 10 ).

Nice thought to think back to when your wife said she was working back, so you look after the kids, do all the chores, probably make her dinner for later and then find out down the track she was banging her boss in the bush...

I have to say, after hearing her last night, it just resonated complete delusion and selfishness, to think you are in a loving, caring relationship as the mistress just goes to show what a bimbo she was...

These are not people in their 20's, bunch of grubs, and in the BUSH!!! That's not even *advertiser censored*, sounds homeless and dirty or like a David Attenborough doc about " when animals fornicate in the wild " ...

Well now I have gone and done it, I have a visual now, best go and have a stiff drink and go to a happy place so I can sleep tonight...

Night night all, and apologies for the very bad visual, horrible hehe

David Attenborough! :laughing: omg that's awesome.
Oh ROFL....I can see him as a plump amoeba in the mustard BLAZER.....hehehe....sleazing onto her...:happydance:

Lol I know olli - "sleaze" was such an "in" word when I was a teenager and we were describing revolting boys who were too friendly shall we say - it is so appropriate for GBC in my opinion!
I am unsure how anyone can expect GBC's family to suddenly stop loving him because he was found guilty of this crime, also he probably has convinced them (mum, sister and brother) that he is innocent although I suspect his father knows exactly what happened but I am still left wondering why his mother didn't give evidence during the trial..

That in itself says they can not even be honest with each other, if the father knew ( we all think this i feel) then there are layers of deception with them, does not give them the right to speak of Allison in a disgusting manner just to try and make their son look better, I hope to god Allison's kids never hear the foul things they spoke about Allison, I just find his whole family a bunch of self righteous nasty spiteful liars and no one will change my mind
Gerard Baden-Clay used the "invisible leash" to control Allison and the children, the other people in his life either wanted to be impressed or were still actually deceived.
I think the mistress Toni McHugh was manipulative and is now in denial, as she could easily have met the same fate as Allison. They all underestimated him. :sigh:
Karo, that's the last thing people expect, why the family are disliked, well its taken two years of them being scornful of Allison, speaking untruths at the trial and showing their contempt of Allison family. Yes they are disliked very much and this is a pro Allison page. They are hard to stomach IMO.

BIB. There are varying opinions about TMcH's role in Allison's distress and different moral values. Moralising isn't going to change or lighten what has happened to Allison and her 3 little girls.

TMcH had a choice. She knew he was married with a family. She joined GBC in undermining Allison IMO because she fell for his stories. She competed for GBC against Allison behind her back. She was as much of the affair as was he, drew him in, made herself available for sex with him. She wanted to be Mrs Baden-Clay. In this sense she bought the BC product. She deluded herself into believing she had a normal, loving relationship with him. She was critical of Allison calling her 'a lady of leisure' etc. She consented to having sex in her lover's own marital home when his wife and children were away. She had a choice not to do that. It was Allison's private home. It was the children's private home. Some might have refused to have sex in the other's current marital home. This act by TMcH demonstrated that she participated with GBC in a contemptuous violation of normal boundaries IMO. It wasn't just her twisted version of 'unconditional love for him'; it was also her joining him in undermining Allison IMO. She criticized the decor of the home assuming Allison was at fault, but only added fuel to the fire. TMcH was in this relationship for herself, her own self-centered needs.

His promises to leave his wife failed to eventuate. She found herself still being the mistress on the side after nearly four years. She wanted a commitment from him. He gave her a commitment to be separated by 1st July 2012. Then on 18th April she discovered that he failed to tell her that Allison would be at the Real Estate conference the next day. This news both distressed and confused her about their relationship. She wanted clarity. She wanted a direction forward. She emotionally pressured him that evening; she demanded that he tell Allison that she would also be at the same conference, possibly hoping to precipitate a crisis which would end the marriage. TMcH's motive was their relationship IMO.

However, GBC had different motives. He didn't love his wife, he didn't want to be married and had insurmountable business/financial pressures at that moment. He had said "I love you, now leave it to me". TMcH was not to know about the multiple business/financial pressures in his life at that time because had GBC deceived her too. As far as we know, she had no knowledge that he planned to murder his wife.

However, after hearing that Allison was missing, she quickly deleted text/email messages, but fortunately, the police were able to recover some. This action of hers shows awareness that something serious had happened, she may be implicated and there may be repercussions. She continued to secretly converse with GBC, facilitated by his parents and by use of public phones. She still met with him after Allison was missing despite there being a big, public search going on for Allison. She commented to her ex-husband about the killer taking Rafting Ground Road to avoid being seen, etc. So, IMO there was a consciousness of 'foul play' floating around in her mind, yet she continued to meet with the potential murderer. Was this denial?

I accept Supt. M. Ainsworth's statement that TMcH was not involved in Allison's murder because the police had investigated this and they are in a better position to know than I am.

However, in my opinion TMcH had a choice during those 4 years. The affair blossomed into a 'normal, loving relationship' in her mind, so much so that she wanted to be Mrs Baden Clay. However, as we know this was far removed from the reality. She disregarded the fact that he was already married and with a family, she 'chose' to continue in relationship with this man, it seems with the knowledge and consent of the clan, thereby undermining the marriage and family further, adding private mental/emotional distress for Allison, for the staff who knew, for the community members who knew and all because she wanted him for herself. Does she share some responsibility in this?

My opinion only.
I agree re the sisterhood, but I don't believe for a second that he didn't sleaze onto her from the first moment he met her selling her house all that time ago. Maybe she didn't know whether or not he was serious about taking it further or not and that is what she meant - but he would have sleazed onto her from day one (ick).

I read somewhere that when she started working there she was happily in a relationship raising her twin sons. So there was hope for that relationship but she lost site of that after being drawn into GBC's web. It's always a mistake for a male/female in relationships to counsel re the problems in their relationships. GBC would have been better off selling houses and leaving the counseling of Toni to Mrs Frost!! In a counseling setting what he did was way out of line. He had an ulterior motive and of course he was going to agree with her that her relationship was crap and visa versa. Because that would give them a legit reason to form a relationship. Less guilt and more moral in their eyes.
Allison would have had umpteen opportunities to enter an extra-marital relationship, I've no doubt. She was pretty, vivacious, warm, sexy, funny, interesting and thousands of men would have been proud to be seen with her. Allison didn't stoop to affairs, no, she put her entire self - which was considerable - into creating a home, life and future for her children, husband and self. To the end, Allison was trying to fix her marriage, despite she'd been in crushing emotional pain for years

TM wasn't even in the same league as Allison imo, not even close. Difficult to keep a marriage together when a predator is stalking your husband while you're busy raising three children and getting your own career on track again and TM was a shark, in my opinion - not worthy of being described as a woman. TM was a shark and I have no sympathy for her

Oh, and it's easy to have nice underwear for trysts with your married boyfriend when he's paying you $100,000 a year. Poor Allison was forced to live on a pittance and I'm sure any money GBC did contribute to his family would have been spent by Allison on a few nice things for GBC's daughters, rather than herself. TM took money from her married boyfriend. She slept in his wife's home. TM has no shame - she wouldn't even understand the word

The interview with TM was just more of her self-serving drivel. GBC chased anything in a skirt, anything with a dollar to their name. Dozens of women saw through him and walked away. TM clung like a barnacle and was determined to have GBC regardless of the cost to anyone else

If TM had a gram of decency or womanliness, she would have signed her 'fee' over to Allison's daughters' trust before she sold her tale. She is 50% at least of the reason Allisons' daughters do not have a mother

TM is utterly shameless to the end and in my opinion is GBC's evil twin; both ruthless, self-absorbed, self-servers

I have all the sympathy in the world for Allisons' daughters, parents, friends and siblings. But I wouldn't pour a cup of water over TM if she were on fire and I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not. I speak from the heart. TM should have been sentenced to five years for wilful interference, imo, instead of being paid to speak where her enemy -- and TM made Allison her enemy and fought her like an enemy -- is unable to speak or defend herself against ghouls like TM
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