Post verdict discussions #2

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What the? Yet another local case with chilling similarities. Like the Leanne Sleba case, so many unanswered questions and no justice it seems.
Hey Tangled_Web - we have a thread about the case you linked here - it's worth a look, especially as followers of Allison's case will see some glaring similarlities.
With respect...I feel for TM's boys too, but obviously TM didn't, otherwise she would have thought twice about succumbing to chequebook journalism and putting her face (thank you Makeup Dept - a little too much IMO) and victim story in front of 1.4 ml people nationally. The segment was obviously recorded prior to the verdict. The motive? "He owes me!" Hell hath no fury....

Recorded prior to the verdict - yet she clearly believed he was guilty. The way she spoke I almost thought it was after the verdict, but I'm sure it wasn't.
Sorry cannot do it - my stomach is just not strong enough I'm still queasy from what I saw last night - yuk and just yuk to listen to anymore of her fake, poor me and its not my fault - totally delusional just like her relationship with GBC NOT REAL NOT BASED ON REALITY - imo she is responsible for Al's death all the little jigsaw pieces have to fit and she was one of the pieces <modsnip> IYKWIM!

I actually read her a different way to a lot of others. I don't think she was fake, poor her or trying to get sympathy. I think she was genuinely sad about the situation and trying to hold back the tears (rather than generate them like GBC). I think she accepted a lot of things and a lot of her role, I think the parts she didn't accept were for different reasons than it may seem which I'll get to.

I think her faults were a) getting involved with a married man and b) not having ended it or demanded he leave his wife right at the start. There is no excuse for either of those...

But... She wasn't really asked about that part of it per se so I don't know how she would have responded to that. She was mainly asked in that topic area whether it was fair to call her the mistress which she did accept yes she was.

She did accept Gerard was guilty, although she found it easier to say when it was put as do you think he's innocent to which she said no. I think she's coming to terms still with this man she loved for years was really a and wrestling with who he is vs who she thought he was. She doesn't deny he did it, it's just hard for her to accept. She probably feels embarrassed to have liked him at this point.

I think her not accepting that GBC killed Allison to be with her was about her guilt over her conversations with GBC that night. I think she feels racked with guilt about whether she was a catalyst for the murder when she lets her mind go there so to cope she's denying it to herself. It was telling of that which she said with emotion she wonders what if they hadn't had that conversation that night. As awful as she should feel for the affair and share blame for that I don't think she deserves to have to feel awful about the murder or any blame for it. She didn't ask him to kill her, she was asking him to tell Allison and not hide it anymore - at last something that was the right thing to do. There's nothing to say she knew he was a psycho that would go off the rails when she said that to him. But I think the 'what if I didn't say that' cuts deep and that's where she wants to convince herself it wasn't her words that set him off.

I did feel sorry for her when she expressed what I think was genuinely her fear, that she is afraid of him now. She fears retaliation I think. At least she was honest with the police, honest with the public. Now she is being punished and embarrassed publicly for having had that affair but also loving that kind of man. A mistake no doubt she's learnt something from. I don't feel the need to throw stones at her.

So while to my mind the affair is unacceptable and has no justification, I think the parts re the murder aren't to do with her in a way that she should be blamed for that. At this point I think she's suffered enough.
I'm kind of on the fence about TM. My view can change daily, but .. At the end of the day - she is not a murderer. She could not possibly have had any foresight that he would murder his wife - absolutely none (who would think of that?). I think too that what she really believed was that they were two people in unhappy marriages that had found each other and fallen in love. They would leave their partners (as she actually did) and be together in a committed relationship. She had no idea she was dealing with a sociopath.

One thing that struck me about that conversation she had with GBC on the 19th was that she was genuinely angry with him about the conference, stating that he had to tell Allison because it was not fair on her. It was never her intention to hurt Allison (but she did) and she did care that it really really wasn't fair on Allison to not have told her about the conference.

I do believe that despite the awfulness of an affair, that essentially she too was a victim of a cunning sociopath her drew her in (they can be like hypnotists) and played her and strung her along, all the while telling her that his marriage was all but over. She didn't want it to be an affair - she wanted it to be a real relationship. Her life has been completely ruined by her terrible choices, but her punishment is far worse than what would normally come to people who do these things, and I kind of feel sorry for her for that.

I'm not excusing her completely, the hurt caused to Allison was tremendous and TM didn't give a lot of though to that at all (until it was too late), or the effect on her own boys, and making money out of it to boot does not sit well with me at all.. but ultimately GBC is the one responsible for what happened. He broke his vows and cheated on his wife. He abused her. He murdered her. And he ruined a lot of lives in the process, including TM's.
He couldn't be decent and declare bankruptcy so he sucked a whole lot of people down a gurgling black hole with him. Unfortunately he pushed his wife into the vortex first.

To add from the article:

'Murder houses" or homes where significant crimes have taken place are required to be advertised with full disclosure of the grisly event, which brings the price down but does not preclude a sale.

Read more:
Recorded prior to the verdict - yet she clearly believed he was guilty. The way she spoke I almost thought it was after the verdict, but I'm sure it wasn't.

The fact that it was before the verdict makes her saying that she hopes what happens to Gerard is that he never sets foot in her life even worse. I cannot believe she said that, not that he rots in jail for the rest of his life, is tortured by what he did to Allison, nup it is all about her.
The Double Orphan Pension payment rate is $59.30 per fortnight and is not taxed. Centrelink pays a payment for children who are Orphaned or can't be cared for by their parent. (Including if one parent is in prison) It's not much is it?? Depending on the circumstances there could be other payments as well. I think they have support and will have people donate to the fund for the girls. This will be invested and used wisely by the family, I am sure. I don't think they are the type of people to be asking for help to do this or to be demanding that payments for TM etc be given to the girls but the fund for the girls gives people the opportunity to contribute to the girls welfare if they so wish. I am sure that Allisons estate will take a while to negotiate and no doubt she will have left her estate to Gerard but the Dickies will need to contest this on behalf of the girls. A lot of the estate could be used up in legal fees fighting this. Hopefully they will have contacts to help with this for a minimal fee. Nothing will be uncomplicated or without cost!! Sadly!!!

Gosh that's nothing, isn't it?
Thank you for your post Susan 12. I have been finding it difficult to read all the hateful and judgemental comments about TM by people who have never met her. Her sons are very good friends with my son (in daily contact). They are doing just fine, no-one gives them a hard time about their mother, if anything, the people around them only have concern for them and their mother. They are really nice boys and they love their mum. They would be devastated if they were to read these hateful posts on WS about their mother. I hope that none of us fall prey to the likes of GBC....after all, he is not the only one of his ilk out there....

Sorry, forgot to add your quote about TM.
I would love to know what he thinks of the rest of the family..

You have asked a question that I really want to know as well, having spent a lot of time training people in sales, I used to make everyone read Alan Pease's books on body language, and I was watching all their body language and just wanted to read through the TV and give then a slap, there are many lies and deceit in this whole thing with them.... Shame they didnt all give them a polygraph, even though not admissible in court, still gives a very good indication, especially if his whole family failed it...
I replied to Susan12's quote to say that TM's boys are doing just fine and that they love their mum. Fortunately, no-one around them speaks ill of their mum and hopefully they will never read these hurtful and hate-filled comments that have been written about their mum on this website by complete strangers...ironically by people who claim to be concerned for them and feel sorry for them!

Well birds of a feather and all that ...

Also, she has moved away, I am reading between the lines that she does not live with her boys anymore, I would say if they are 16 or so, they probably didnt need the bad publicity trying to study, or the embarrassment of having to live through what their mother actually did to them and their father and then the ultimate humiliation of the foul pig of a thing she risked her whole family for..Not exactly like she was popular life Stiflers Mom in American Pie, bit grubby banging away in the back seat on the bush somewhere, nothing great to chat about in the school canteen about that Im afraid.... Makes the granny pash look like a normal peck :)
Thank you for your post Susan 12. I have been finding it difficult to read all the hateful and judgemental comments about TM by people who have never met her. Her sons are very good friends with my son (in daily contact). They are doing just fine, no-one gives them a hard time about their mother, if anything, the people around them only have concern for them and their mother. They are really nice boys and they love their mum. They would be devastated if they were to read these hateful posts on WS about their mother. I hope that none of us fall prey to the likes of GBC....after all, he is not the only one of his ilk out there....

Sorry, forgot to add your quote about TM.

Bajas, thankyou so much, I have spent a lot of time sad for the boys, poor little guys.
It was so lovely of you to give this information, I am cool with TM receiving the $s for
the boys sake, hopefully it will give them a stable secure home.
I am delighted they are being treated with friendship and caring. Your post has made my day :loveyou:
Thank you for your post Susan 12. I have been finding it difficult to read all the hateful and judgemental comments about TM by people who have never met her. Her sons are very good friends with my son (in daily contact). They are doing just fine, no-one gives them a hard time about their mother, if anything, the people around them only have concern for them and their mother. They are really nice boys and they love their mum. They would be devastated if they were to read these hateful posts on WS about their mother. I hope that none of us fall prey to the likes of GBC....after all, he is not the only one of his ilk out there....

Sorry, forgot to add your quote about TM.

Yes Bajas TM wasn't the first to fall in love with the wrong person and she won't be the last.

We are all flawed and make mistakes - at least I know I do :)

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Thank you for your post Susan 12. I have been finding it difficult to read all the hateful and judgemental comments about TM by people who have never met her. Her sons are very good friends with my son (in daily contact). They are doing just fine, no-one gives them a hard time about their mother, if anything, the people around them only have concern for them and their mother. They are really nice boys and they love their mum. They would be devastated if they were to read these hateful posts on WS about their mother. I hope that none of us fall prey to the likes of GBC....after all, he is not the only one of his ilk out there....

Sorry, forgot to add your quote about TM.

I can see why your close connection would bring up different emotions, I don't think people are being hateful, I think people are hurt because a beautiful Mum of 3 , was deceived for so long, TM also knew Allison, and was nice to her face in the office while having a ( in her own words) "loving and caring relationship" with Allison's husband.

Most people here actually feel for her sons and her ex husband, as she admitted to liking GBC for a year before she hooked up with him anf then having an affair behind her husbands back for a fair while before leaving him.

If their marriages are so unhappy, then thye should leave rather than waiting to see who else pops up out of fear of being alone, and despite the relationship you have with her, a lot of people do not, and they see the whole event for how it transpired.

She did do something very selfish when she went about i the way she did, and that would of definitely affected her boys, they would of been 10, if she was unhappy in her marriage she should of left and focused on her boys instead of trapping of into the bush to have sex with her married boss, especially seeing at the time she was friendly to Allison and saw her frequently in the office.

I agree she is not guilty of anything other than being an adulterer herself, being selfish and making bad choices, but no one put her in this position, she did this herself. Any one could work out after 1 year the husband is crapping on and will not leave his wife, the dignified thing to do is to cease contact and wait until the other party has done the right thing.

She knew he was a liar and yet she kept going along with it.

I thing she is very sorry now, and would not do it again, but I dont think everyone here is a hater, I actually think the smartest thing she did was take the interview as I was concerned regarding her financial welfare and her ability to care for her children, seeing she moved away, changed her name, most assume she does not live with her boys anymore, and this is sad outcome all around.

If you had on of Allison's friends on here, I guarantee they would have different feelings to you, does not mean one is right and one is wrong, just means different people are affected differently depending on their involvement and attachment to the case.

I GUARANTEE the GBC clan will have a totally different view to people on here as well...Not that anyone would give a toss about them....

Dont take it personally, at least TM and her boys have not had a precious death in the family, TM still has her life and her boys still have their Mum, in perspective to what happened to Allison and her poor little girls, people are going to rally around them and that is fair enough I feel.

Allison was the only one who didnt seem to get a say in this and between GBC and TM, they were making all the choices for themselves
Amatteroftime, that was a lovely and kind post....thankyou...Poor WSers, I think 100% are so sad
for Allison but they are also 100% genuinely concerned for TMcHs sons. That is sincere and real.
We all know TMcH made a huge mistake and we all know we are all capable of making huge mistakes,
but really its all the children in this story that concern me and I truly believe all WS members.:blowkiss:

PS. I hope that cretin GBC is having a crap and miserable time and I really wish they would bring Capital Punishment
back in for a day.
I GUARANTEE the GBC clan will have a totally different view to people on here as well...Not that anyone would give a toss about them....

I do give a toss about them . They are human too and their son and brothers crime has impacted them hugely!! I am sure there is much suspicion and speculation said about them that is incorrect. Some may be correct but they have to live with that and they will feel judged completely. Maybe their parenting way and family pride has caused this fall in their family but we don't know that.
My prayer is that GBC will sit down and realize the impact he has had on so many people and attempt to mend his ways. It's sad that one man's selfishness could impact so many people from one end of QLD to the other!!!
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