Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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I can't stop crying, it's like a nightmare. Can't someone do something??? There has to be some charges...what about all the people and agencies who searched? Th A's took donations, didn't they? Shouldn't they have to pay them back?
The A's took donations, didn't they? Shouldn't they have to pay them back?

That money is there's now. It is the same as giving money to some phony TV "evangelist" sadly. Money just thrown away to bad people. Maybe next time you listen to your own judgment, rather then the likes of say NG when donating money. But do not let this stop the good heart in you. Just learn........
I have no words to describe how heartbroken and downright furious I am that the system has failed so miserably.
I can't stop crying, it's like a nightmare. Can't someone do something??? There has to be some charges...what about all the people and agencies who searched? Th A's took donations, didn't they? Shouldn't they have to pay them back?

On JVM, a caller asked if it was possible for KC to be held financially liable for the taxpayers' money that went into the searches or investigation to search for Caylee and Mark Nejame said that it is possible that the she may be held financially liable for those searches.
To think that so many people, who never even met Caylee, loved her more than her own mother. I can hardly bear that. Can you?
I feel sorry for Tim Miller, LE and the many people who searched for Caylee. Even if Caylee's death was an accident and KC and the family did cover it up, it was wrong to jerk many people around for that long.
As the court clerk was reading the verdict, I swear her voice at one point became strained and cracking as the NOT GUILTYs kept coming... did anyone else hear/think/get this?

Today was a sad day for Caylee, indeed.
Rest in Peace Little Angel, so many people tried so hard to bring you justice.

Totally caught that and also when she began reading at the very beginning, you can see where she scanned ahead and there was a slight pause when she saw the first not guilty listed for the first count. I knew by that little pause that the verdicts were going in the way of the DT and not the State.

To think that so many people, who never even met Caylee, loved her more than her own mother. I can hardly bear that. Can you?
My heart is broken today...but knowing that we loved her and that we fought for her in our own way brings me some solace. Thank you for your kind words.
I feel like there needs to be a hotline set up tonight for all the people who are completely questioning the meaning and purpose of life based on this.

I cannot leave this computer, I keep thinking I will wake up from the bad dream if I just keep thanking sensible posts or something.

There are a lot of other tragedies in life and a lot of other people in pain and a lot of unpunished murders - but this stands out as so symbolic of them all to me. If freaking CASEY cannot be brought to justice, how do we hope to bring down rogue dictators and criminal masterminds?! My whole life's work has been called into question today.

I'm not religious - I believe you act right in this life because it's simply the right thing to do. There's no consolation of "higher" justice for me. I don't believe KC will ever have to answer to a "maker" so to speak.

I need to walk away and live my life and try to do my work again, but right now I find fighting for justice really impossible - even though I believe it's in these moments that you need to dig deep and care the most.

I just had to get that out. I live alone and I'm sitting here with my anger and the shock is wearing off and I need to get my work done and I've lost my faith that fighting for justice makes one ounce of difference.

The jury took all of our collective sunshine away today.
She will never have Bella Vita. She will continue her criminal activities and be back in jail again like OJ.

She did it and she knows it.
Be interesting to see if she heads home to Hopespring or lands in a nice California condo. Surprise, surprise. Who will be her friend? Misfits and other criminals.


Saw this posted on my FB page :( Made me start crying all over again .
I thought I would post this :

Oklahomans React To Casey Anthony Verdict

MOORE, Oklahoma -- The owner of The Moore Liquor Store is disgusted with the Casey Anthony verdict and wants everyone to know. He put up a sign minutes After the jury reached its decision. His opinion is certainly the talk of the town, but you don't have to drive to Moore to see it. Pictures of the marquis with profane language are all over the internet. The sign makes drivers do double take: Sell to a minor in OK- Jail. Kill one in FL, No problem not guilty. The owner the store, Bryan Kerr says his commentary is no different from thousands spouting their opinions online.

I had been preparing myself for the last few days for that letdown emotional feeling. I learned all too well after the trial for the murderer of my dear friends that even when you get the conviction and the death penalty there is still this ultimate letdown because it is over there is nothing more you can do for your loved one that is gone. So i've been very busy trying to prepare myself for that feeling again......

and then this today. I simply can't breathe. How do we move forward? How do we go on? How can we possibly just let go when there was no justice? Nothing would ever bring back Caylee, just as it will never bring back my wonderful friends. However there is atleast some bittersweet solace in knowing that the one who took them so unjustly will no longer have their freedom. But knowing this person can walk the street, party, have friends, and make future babies; my brain can not even process. And my heart aches to the point I can feel it physically.
I feel like there needs to be a hotline set up tonight for all the people who are completely questioning the meaning and purpose of life based on this.

I cannot leave this computer, I keep thinking I will wake up from the bad dream if I just keep thanking sensible posts or something.

There are a lot of other tragedies in life and a lot of other people in pain and a lot of unpunished murders - but this stands out as so symbolic of them all to me. If freaking CASEY cannot be brought to justice, how do we hope to bring down rogue dictators and criminal masterminds?! My whole life's work has been called into question today.

I'm not religious - I believe you act right in this life because it's simply the right thing to do. There's no consolation of "higher" justice for me. I don't believe KC will ever have to answer to a "maker" so to speak.

I need to walk away and live my life and try to do my work again, but right now I find fighting for justice really impossible - even though I believe it's in these moments that you need to dig deep and care the most.

I just had to get that out. I live alone and I'm sitting here with my anger and the shock is wearing off and I need to get my work done and I've lost my faith that fighting for justice makes one ounce of difference.

The jury took all of our collective sunshine away today.
I think we're all questioning tonight, Nerdy.
When I heard there was a verdict, I rushed one was there. I so wished I could have WSers by my side. At the time, I thought we would be relieved that justice was done, but no relief came...and I think that's what's sitting with us tonight. There won't be any relief in all this. We are grieving as if it was 2008 all over again. It will take time...but there will always be a sadness because Caylee's murderer has gone unpunished.
Totally caught that and also when she began reading at the very beginning, you can see where she scanned ahead and there was a slight pause when she saw the first not guilty listed for the first count. I knew by that little pause that the verdicts were going in the way of the DT and not the State.


I also noticed that. She seemed shocked by the verdict. I believe she and the other clerk believe that KC is guilty and I'm willing to bet she and the other clerk and others who worked in the courtroom as state/county employees are probably saddened by what happened today.
I thought I would post this :

Oklahomans React To Casey Anthony Verdict

MOORE, Oklahoma -- The owner of The Moore Liquor Store is disgusted with the Casey Anthony verdict and wants everyone to know. He put up a sign minutes After the jury reached its decision. His opinion is certainly the talk of the town, but you don't have to drive to Moore to see it. Pictures of the marquis with profane language are all over the internet. The sign makes drivers do double take: Sell to a minor in OK- Jail. Kill one in FL, No problem not guilty. The owner the store, Bryan Kerr says his commentary is no different from thousands spouting their opinions online.

Wow! Speaks volumes. I couldn't believe today's verdict was the lead story on NYC news. I hadn't realized that the whole entire world was paying attention. Let them all respond in their anger at this injustice.
Thank you to everyone for this thread. Like everyone else here at WS, I am completly devestated!! I am so sick to my stomach. I can't believe that not ONE person on that jury could stand up for CAYLEE!!! NOT ONE!

My one hope is that Caylee is looking down and saying, "Well, my mom couldn't love me but look at how much I was loved by everyone else. I would say that is a win for Caylee. We do love you Caylee. I hate that you had to leave this earth so soon but atleast you only had to put up with the lies and betrayal for 2 years. You will always be protected now!!

This is the first case I have followed this closely and I never knew that I could become so emotionally involved. I'm almost as emotionally involved in the Kyron case but I will have to step away from that one. I can't follow these cases anymore. Kyron will never see justice either. What is wrong with people in this world??
I also noticed that. She seemed shocked by the verdict. I believe she and the other clerk believe that KC is guilty and I'm willing to bet she and the other clerk and others who worked in the courtroom as state/county employees are probably saddened by what happened today.
To be honest, it looked like Casey was expecting guilt on the 2nd count. Surprise, surprise!
Thank you to everyone for this thread. Like everyone else here at WS, I am completly devestated!! I am so sick to my stomach. I can't believe that not ONE person on that jury could stand up for CAYLEE!!! NOT ONE!

My one hope is that Caylee is looking down and saying, "Well, my mom couldn't love me but look at how much I was loved by everyone else. I would say that is a win for Caylee. We do love you Caylee. I hate that you had to leave this earth so soon but atleast you only had to put up with the lies and betrayal for 2 years. You will always be protected now!!

This is the first case I have followed this closely and I never knew that I could become so emotionally involved. I'm almost as emotionally involved in the Kyron case but I will have to step away from that one. I can't follow these cases anymore. Kyron will never see justice either. What is wrong with people in this world??

During JVM, there was a part in which Jane was talking with people outside the courthouse and there was a woman from Pinnellas County who said she was summoned for jury duty in this case. She got out of it like others, but she said now after watching and following this case she wishes she could wouldn't gotten out of jury duty. She said that she would have been a hung juror. I wish a hung jury would have happened in this case even though there would have been issues with people complaining about taxpayers' money.

Also during NG, Sue Moss made the comment that the 12 jurors were all people who believe the world is flat. I agree with her on that. All of the jurors ignored forensic evidence and the holes in the DT's drowning story and the Kronk part.
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