I feel like there needs to be a hotline set up tonight for all the people who are completely questioning the meaning and purpose of life based on this.
I cannot leave this computer, I keep thinking I will wake up from the bad dream if I just keep thanking sensible posts or something.
There are a lot of other tragedies in life and a lot of other people in pain and a lot of unpunished murders - but this stands out as so symbolic of them all to me. If freaking CASEY cannot be brought to justice, how do we hope to bring down rogue dictators and criminal masterminds?! My whole life's work has been called into question today.
I'm not religious - I believe you act right in this life because it's simply the right thing to do. There's no consolation of "higher" justice for me. I don't believe KC will ever have to answer to a "maker" so to speak.
I need to walk away and live my life and try to do my work again, but right now I find fighting for justice really impossible - even though I believe it's in these moments that you need to dig deep and care the most.
I just had to get that out. I live alone and I'm sitting here with my anger and the shock is wearing off and I need to get my work done and I've lost my faith that fighting for justice makes one ounce of difference.
The jury took all of our collective sunshine away today.