Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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I must have missed this one. Who is Robyn Gardiner???

The blonde American gal who went snorkling in Aruba while on holiday, with her male friend and disappeared. I believe the "male friend" is still being held in Aruba. Neither she nor her body has been found. Happened a couple of weeks ago.
I can only hope that someone in Florida is watching JB and giving him enough rope to hang himself so that when he finally reaches the limit of bad behavior he will be disbarred and it will stick. Unfortunatly it just adds fuel to JB's intentions to stay in public view. JVM keeps pointing out that if you don't know the horse in the race look at his track record. JB certainly has one. I'm of the belief that JB suffers from the same immaturity problem that his client has. He looked to me during the trial to behave like a child with his eye rolling, slumping back to his seat in a huff, screaming tizzy fits at JA, stretching and yawning during SA closing not to mention his lack of knowledge for his profession. I wondered what the connection was to him and FICA and now I realize that they are cut out of the same cloth which is why they have this close relationship. I would think the Florida Judicial system would want at this point to salvage some small piece of respect for their office. Hopefully JB will continue to make his inflammatory statements only to confirm what alot of us already know. He has no respect nor pride for his profession, the court system, Judges. He has no conscience and will ruin anyone who gets in the way of his own agenda. He needs another good spanking from Judge P and hopefully he'll get it on Monday.

Cut from the same cloth, absolutely. Totally amoral people. She killed her child because she impeded the lifestyle that she feels so entitled to. He had to to be forced by the courts to support his only child. They think so much alike.
I must have missed this one. Who is Robyn Gardiner???

Eerily similar to the Natalie Holloway story. Last seen 'snorkeling' ( her family says she would NEVER have snorkeled) by the boyfriend with a very shady history with women, who apparently has a nice life insurance policy on this girl....
Ninth Circuit Grievance Committee "F"
Staff Contact Sheila Marie Tuma
Office City Term
Russell W Divine Chair Orlando January, 2014
Michael Manglardi Vice Chair Orlando January, 2014
Scott Ramsey McMillen Designated Reviewer Orlando June, 2012
Thomas Earle Dukes, III Attorney Member Orlando February, 2013
Maria DiBlasio Hale Attorney Member Orlando January, 2014
Kimberly E Hosley Attorney Member Lake Mary January, 2014
Margaret A. Williams Attorney Member Orlando February, 2013
Candice J. Crawford * Public Member Orlando January, 2014
Randy Means * Public Member Orlando January, 2014
Marni F. Stahlman * Public Member Winter Park January, 2014

..this randy means?
~ ~ ~

Strickland apparently intended for the supervised probation to begin after Anthony's release from custody, said Randy Means, spokesman for the Orange County State Attorney's Office. But the order signed by Strickland at the time seemed to indicate it was to run while she was in custody awaiting trial on murder charges in the 2008 death of her daughter Caylee.

..also------the florida bar could let it go, at their level , without it ever getting to the grievance committee stage.
Complaint filed against Casey Anthony attorney Jose Baez

As with all such complaints, a panel of attorneys in the area where the complaint originated -- in this case, in Orlando -- will investigate, said Lyle.

That legal panel, after hearing from the accused, could turn over the case to a grievance committee consisting of other lawyers and citizens if it decides that rules regarding professional conduct had been violated.

The grievance committee would then decide if there is probable cause for a violation. Ultimately, the complaint may be heard by Florida's Supreme Court -- with possible penalties for the lawyer including probation, suspension or revocation of his law license, according to Lyle.
Well, I hope he read my comment about the article he wrote which is full of incorrect information before he interviews Baez.

I'm surprised at Baez - he's really hit the big time - TMZ now another spot with Geraldo - all the big names ....not! :floorlaugh:

Well said and you had 22 Likes last I looked. Hopefully he reads comments, but probably not ... SAD:sick:
Eerily similar to the Natalie Holloway story. Last seen 'snorkeling' ( her family says she would NEVER have snorkeled) by the boyfriend with a very shady history with women, who apparently has a nice life insurance policy on this girl....

I just read something about it. I've been going to Aruba for over 25 years...not as safe as it use to be but this guy is a US citizen. The article I read is blaming Aruba for what happened??
I researched who sat on the Grievance Committees in the 9th Circuit Court and didn't recognize any of the names. Perhaps some will be familiar to those posters who live in the area.

Here are their standards:

Here is the listing of Grievance Committee Members:!OpenView&Start=1&Count=300&Expand=9#9

Ninth Circuit Grievance Committee "B"
Staff Contact Patricia A. Savitz
Office City Term
Paul Louis SanGiovanni Designated Reviewer Orlando June, 2013
Susan Marie Casajuana Attorney Member Orlando October, 2011
William Jonathan Denius Attorney Member Orlando September, 2012
Todd Fredrick Kobrin Attorney Member Orlando July, 2014
Olga Mercedes Sanchez de Fuentes Attorney Member Kissimmee September, 2011
Greg Allen Tynan Attorney Member Orlando October, 2011
Marcio William Valladares Attorney Member Orlando July, 2014
Brett Meade * Public Member Orlando August, 2011
Arto Woodley * Public Member Orlando January, 2014
Paul Zambouros * Public Member Orlando May, 2014


Thank you Laurij...I noticed Randy Means also and wondered if it were the same "Randy Means". That's when I found this Paul Z...Lt. Paul Z...I would think that IF these are the same "Randy" and "Paul" there would be some conflict of interest claims...but admit I don't have a clue if it's standard practice to have people in these positions on such committees....anyone??

Paul Zambouros - ???

Lt. Paul Zambouros, with the Sheriff's Office's Criminal Investigations Division/Major Case Section, has filed the cost estimate with Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane-Burdick.

"An incredible amount of manpower was deployed and over six thousand (6,000) tips were received requiring extensive man hours," Zambouros wrote.

Because of the "fluid activity" early in the investigation, Zambouros said he could not "fairly capture" the investigative work of all units involved. The reimbursement request is based mostly on the Criminal Investigation Division's activities, he noted.
While folks wait for the Florida bar to "investigate" JB and his behavior.....IMO it would be a much shorter trip to simply ask the Florida JAC to provide any and all documentation regarding the $200k.

Recall that HHSS reviewed docs "in camera" that related to the use of the initial $200+ thousand dollars. While the exact "accounting" may not have been sent to the JAC, you can bet that HHSS had to have sent a memo of sorts to the JAC regarding his approval of indigency status.

Because the JAC is a state entity, they must be 100% transparent. Maybe someone should petition them directly to turn over all info relating to KC's indigent status.

I'm wondering...ok, well, hoping...the money thing is being investigated as well. IIRC the OS requested to have these docs / in camera hearing unsealed.

There has been no word since the media reported this filing / request.

I'm also curious about the "reaction video" motion for release...again, no further comments were made, from the court or media about either of these.

Maybe it's standard to take this long to decide / hear the motions??? It just seems strange considering the motion to release jurors names was heard fairly quick.

Here's link to motions thread re: $$$

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - List of Motions/Links to Court Documents **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**[/ame]
Originally Posted by Whisperer
I suggest you to not have too much faith in the Florida may be a waste. It is an organization run by attorneys to overseer attorneys. Very seldom does anything ever happen....unless their is a fudiciary issue. Money is what they worry about. It is about the only thing that can nail an attorney. This is how the bar functions out here. May I suggest it may function similarly out there?
I often wondered if Mason was on the bar..

My thoughts exactly. I thought someone said there was a partial oversight by non-attorneys, but even so it is a joke. Macaluso was reinstated so he is back to his shenanigans as well. How could any professional rack up 20 complaints and be nonchalant about it? Hope the citizens demand better from their lawmakers...who are mostly lawyers as well.

I've wondered myself how much weight Mason has to keep his little buddy from getting in trouble ...
Jose is nonchalant because he KNOWS nothing's been done to him in the past for the stuff he's pulled and he thinks he's cleverly skirting ethics violations ...
Annnnd ... his "20 complaints" comment just shows you how arrogant and in your face he is about the bar and ethics ...
If any lawyer, ever needed a rude awakening, it is him !!
First JP says he'll address Jose's discovery violations after trial and so far nothin' ... then a complaint is filed about the probation issue and still nothin' ...

My question ... is this the SAME Florida Bar that wouldn't admit him for how many years because of ethics ?????????????????? :waitasec:

I guess it's easier to keep someone out than it is to kick them out ?? Seriously, what on earth does a lawyer have to do to get disbarred in Florida ??
I researched who sat on the Grievance Committees in the 9th Circuit Court and didn't recognize any of the names. Perhaps some will be familiar to those posters who live in the area.

Here are their standards:

Here is the listing of Grievance Committee Members:!OpenView&Start=1&Count=300&Expand=9#9

Grievance Committees

Ninth Circuit Grievance Committee "E"
Staff Contact Kenneth H.P. Bryk
Office City Term
Blaine McChesney Chair Orlando April, 2012
Lorraine Elizabeth De Young Vice Chair Orlando July, 2012
Mary Ann Morgan Designated Reviewer Winter Park June, 2012
Nathaniel Patrick Carter Attorney Member Orlando June, 2014
C Douglas Green Attorney Member Orlando August, 2012
Camy Beth Schwam-Wilcox Attorney Member Orlando November, 2012
Richard Alan Solomon Attorney Member Winter Park September, 2013
Amy Boynton * Public Member Winter Park June, 2012
Jennifer Gibson * Public Member Orlando June, 2013
Zalpha Hashem * Public Member Oviedo September, 2013

C. Douglas Green is an attorney for Morgan & Morgan

I vote for Committee E to review the complaints !!!
I think JB thinks his 20 complaints against him is his badge of honor. His battle scars, worn proudly by him for winning. Ms Anthony was his prize and now he is stuck with her. So my question , did he really win?
I think JB thinks his 20 complaints against him is his badge of honor. His battle scars, worn proudly by him for winning. Ms Anthony was his prize and now he is stuck with her. So my question , did he really win?

..yep---he actually seems to think that the 20 "dismissed" complaints, were WINS!

"Baez said, in response, "I am looking forward to the Bar completing its investigation, so that it can be dismissed just like the 20 previous complaints. It is part of the job whenever you fight an unpopular case."

..being unethical---having the judge even take NOTE of it in an Order---- and having Bar complaints lodged against you is "part of the job" ??

..i'm pretty sure there are defense attorneys with "unpopular" clients ( drug dealers comes to mind..) that don't end up with Bar complaints while defending their (scum) clients.
My question ... is this the SAME Florida Bar that wouldn't admit him for how many years because of ethics ?????????????????? :waitasec:

I guess it's easier to keep someone out than it is to kick them out ?? Seriously, what on earth does a lawyer have to do to get disbarred in Florida ??

..listening to billS of wftv during the trial----he was talking about the 'Florida Bar'.

..he sat on it ( once upon a time, i don't know if it was recent or not ).

..the Bar is comprised of other lawyers---in your area---that review the complaint, they may/may not call in the accused lawyer to explain himself. the complaint can be dealt with right then and there---or, if not resolved by 'the Bar'---- passed "up" to the grievance committee for further review.

..what i took away from the comments on that-----the other lawyers (the Florida Bar) are NOT going to come down on their 'fellow lawyer' unless it's something HUGE ------b/c next week, they, as practising lawyers also, could have a similar complaint lodged aginst them. ( and would hope 'the Bar' would be lenient with them as well..)

..'the Bar'--pretty much lawyers policing themselves...

..which is probably how baez got away with the numerous complaints he's had against him already----in his short 'career'.
I sincerely hope JB's short career is much shortened soon, like maybe at "The End".

I sincerely hope JB's short career is much shortened soon, like maybe at "The End".


He'll spin it in a way that looks like he chose a new profession over being a mere lawyer.
Well...our favorite attorney is going to be Geraldo's "exclusive guest" this week end. Just thought I'd pass this along to give everyone time to plan what they'll be watching instead of Geraldo's show. I was actually hoping his show had been taken off the air since he hasn't been anywhere around for the last couple of weeks, but like a bad penny he turns back up with his buddy.

Never watch his show, so does anyone know when this will air? On Fox, I assume and do see it on my cable schedule for Sunday @8:00pm. Is that what you all see?
He'll spin it in a way that looks like he chose a new profession over being a mere lawyer.

Bikini salesman maybe or spokesman for the devil? I'm pretty sure he's signed on the line. :innocent:
Never watch his show, so does anyone know when this will air? On Fox, I assume and do see it on my cable schedule for Sunday @8:00pm. Is that what you all see?

No, mine says Huckabee is on at 8 (first I had the wrong channel and it said Phineas and Phurb :lol: ). It says Geraldo is on Sunday at 10. I'm on the East Coast though...

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