Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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Actually, the drowning idea from Cindy came up in the first week or so, when she did their Greta interview from their house.

She went as far as to say that someone drowns, many times, "they are brought back".
Cindy didn't believe that it had happened back then, but, it had certainly crossed her mind.

That was always another reason that I believed her parents knew what had happened, or Cindy did while keeping George out of the loop.
What better way to head off a rumor, or the trueth for that matter than to hit it head on and deny it if there were something more to "the drowning"??
Yeah, except that Cindy said in the jailhouse interview, that the drowning idea had been suggested to her, and Casey's sarcastic response was "surprise, surprise". If Caylee had really drowned, I don't think that would have been Casey's response.
Yeah, except that Cindy said in the jailhouse interview, that the drowning idea had been suggested to her, and Casey's sarcastic response was "surprise, surprise". If Caylee had really drowned, I don't think that would have been Casey's response.

Yes, agree - no way at this point or for that matter anytime did OCA actually agree to any suggestion that Caylee was dead. By the time her remains were found, there was no communication at all via Baez to the press regarding OCA knowing about Caylee's death before she was found.
Are we still talking about the suprise suprise video? If so, I agree with you. She knew. She looked so bad. She looked so beaten down.

Yes, I also agree that Cindy beat the kidnapping drum for a lonnnngggg time which explains exactly why she wasnt looking for Caylee.

No, not the surprise video - there she was still begging OCA, trying to speak "Casey speak" to get any information at all out of her that would help them bring Caylee home. As was George with his "hello beautiful" talk - all to keep OCA from flipping out.

Both of them knew OCA held the keys to Caylee, but I think they had separate keys they were looking for from her. Meaning I think George knew she was dead - Cindy was still in "hope" before she fell into massive "denial"...
Because it's an unwritten WS law - every thread will eventually devolve into a discussion of Casey Anthony. :crazy:

And we are on the Caylee Antony forum, and all paths lead to Casey.....unless you are from Pinellas County that is...:innocent:
If it was one of my grandkids, there is nothing I wouldn't do to find them and bring them home. But, I don't recall CA looking anywhere. I remember her yelling at the cameras that everyone needed to get off their a$$es and go find Caylee. I remember her claiming she would knock on every door to find her. But, for the life of me, I can't remember one time that CA ever actually looked or searched for Caylee. I do remember them getting batphones because they were afraid the police had bugged their phones. Who does that? Someone who REALLY wants their missing loved one found will ask the LE to put a trace or bug on their phone in case the kidnapper calls. Not the A's! They circumvented LE's effort to find Caylee almost from the get-go. They were covering and protecting KC. Caylee was just an obstacle at that point. JMO.

Cindy is one unusual bird! Just like when she said that after CFCMA dumped Caylee in the woods after Caylee "drowned", Cindy follows up with (Dr. Phil) with "what was she gonna do with her anyway". She was just a shell, blah blah blah -- Casey believed in cremation, blah blah blah.

None of Cindy's previous behaviour is suprising when you get down to the mental handicap she has in regards to the well being of Caylee Marie.


No, not the surprise video - there she was still begging OCA, trying to speak "Casey speak" to get any information at all out of her that would help them bring Caylee home. As was George with his "hello beautiful" talk - all to keep OCA from flipping out.

Both of them knew OCA held the keys to Caylee, but I think they had separate keys they were looking for from her. Meaning I think George knew she was dead - Cindy was still in "hope" before she fell into massive "denial"...

Which video then? Do you remember a timeframe? I want to go find it.
And we are on the Caylee Antony forum, and all paths lead to Casey.....unless you are from Pinellas County that is...:innocent:

Where is that " I bow down to you animated gif when you need it?"

We now return you to the story line. On JB, well, whatever it is, I hope that they can do something with the info other than chew on it and spit it out.
Which video then? Do you remember a timeframe? I want to go find it.

Mid November? Early November? Well before the Larry King Show.. There is also another one where she is in a hall or church or something sitting on a long bench with Dom Casey, and George is down a ways, she looks just dreadful and quite thin...anyone else remember that?

Maybe I'll have a look and see what I can find...

Ackkk! No can't find it but it will be on page 142 - to page 145 on our forums - I just went youtube blind looking for it...
Hi Neesaki...Most of us aren't lawyers but it sounds like your full of common sense. I agree with your post. There has been comments made towards the fact that people are still talking about FCA, that if we ignore, she and JB will just fade away.

I believe this case is far from being over!

After comparing other court behavior, accused behavior allowed during trials, the OS, the list is endless, I myself can see how this trial could be considered a travesty of justice. There are things no one can go back and much as most people would love...BUT...I think whether we realize whats going on right now or not...the tide has turned. Each milestone we cross brings us a little closer to the truth. Even while this trial was going on there were people who watched and wondered how in the heck is this cr*p being allowed. We the midst of clean up time. This far worse than OJ's. I mean no disrespect by that statement. My point is the outcry over the verdict was so widespread and so loud and is still going on. My hope is that someone is watching and knows we need some sort of justice, there are things that were done during this trial that were illegal and have to be brought out. The jurors lack of deliberation, incorrect verdict, which we can do nothing about, still has a bad smell to it. I wish no harm towards these people and wish the public would back off so more of them would come forward and tell their story....JMO
I love this post...but you know what? I could care what the remaining jurors have to say at this point. I didn't listen to what the others had to say (only read here)...and it was a good thing. I think I would have imploded otherwise. Shame on them!!
Cindy is one unusual bird! Just like when she said that after CFCMA dumped Caylee in the woods after Caylee "drowned", Cindy follows up with (Dr. Phil) with "what was she gonna do with her anyway". She was just a shell, blah blah blah -- Casey believed in cremation, blah blah blah.

None of Cindy's previous behaviour is suprising when you get down to the mental handicap she has in regards to the well being of Caylee Marie.



Actually I think that CA said, what were "we" not "she".
Cindy is one unusual bird! Just like when she said that after CFCMA dumped Caylee in the woods after Caylee "drowned", Cindy follows up with (Dr. Phil) with "what was she gonna do with her anyway". She was just a shell, blah blah blah -- Casey believed in cremation, blah blah blah.

None of Cindy's previous behaviour is suprising when you get down to the mental handicap she has in regards to the well being of Caylee Marie.



Don't we know that OCA did not believe in cremation and wanted her buried in a grave so she could go and "visit" her when she got out - but CA cremated her anyway?
Agree - we all know the feeling of sitting with a bunch of information trying to find "the" solution and then all of a sudden - "Duh" there it is - the most obvious thing - we just hadn't "seen" it.

And although KC has always bandied about the sexual abuse to her various men and people she wanted to manipulate, I think JB is also the author of the details. To me that sounded like him - he is very sexually focused. I think JB viewed George as a dangerous person as far as OCA's credibility - he knew GA knew a lot of stuff he could seriously damage OCA with, and he'd believed almost since Day 1 that OCA was guilty. A loose cannon. So I do think this was JB's planning along with Mason that came up with the actual abuse details.

But what I want to know is who first offered the tidbit of the animal burials for JB to run with? Remember, we weren't seeing any record of JB actually visiting OCA prior to the trial, which always really surprised me, so can we assume this information came from Cindy? Because wasn't she the one person JB didn't ask about this at trial?

For me - this trial may have started off with JB defending "his girl" but as it wound down to the actual trial - it seemed to me that JB forgot all about guilt or innocence and it was all about winning - for him. That was his goal. His own ego.

I agree 100% that JB had to find a way to poison GA in the eyes of the jury. He knew he had to discredit GA because he knew GA was on Caylee's side in all this, and that would not bode well for his client. JB went with a graphic description of what a monster GA was because he knew he had to totally discredit GA to the jury right from the get-go. I do not for one minute believe JB had any intention of having Casey or anyone else testify to the allegations made in his OS.

As for the dead pets, that coming in reeks of KC. She put JB on that track; of that I have little doubt.
I agree 100% that JB had to find a way to poison GA in the eyes of the jury. He knew he had to discredit GA because he knew GA was on Caylee's side in all this, and that would not bode well for his client. JB went with a graphic description of what a monster GA was because he knew he had to totally discredit GA to the jury right from the get-go. I do not for one minute believe JB had any intention of having Casey or anyone else testify to the allegations made in his OS.

As for the dead pets, that coming in reeks of KC. She put JB on that track; of that I have little doubt.

ITA and frankly I was surprised she was that honest with him. I really wonder how much he knows about her cold & grubby little soul - and yet continues to go well beyond what normal lawyers do. I guess he thinks it's noble but really it just makes him as grubby as she.
Mid November? Early November? Well before the Larry King Show.. There is also another one where she is in a hall or church or something sitting on a long bench with Dom Casey, and George is down a ways, she looks just dreadful and quite thin...anyone else remember that?

Maybe I'll have a look and see what I can find...

Ackkk! No can't find it but it will be on page 142 - to page 145 on our forums - I just went youtube blind looking for it...

I don't remember the hall/church photos/videos but you're right the local interview George did with an almost catatonic CA sitting next to him was from November right around the time of Dom & Jim searching in the woods just feet from where Caylee was ultimately found.
I don't remember the hall/church photos/videos but you're right the local interview George did with an almost catatonic CA sitting next to him was from November right around the time of Dom & Jim searching in the woods just feet from where Caylee was ultimately found.

I don't remember where those photos were taken but my memory is CA was sitting on a bench or a pew - a wooden one, rather than a chair....that's the part that sticks in my mind....
It was the distance between CA and GA that I remember also - they were not sitting close one - in the other one, CA and GA were in a TV clip - George was speaking and CA was slumped over not speaking and looking ill and almost comatose...
I don't remember where those photos were taken but my memory is CA was sitting on a bench or a pew - a wooden one, rather than a chair....that's the part that sticks in my mind....
It was the distance between CA and GA that I remember also - they were not sitting close one - in the other one, CA and GA were in a TV clip - George was speaking and CA was slumped over not speaking and looking ill and almost comatose...

I remember the newscast for that
the A's were at their new church attending a service...
iirc, DC was there and perhaps M.Bart was there as well.

Could the pics have been taken at the Eastside Baptist church on November 30,2008 for the National Vigil for Hope service?

Here are the pics from that service

Yup, the A's in attendance as well as Dominic Casey and Michelle Bart.
George and Cindy were sitting was DC that sat apart from them.
I agree 100% that JB had to find a way to poison GA in the eyes of the jury. He knew he had to discredit GA because he knew GA was on Caylee's side in all this, and that would not bode well for his client. JB went with a graphic description of what a monster GA was because he knew he had to totally discredit GA to the jury right from the get-go. I do not for one minute believe JB had any intention of having Casey or anyone else testify to the allegations made in his OS.

As for the dead pets, that coming in reeks of KC. She put JB on that track; of that I have little doubt.

GA had been lying for years to cover for FCA. It's all on youtube. Interview after interview, lie after lie. Foundation after foundation. Give us money. The donation jar went everywhere George went. The 'Find Caylee' tents he set up in parking lots---all a scam over his dead grandchild. George is for George. He got mad when JB insulted him. It wasn't about Caylee it was about George. He could move past a little thing called murder and lie through his teeth and collect money but call him a name and it becomes all about him. That's what prompted him to finally tell the truth, it wasn't Caylee.

I remember the newscast for that
the A's were at their new church attending a service...
iirc, DC was there and perhaps M.Bart was there as well.

Could the pics have been taken at the Eastside Baptist church on Dec 1, 2008 for the National Vigil for Hope service?

Here are the pics from that service

Yup, the A's in attendance as well as Dominic Casey and Michelle Bart.
George and Cindy were sitting was DC that sat apart from them.

Aren't you clever! Yes, that's the place - the exact pictures I'm not seeing that I remember, but six and seven across the top are the can see the distance between George and Cindy...and the video we've been talking about must have been taken around the same time - I remember her hair being that length, and you can see she is thinner than usual.
Aren't you clever! Yes, that's the place - the exact pictures I'm not seeing that I remember, but six and seven across the top are the can see the distance between George and Cindy...and the video we've been talking about must have been taken around the same time - I remember her hair being that length, and you can see she is thinner than usual.

Yes there was video/news report taken of them iirc, before and after this service I remember watching it on the 11pm news cast...unfortunately many news reports are no longer available.

Maybe the pics you're thinking of were taken by WFTV or another local station..I linked the ones from FOX Orlando
The Orlando sentinel did a report as well, I found the link on another website but not one on the OS website..

BTW that is the same week Cindy claimed someone hacked into her email account.

The emotional press conference by the A's was held on November 25, 2008

"“We’re getting closer and closer to finding her, because I think — and maybe it’s because of the negativity – and that maybe the sheriff’s department gave us a blessing in disguise by saying ‘Case closed. Caylee’s dead,’ that people are letting their guard down, that finally they’re showing her out in public again in Orlando. So I’m going to take that, and I’m going to look for her.”

The info is on the following website but the links to the media website are no longer available.

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