Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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Guys - let's get back On Topic! This thread is about JB's sanctions.


Guys - let's get back On Topic! This thread is about JB's sanctions.



Sorry Salem - not quite sure how I got off track...:innocent: but know I was a major contributor - will focus harder....
If the Florida Bar doesn't disbar Baez, the people of FL really need to demand some reform. It's bad enough Perry was re elected, but allowing Baez to practice law is unforgivable.
If the Florida Bar doesn't disbar Baez, the people of FL really need to demand some reform. It's bad enough Perry was re elected, but allowing Baez to practice law is unforgivable.

ITA ... if the complaints make it thru the grievance committee, and probable cause test, then, it's my understanding that Jose will have to defend himself at a trial handled by a referee ...
IMO, if Jose opens his mouth to defend himself, with his cocky attitude and his "people are just after me because I defended an unpopular case/client" mantra, he's sure to anger the committee and be found guilty ...
His ego's so grossly inflated by the whole case that he's bound to be out of line ... at least that's what I'm counting on :twocents:
ITA and frankly I was surprised she was that honest with him. I really wonder how much he knows about her cold & grubby little soul - and yet continues to go well beyond what normal lawyers do. I guess he thinks it's noble but really it just makes him as grubby as she.

That's for sure about him being grubby. I am so NOT a CA fan, but GA doesn't bother me at all. What nerve of JB to blab that Amanda Knox's parents stood by her unlike CA and GA. It's apples and oranges and I bet that if Amanda was quilty of killing her child, doubt her parents would be as supportive. JB is unreal to have to slam GA again. Wasn't it enough he got "baby killer" off by dragging GA through the mud, but he still has to get his nasty 2 cents in by saying this. He is just as disgusting as FCA. It's enough to make you barf! really... Yuck, now he thinks he's all HOLLYWOOD hanging out with Barbara. I swear it's no wonder we are all on this board talking about it 24/7, it's really unbelievable!!!
Guys - let's get back On Topic! This thread is about JB's sanctions.



Bumping Salem's post about staying on topic... Sidebar thread is a good place for off topic comments... Thanks
So we know that one of Baez's Bar complaints was from Judge Strickland. Now I see in the article about HHSS resigning from the bench talks about the possibility of a Bar complaint against HHSS for his comments on the Nancy Grace show after the verdict.

I'm wondering if Jose or someone on the DT decided to get snarky and do a "payback" to HHSS because of his original complaint?

No point even asking if Jose is the kind of a person who would do that out of spite because I think I know the unanimous response I would get...:innocent:
So we know that one of Baez's Bar complaints was from Judge Strickland. Now I see in the article about HHSS resigning from the bench talks about the possibility of a Bar complaint against HHSS for his comments on the Nancy Grace show after the verdict.

I'm wondering if Jose or someone on the DT decided to get snarky and do a "payback" to HHSS because of his original complaint?

No point even asking if Jose is the kind of a person who would do that out of spite because I think I know the unanimous response I would get...:innocent:

I don't think it was JB. I think it was CM. There seems to be bad blood between the two. I really think JB does not hold a grudge. I think he let's things go. I don't know how he could do all he has done without letting things go and just stew over it. I think it's CM. jmo
So we know that one of Baez's Bar complaints was from Judge Strickland. Now I see in the article about HHSS resigning from the bench talks about the possibility of a Bar complaint against HHSS for his comments on the Nancy Grace show after the verdict.

I'm wondering if Jose or someone on the DT decided to get snarky and do a "payback" to HHSS because of his original complaint?

No point even asking if Jose is the kind of a person who would do that out of spite because I think I know the unanimous response I would get...:innocent:

Probably...but I hope SS sings like a canary now...

PS. I'm following you....
I don't think it was JB. I think it was CM. There seems to be bad blood between the two. I really think JB does not hold a grudge. I think he let's things go. I don't know how he could do all he has done without letting things go and just stew over it. I think it's CM. jmo

I don't know if I agree - I think JB flies by the seat of his pants so much he's just grateful to anyone who doesn't throw him out of the courtroom.

And maybe it's the written remarks HHSS made about CM's boots among other things. Doubt that was the first time he's done it...
I don't know if I agree - I think JB flies by the seat of his pants so much he's just grateful to anyone who doesn't throw him out of the courtroom.

And maybe it's the written remarks HHSS made about CM's boots among other things. Doubt that was the first time he's done it...

I'm not sure JB has the courage to make a complaint...he has so many against him now and I'm sure HHSS could add a few more. Whereas CM has none, is well thought of (heaven only knows who would feel that way now) and has nothing to lose by complaining. He may not actually go through with the complaint but I see CM spouting off his mouth, per usual. I don't see JB doing that. If JB wants to continue practicing law I would think he does not want enemies on the bench. CM just does not care. jmo
I'm not sure JB has the courage to make a complaint...he has so many against him now and I'm sure HHSS could add a few more. Whereas CM has none, is well thought of (heaven only knows who would feel that way now) and has nothing to lose by complaining. He may not actually go through with the complaint but I see CM spouting off his mouth, per usual. I don't see JB doing that. If JB wants to continue practicing law I would think he does not want enemies on the bench. CM just does not care. jmo

Did he not get one for the infamous hand gesture?
I don't think it was JB. I think it was CM. There seems to be bad blood between the two. I really think JB does not hold a grudge. I think he let's things go. I don't know how he could do all he has done without letting things go and just stew over it. I think it's CM. jmo

Yeah, plus CM is just a mean old jackal, jmo.
Baez Bar complaints explained
Discovery violations and Casey's probation prompted complaints,0,501302.story

One complaint stems from Baez's failure to share discovery information with the prosecution last winter as the Anthony case was heading to trial, according to Francine Walker with the Florida Bar.

That was not a surprise because Baez was sanctioned in January by Chief Judge Belvin Perry and made to pay a fine for his "willful violation" of a court order.

The other complaint, which was less apparent before today, involves Baez's failure to disclose to the court that Casey Anthony was being allowed to serve probation for her check-fraud case while in jail awaiting trial for murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee....
Baez Bar complaints explained
Discovery violations and Casey's probation prompted complaints,0,501302.story

Thanks for posting this KarmaGet'em - hope this lives up to your name. We had a good idea what both these complaints but it good to have them confirmed.

Does it mean that HHJP filed both complaints? Hmmm - would add a lot of "weight" if it was..IMO
I really think HHBP filed the complaints. I think the discovery violation is how he handled it. I would rather have seen a contempt charge but...
Anyone think the State Attorney's office filed the Discovery violation complaint?

I am :fence: it HHBP filed both complaints or one or none.
I am leaning towards him filing the Probation complaint...
Anyone think the State Attorney's office filed the Discovery violation complaint?

I am :fence: it HHBP filed both complaints or one or none.
I am leaning towards him filing the Probation complaint...

According to the article:
First Complaint

In early January, Perry lectured Baez in court after he failed to share detailed information with prosecutors about the opinions of expert witnesses. This incident arose despite earlier orders by Perry specifying what should be provided to the prosecution.

As a result, Perry found Baez was in "willful violation" of the court's order to produce the discovery information. Perry said the discovery rules are in place to prevent "trial by ambush" or "trial by surprise."

Baez ultimately had to pay $583.73 associated with that matter.
Bumping up as I don't want this to be swept under the rug.
I hope the board does more than give JB a tap on the head.

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