Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

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My thoughts - I'm guessing that the big networks have already contacted Baez's office with money offers, probably reserved a suite for her at the Ritz Carlton, she doesn't need her parents financial support and that is all the connection there ever was. She'll be so caught up in making "deals" she won't give them a 2nd thought (not that she would anyway). She'll get out, call a masseuse, hair dresser, nail tech, fashion houses and order them all to her room. She may write her mom a check to pay back the money she stole along with a note saying "paid in full, now get lost". I despise this whole circus and other than voicing my opinion in an attempt to seek justice for Caylee I am sorry I ever heard about this case. It has shaken my faith in human beings and makes me very fearful for the future of our country when we are supposed to accept that a mother can harm her child and walk free, and probably become weathly for her horrendous behavior.
I think you can blame a lot of it on "check book journalism" and networks paying for stories and pictures. I think in former times it was not so easy to get rich off sordid stories and talk show networks.
I still want to see Cindy and George arrested and charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. And I hope Cindy has her nursing license permanently revoked. :maddening:
I don't think GA had anything to do with it. I think he didn't want to believe his daughter could do something this horrendous, but knows in his heart that she did.

I believe Cindy would do anything to save her.

I think Casey has her new DT "family" and as long as they continue to enable her she doesn't need any other family.

I also think GA might rethink the suicide and won't be here in a year.
I bet Cindy thought Casey was going to call her right away.

Cindy, you'll have to wait a few years. Casey will get back in touch after she's blown through the money she will make in the aftermath of the trial.

She'll get back in touch when you are older and weaker.

I have so many thoughts on this...
I kinda believe that GA and CA actually thought she was going to get convicted and lied to save her life. They are probably shocked at an acquittal, but you know what its their own damn fault for once again covering for her. Also, I think CA is naive enough to think that she and KC can rebuild a relationship--BOMBSHELL Cindy! KC never had a bond to you or GA. You have always been a means to an end and now she will have her own $$ without having to work for it and she doesn't need you. I believe she will rip through it and in 10 Yrs she'll make up a new story or tease a news outlet with a confession in order to get more $$. I would be nervous if I were Baez's wife though...look for her to attach herself in their lives since she has no where and no one of her own.
In my opinion, Casey Anthony is the reincarnate of Ted Bundy. She will always be a psychopath and she will kill, again, anything that gets in her way. It's just a matter of time. Those pathetic spineless "jurors" will have to live with themselves for this. And when Casey strikes again, they can take comfort in their farfetched idea that the prosecution did not prove their case.
You're right

The 911 call: ' Smells like a dead body's been in the car ' and ' I want you to come and arrest my daughter ' etc. (words to that effect)

George admitting to LE that the smell in the vehicle was decomposition

Sociopaths are very big on revenge. They like to dish stuff out, but woe betide anyone who does the same to them, inadvertently or not

Sociopaths honour no-one, but expect total loyalty from everyone and it is never enough

Watch out, CA and GA

My recommendation to the A's is to not accept any offers of going on a cruise with KC and check your brake lines often.:waiting::gasp::bullseye:
Unfortunately, as per FOX News, no one is going to charge Cindy with perjury. It sends a message, doesn't it, that one can lie on the stand?

They probably don't want to waste any more time on this pathetic family. Caylee was too good for them. God called her back. And He will judge Casey more harshly than any of us could. That's where I take my comfort. Otherwise I'd be blowing my stack. lol
They probably don't want to waste any more time on this pathetic family. Caylee was too good for them. God called her back. And He will judge Casey more harshly than any of us could. That's where I take my comfort. Otherwise I'd be blowing my stack. lol
Yes, that is a comfort, because human justice OFTEN fails. Some commit crimes and never even get caught. But there is an ultimate court that cannot fail. We are here for such a short time, really.....
I posted this in a different thread but it's perfect for this thread as well.

imo, ICA got off because of her parents. In the beginning, they knew what happened or at the least, they knew ICA was involved. They covered for her and blamed others. They half-heartedly changed their tune when ICA threw them under the bus. However, it was too little, too late.

Please remember this....In the beginning, most of us here saw CA/GA for who they are. We despised them because they were greedy, hateful, rude, selfish and uncaring liars. Plain and simple, the JURY saw in the Anthony's what we saw in the Anthony's!!! GA got up on that stand and lied about the relationship he had with River Cruise...CA got up on that stand and lied about the computer searches. They both conveniently forgot facts about this and that. Their lies were OBVIOUS to that jury. So by the jury knowing the parents were sworn in and promised to tell the truth in that court but they got on the stand and proved to the world that they are bold-faced liars, then how can we expect this jury to convict? The jury probably thought CA/GA was framing ICA and/or that she was abused by everyone in that house.

The majority of the people following this case know that ICA is guility. I was sick and truly sadden by the verdict because I just couldn't understand how this could happen. I replayed everything in my mind and I realized that this verdict is pure KARMA aimed directly at CA/GA. This is what they get for not standing up for Caylee when they should have, IN THE BEGINNING! Three years later, at the end, it appears as if they finally stood up for Caylee but they didn't...they stood up for themselves because the bus was heading in their direction. Please, don't get it twisted they were not there for Caylee.

I'm not upset anymore because I can see how this karma thing is working. Karma has just dealt CA/GA a blow right below the belt. ICA is coming home, can you imagine how they must feel? If they were happy about the verdict, they would not have had the OH CRAP look on their faces when they heard not guilty. Karma is a beautiful thing in deed and I beleive strongly that ICA will not live the GOOD LIFE because KARMA has something special waiting just for her!
I wonder where they holed up from when the left the courtroom to when they returned home in the evening? Just wondering. Hmmmm.
Thank you. Yes, Tim Miller -- the man who invested over $100,000 in the search for Caylee, IIRC

the man who was instructed to stay away from the swamp, if reports are correct

I'd like to see him recompensed. Doubt he will even figure into their equations. But if by a miracle he were repaid, he could no doubt put that money to good use attempting to save or at least recover, another child

I wonder if Mark N will sue the murderer on behalf of Texas Equisearch to recoup that money?
You're right

The 911 call: ' Smells like a dead body's been in the car ' and ' I want you to come and arrest my daughter ' etc. (words to that effect)

George admitting to LE that the smell in the vehicle was decomposition

Sociopaths are very big on revenge. They like to dish stuff out, but woe betide anyone who does the same to them, inadvertently or not

Sociopaths honour no-one, but expect total loyalty from everyone and it is never enough

Watch out, CA and GA

Oh boy, truer words have never been said... I know from personal experience the wrath of a sociopath and Lord have mercy these people will annihilate anyone who dares to question them. I suspect that part of the reason that her parents and lee coddle her is that they know that she has no boundaries and that she will make up vicious life altering lies that would bring down the house if they didn't.

KC is one of the best sociopaths I have ever seen, in fact she could teach a class, she is quite spectacular. She did one heck of job picking this jury, she has such a good read on people and knows how to play to them that I think she would have been shocked if they convicted her...
You're right

The 911 call: ' Smells like a dead body's been in the car ' and ' I want you to come and arrest my daughter ' etc. (words to that effect)

George admitting to LE that the smell in the vehicle was decomposition

Sociopaths are very big on revenge. They like to dish stuff out, but woe betide anyone who does the same to them, inadvertently or not

Sociopaths honour no-one, but expect total loyalty from everyone and it is never enough

Watch out, CA and GA

I see this behavior in GA and CA, especially GA. He was standing by KC UNTIL she implicated him. :waitasec:
He should hire her as his nanny.

No one's children deserve Casey for a nanny, even Baez's

Of course, that could give Baez's wife grounds for divorce and custody of the children if she wants away from the slimeball.
I wonder if GA and CA will struggle with KC over rights to Caylee's name, book deals, movies, etc. Now that KC has been acquitted, she is in control.
How long before KC turns on Baez? He will broker deals for her and want his cut, but if we have learned anything about KC, its that she is resourceful and shrewd. She will think she can negotiate better deals on her own and will do so behind his back. This should actually be fun to watch. She and Baez are a lot alike and like to do whatever it takes to get what they want.
They probably don't want to waste any more time on this pathetic family. Caylee was too good for them. God called her back. And He will judge Casey more harshly than any of us could. That's where I take my comfort. Otherwise I'd be blowing my stack. lol

God made her, therefore God must and will take responsibility for what she's done. A just God could not respond in any other way

I suspect God sprinkles sociopaths etc. through mankind in much the same way the chef sprinkles pepper in a soup

Ultimately, people like KC are used by God as tools, perhaps - as a test -- of us. To challenge us, to stretch us

They say it matters not what happens to us -- what matters is how we respond

That being the case, we should feel sorry for KC and her ilk. They can't help how they are. They were born/created that way. Used as pepper/spice/an irritant in the human-stew. They lack qualities which most of us possess and take for granted. They and their behaviours are alien to most of us. They force us to confront issues we'd rather avoid. They force us to rise to the occasion. They force us to evolve and think and look within ourselves. They test the strength of our convictions and our perception of mercy. At least this is my way of making sense of it and remaining sane and able to face another day

If any of this is close to the truth, then God won't judge KC. He can't. As her Creator, he's responsible for her and for what she does

That doesn't mean we have to like her or like what she does. Because God created us as we are, also. He created us with our sense of justice/injustice and our sense of outrage over the way this has played out

Basically, NO sentence could ever be 'justice for Caylee'. Justice for Caylee could only be if her death and suffering were reversed and her life and childhood trust and joy returned to her

When we speak of 'justice for Caylee', I suspect we actually mean, 'punishment for her killer'. And that's been denied us

Who knows the 'why' of any of it. Whom did it serve ? Did it serve us, the public, the human race ? If so, how ? If there was a purpose, it escapes me, but then I have limited comprehension as to the Great Scheme and Plan

Anyway ....
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