Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

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I see this behavior in GA and CA, especially GA. He was standing by KC UNTIL she implicated him. :waitasec:

Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was right by her until she accused him of molesting her, then he had something to say. Caylee wasn't worth it to him,but saving his own arse was.
I'm sure Casey will run straight to them to live off of them until she makes the big bucks, and then drop them when she no longer needs them and not speak to them again. I'm not surprised they have not spoken to her yet...

She is done with them. She does not need a place to live any more. The idiots that pay for her interviews, books and movies will be taking mommy and daddy's place now. They are of no use to her any more and will be discarded like poor Caylee was.
I think she won't go home. baez and his bff geraldo will take care of her and he will probably get the exclusive interview.

Good point about Geraldo..............I had forgotten about JB's relationship with GR, and it's likely that between the two of them, they'll find somewhere for KC to stay upon her release. And, of course, GR will have exclusives with both KC and JB.
She is done with them. She does not need a place to live any more. The idiots that pay for her interviews, books and movies will be taking mommy and daddy's place now. They are of no use to her any more and will be discarded like poor Caylee was.

Don't worry. Remember the pendulum's swings -- what goes up, must come down
Baez is her new daddy now.

Like others have said Baez has the golden ticket. Him and his BFF Geraldo will have a nice hotel room waiting for Casey. Baez will become her agent and broker the deals.

The rest of the Anthonys will be left in the dust because they do not serve any purpose in her life anymore. She doesn't need them to raise Caylee, she doesn't have to steal their money, she doesn't need her fake job at Universal.

Casey will have new fake friends and some loser will be eager to brag on Facebook that he was the first to bed her after her release.

After a year or so of this she will fade into obscurity and some day show up on Dr. Drew's rehab reality show.
Is anyone familiar with Agatha Christie's short story, The Witness for the Prosecution? Synopsis:

Leonard Vole is arrested for the murder of his elderly friend Emily French, a woman who depended on his advice in managing her money. Because Emily made him her principal heir, not aware that he was a married man, things look bad for Leonard's defense. But the final blow comes when his wife, Romaine, agrees to testify, not in Leonard's defense, but as a witness for the prosecution.
In a much-celebrated plot twist, it turns out that Romaine was in fact working to free her husband all along. By first giving the prosecution its strongest evidence and then arranging for new evidence to come to light that discredits her testimony, it is more likely that Leonard will be acquitted than if she was simply a defense witness. It is then revealed that Leonard actually did kill Emily.

Sound familiar? Any thoughts?

Yes ... I read it many years ago, and I believe there is a movie as well.

I will have to re-read !
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was right by her until she accused him of molesting her, then he had something to say. Caylee wasn't worth it to him,but saving his own arse was.

I almost dare Casey to try to be a part of his life now. He's attempted suicide to be with Caylee, I am sure he will have no problem killing her and actually admitting to doing it. He may be with Caylee after all.
JUst read a news report on WESH.

Cindy and george have not met up with their daughter or spoken to her since her aquittal.

In fact according to their attourney Lippman, they are a shocked as hell, as they thought the state done a fantastic job.

Lippman said The anthonys hoped to get a slither of truth from casey when she testified, but that didnt happen.

Sorry, not buying what they're selling. When their lips are moving I don't waste my time listening. I do not now, nor will I ever, believe anything that comes out of the mouths of ICA, CA, GA, LA, or JB.

Waste. Huge waste. All of them.
I know some entertainment form will pay for something from any one of the A's but just think about it, if it's a book that's written, what would the title be....Lies of the Anthony's!! (Never going to get that book or movie titled: The TRUTH of What Happened to Caylee)

Why would ANYONE buy a book or view a movie the Anthony's have anything to do with when every single word from any one of the Anthony's is lie?? I wouldn't buy anything that any of the Anthony's profit from but I for sure wouldn't buy something that I know does not have one shred of truth to it.

I hear you I would not buy a book of theirs either - but I would buy the Jaycee Dugard book in a second, some cases deserve our support.

BUT just like the Enquirer sells million, and makes billions, it is sensationalism that makes money and KC's story only fits into those who love sensationalism. I think the "A" will make money on CAYLEE'S DEMISE. :(
casey doesnt give a rats behind what anybody let alone her parents think of her.

She doesnt give a thought for caylee or the thousands upon thousands of hours people donated searching for Caylee or the LE's time leading them on a wild goose chase


I posted this in a different thread but it's perfect for this thread as well.

imo, ICA got off because of her parents. In the beginning, they knew what happened or at the least, they knew ICA was involved. They covered for her and blamed others. They half-heartedly changed their tune when ICA threw them under the bus. However, it was too little, too late.

Please remember this....In the beginning, most of us here saw CA/GA for who they are. We despised them because they were greedy, hateful, rude, selfish and uncaring liars. Plain and simple, the JURY saw in the Anthony's what we saw in the Anthony's!!! GA got up on that stand and lied about the relationship he had with River Cruise...CA got up on that stand and lied about the computer searches. They both conveniently forgot facts about this and that. Their lies were OBVIOUS to that jury. So by the jury knowing the parents were sworn in and promised to tell the truth in that court but they got on the stand and proved to the world that they are bold-faced liars, then how can we expect this jury to convict? The jury probably thought CA/GA was framing ICA and/or that she was abused by everyone in that house.

The majority of the people following this case know that ICA is guility. I was sick and truly sadden by the verdict because I just couldn't understand how this could happen. I replayed everything in my mind and I realized that this verdict is pure KARMA aimed directly at CA/GA. This is what they get for not standing up for Caylee when they should have, IN THE BEGINNING! Three years later, at the end, it appears as if they finally stood up for Caylee but they didn't...they stood up for themselves because the bus was heading in their direction. Please, don't get it twisted they were not there for Caylee.

I'm not upset anymore because I can see how this karma thing is working. Karma has just dealt CA/GA a blow right below the belt. ICA is coming home, can you imagine how they must feel? If they were happy about the verdict, they would not have had the OH CRAP look on their faces when they heard not guilty. Karma is a beautiful thing in deed and I beleive strongly that ICA will not live the GOOD LIFE because KARMA has something special waiting just for her!

An excellent post that should be repeated. Karma, indeed. And let's not forget about that rich iorny ;)
I see this behavior in GA and CA, especially GA. He was standing by KC UNTIL she implicated him. :waitasec:
He more than likely wrote that script to get all the hate off KC and onto himself.
NO, I do not think KC is the director of that at all. IMO GA directed it all including being thrown under the bus, to give KC a reason for not confiding in him, LET us not forget, he is the EX Murder investigator. He knew exactly what he was doing.

KC knows how to lie, not how to orchestrate and direct a show like this one.
I don't think she will go live with them, but I do think she will head over to Hopespring to get some of Caylee's stuff (to sell, oops I mean license).
Is anyone familiar with Agatha Christie's short story, The Witness for the Prosecution? Synopsis:

Leonard Vole is arrested for the murder of his elderly friend Emily French, a woman who depended on his advice in managing her money. Because Emily made him her principal heir, not aware that he was a married man, things look bad for Leonard's defense. But the final blow comes when his wife, Romaine, agrees to testify, not in Leonard's defense, but as a witness for the prosecution.
In a much-celebrated plot twist, it turns out that Romaine was in fact working to free her husband all along. By first giving the prosecution its strongest evidence and then arranging for new evidence to come to light that discredits her testimony, it is more likely that Leonard will be acquitted than if she was simply a defense witness. It is then revealed that Leonard actually did kill Emily.

Sound familiar? Any thoughts?

I was hoping more for the ending of And Then There Were None. That would make me happy.
You guys really think KC and CA have had no contact the last 3 years? What about all the secret note passing by JB? What about the laptop? What about cell phone passing in Court? I think KC has been in contact with CA for sure, don't know about the rest of them.

She will get some of her things from Hopespring and some of Caylee's as soon as the media attention is drawn away, if CA has not already given them to JB. Heck, she'll break in if she chooses to.

Remember anything Lippman says to the media is what the attorney thinks everyone should believe at the moment, not what is really going on.
I posted this in a different thread but it's perfect for this thread as well.

imo, ICA got off because of her parents. In the beginning, they knew what happened or at the least, they knew ICA was involved. They covered for her and blamed others. They half-heartedly changed their tune when ICA threw them under the bus. However, it was too little, too late.

Please remember this....In the beginning, most of us here saw CA/GA for who they are. We despised them because they were greedy, hateful, rude, selfish and uncaring liars. Plain and simple, the JURY saw in the Anthony's what we saw in the Anthony's!!! GA got up on that stand and lied about the relationship he had with River Cruise...CA got up on that stand and lied about the computer searches. They both conveniently forgot facts about this and that. Their lies were OBVIOUS to that jury. So by the jury knowing the parents were sworn in and promised to tell the truth in that court but they got on the stand and proved to the world that they are bold-faced liars, then how can we expect this jury to convict? The jury probably thought CA/GA was framing ICA and/or that she was abused by everyone in that house.

The majority of the people following this case know that ICA is guility. I was sick and truly sadden by the verdict because I just couldn't understand how this could happen. I replayed everything in my mind and I realized that this verdict is pure KARMA aimed directly at CA/GA. This is what they get for not standing up for Caylee when they should have, IN THE BEGINNING! Three years later, at the end, it appears as if they finally stood up for Caylee but they didn't...they stood up for themselves because the bus was heading in their direction. Please, don't get it twisted they were not there for Caylee.

I'm not upset anymore because I can see how this karma thing is working. Karma has just dealt CA/GA a blow right below the belt. ICA is coming home, can you imagine how they must feel? If they were happy about the verdict, they would not have had the OH CRAP look on their faces when they heard not guilty. Karma is a beautiful thing in deed and I beleive strongly that ICA will not live the GOOD LIFE because KARMA has something special waiting just for her!

:floorlaugh: you crack me up :)
KC was home for a little bit after the first arrest. They are all a part of this theatrical show, including their look of Oh Crap! LOL
But KC will probably make a bunch of money on interviews and get her won apartment. The question will be is she saf out there? Daddy is probably trying to figure out where she will go and how that would work. And he will say to her you did a good job throwing me under the bus - it actually worked.

Karma may take a while to catch up with them all. :)
As soon as she can, she should buy an isolated property far from any neighbors or the media. Who is going to want to live in close proximity to her? She will be a social pariah, just as O.J. was. I hope she lives in her own social prison the rest of her life.
That's about what I would expect someone to say in this situation, stuck between a rock and a hard place.
As soon as she can, she should buy an isolated property far from any neighbors or the media. Who is going to want to live in close proximity to her? She will be a social pariah, just as O.J. was. I hope she lives in her own social prison the rest of her life.

I agree that she will need to find the most secure place to live possible, if for no other reason, the neighbors will probably not appreciate media and papz staking out their neighborhood.
casey doesnt give a rats behind what anybody let alone her parents think of her.

She doesnt give a thought for caylee or the thousands upon thousands of hours people donated searching for Caylee or the LE's time leading them on a wild goose chase



She has the signs of a mentally Ill person.
she is not evil, she is damaged.
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