Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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not an open homicide... defense said caylee accidently drowned... so that's their story and they better stick to it...
You know what..iam starting to think the Jury believe Zanny did it after all....they obviously zoned out after the first 5 minutes of the trial
No, it's not open because ICA murdered her. LE knows ICA did this. The jury is the one who found her 'not guilty', they didn't say she was innocent.
You know what..iam starting to think the Jury believe Zanny did it after all....they obviously zoned out after the first 5 minutes of the trial

Oh one can only hope! I am dying to hear those magical words shouted at Cindy again: "Yes or No!?! Just the way you like it, Yes or No!?!"
On Thursday, Judge Perry will sentence Casey to LWOP
for guilty of lying to officers of the law.
"Ireland has been through enough in the last couple of centuries. They don't need or deserve Casey."

Speaking as someone who's Irish through and through, her obsession with the Irish and Irish babies makes me shudder.

Lady Justice is weeping tonight.
I see a future in the law for Casey, she was a fantastic paralegal throughout her own trial! :woohoo: :banghead:

Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't get a law degree or something relating to helping others who are 'wrongly' accused, she will go on some crusade I think. Remember JB said yesterday, something about what should come out of this case is for them to actively work against the DP. I think this is the angle she will be going for.
Sadly, I think ica will indeed get rich off the death of poor Caylee... I am betting Playboy will offer her at least 1 million alone. Plus $$$$ for interviews, books, movies or whatever else she can make money from... I've heard there's been talk of her getting a reality show, but I honestly don't see any network wanting to touch that with a 100 ft. pole. I suspect George will either be kicked to the curb by cindy and ica ...or will try another suicide attempt..or both. I suspect initiallly, she will announce plans to pursue a law degree/career but as soon as $$ comes in, that 'goal' will be tossed aside and she will just leech off whatever blood money she can make. I do think her life will be in danger from those seeking vigilante if she's smart, she should immediately move abroad and lay low..but I think her vanity and ego and desire to be 'a star' will override that and she will seek attention... especially once all this media frenzy calms down. I have been in the saddest mood all day.. I feel so disillusioned and my faith in legal system, etc., have taken a very bad hit... I know all the TH's, LE, have said while they disagree with the verdict, they respect the juror's decision... I'm sorry but I DON'T!! I'm angry at the 12 people that have given her a free pass... I believe there had to have been some serious jury misconduct... I still think they just didn't want to stay there one more the point they would acquit her rather than having to go thru a guilt phase. Maybe I'm grasping for a reason..any reason, no matter how wrong or nefarious to explain their verdict...because I simply do NOT understand how they could arrive at that verdict if even one of them had an iota of common sense. Sorry to vent and rant here... I am just so hurt for little Caylee I can't stand it. If indeed KC is guilty, which I believe she is, I hope a freakin lightning bolt strikes her the moment she's released from jail. THAT would be justice.
Few thoughts for KC's future $$ making opportunities:

A phone call from Larry Flynt for a photo spread

Reality TV - something on VH-1 or how about the next Bachelorette???

I feel like we have all been transported to a parallel universe where the only reality is what KC wants everyone to believe!

I hope Caylee may someday rest in peace.

If KC is allowed by CA to return to Hopespring Drive, I believe GA will move out. KC will be villified by the public, and may possibly face vigilante justice.

I refuse to watch any video, interviews, read any books where she and/or her parents are involved....unless GA steps away from them and talks about the truth. I have a hard time saying "I hate" anyone, but I can honestly say I despise KC.

This trial, in front of THOSE jurors was a waste. A huge, huge waste.
The future for ICA is what causes me the most angst! She's always wanted to be the center of attention and now in her mind the whole world is her stage! Her trial was watched by millions! We won't support the media blitz that will make her rich off her daughters death but most will :( There will be book deals and movie deals and interviews - I'm sure there are journalists already in line to try and talk with her! She wanted a life free of Caylee and now she'll be able to live that life and what's more she'll make tons of money doing it! This makes me physically ill.

I see all the wrong people making money off of this - JB has hit the jackpot which goes against all that is good and decent in life. And you can throw in CM in there as well. ICA will rake in big bucks because our society supports such a thing. CA, GA, the jurors, witnesses that supported the DT. Did I miss anyone?
Maybe Casey will hire a private investigator with her million dollar film rights. What do you think?
Dr. Drew will probably make sure she has her own show on MTV. She will end up at movie premiers and Hollywood parties. Unfortunately, our society loves to make morally bankrupt people celebrities.
She is going to have a baby, very first thing.
Karma. Possibly vigilante justice (that's the first thing my friend said when I told him). Possibly more criminal acts.

She'll get what's coming to her. I have no doubts about it.

Speaking of vigilante justice, I saw a facebook post today that made me smile, despite everything that has happened. It said "Dear Dexter, I have this thing I need you to take care of..." I certainly do not advocate any form of vigilante justice, at least not publicly. :innocent: But that made me LOL.
The attorneys said they were going to help her through this and she is not going home.
Right now they have to make sure she holds up the defense OS. She can't go home and live with the father child molester. She can't associate with the brother child molester either. She will go with either JB or CM to live. I bet it is CM he is more stable financially and could treat her like his Granddaughter he claims she is like. JB or CM will give her a job, the first thing they do is get her a phone and her very own laptop. She will wear out her welcome quick and AL will wisk her away to chicago to get her GED and put her through law school. She will drop out of college because she will be a popular girl on the dating scene. By next year the A's will beg her to come home and life will be good for awhile.
CA and ICA will kick GA out of the house and ICA wll start up her life she left 2.5 yrs ago. She will have New friends , New car, Old life. ICA has bought into the defense lies and so it goes.
She will continue her lies because she has been shown there is a payoff why change now.
There's a big difference between giving teen moms and clubbing guidos their own shows and giving a woman who murdered her 2-year-old her own show. I have no doubt that Casey will do interviews, and write a book, etc but I think the idea of her getting a reality show and going to awards show is just preposterous and never going to happen.
I find it kind of "funny" how there are about two general responses about Casey after the trial, and how much they vary.

(Okay, this is a bit exaggerated):

Response #1: Casey will get her on show on HLN and another show on MTV. She will win Emmy's for both. She will star in a box office movie about her trial, playing herself, and she will win an Oscar for it. Next will be an album that will win Grammy's.

Response #2: Casey will be completely forgotten by tomorrow. No one will remember her name. She will never make any TV appearances or write a book about the case. The millions of people who were shocked by the verdict won't care about it by the end of the week.

I'm not trying to make light of anything, or mock anyone's posts, but I noticed the lack of middle ground, and how people were so extreme one way or another in their posts, that I had to point it out.
On the hearsay provided by River Cruz, a woman who accepted money, profited on the murder of defenceless little child.

Her dubious statement which was denied by GA but quoted by JB when questioned after the verdict on how the child died “ It was an accident that snowballed out of control.”

How disgusting is that, after all the damning, positive evidence provided by the prosecution in this case.
No, I don't think so. Very, Very few doubt that LE got their perpetrator. The jury let the perpetrator go unpunished.

There's no murder mystery here.
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