Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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The local news here, not Florida, just announced that KC will be interviewed, books, movie plan, all is in the works. Sigh.

I really cannot make any predictions, I can only hope that KC will change from this and not be a petty criminal anymore (stealing) and never be a big time criminal (murder). What lies ahead for her is her choice. I hope that everyone remains safe around her.

I think KC will stick to it was an accidental drowning, she may one day tell some lover the truth, but I cannot say that with certainty. I think her lies become reality to her.
When Casey gets out of jail and Googles her name, she will be surprised to see just how popular she is. She will have a hard time understanding that she is not famous -- she is infamous. I think she will be very "frushtrated" that the entire world does not understand her being a victim.

Casey is going to need a team of handlers, and they will all exploit her in one way or another. She will look for someone who will love her and have her best interests at heart but that will be hard/impossible to find. She will probably have another baby. I think of her becoming like Anna Nicole Smith in some ways.

Money will come her way. In our society, celebrity status and too much money often translate into destructive lifestyle patterns involving drugs and reckless behavior.

I have often thought that Casey might eventually sue her family for selling Caylee's photos and for having Caylee's remains cremated instead of having the traditional burial that Casey wanted. She might also demand a share of any deals her mom and dad have already entered into in the way of books and movies.

I guess she will just keep being Casey -- but with money.
I think she is going to get a ton of money, get used by horrible people who glom on to her because she has money, have a period of elation the next year where everyone tries to take their pound of flesh from her, we'll see her in Hollywood and then she'll fade away (not happily but rather pathetically)....have update articles (or interviews) here and there and be considered a person who got away with murder (rather than an innocent woman) for the rest of her life. It is a good thing she is a sociopath because some of the pain in her future wont sink in. But I
I can easily imagine that GA will quietly fade away to Fort Meyers and that frees CA to travel with ICA to New York, Hollywood, etc. to cash in on this tragedy. CA will enjoy this media train. But underneath all that CA will have many sleepless nights for a very long time. I think JB will stay very close to ensure his cash cow in all this. But....the only reasonable doubt I have in this case is to not be so certain of my own ideas about how their future will play out...I have NO doubt about what happened to Caylee.
How long can she get on the charges that did stick? Anyone know?
Another thought! maybe she will get tonys number!:innocent:
Well thankfully, in hindsight, for Caley's sake at least? Social media and the internet works to Caley's advantage. And society's advantage that poured a tremendous amount of outcry over this horrific chain of events.

Casey's life will not at all be glamorous. Things have changed since 2008. Society has changed. We are totally reliant upon the internet. I have a tv but honestly don't watch it much. I watch a lot of stuff online though. Cell phones are different. And of course way easier to track someone's movements online, AND, off. Laptops are things of the past. We now have Ipad's, Iphones, Smart phones, Blackberries, netbooks. We have become a compact society. Gas is much more expensive. Car's are smaller. Laws have changed. Become stricter. Law enforcement is much more aware now than they were then.

Remember way back, I believe it was Anthony, saying she had nightmares. He described them. That is what Casey has to look forward to. Except, as a result of social media? And the internet? And how fast information travels? And how INFAMOUS this case became? And will always be?

She'll always have a very good reminder of what she did. Which will fuel those nightmares. I predict she will be in trouble with the law sooner than we think. Because as is evident from her body language in court? I saw seething, and hatred pouring out from her. And that hatred will be her downfall. Her years of isolation in OCJ? She'll never get over that. She'll cloak it to help herself cope. But she'll never get over that.

She's going to come walking out of jail and hell will start all over again. Cept this time?

The game rules have changed over 3 years.
Cindy is going to be happy initially and then realize that she is going to have to SHARE the pics, the money with ICA. Had ICA been sentenced for life, Cindy would have been able to sell the story, be on talk shows. She still will, but ICA will get the best offers. Poor Cindy. I think ICA will sell herself to playboy
I would love to see George or Lee file a wrongful death lawsuit and she WOULD be found guilty! It would also prevent her from being able to profit from Caylee's murder.
Cindy is going to be happy initially and then realize that she is going to have to SHARE the pics, the money with ICA. Had ICA been sentenced for life, Cindy would have been able to sell the story, be on talk shows. She still will, but ICA will get the best offers. Poor Cindy. I think ICA will sell herself to playboy

Ewwwwww, ICA will have to do something about those droopy (.)(.)'s
before hitting up Playboy.

I believe these people with have empty, meaningless lives. Appearances will mean everything to Cindy and ICA and when no one is looking I hope Cindy chokes the life out of KC like she should have done June 15, 2008.

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I think there is a very strong chance she'll be arrested again for some kind of theft. Hopefully not for a violent crime again but that is obviously possible. As delusional as she is, and I think she has severe mental problems, only intensive therapy is going to keep her out of jail again and I don't see her signing herself up for that.

I agree--she will reenter society carrying around the same disordered thinking and sociopathy that caused all of this in the first place. It's amazing, though, how one woman can be so "lucky." I mean, what are the odds that all the pieces just fell into place for her? We have everything except a video of her dumping her child in the swamp, yet she walks off scot-free. She probably feels emboldened. I know she is a lot smarter now and would be able to cover tracks better in order to circumvent the law.

I don't see her living a normal, workaday life and avoiding high-risk behavior. I think that coming decades will be full of National Enquirer-type scandals and drama.
I hope Casey's life is a living hell from here on out. She deserves it.
I hope that GA doesn't consider suicide if things don't work out at home. I hope he instead considers writing a book telling the real 100% truth of everything that happened in that house. I hope GA knows that he could make a LOT of money with the truth. Much, much more than KC ever could with her story of lies.

Like, like, like. Yes, if George *really* opened up and told the true details of what HAD been going on in that family for, I'm sure, years before this happened, that would be very interesting. Especially in light of what he said in his suicide note about his having tried to speak up for a year before about what was going on, only to be told not to be negative.

But if he does this, he needs to be totally honest about *himself*, too, and be straight about things like whether he was involved in a Nigerian scam, online gambling, or whether it was just a *advertiser censored* addiction, or whatever the heck was actually going on with him that caused the trouble with Cindy. Because if he keeps trying to waffle on stuff like that, many (most) people will assume he is also lying about the other things, just to make himself look better.
I can't predict because I cannot tell what or how her defense team will advise her. However, they did keep her from testifying for good reason. She is highly marketable now, but this could go terribly awry given that Casey is an attention seeker, highly strung and emotive. Oprah and/or Diane, Matt Lauer or Piers Morgan would certainly eat her alive. At this point, if there are interviews, Geraldo will be first and it would be likely scripted.
So...KC is afforded her rights, but NG's 1st amendment right should be stripped? Caylee loses her rights under the Declaration of Independence, and NG should lose hers, too? Huh? :waitasec:

Nancy Grace poisoned the jury pool by her nightly "Tot Mom" broadcasts for six months, saying the same thing over and over until the body was found. NG is the reason it was so hard to find a jury. I don't think Casey is innocent, but a person IS considered innocent until proven guilty, and NG convicted "Tot Mom" right off the bat. She never even considered the possibility of an accident.

NG also had the nerve during the trial to criticize what she saw as Casey's changing facial expressions from crying to laughing in a nanosecond. HUH! This from a woman who can be screeching one moment and in THE most condescending manner, and then, when someone mentions her children or she goes into her Heroes segment, she turn into a simpering Mother Teresa? Please.

Also, when she described Casey's reaction when Cindy mouthed "I love you" to her that day, NG TOTALLY exaggerated what really happened. I SAW what happened. Casey did NOT shake her head and roll her eyes. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

And last night she had the nerve to say, in reference to the defense team's celebratory dinner, that "now, I'm not one to preach..." HUH! WHAT?

If you want to blame anyone for Casey's acquittal, take a good hard look at Nancy Grace. Cheney Mason had a DAMN good point yesterday. She thinks just because she was the victim of a crime and a prosecutor, she is the ultimate authority on all things legal.

Well, when a sweet kid like Elizabeth Smart, after receiving the NG treatment, asks the producer "Who gave this b...h a TV show?", it should give you pause.
As much as the media attention seemed biased and out of control, it was the only justice this little girl got, some good people's awareness. Too bad morally bankrupt people would actually support her.
Casey is a sociopath, she will reoffend.

Thank God for the IRS, they never acquit.

No one else will be arrested for Caylee's death. Her killer will walk free because the jury acquitted her.

/the end

I am convinced she is untouchable and invincible now. The devil usually is.

Karma. Possibly vigilante justice (that's the first thing my friend said when I told him). Possibly more criminal acts.

She'll get what's coming to her. I have no doubts about it.


Dr Drew even said he thinks that ICA will run into trouble from here on out, as OJ did

(sorry if this has already been discussed, just got back in, got booted and had to suffer alone through this :(

She will continue to be a pathological liar...that will never change. In fact the lies will grow by both her and her mother, to implicate GA or attempt to.

What a travesty of justice...

I do hope the IRS takes quick and swift action but she might be able to pay that $68,000 after she writes that book...:maddening:

ICA will always have this stigma attached to her but she doesn't care.

ICA will continue to grow in her pathological lies and thinking, she will never be a productive member of society, she is a waste, huge waste, so that won't change...

I have this strange gut feeling the Anthony's were in on this line of defense. They knew if they created enough doubt surrounding Caylee's death they would set her free..

ICA will have to change her name and maybe some plastic surgery move out of Florida for vigilante justice is very real...

I want to see other charges for she admitted to this drowning, not calling authorities, dumping her body she should have some repercussions out of that. Possibly, not reporting a drowning, improper disposal of a corpse, abuse of a corpse anything that will hold her in prison for some years. Wishing it would happen but of course, it won' well as Baez...inspite of this horrendous trial, in spite of his ineptitude, in spite of his own lying, he should still be held in contempt of court and face a possible disbarment...this is the second biggest travesty of justice with OJ being the first I've witnessed. He didn't change, he became more arrogant and felt as if he was untouchable but there he sits basically doing a life sentence...I await that same fate for ICA....I would also like to see CA have some charges of her own, perjury being the first...I can't believe this family might feel that they will be one big happy family while Caylee's death goes unavenged. I hope they are haunted by Caylee's presence for the rest of their sorry lives. I cannot believe this travesty of justice that the lies were more believable than the truth...I have lost faith in our judicial system and those 12 jurors who didn't use common sense. Caylee is dead and only ICA benefited from that and will continue to benefit...Shame on that jury who couldn't see the lies for what they were...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
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