Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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If Casey gets any money she'll probably get chin and cheek implants, colored contacts, dye her hair, cut it with side swept bangs to hide the forehead, and get some sort of botox to alter her mouth appearance. If she gets enough money, she'll probably get a boob job as well as lots of tanning since we know her as very pale and only slightly tan. She'll probably alter her appearance in stages while she rakes in the benefits, but once she changes her name she can do a final appearance change and fit in. Of course she'll make up degrees and a colorful past, but have no family to introduce to men and new friends. If she's in another country no one will know unless someone rats her out, and that would probably be Cindy if they stay in contact. I wouldn't be suprised if some mental health experts haven't offered a private stay in some out of the country ritzy mental health clinic and doctors offering services for surgeries to change her appearance.
How would Casey be able to even get a Florida driver's license renewed? She let it expire while in jail and with those court imposed fines that she has to pay, won't those have to be paid in full before she could even get a driver's license renewed? Without a driver's license, she won't be able to drive legally (although I doubt that would stop her).
I have to research if an ex convict is even allowed to legally change her name.
Oh. She could but will have to have a Notification of Service to Authorities. Even more chance the name change would become public knowledge before the process is even complete :great: Maybe we can help in sending out recommendations for her new name. I feel a Snark Attack coming so I'll go sit on my hands now :crazy:
You know what will probably happen? KC and Baez together will get paid an extraordinary amount of money to do an interview or two... but they will choose the questions beforehand. They will refuse to answer questions about Caylee, her death, the trial, and a whole laundry list of other topics. The interview will be a whole lotta nothing.

Soon afterward, KC will be back in jail for something else.
I have to research if an ex convict is even allowed to legally change her name.

they can change their name. But all identifying information such as social security etc? Goes right along with the NEW name from the OLD name. It is a costly process. It DOES have to go through the courts. Credit wise it wipes out your past but? Since you have to keep your OLD social security number but just with a new court approved name change? Once the OLD creditors catch up with you? It's back to square one. And name changes ARE a matter of public record as well.

*note to civil rights being Florida? You have to wait 5 years for civil rights to be restored after conviction. AND that is dependent upon the crime. Next? You must beg the state via the governor's office to have them restored. Gov. Scott just made THAT law and signed it into passage I believe this month?*
The safest thing she could do would be to go underground, but since she's CA & needs money, she will have to put herself out there & try to make money while she can-she would probably be safer in prison & that is the only justice in this situation...
Whats Next...I hope a Civil Suit of Wrongful Death
It might be the end of Casey's trail for murder but her legal woes have just begun. She will make millions off of a tell all book but that will only bring more law suits. I am willing to bet that we will find out who the father is when her money starts rolling in. The biological father can sue for a civil suit of wrongful death and tie her money up for a long time... Come on guys line up for the paternity test.

Better yet. Mom and Dad if you are so upset about all of this then fight for Caylee and file a wrongful death suit. Much easier to prove and look how effective it was on OJ. Life was not all peachy for him fighting the Civil Suit and trying to hold onto his money. Just Sayin !!!!!!

You know, that's not a bad idea for the Anthonys. Otherwise they'll never see a penny of the money Casey could be hauling in. I'm just looking at this from their perspective. Because I know she'll more or less dis-own them, or already has.
I think she will be rearrested when she leaves jail this week on charges of where she buried her daughter and maybe neglect of child. I'm sure the DA is working on something...anything to get her on!
Not sure where to post this so if it needs to be moved feels free mods -

I'm wondering, since we all know (via LA) what a spiteful "B" Casey is, if any of her past friends/acquaintances are in fear of her when she's released. I wouldn't blame them one bit, especially when they hear about million-dollar deals being offered to her which would help provide her with resources to find them and to seek revenge on them. I truly feel there are far more people that need protection from Casey than vice-versa. JMO~
Didn't somebody (Cindy?) say Casey wanted to go to law school? I'm sure her defense team will support her in that endeavor, with money and support staff jobs, and lots of hugs and hair pats.
Didn't somebody (Cindy?) say Casey wanted to go to law school? I'm sure her defense team will support her in that endeavor, with money and support staff jobs, and lots of hugs and hair pats.

I can't remember who said it, but Andrea Lyon was going to help her go to law school. Will she do it? I doubt it if the easy money starts pouring in.

I expect she will make some easy money, life will be good for a while in her mind. Around 2013 when no one is paying over the easy money, all the hangers on are gone, she has blown the money, there will be some sort of melt down.
I think she will be rearrested when she leaves jail this week on charges of where she buried her daughter and maybe neglect of child. I'm sure the DA is working on something...anything to get her on!

It's a long shot, but I'm hoping the same thing. Everything in this case, from the murder to the verdict, has been surprising, so why not another surprise?
She isn't eligible for unemployment because she hasn't worked in years. At least that is the way it works here in Texas.

That's the way it works everywhere I think. However, she lives by a different set of rules which are approved by many people including the jurors, so she can get unemployment if she wants to.
I can't remember who said it, but Andrea Lyon was going to help her go to law school. Will she do it? I doubt it if the easy money starts pouring in.

I expect she will make some easy money, life will be good for a while in her mind. Around 2013 when no one is paying over the easy money, all the hangers on are gone, she has blown the money, there will be some sort of melt down.

Remember what ICA says and what she DOES? Are always to leave little to be believed. :great:
Casey and Jose looked mighty cozy yesterday in court i predict she may end up with him for awhile I don't know if he is married or not but me thinks his wife should beware after all they have had 3 yrs if foreplay .

I agree!! Actually, they deserve each other.
She won't go home as long as she has money. I suppose her defense team will be her "sponsor" of sorts and manage any money she makes for her, else she'd blow through it. She'll probably have another kid, but IMO as long as she has enough money to pay for an actual nanny, she probably won't kill the child. IMO she won't hurt or kill anyone unless she's backed into a corner and has no other options. I think what happened was because she didn't have any of her own money, was totally dependent on her parents, couldn't get away from them financially and was angry at them.

However, I can't imagine her living on her own. She probably never did any housework, probably avoided that just like she avoided getting an actual job. She will need someone to take care of the house and any kids she has. She will probably have to hire someone to do all that. She will probably be spending a lot more time with her defense team, and they may find that very trying. When she is free, she can come visit them anytime and IMO they won't like it. IMO she will bring strife and arguments and disagreements wherever she goes, and they will get tired of it.

If she runs out of money, then anything could happen IMO.

Don't see how she could become a lawyer. Too many felonies! Maybe she could be a paralegal. But again, that would be work.

As far as getting paid to tell "her story" - WHY would anyone buy it? She will never tell the truth. The story she tells will be some version of what the defense sold to the jurors. George probably won't sue her even if she continues to tell people that he abused her. Caylee's death and cover-up will be ALL George's fault - we already heard it for free right from the courtroom, so why pay for it?
She will probably be spending a lot more time with her defense team, and they may find that very trying.

:floorlaugh: :worms: :gasp: :snake:

Oh, boy are they in for it if she's staying with any of them. And they deserve every bit of what's coming to them. For such supposedly educated people they don't seem all that bright. Are they blind to what she did to several members of her own family? Her friends? Her lovers? They're gonna be the :loser:
Tax liens will follow her like a really good stalker. The will include money due to the IRS, the state of FL, Orlando courts, etc. Until full payment, penalties and interest keep on rolling, just like the tide.
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