Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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What's funny to me is where I work, someone came in with a Legal Shield card last year right before I realized I was missing the trial coverage. And I looked at it, and I thought to myself, "Wonder if this is like that prepaid legal stuff Travis was doing...." And Then I think when I heard Gus testify is when I realized it was the same damn company.

I don't think I'd be remiss in saying Jodi's case made them have to change the company name.

BBM JA had nothing to do with Pre-Paid Legal changing their name to Legal Shield. Google.
Actions on Travis' computer June 4th:

4:08am--youtube video
4:11.04am--youtube video
4:15.13am--youtube video
4:24.00am--youtube video proxy server
4:30.27am--gmail (page 2?)

In court, Jodi claimed she came in the side garage door, peeked in, Travis' back was to her and he was watching music videos on youtube. Stood there for up to a minute, and Travis came to greet her when Naps noticed her. She can't remember if he spoke, but smiled and kissed her. "romantic kiss."

Claimed they watched videos for a while and he took her to see punching bag and went to kitchen. Talk of him getting her luggage and going to sleep. No talk of returning to computer.

So...this could only happen at 415am, where there is a 9 minute lag in computer usage. I don't know what "they" could be looking at in his gmail or on his website that could be "videos," do you?

In her interrogation, she says she arrived around 3am, and she says he was watching stupid videos and said that she had to see this. I haven't found again the part where she'd crossed on this, if she was.

I just can't imagine that it took only 8 minutes and some seconds for their greeting and he returned to watching a video only once and then went into his gmail and his website while company had just arrived. Seems odd. He spent 3 minutes or so in his email. Depending on how long it would take to load the email box, I wonder if he shot off an email to someone.

I was wondering if "backspace queen" sneaked in after he'd gone upstairs to look at this stuff, but the times just seem too quick for her to not be afraid of getting caught down there if Travis returned downstairs. I wonder if it's possible that she did get there at 2:30 or 3am and after Travis went to bed, she went to "back-spacing" through his computer. I might buy that she was on this computer if she'd already secured the house by making sure of who was there and where before creeping onto his computer.

Actions on Travis' computer June 4th:

4:08am--youtube video
4:11.04am--youtube video
4:15.13am--youtube video
4:24.00am--youtube video proxy server
4:30.27am--gmail (page 2?)

In court, Jodi claimed she came in the side garage door, peeked in, Travis' back was to her and he was watching music videos on youtube. Stood there for up to a minute, and Travis came to greet her when Naps noticed her. She can't remember if he spoke, but smiled and kissed her. "romantic kiss."

Claimed they watched videos for a while and he took her to see punching bag and went to kitchen. Talk of him getting her luggage and going to sleep. No talk of returning to computer.

So...this could only happen at 415am, where there is a 9 minute lag in computer usage. I don't know what "they" could be looking at in his gmail or on his website that could be "videos," do you?

In her interrogation, she says she arrived around 3am, and she says he was watching stupid videos and said that she had to see this. I haven't found again the part where she'd crossed on this, if she was.

I just can't imagine that it took only 8 minutes and some seconds for their greeting and he returned to watching a video only once and then went into his gmail and his website while company had just arrived. Seems odd. He spent 3 minutes or so in his email. Depending on how long it would take to load the email box, I wonder if he shot off an email to someone.

I was wondering if "backspace queen" sneaked in after he'd gone upstairs to look at this stuff, but the times just seem too quick for her to not be afraid of getting caught down there if Travis returned downstairs. I wonder if it's possible that she did get there at 2:30 or 3am and after Travis went to bed, she went to "back-spacing" through his computer. I might buy that she was on this computer if she'd already secured the house by making sure of who was there and where before creeping onto his computer.


Maybe the 4:15:13 YT video lasted 7 or 8 minutes? I do think she arrived somewhere around 3:00 a.m. but I'm doubtful he knew she was there, more plausible that she waited until he went upstairs and got in and backtracked his usage. And if that proxy server was through YT, I don't think it was anything nefarious as some who've mentioned it made it out to be. Thanks for finding that list. :)
P.S. Did you ever see what was originally on
Thanks, I didn't think about Wayback, it looks pretty much like what I read was on his My Space, is that right?

I haven't seen his myspace in some time and the one that's currently on Google isn't his actual as it wasn't even created til early 2009.

edited to add:

ok, found this archive but not sure if it's his legitimate Myspace

and here's Jodi's (you have to highlight comments on her page to see them - Travis posted to her on May 2nd, 2008)
Maybe the 4:15:13 YT video lasted 7 or 8 minutes? I do think she arrived somewhere around 3:00 a.m. but I'm doubtful he knew she was there, more plausible that she waited until he went upstairs and got in and backtracked his usage. And if that proxy server was through YT, I don't think it was anything nefarious as some who've mentioned it made it out to be. Thanks for finding that list. :)

I didnt find this list. I made this list myself after I heard the computer tech starting to mention other times after the Daft videos. It became VERY odd to me that they'd have a greeting and then he'd return on the computer and start looking at email.

A quick look at the daft hands videos on youtube from 6 years ago indicates that none of them were that long. They were all about 4 minutes give or take. I was taking for granted on the 415am video that he was interrupted by her and it was playing as they "greeted." Then it ended, and after they settled in, he put on another one.

I wouldn't put it passed her to sit there and backspace, but we can't know it without the information of what Travis looked at before 4am. The tech guy does not reveal that information. I'm thinking that if Travis had looked at the same stuff in reverse earlier that evening, then JM would have jumped all over that, plus, I don't think she would have actually sat there and watched each video if she was backspacing. The time btw the vids indicates someone watched.

I would buy that she got there earlier than him watching the videos and they watched them together, but I don't see how he'd be comfortable checking his email and website in front of someone he'd just told his friend had gotten into his accounts.

I still have a hard time buying that she'd freely roam his house and spend that much time on his computer without worrying that someone could walk in on her. Now, if it was his laptop and she took it outside...that's another story. If there were wireless laptops back then. I don't remember.

I went over the interrogations tapes and she'd told Flores that she had a wall charger for her phone, fyi. So why she'd think her car charger was in their house is beyond me.
One last thought before I hit the sack, do you think in his text where he mentions the privacy thing that he found out (or she let him know) that she recorded the phone sex call? It would make sense of why he tells her to let Steve tie her to the tree. Do we have any time for the phone call (regardless of the plus or minus 7 hours)?

I hope I don't dream about any of this. ewww LOL

Travis was sexting her as far back as 5/2/08. In the ones they showed in court, he was talking about some photoshoot and about all this crazy sex they'd have. So it's entirely possible that they'd talked about sex in the woods, which is what he'd commented with steve, and tying her to a tree, which he'd commented on in the sex tape, before either the actual sex tape or text about steve.

When he said that about Steve, all he said was that she could let Steve screw her in the woods. It wasn't anything as elaborate as tying her to a tree. I recall some talk of a "little red riding hood" fantasy, but I have no idea when it was first originated. Travis had also said something on the sex tape or somewhere else (I'd have to find it) about a park ranger uniform or something about a park ranger. It's entirely possible that this whole fantasy could have been evolving over time.

I still don't believe JM would have let an undated or untimed piece of evidence become the crown of the case. I'd have to listen to the tech--again--to figure out how this tape was recovered and formed because Jodi had indicated that she'd had to keep pressing start to keep recording, so there is no way this thing came off her phone in one long consistent piece. Even so, I feel strongly that JM wouldn't let unconfirmed evidence go this far.

But what do the evidentiary hearings reveal? I didn't keep up with all the court minutes and legalese surroundig the case.
Wasn't the defense trying to allude that they were? That was my memory of that anyways.

What's the deal with the proxy server that supposedly showed on his online history? It never came up in court but I've read it was seen when they were showing the printout with the address of the Daft(?)foil head video.

I don't know about the proxy server. I have read the speculation about it, though.

Uhm, in her interrogation tapes, she says that it was people walking around with boxes or foil on their heads. So that had to be "daft bodies." In any event, I'm assuming or taking for granted that since she explained what it was back then and KN is the one who clarified in court that they were NOT *advertiser censored*, that there was some reason this issue of whether it was *advertiser censored* had come up. I don't understand why anyone would think anything on youtube was *advertiser censored* anyways.
This video thing is confusing me. When the tech guy testified, he said at the top of the page, there was an incomplete entry. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think he was looking at this:

The picture will blow the margins, so I left it out. But it says:

Requesting URL:
Visit Count:
(Other lines I'm not confused about)
Url Name:

I'm assuming that the requesting URL is the video Travis was watching before going to the next video. The "URL name" is that next video.

This above picture has no times.

Below this information, on the same page, is the next picture:

This one has dates and times.

All of the urls have the word "related" at the end of them except the one at the bottom of the first image, and the one at the bottom of the 415am image.

I'm assuming that means that sometimes he was looking at related videos, and sometimes he wasn't. He looks at the called Daft bodies at least twice (the one with foil on the heads and dancing.)

So anyways, I am assuming the first entry is actually before 4:08.11am.

So at 4:08.11am, he's already watched (youtube doesn't recognize this video unless Im inputting it wrong.)

and his computer is requesting the related video:
Daft Bodies, harder, better, faster, stronger.

At 4:08.11am, he goes "lLYD_-A_X5E&feature=related" to
(not a related video, so do not know how he got the url to view it. called Daft punk bodies drunk *way sexier than others.*)

At 4:11.04am, he goes from "lLYD_-A_X5E&feature=related" (which he'd viewed at 4:08am of the foil head dancers) to (this is daft hands)

At 4:15.12am, he goes from "K2cYWfq--Nw&feature=related" to
(Which is daft hands double speed.)

At 4:24.00am, he goes from "lLYD_-A_X5E&feature=related" (again foil head dancers) to
to "Q-0s50GUql&feature=related," (this one doesn't show up in youtube.)

In this 4:24am log, is still on youtube, and he was watching a youtube video about He's not actually using a proxy server.

at 4:33.27am, he checks his email and goes to his website at 4:33.55amto 4:35.45am.

I find it very odd that he'd go from these daft videos to viewing a video about airproxy, and then to the email and while Jodi has just arrived.

Hope my little essay on this isn't confusing.

My guess now is that she arrived probably closer to 3am as she told Flores in the interrogation. I'm going to assume he was awake because he seemed to be night owl. They had whatever greetings that they'd had, and she ascertain what she already knew from surveying outside, that his roommate was there.

I'm gonna <modsnip> wanted to take a shower after all that driving. After the shower, she peeked in on Travis watching youtube videos and he showed her a couple of them. She got sick of looking at them or he decided to watch the proxy video, and she went to clean up her stuff in the bathroom or to get something to eat from kitchen.
This video thing is confusing me. When the tech guy testified, he said at the top of the page, there was an incomplete entry. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think he was looking at this:

The picture will blow the margins, so I left it out. But it says:

Requesting URL:
Visit Count:
(Other lines I'm not confused about)
Url Name:

I'm assuming that the requesting URL is the video Travis was watching before going to the next video. The "URL name" is that next video.

This above picture has no times.

Below this information, on the same page, is the next picture:

This one has dates and times.

All of the urls have the word "related" at the end of them except the one at the bottom of the first image, and the one at the bottom of the 415am image.

I'm assuming that means that sometimes he was looking at related videos, and sometimes he wasn't. He looks at the called Daft bodies at least twice (the one with foil on the heads and dancing.)

So anyways, I am assuming the first entry is actually before 4:08.11am.

So at 4:08.11am, he's already watched (youtube doesn't recognize this video unless Im inputting it wrong.)

and his computer is requesting the related video:
Daft Bodies, harder, better, faster, stronger.

At 4:08.11am, he goes "lLYD_-A_X5E&feature=related" to
(not a related video, so do not know how he got the url to view it. called Daft punk bodies drunk *way sexier than others.*)

At 4:11.04am, he goes from "lLYD_-A_X5E&feature=related" (which he'd viewed at 4:08am of the foil head dancers) to (this is daft hands)

At 4:15.12am, he goes from "K2cYWfq--Nw&feature=related" to
(Which is daft hands double speed.)

At 4:24.00am, he goes from "lLYD_-A_X5E&feature=related" (again foil head dancers) to
to "Q-0s50GUql&feature=related," (this one doesn't show up in youtube.)

In this 4:24am log, is still on youtube, and he was watching a youtube video about He's not actually using a proxy server.

at 4:33.27am, he checks his email and goes to his website at 4:33.55amto 4:35.45am.

I find it very odd that he'd go from these daft videos to viewing a video about airproxy, and then to the email and while Jodi has just arrived.

Hope my little essay on this isn't confusing.

My guess now is that she arrived probably closer to 3am as she told Flores in the interrogation. I'm going to assume he was awake because he seemed to be night owl. They had whatever greetings that they'd had, and she ascertain what she already knew from surveying outside, that his roommate was there.

I'm gonna <modsnip> wanted to take a shower after all that driving. After the shower, she peeked in on Travis watching youtube videos and he showed her a couple of them. She got sick of looking at them or he decided to watch the proxy video, and she went to clean up her stuff in the bathroom or to get something to eat from kitchen.

What puzzles me is why anyone would find these stupid videos interesting enough to watch at all. Why did someone even make them in the first place? :scared:
I believe the Red Riding Hood idea came from a costume her sister had. There was a picture posted of her sister wearing it. While I think Travis was perfectly capable of thinking up fantasies of his own, I believe the woods fantasy may have been originally suggested by JA. I do think she is the one that came up with all these different ideas given her background and experience with other partners. jmo
I believe the Red Riding Hood idea came from a costume her sister had. There was a picture posted of her sister wearing it. While I think Travis was perfectly capable of thinking up fantasies of his own, I believe the woods fantasy may have been originally suggested by JA. I do think she is the one that came up with all these different ideas given her background and experience with other partners. jmo

I agree. I think the kink and the crazy sex came from her. Her way to entice him and to lure him and keep him hooked. He did not want her in a complete way. Her game was to make him weak with sex and anything he wanted to keep him.

I think that he was a pretty normal dude.
I haven't seen his myspace in some time and the one that's currently on Google isn't his actual as it wasn't even created til early 2009.

edited to add:

ok, found this archive but not sure if it's his legitimate Myspace

and here's Jodi's (you have to highlight comments on her page to see them - Travis posted to her on May 2nd, 2008)

On your first link it shows : Last Login: 8/19/2008

Obviously couldn't have been him, but we know she cracked his passwords on lots of his accounts. Some of the stuff written on that page does not sound like Travis, maybe she rewrote some of it? I was never able to see his original MySpace as the page always said I used an unsupported browser but some of that just doesn't sound like him.

Thanks for posting them, MrsPC. :)
You know there are people that kill someone and I don't feel are a danger to the masses due to circumstances environment and such..

I believe that had she gotten away with this, It would not have been her only murder.. I am sure they looked into her past well but the way she did this, The brutality, the complete normalcy of life afterwards? I can not shake wondering if it is at all possible this was not her first time..
Travis was sexting her as far back as 5/2/08. In the ones they showed in court, he was talking about some photoshoot and about all this crazy sex they'd have. So it's entirely possible that they'd talked about sex in the woods, which is what he'd commented with steve, and tying her to a tree, which he'd commented on in the sex tape, before either the actual sex tape or text about steve.

When he said that about Steve, all he said was that she could let Steve screw her in the woods. It wasn't anything as elaborate as tying her to a tree. I recall some talk of a "little red riding hood" fantasy, but I have no idea when it was first originated. Travis had also said something on the sex tape or somewhere else (I'd have to find it) about a park ranger uniform or something about a park ranger. It's entirely possible that this whole fantasy could have been evolving over time.

I still don't believe JM would have let an undated or untimed piece of evidence become the crown of the case. I'd have to listen to the tech--again--to figure out how this tape was recovered and formed because Jodi had indicated that she'd had to keep pressing start to keep recording, so there is no way this thing came off her phone in one long consistent piece. Even so, I feel strongly that JM wouldn't let unconfirmed evidence go this far.

But what do the evidentiary hearings reveal? I didn't keep up with all the court minutes and legalese surroundig the case.

I'll see if I can match up dates on the docket with minute entries about the pics and phone call recording and see if there's anything there about how or if they were verified. From what I've read elsewhere, both sides wanted the phone call and the pics entered because it bolstered each side's theory (she was fully engaged in the sexual aspect of the relationship so not bullied by Travis, and she was a welcome guest in the house having taken nudies in the bedroom) so neither side objected to either coming into evidence and possibly not required proof of dates, times, etc. I'll look at the minutes in a bit and see if I can find anything to support that theory.
This ME (11/13/09) discusses forensic examination of all electronic media:

ordering the state to disclose a mirror image of hard drive and cell phone memory cards.

The defense renewed their request for additional discovery of electronic media, a case management conference was held, Det. Melendez testified, the court denied the motion for additional discovery:

This minute entry deals with the purported (pedo) letters written by Travis, the only significance (for me) is that the e-mail they apparently came from was a Yahoo e-mail address, and the Flickr account that someone opened and uploaded 6 pictures two days before his death is also through Yahoo. Just thought I'd include that while I'm crawling through the minutes.

This minute entry also lists another yahoo account found (Bobwhite @ yahoo):

Here is an order granting defense motion for expert examination fo evidence but the only thing on the docket near that date has to do with 'items listed in the Mesa police department impound record':

This one grants defense motion for specific discovery and mentions 'Elizabeth Northcutt's forensic examination and matters related thereto' but does not say what was examined:

The nude photos are mentioned in this minute entry:

No notations about expert examination of those photos.

This includes a motion granted for independant testing of computer evidence filed by defense:

Here's another that mentions work performed on a computer hard drive:

One more mentioning a hard drive to be turned over to the defense (after many motions):
What puzzles me is why anyone would find these stupid videos interesting enough to watch at all. Why did someone even make them in the first place? :scared:

Something happened and all of my post isn't here, I thought I had edited it but it didn't get edited :dunno:

So, ETA, my point was, how do we know that it was Travis who was viewing these videos, could it not have been the CM who was on his computer at that time? I don't remember what the proof was that he was even awake at that time of night. Maybe I'm forgetting something though ?
Something happened and all of my post isn't here, I thought I had edited it but it didn't get edited :dunno:

So, ETA, my point was, how do we know that it was Travis who was viewing these videos, could it not have been the CM who was on his computer at that time? I don't remember what the proof was that he was even awake at that time of night. Maybe I'm forgetting something though ?

I don't recall there was any proof as such that it was Travis watching the videos, the only one who said they saw him at that time was JA, and we know how far we can trust her word. :facepalm:

We can see from the pic WM posted above that one of the videos had 2 views on Travis' computer, I wonder why it only showed one time though? Would using the Back button account for that?
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