Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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Can anyone remind me about the roommates. I would think they had a boatload of info to add to the story. I don't recall anything about them or if they publicly added to this case. TIA
The check we've been discussing for $699 was check 3009. I just noticed, the check dated May 25th for $200 is check 3059. Who can tell what the check number is beneath the 3059 one in this box?

I don't know what I'm getting at, but I was curious since we're discussing checks. Additionally, the statement we have is her credit card statement, right? It's not her bank statement, is it?

It's a different account. Jodi had accounts all over the place from the looks of it.
As I dig deeper, Jodi's version of June 2 seems little bit unbelievable to me.
From WAMU statement, I found she stopped at Beacon 3643 Q17 Santa Nella Ca and purchased something $20.14. This is new to me. Maybe this was discussed before I started posting.

Jodi's route on June 2:
-Redding - Lodi (McDonald receipt 7:32 pm)
-Lodi - Valero Corner Store, Tracy CA (amount not shown, receipt 8:41 pm, I think in Tracy as this store is on the way to Santa Nella)
-Valero Corner Store - Beacon 3643 Q17 Santa Nella (No receipt, on WAMU statement $20.14, Truck stop according to google, Did she get more gas? distance 54 miles, driving time 50 min)
-Santa Nella - Santa Cruz (mapquest- 79 miles, driving time 1 Hr & 24 min)

So from Valero Corner Store to Santa Cruz, if you add up the required driving time, she would have arrived at Santa Cruz at 10:55 pm.
She meets Matt and friend, has appetizers and talks, and goes to Karaoke bar, then goes to his friend's house in Monterey?

10:55 pm + 2 hours eating, talking, karaoke + 46 min driving time to Monterey = arriving at Monterey at ~1:40 am.
The next morning she shows up at Daryl's bright and early before Jack goes to school? This is with no sleep the previous night.

BBM ~ She is high on adrenaline - on a mission; or stimulant drugs. Cocaine perhaps? No one knows for a fact she did not use drugs.
The check underneath is a WAMU check with different account number. Ha! I bet you knew this already. It could be Travis's blank check? I store my blank checks in the original box they came in.

I really want to know the answer to your second question too. I just know that she spent a lot that month. $1160.46. I don't think she had any credit card to use. She herself testified her credit cards had been maxed out. And in 2008 with the existing housing and credit bubble burst, banks have tightened credit card standards, and cancelled or lowered credit lines for people like Jodi.

BBM ~ Not quite yet. The "burst" happened in September 2008.

Regardless, you are onto something. The "scammed me" part, IMO, has to do with some bad cheque writing scheme Jodi was trying to pull off.
BBM ~ Not quite yet. The "burst" happened in September 2008.

Regardless, you are onto something. The "scammed me" part, IMO, has to do with some bad cheque writing scheme Jodi was trying to pull off.

Yes I remember Sep/Oct 2008 shock when the market got crushed. That year we lost over 35% of our retirement acct. But the signs of troubles were all there a few years prior to 2008. There were so many people buying houses with no down, with very low initial adjustable rate, not foreseeing what their mortgage would eventually be down the road. Banks were handing out credit cards w/ high credit limit to just about everyone too. Soon a lot of people maxed out on their credit cards and filed bankruptcy when they couldn't pay anymore.

Looks like I just described Jodi's situation above. I wonder if she and darryl filed bankruptcy??
There was no hearing on the 28th.

JM requested a delay:

"At the request of the State,
IT IS ORDERED vacating Oral Argument set this date and resetting same on 02/19/2014 at 9:30 a.m. before this division."
The check underneath is a WAMU check with different account number. Ha! I bet you knew this already. It could be Travis's blank check? I store my blank checks in the original box they came in.

I really want to know the answer to your second question too. I just know that she spent a lot that month. $1160.46. I don't think she had any credit card to use. She herself testified her credit cards had been maxed out. And in 2008 with the existing housing and credit bubble burst, banks have tightened credit card standards, and cancelled or lowered credit lines for people like Jodi.

It's been a long time since I concerned myself with what the numbers on the bottom of the checks mean, so help me out because the first numbers appear to be the same. The second set are different. Correct?

ETA--I looked it up. The first number that's the same is the routing number. This routing number indicates that the bank its drawn upon is either in California or Nevada. The second number is the account number, which appear different on the two checks in question.

There is no routing number to signify AZ. I don't know any way to figure out if Travis actually banked at WAMU or if both these checks belonged to Jodi. It does kind of look like it's a checkbook beneath her check, though. what do you think?

I find it very odd that he'd put her check in that drawer on top of his other checks, personally. It is normal to put a check in a drawer and not in your wallet, so you can go cash it? I guess it might have been convenient to do that if she gave it to him while they were in the office, but I don't think she gave it to him. I think she planted it with an earlier date on it to make it appear as if she'd mailed it back on the 25th so that it would appear that she was paying her debt to Travis and not scamming him. She could have given it to him with the same motive, but for some reason, I find the placing of it in the drawer in plain sight kind of odd.
I thought, since it's a debit card she was using, that it is her bank statement we've been viewing, I also thought that was how JM identified it (but that may have been my presumption). I used to have a WAMU checking account but never used the debit card so don't know how debit card transactions appear on the statements (all together on the statment or separate from check activity).

She didn't appear to have enough money in her accounts for all these charges to go through--especially if Budget had held onto any amount for a deposit, and I'm noticing deposits are not shown on this statement. Money had to go in at some point for her spend over $1000--or it was a credit card.

I don't know what bank in their right mind gave her a credit card, but because the dates of the sales are not exact on it and because I don't see deposits, I'm assuming it's a credit card. We discussed my confusion about the dates not lining up before. I believe with my debit card, if I buy it today, I will see it marked as today, but I have to go back and double-check.
It's been a long time since I concerned myself with what the numbers on the bottom of the checks mean, so help me out because the first numbers appear to be the same. The second set are different. Correct?

IIRC, in the U.S., the financial clearing processes for banking system transactions, especially paper instruments such as checks, employ standard nomenclatures and naming conventions.

MICR [magnetic ink character recognition] encoding at the bottom of each physical check follows these nomenclatures and conventions.

There are commonly three fields or sets of characters (usually numeric) at the bottom of a check.

The first set of nine characters at the left (in the U.S.) are the numbers which uniquely identify the identity of the financial institution upon which the instrument (check, etc.) is drawn. It is referred to as the routing number.

The second set of characters uniquely identifies the specific account at the institution. The account number is usually at least 10 - 11 characters in length, often prefixed with leading zeroes.

The third set of characters is the check number itself. Again, leading zeroes may be employed.

I think I'm right, but feel free to 'check' me on it. ;)
She didn't appear to have enough money in her accounts for all these charges to go through--especially if Budget had held onto any amount for a deposit, and I'm noticing deposits are not shown on this statement. Money had to go in at some point for her spend over $1000--or it was a credit card.

I don't know what bank in their right mind gave her a credit card, but because the dates of the sales are not exact on it and because I don't see deposits, I'm assuming it's a credit card. We discussed my confusion about the dates not lining up before. I believe with my debit card, if I buy it today, I will see it marked as today, but I have to go back and double-check.

As far as sources of cash, IIRC, her dad said that he didn't usually cough up for her after she moved out on her own, but that her mother did fund the lying torture murderess at various points in time.
Yes I remember Sep/Oct 2008 shock when the market got crushed. That year we lost over 35% of our retirement acct. But the signs of troubles were all there a few years prior to 2008. There were so many people buying houses with no down, with very low initial adjustable rate, not foreseeing what their mortgage would eventually be down the road. Banks were handing out credit cards w/ high credit limit to just about everyone too. Soon a lot of people maxed out on their credit cards and filed bankruptcy when they couldn't pay anymore.

Looks like I just described Jodi's situation above. I wonder if she and darryl filed bankruptcy??

My initial reaction is yes, I heard they did in court, but then, I started thinking if I really did hear that, so I'd have to go back and watch Darryl again. But I'm posting because I'm trying to remember whose name the house was in? It went into foreclosure, so who did that affect? Jodi or Darryl?

It seems as if it would be Darryl because he was the one hanging on, trying to make payments while Jodi was off picking PPL flowers.
As far as sources of cash, IIRC, her dad said that he didn't usually cough up for her after she moved out on her own, but that her mother did fund the lying torture murderess at various points in time.

Thanks, Truth. That's interesting and probably true since her mother rushed to AZ to make Jodi move. And I don't believe it was ever brought up that she had trouble with the move OUT of AZ, but she kept trying to make it a point that Travis gave her the money to move TO AZ, which as you know, I believe was Paul Stern who did that in truth.

But that doesn't solve why there are no deposits on that statement. There are no credits indicating payments either....

I'm thinking that's a credit card statement.

Notice there are no "-" to indicate something taken out, but there are "+" to indicate fuel credits. I haven't had a CC in a long time. Do CC statements put "-" signs before the dollar amounts?

My bank statement uses debit and deposit columns, so it's very clear when something went in and something came out. It doesn't use "+," but it does use "-" to indicate money going out.
Thanks, Truth. That's interesting and probably true since her mother rushed to AZ to make Jodi move. And I don't believe it was ever brought up that she had trouble with the move OUT of AZ, but she kept trying to make it a point that Travis gave her the money to move TO AZ, which as you know, I believe was Paul Stern who did that in truth.

But that doesn't solve why there are no deposits on that statement. There are no credits indicating payments either....

I'm thinking that's a credit card statement.
View attachment 40651

Notice there are no "-" to indicate something taken out, but there are "+" to indicate fuel credits. I haven't had a CC in a long time. Do CC statements put "-" signs before the dollar amounts?

My bank statement uses debit and deposit columns, so it's very clear when something went in and something came out. It doesn't use "+," but it does use "-" to indicate money going out.

But there was testimony that JA maxed out all her credit cards trying to pay the mortgage payments in California so all she had was her debit card and that is why she was depositing the money before her trip. This statement is a "snapshot" of her charges on that debit card. So it could very well be a bank statement for her debit expenses. jmo
A little sleuthing led me to locate the house that the murderess and DB occupied prior to foreclosure.

  • They paid $357,500 on 6/10/2005.
  • It was foreclosed on 1/24/2008.
  • It was resold on 1/6/2009 for $151,000.

Here's the dwelling in question:
My initial reaction is yes, I heard they did in court, but then, I started thinking if I really did hear that, so I'd have to go back and watch Darryl again. But I'm posting because I'm trying to remember whose name the house was in? It went into foreclosure, so who did that affect? Jodi or Darryl?

It seems as if it would be Darryl because he was the one hanging on, trying to make payments while Jodi was off picking PPL flowers.

It affected them both, as they both were on the mortgage.

But there was testimony that JA maxed out all her credit cards trying to pay the mortgage payments in California so all she had was her debit card and that is why she was depositing the money before her trip. This statement is a "snapshot" of her charges on that debit card. So it could very well be a bank statement for her debit expenses. jmo

She might have maxed out her credit cards trying to pay the mortgage, but they lost the house back in, what 2007? This is a whole year later that she makes these deposits in June 2008.

I recall, and I could be wrong, that Darryl was trying to save the house but I thought he said he couldn't pay anymore in 2007. I believe it can take 9 months or more for a property to actually foreclose after you stop paying, but I don't know that for sure. So if I am correct, then Jodi had to stop paying, too, right? Or there is no foreclosure? I really don't know how that works.

And I am going to assume that once Jodi left the house, she was not trying to pay on it. It was my understanding, which could be incorrect, that Darryl was still trying to pay on the house after he moved, and she was still in there for a time.

I personally have never seen a debit card statement before. Debit cards are tied to a checking account, if I'm correct, and that means you will see deposits and debits at the same time. This could possibly be an "advanced search" copy, where they only wanted to look at the debits, I suppose.

It was my understanding that she was not making deposits, according to her testimony, but she was switching money between accounts. She said something about part of her trip was business, so she was "borrowing" money from her business account or something like that. It was what I was telling pocketaccent earlier that I really didn't understand because Pocketaccent was trying to explain a check-floating thing Jodi appeared to be doing when she made these deposits. PC could be right about that, but I just didn't understand the explanation of how it worked, which is why I want to see these checks on her bank statement. I want to see these actual deposits on her bank statement. They are not there.

A little sleuthing led me to locate the house that the murderess and DB occupied prior to foreclosure.

  • They paid $357,500 on 6/10/2005.
  • It was foreclosed on 1/24/2008.
  • It was resold on 1/6/2009 for $151,000.

Here's the dwelling in question:

If Darryl stopped trying to pay for the house in spring of 2007, whereabouts, then a January 2008 foreclosure sounds right to me.
She might have maxed out her credit cards trying to pay the mortgage, but they lost the house back in, what 2007? This is a whole year later that she makes these deposits in June 2008.

I recall, and I could be wrong, that Darryl was trying to save the house but I thought he said he couldn't pay anymore in 2007. I believe it can take 9 months or more for a property to actually foreclose after you stop paying, but I don't know that for sure. So if I am correct, then Jodi had to stop paying, too, right? Or there is no foreclosure? I really don't know how that works.

And I am going to assume that once Jodi left the house, she was not trying to pay on it. It was my understanding, which could be incorrect, that Darryl was still trying to pay on the house after he moved, and she was still in there for a time.

I personally have never seen a debit card statement before. Debit cards are tied to a checking account, if I'm correct, and that means you will see deposits and debits at the same time. This could possibly be an "advanced search" copy, where they only wanted to look at the debits, I suppose.

It was my understanding that she was not making deposits, according to her testimony, but she was switching money between accounts. She said something about part of her trip was business, so she was "borrowing" money from her business account or something like that. It was what I was telling pocketaccent earlier that I really didn't understand because Pocketaccent was trying to explain a check-floating thing Jodi appeared to be doing when she made these deposits. PC could be right about that, but I just didn't understand the explanation of how it worked, which is why I want to see these checks on her bank statement. I want to see these actual deposits on her bank statement. They are not there.

If Darryl stopped trying to pay for the house in spring of 2007, whereabouts, then a January 2008 foreclosure sounds right to me.


One exception to this is the pre-paid debit card which has been available for some time.

American Express, Mastercard, VISA -- nearly all bank card companies offer them.
JA charged her payments for the mortgage on her credit card until they were max'd out. She used her debit card to charge not a credit card. Those charges were on her bank statement, I believe. We are only seeing a portion of that statement with just the debit charges. Either JM requested that from the bank or they were in order because there was no other activities for that portion of her statement at the time. I'm leaning more towards this is what LE requested from the bank to show, unobstructed, that no charges were charged on her account during the time she was in AZ. So for court purposes only the debit card information from this timeframe was evidence. Plus I believe that some of her receipts showed the last four digits of her bank account. JMO

Darryl's testimony:

Question: Were you breaking up or was it going to be a long distance one?

Relationship was slowly deteriorating it was becoming clear that I would be moving back to Monterey by the end of 2006. . . . I saw a lot of changes in JA -she became a different person that what I had known previously. . . as she got more involved in PPL - she became less responsible in the household bills and PPL did not produce as much as she hoped . . . . PPL became her primary job and she did continue to work both jobs. . . .. In fall of 06 he was living in Desert and trying to get back to Monterey - she had continued to pay the Mortgage but had not paid the household bills and becoming behind in her bills. . . . after that she could not pay the Mortgage. . . . she was putting all of her faith into PPL.

I think she thought she was going to be prosperous - if not immediately - shortly, she was having some "magical thinking" of if we only work harder we will become prosperous. . . . JA was spiritual and had a belief in God - non-denominational. That changed = we discussed spirituality in the past - we were not actively religious = JA became more religious with the "church of Mormon". . . she studied it, there were prayer sessions in the home, I knew she was taking it more seriously. . . .

At that time we had stopped being intimate and JA told me she was saving herself for her husband - sleeping arrangements changed - she moved into her own room. . . . our intimate relations began in 2002 and ended in fall of 2006 after she had become involved wit PPL months before.

This was the testimony Darryl gave at trial. Not word for word by transcribed to put into the timeline thread but I believe his testimony is still on YouTube.
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