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Just wanted to say that the "Ghost Adventures" crew did a program on a supposed serial killer in Long Island, that dated back a long time ago. The killer put the bodies underwater near a lighthouse in the Long Island Sound. I think that they said that some of the people were chained, so that in the rising tide, they would be drowned.

So, I think that is the origin (history) of the tunnel paintings that were referenced earlier.

Off topic a bit but here is little link about the lighthouse. It is not near that tunnel at all. Our focus is on the south shore of LI, the lighthouse is on the north....But yes. The idea behind that mural is probably Execution Rocks.

Execution Rocks Light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is going to be long. I recommend you take your coffee.

There is so much botch and the case spans such a broad period of time, any theory is destined to be shaky. For the below theory of mine which is built on mind manure, I had to chalk off SG. Weird accident! Even writing that gives me a gut wrenching feeling.

I don’t know much about the legal retention time for 911 calls (90 days or so?) and how much this period can be extended, under what circumstances, but based on the current official version of the events, I understand the death is ruled to be an accident. Did Mr. John Ray file any action for a subpoena? Or an injunction for ensuring the audio is preserved? This voice in me says "No." If he had done it, he would rub it on our faces when he got the air time. I don’t mean to offend anybody, but this is the impression I got from him. His website was a particular disappointment for me.

His website was a disappointment for you? Then wait till you talk to him on a phone :floorlaugh: Till then, you probably have no idea about the meaning of the term "being disappointed by him". The guy is a mere publicity hound.

The big question; (asked by several others in the forum) how come the renewed S&R efforts (Aug 2010, Dec 2010, Apr 2011) were concentrated on the opposite direction of where SG is last seen?

To understand the strange search patterns of the SCPD and partially also NCPD, you have to go back some decades. They have a long sad history in SK cases there, and even some of the worst glitches were basically NYPD glitches, SCPD took the brunch of the critic. Those old stories implanted some kind of paranoid setting in the brain of every higher brass who served or will ever serve in SCPD like: "We don't look where we know what we already missed to long, but we search in places where we hope to find nothing but can always argue, it was some kind of logical to look there" ... like along the beaches, along the access roads, in public park areas where 30-40 years before someone dropped bodies ... such places. Since this behavior is implanted, it is not even conscious, I think. Rather it's a reflex coming from a sub-conscious wiring, kind of a negative Pavlov effect. But hey, that's only my theory!

I wonder what was the condition of AC when her body was recovered. She's dumped in September (As my theory goes below, maybe to the end of the month) and found after autumn. A closed burlap bag could severely hinder the blowfly/maggot action. I don’t think the burlap bags were tied up, but I still wonder her condition when she was found.

Given the heat of an Indian Summer, they would have probably an intact skeleton, but more would make me wonder.

I prefer to think based on the possible MOs, instead of the drive behind the behavior. People use the term "think like a killer" and I used to find some insight in that, until I read about Edmund Kemper. Fellows, a normal person can’t think like a killer. Until the killer is caught and the motives, triggers are clearly set forth, I say trying to explain the MO is the best.

Well, I didn't find Edmund Kemper that hard. A bit thinking around a corner maybe. But then, "thinking like a killer" is anyway not the right term, I think. It's more simulating what the killer felt. Kind of making him some kind of lab rat.
Why I partially intervene here has a simple reason: His MO is formed by what he needs. What he needs is origin of his behavior. Which means, by understanding what him drives, we can understand where he will go and get ahead of him. But once more, that is only my theory!

I'm surmising a theory below, but it stands on glass heels. Any blow will shatter it down. Because without the 911 call audio, everything is speculation. So, let's speculate.

I read the whole post before I started to answer. You are aware, that part of the "glass heels" are caused by some facts, we effectively know, and which at least partially, would support your theory, but weren't used in this post?


"I don`t think it`s a coincidence that four bodies ended up in this area."
Police Commissioner Richard Dormer

:floorlaugh: Now, he needed a little time to come to that conclusion

I'm going with Peter Brendt on the race. The perp is black, somebody connected (i.e. laid eyes) to the very first victim MBB through a third person by jail time, geographical proximity, kinship, gang membership etc. It is a possibility that the perp is the person who mugged her. Simply, he mugged Maureen, pondered awhile and concluded that he's going to be caught and lose face to the person through whom he found out about MBB, he went back, found Maureen and killed her. He knows Maureen, but she doesn’t know him.

A normal mugger killing somebody doesn't build clustered dump sites. Unless, he would be an SK in the making anyway. But the other part of this idea is interesting, because it's based on non-sexual motives. We don't know what exactly was spoken in the phone calls to Amanda, Melissa Barthelmy's sister, but we know, he talked about sexual things, he did to Melissa. But that is the only time, sex really comes up in this case. So we believe often, this killer is a white sexual sadist because HE told Amanda that. And since most psychopaths are also pathological liars, the probability is much higher, he lied about that than not.

This person somehow comes across MW and MB through same/similar connections.

The fact that the girls are all from a compact vicinity, pushes me to link up with the Scott Kimball case. Perp sees the girls, wants them for himself.

Probably not "somehow". Most prostitutes working in NYC have some connections to the area between Hell's Kitchen and Port Authority. MBB rented a hotel room there. The private clubs of the BDSM scene are there and so on. In a way, it would be like window-shopping for the killer in this area. He must feel pretty comfortable there, which also explains, why his NY phone calls came from there or the vicinity, as it looks.

Not a charming person, has a timid look. Height medium/tall, well built. Age bracket, as of MBB's disappearance in 2007 is 25-30 (Perhaps closer to 30, for giving enough window to JT). Not a kill addict. Simply can duck for months. Sexually driven and killing is just destroying the witness.

Funny, but I come to the same age, including the additional "but probably closer to 30", but for entirely different reasons. To build up this signature, he needed time. He is controlled. That means, he is older than a hotshot 20-25 year old.
I don't think, he is merely sexual driven. The dump site is more a trophy yard, in which the single victim has no meaning but the whole has symbolic value. That gives him some mission-driven touch. But then, this is based on the dump site and the interpretation of the dump site is obviously subject to personal experience and preference of signature aspects. In my experience, most sexual driven SKs creating revisitable dump sites, create them to relive a sexual act, which includes a wide variety of acts from masturbation till necrophilia. Which is the reason, to not place the bodies in sight of a road. Someone who places four bodies along a road doesn't plan on such acts and that is contradictory to a primary sexual motivation.

Although MB's family lawyer refers to acts of violence, I think these are acts that don’t cause serious bleeding. Burlap is not watertight and I presume a truck is involved in transportation. So, I say no stabbing, no mutilation. Girls may have been kept awhile but the bodies (perhaps rinsed) are quickly dumped. After the dumping operation, the truck is ready to do anything (go to work, park outdoors, pass through police blockades etc.) without requiring a thorough wash.

Add to this, that a burlap bundle or something wrapped in burlap in the bed of a construction truck wouldn't cause questions, while a BLOODY bundle certainly would. Add also that humiliating, repeated raping and controlling of the victim are pretty exhausting acts also for the unsub. So at some point, he will be exhausted and that's when he ends the game. Something around 72 hours to keep them, then kill them and dump them after a short nap. But then, this is only my theory, or at least it was till you said something similar.

I respect Gus Goletti. He's a decent, smart man. Dave Schaller is free from suspicion in my mind. Rest of the personage that cross our eyes in this in this case is a joke.

Well, Schaller did what he did and that was at least supporting prostitution. So, he has no reason to lie, he sounds in this matter credible, that makes him free from suspicion in the murder case.
Gus Coletti was for me never a suspect. I think, he came only under suspicion on WS when the need to construct conspiracy theories arised because everything, we actually know pointed out, we have to separate SG from LISK.

Erin Moriarity's questions. Oh, boy!


MP testifies "I slept in the SUV", while the fact is he talked six times with Shannan throughout the night and he gets a "Flying Colors Certificate" for this. And we are trying to theorize something that makes sense.

Funny thing here is, he obviously didn't sleep, but LE appeared to know that pretty early because they found, he had played some stupid online game on his cell while waiting in the car. I don't have those articles at hand, but I have to look for them again.
So technically, and till I got jumped from someone, who doesn't want to look for the early articles by him-/herself, we know a lot more than just his "I was asleep testimony". We know, he was in the car for at least some of the time and we know, he was with that SUV later looking for SG because Coletti saw him. What we DON'T HAVE is a connection to the GB4 though.

I don’t see Dormer as an evil, corrupt official. I see him as a sweet old man.

Can't say "sweet" I don't know him in person. But for sure, an old man, way in over his head with this case from the first minute on.

SCPD holds back a lot of information but I don’t feel they are sure of what to hide and what to publicize.

What I said about Dormer, it's pretty valid for the whole SCPD, In over their head and therefore over-cautious and rather dragging thier feet insted of making steps.

Dormer says; all the victims are asphyxiated. Dude, you looked at the bones you deducted asphyxiation. That's cool!

A killer does not ASPHYXIATE, a killer smothers, chokes, drowns, strangles.

As a matter of fact, he could say that, if all of the victims had for example broken hyoid bones. With manual strangulation, it doesn't happen always, but with ligature strangulation, it's pretty the normal thing that happens.

Spota says; The similarities in the disposal of their bodies and other VERY CRITICAL FORENSIC EVIDENCE...

I infer: The bodies (GB4) were left intact, they have ligatures on, ligature may not be a rope, it may be a wire. But I don’t understand why this info is kept from the public.

I feel Spota is lavish with the word "critical". In my standards "critical" ranges from ligatures made of a traceable material, to a tie with the initials of the perp on it. Or Spota refers to any other kind of evidence found on AC? The question again; what was the condition of the body? I am assuming AC's bones were intact, perhaps certain tissues of her body or more. Fresh bones would show clear impacts of stabbing.

Stabbing causes bleeding. We agreed earlier, this isn't likely. I think, we have to consider here an additional fact: Spota still tries to get Dormer's old job. Words like "critical" could be more aimed to convince than describing a real fact.

It's not much probable to have a stabbing with no bone involvement. If her body/bones are "intact", it means in terms of violence he still is in the early stages, didn’t feel the need to go the extra miles of deviance. But looking at the short period of time between Megan and Amber, it can be said that the sex addict is evolving into a kill addict. Possible impotence issues can be considered, related with age, heavy smoking, workplace chemicals etc., like I said we can only work on mind manure instead of solid facts.

There are a number of SK types, that escalate mostly via their kill frequency. You can easy see that in old cases: You paint the accumulated number of victims along an y-axis, the time along the x-axis of a coordinate system. With most psychopaths, you will get a kind of hyperbolic graph up till the point, his kill frequency is limited by technical reasons, like running out of victims or just not enough time to hunt even more. So this is not necessarily a change in what drives him, but "normal" psychopathic behavior.

The perp is connected to construction business, not with serious qualifications but with skill on a certain task. (Perhaps waterproofing) He's not a resident, but somehow used the Ocean Parkway for business extensively and he directly observed the functional value of the dumping site. Perhaps enjoyed a night with a hooker in the place.

Since carpenters, people who build driveways and landscapers have big overlaps between them, the project he worked on could involve more than one task.

Worked in a kind of long project in the area. There are a lot of homes, recreational sites, jetties around. I believe he worked in an outdoor construction project (a swimming pool, a jetty etc.) over a noteworthy period of time, like a month or so.

Google 40°35'39.93", 73°30'36.76"
Nothing related, just an eye catching example. What is this?

One example of such kind of long term construction jobs is the "Robert Moses Causeway Rehabilitation Project", spread over a long a period of time with intermittent stages, which might hint for the dates of the abductions.

How about when Oak Beach was built/extended? Construction workers worked there for a year or two.

Interesting thing, I come across with the descriptions "in burlap bags" and "wrapped in burlap". These are two different things. Below is a use of burlap for waterproofing concrete. This is burlap cloth not burlap bag.

I understand the bodies are put in burlap bags, not wrapped in burlap

In fact, most sources say "wrapped". The thing with the "bags" appeared to me always as something, one journalist copied from the one before.

Somebody asked about the logistics of that in the forum. The answer is yes, there are large size burlap bags, or we have bodies tied up to fit into standard bags. My special thanks goes to SCPD here. We can’t be sure of any single thing.

There were from the time, the GB4 were found some pics of the scene and it appeared to me, the body positions would have been stratched. So no folding and binding to make them fit in a standard bag.

I believe the Craiglist Killer moniker is a shallow attribution. Media is missing the fact that "online escorting" is the new industry standard. I guess this is the fifth CLK they named. Media people are rushing too quick to pin a moniker.

I think, they just ran out of creativity. I call the guy on my website just Long Island II and that works as good as any media warname (I count Rifkin still as Long Island I).

Yes, the girls are on Craiglist and other sites (I found the actual ad of MBB, not giving here to avoid enormous hits, perhaps the police is monitoring. Let's not create extra difficulty for their work)

As far as I know there is no certain indication that he picked "all" girls through Craigslist. That explains why LE - hoping they did their job correctly - failed to find an IP lead. AC may be the one and only actual Craiglist victim. A step in MO.

Technically not even for ALC, it's actually proven, he picked her from Craigslist.

The perp probably did some time in jail for a petty crime, in the bracket from July 9, 2007 (MBB) and July 12, 2009 (MW), after the jail time he evolved into a professional mugger/robber.

This is only to explain the gap in 2008. But if you look at those graphs, I talked about earlier, you see, in the early phases a lot of SKs had years between kills. And since this guy is actually only at the East Coast for 3-4 months peryear, how many did he kill somewhere else?

After the MB taunting experience, which is claimed to be halted by the perp after a local news coverage – may corroborate his proximity – he must have been intrigued into the significance of cell phones and gathered some information on how even cell phones with no GPS gimmicks can be used for geolocation. That may be the key to his preference of "make'em leave the phones". This also explains a gap between MB and MW. He simply observed if anybody is coming after him. (May be away from his residence during this period)

If he had so much fun on the phone, he would have repeated it. On the other hand, if the calls served a hidden purpose, and he thought, the purpose was reached, he didn't repeat it. He didn't repeat it, so I still think, those calls served a purpose, like selling to the gullible, he is what he is not: a drunk white dude.

Also another issue here is; he must be imagining these girls mean nothing to their families, probably this the result of a personal experience. That refers to either JT or he saw a white prostitute gone missing and nobody in her family cared about it. This may explain a lot of his behavioral features in the crimes (like avoiding a decent effort to bury the bodies), but the truth is different, these girls are from fairly upright homes with financial distress. I find Megan's mom and Maureen's sister particularly smart.

If he is now about 32, he would have been born around 1980. And if that happened for example in NYC or LI, he would have heard a lot about Rifkin (apprehended 1993) and that this guy killed prostitutes and nobody reported them missing. Kind of his earliest SK memories.

Another interesting thing; is the method in the last two cases (MW and AC). He approaches the victims, talks to them on the phone for long periods. Perhaps a tactic to drain out the batteries? When the cell goes dead or girl hints about her cell will be dead in minutes, he makes his MO move "Let's talk face to face, I'm in the neighborhood/parking lot."

My alternative MO theory is, he listens to the phone carefully, whenever he picks up rattle and clicks suggesting the cell is connected to the battery charger he makes his move. Girl leaves the phone behind, without a specific request for that. I don’t think they would go out for a job without phone, no matter what the situation is.

I think both Megan and Amber were in an "almost done" deal. They didn’t go for the job, they went to take a closer look at the client.

Here we should talk about the logistics of subduing a 5'.5'' heavily built woman with no alarming appearance/sound within the parking lot of a hotel.

This is, to me, a little stretch. If someone says, "hey I'm running out of battery on my cell phone" and the other one says "I'm out on the parking lot in front of your hotel" or even worse, "in front of your home", the next question is "and how do you know where I am?"
So in this particular detail, I rather stick with blitz-attack on the way back from a client or gas station. The problem is, if you hit someone over the hit in plain sight, people tend to remember your face. If you hit someone in an empty spot between two buildings or at night in a dark corner, it's a different story. But once more, that's just me.

Looking at the case in general "nobody would care" is good enough, yet I still believe there is a certain method involved in taking them over silently. Involvement of extreme muscle power should be considered.

or involvement of a drowbar or a tire iron. Compare Ted Bundy.

I believe there is snuff and the tapes/pictures are still kept, he will keep them as long as he feels safe from LE. Destroying them would be a big decision for him.

Honestly, I doubt, he would be able to make that decision. He would try to find a better hiding place. But that's a thought stemming partially from the different thoughts about why he is killing. If those videos and photos would serve a mere reliving, he maybe can. If they would establish a symbolic victory to him, rather not.

The biggest blow to the theory is the little sister Amanda. The family lawyer says he is led by Amanda and the MB's stepfather "He's white." Although this seems fairly strict, I sense something in that tickles my mind. "He's white" remark is done so abruptly, that it may be actually be a taunting attack to lure him back to communication.

Any half-way educated black (not even speaking top notch education here), can simulate a drunk white man. A little slurred speech, avoidance of typical speech patterns and the job is done. Add to this some extras, like the sexual deviant behavior every one would expect from a white sexual sadist loner in his mother's basement, what do you get? Exactly the FBI rubber stamp profile. So I still think, those phone calls were not sadistic behavior but had the purpose to inject him into the investigation with the tactical goal to make everybody believe, he is that white loner with an alcohol problem who can't hold a job.

Extending the scope wider than the GB4;
Bludgeoned Asian Male, can be linked up. There's the possibility that the Asian male, petite and slim was actually "beautiful" and the killer couldn’t even notice she was a he. Rage factor can be involved here.

This means, you follow a "one killer" line here? Because I would book that Asian on Manorville.

Without the 911 call (transcript or better the audio) all will be speculation. My theory above is as equally powerful as the "Shannan went crazy, took off her clothes and shoes, ran into the bushes, got tangled, drowned" explanation.

Wish a nice day for everybody.

We know, it was a long 911 call. IN fact, it still grows, I found today "half an hour". But even if the 18 minutes are true, we can be sure, no SK was sitting 18 minutes there having tea and cookies while she was on the phone with the police and then would be still stupid enough to let her escape from the house. At least in those 18 minutes, nobody tried to kill her and if nobody tried to kill her, than there was no killer. We don't need the transcript to know that part.
I have been saying this for almost a year.

The bridges have been under construction since the 90's. In the summer; they add manpower, in the winter the decrease manpower.
I have been saying this for almost a year.

The bridges have been under construction since the 90's. In the summer; they add manpower, in the winter the decrease manpower.

Hehe, I have that since Spring 2011 on my website. Which clearly places us both long before the NY Times asked Rifkin and he said construction/landscaping too.

Thanks for the great elaboration.

Coletti and Schaller; I didn't mean to clear them from suspicion, they don’t need this. Both strike me as decent guys. I wanted to say, these are the two people who genuinely feel something about the girls, a true regret for things they could have done, but didn't. Rest of the people appearing in the case just upset my heart.

I'm not sure if Mr. John Ray appreciates how high the profile of the case is. Shedding light just on the SG case alone would make him a top media figure. I think he took the case pro-bono and maybe he is avoiding court fees.

Joel Rifkin's "Silence of the Lambs" style intervention, doesn't mean anything for me.

I am with the old sparkly. To make myself clear in this; if the story is unwound, no bodies out in the open waiting to be found, evidence is clear, sentence is appealed. Say bye to the perv. I wish every SK gets caught is Florida.

The fishing issue which Rifkin also refers to is another thing. I think people are mistaking "meshbags" for "burlap sacks". Clam stored in confined burlaps would stink too much. Though I don't know the local practice.

I can’t roll out a fully developed "string theory" to cover all victims including even SG, but I feel the need to do that. Different SKs picked the same narrow piece of land for dumping bodies, that hurts my brain. Yet, GB4 seems to be the most promising part of the story.

Your insight on IP traces; "Yes, there is/has to be an IP trace but it is not within an immediate time frame of the kidnappings, maybe a couple of weeks before that" makes a lot of sense. Some sort of a combo physical/online stalking, this is highly probable. We just don’t know if LE did a good job digging in that.

The calls to sister Amanda is a bitter demonstration of this.

People in the forum are asking "Did LE compare the voice to the known POIs" and nobody can stand up and say "Yes, of course, they did. What a stupid question."

Because everybody is so amazed by the magnitude of the botch, that no one can rule out any possibility, even the silliest sounding ones. TV shows say the calls are "tapped" but I still don’t know for sure if that "tapping" means these calls are recorded.

"hey I'm running out of battery on my cell phone" and the other one says "I'm out on the parking lot in front of your hotel" or even worse, "in front of your home", the next question is "and how do you know where I am?"

This may not be the exact context but I'm imagining a similar dialogue. Maybe some course of dialogue he accidentally discovered with MW and honed on AC.

>>> Crowbar or a tire iron involvement, I'd rather go for a second person.

The biggest problem, which the girls paid the toll for, is that there are a lot of jurisdictions crammed in a small geography. It is high time FBI should step in full force.

If the perp is not a transient but a resident in the area (including NY) and prefers not to move, there will be trouble.

Escorts will be more careful, pushed by the public LE will be showing up on the roads at least for a couple of month.

I believe the perp is still capable of lurking and switching to low profile, I just can’t think how long he can do this. A perp like I am building, without getting access to escorts may divert to younger victims, which have nothing to do with the business.
I think people are mistaking "meshbags" for "burlap sacks". Clam stored in confined burlaps would stink too much. Though I don't know the local practice. .

When I lived there, a long time ago, clammers used burlap bags; they'd collect the clams in the bag, then pour them off onto the buyer's scale at the dock - then they'd take their empty bag back out onto the water and start all over again. Clamming was huge then (half the nation's supply came from that bay), but I can see that the whole industry has "dried up" badly:

Thanks for the great elaboration.

You're welcome

Coletti and Schaller; I didn't mean to clear them from suspicion, they don’t need this. Both strike me as decent guys. I wanted to say, these are the two people who genuinely feel something about the girls, a true regret for things they could have done, but didn't. Rest of the people appearing in the case just upset my heart.

K, with that context, I can agree

I'm not sure if Mr. John Ray appreciates how high the profile of the case is. Shedding light just on the SG case alone would make him a top media figure. I think he took the case pro-bono and maybe he is avoiding court fees.

I spoke with him one time on the phone when someone here bragged about "inside information" which of course was exactly that, just bragging. I wanted him to confirm or deny. He denied. Unfortunately, after this point, he continued talking and destroyed any respect, I may have had for his knowledge about SK cases. My impression is, he wanted the publicity and then found out, HOW big the thing is.

Joel Rifkin's "Silence of the Lambs" style intervention, doesn't mean anything for me.

One thing, I have to give him: The entertainment value was high! I mean, a guy that looks like half a shirt playing the Hannibal and all he can state is what is so obvious, every thinking person saw it right from the start ... and then NY Times reporters selling the b******* as the truth right from the mouth of the monster! How funny is that? And how repealing for those reporters? One has to appreciate the comedy in it.

I am with the old sparkly. To make myself clear in this; if the story is unwound, no bodies out in the open waiting to be found, evidence is clear, sentence is appealed. Say bye to the perv. I wish every SK gets caught is Florida.

Lucky me, I don't care for them anymore after they are caught. One could say, the punishment isn't sufficient in some states, one can say, it's okay, but then, comparing to some European cases I know for example, they still get more in even the most liberal places in the US than they often get there. Or well, it was so till this Melchior-Dieffenbach guy (sp?) went to trial. You remember, the male nurse who posed as female in a chat for suicidal persons and talked three or so into suicides?

The fishing issue which Rifkin also refers to is another thing. I think people are mistaking "meshbags" for "burlap sacks". Clam stored in confined burlaps would stink too much. Though I don't know the local practice.

I normally don't harvest clams, I buy them when I am near to coasts. And I wouldn't buy from a fisherman who has his clams in a burlap sack. That saves me since almost fifty years from food-poisoning. Burlap is surprisingly warm and the warmer, the faster the clams spoil.

I can’t roll out a fully developed "string theory" to cover all victims including even SG, but I feel the need to do that. Different SKs picked the same narrow piece of land for dumping bodies, that hurts my brain. Yet, GB4 seems to be the most promising part of the story.

Relax! This more than one SK in one area happens pretty frequently. Kind of a standard since decades, regardless what people say. Sometimes, for example in Texas, you have not just two but up to six active in the same area. They like places where they consider LE as usage-disabled. The only way to get a hold of them is basically the minimal victimology. You look at those, you can for sure pinpoint to one. And right, the most compact victimology on LI are the GB4

Your insight on IP traces; "Yes, there is/has to be an IP trace but it is not within an immediate time frame of the kidnappings, maybe a couple of weeks before that" makes a lot of sense. Some sort of a combo physical/online stalking, this is highly probable. We just don’t know if LE did a good job digging in that.

We can estimate. Since they are normally lost after more than three proxies, the answer is "probably not"

The calls to sister Amanda is a bitter demonstration of this.

People in the forum are asking "Did LE compare the voice to the known POIs" and nobody can stand up and say "Yes, of course, they did. What a stupid question."

Because everybody is so amazed by the magnitude of the botch, that no one can rule out any possibility, even the silliest sounding ones. TV shows say the calls are "tapped" but I still don’t know for sure if that "tapping" means these calls are recorded.

As it looks, the calls were not recorded by LE. They didn't care for missing person reports. The calls were in the weeks after Melissa disappeared, that was in Summer of 2009. LE woke up when they found the GB4 in Winter 2010/11, as in 1 1/2 years later. All they could possibly get at this time were old phone records. The rest is what Amanda told them.

"hey I'm running out of battery on my cell phone" and the other one says "I'm out on the parking lot in front of your hotel" or even worse, "in front of your home", the next question is "and how do you know where I am?"

This may not be the exact context but I'm imagining a similar dialogue. Maybe some course of dialogue he accidentally discovered with MW and honed on AC.

But why would they, after such a big red flag was raised in the talk already, go out to meet him?
The other point here is, the phone on which the john talked to ALC was DS' phone. So no miracle, she left it behind, it wasn't her phone in the first place.

>>> Crowbar or a tire iron involvement, I'd rather go for a second person.

The biggest problem, which the girls paid the toll for, is that there are a lot of jurisdictions crammed in a small geography. It is high time FBI should step in full force.

If the perp is not a transient but a resident in the area (including NY) and prefers not to move, there will be trouble.

Escorts will be more careful, pushed by the public LE will be showing up on the roads at least for a couple of month.

I believe the perp is still capable of lurking and switching to low profile, I just can’t think how long he can do this. A perp like I am building, without getting access to escorts may divert to younger victims, which have nothing to do with the business.[/QUOTE]
When I lived there, a long time ago, clammers used burlap bags; they'd collect the clams in the bag, then pour them off onto the buyer's scale at the dock - then they'd take their empty bag back out onto the water and start all over again. Clamming was huge then (half the nation's supply came from that bay), but I can see that the whole industry has "dried up" badly:

*** Note to myself: DON'T BUY CLAMS FROM LI ***
When it came to the burlap, Landscapper or Animal Control Officer was always my first thought but a Clammer may actually be appropriate since, excuse me in advance, sometimes people use the derogatory term, "b3@rd3d clam," to refer to a female body part. This is the first time such a connection has jumped out at me.
And I wouldn't buy from a fisherman who has his clams in a burlap sack. That saves me since almost fifty years from food-poisoning. Burlap is surprisingly warm and the warmer, the faster the clams spoil.
The clams have a surprising tendency not to spoil while they're still alive. Which they are, while they're sitting in the burlap bag, after they're sold to the buyer on the dock, and then right up until someone buys them at market or in a restaurant (unless the diner doesn't want them on the "half-shell", in which case they're cooked and prepared). So, no worries!
When it came to the burlap, Landscapper or Animal Control Officer was always my first thought but a Clammer may actually be appropriate since, excuse me in advance, sometimes people use the derogatory term, "b3@rd3d clam," to refer to a female body part. This is the first time such a connection has jumped out at me.

The use of burlap is more of a convenience to move the body/body parts around. Normally, you see the use of trash bags but burlap/gunny bags used here mainly because many people would use it in this area for reasons suggested by others (duck/fishing/etc). It would also provide a means to avoid detection or curiosity by others if they catch LISK moving with burlaps.

It more or so looks like all the bodies moved from somewhere and dumped here at the same time which raises question of whether there are other dump places not found yet.
Precious Dust, I hope by now you've had a chance to read this thread. If so, I'd like to ask you if any of the profiles you've read here are in line with your POI??? And if it wouldn't be telling to much, in which ways???? (In a general sense, not specifically.)
The clams have a surprising tendency not to spoil while they're still alive. Which they are, while they're sitting in the burlap bag, after they're sold to the buyer on the dock, and then right up until someone buys them at market or in a restaurant (unless the diner doesn't want them on the "half-shell", in which case they're cooked and prepared). So, no worries!

Oh well, I learned my seafood eating in France. Maybe they are a little hefty when it comes to seafood qualities.
The use of burlap is more of a convenience to move the body/body parts around. Normally, you see the use of trash bags but burlap/gunny bags used here mainly because many people would use it in this area for reasons suggested by others (duck/fishing/etc). It would also provide a means to avoid detection or curiosity by others if they catch LISK moving with burlaps.

It more or so looks like all the bodies moved from somewhere and dumped here at the same time which raises question of whether there are other dump places not found yet.

Unless, he died from something, got arrested for something unrelated or got to sick to go out hunting or, in the case of Manorville, maybe got too distracted by other activities, there are more dump sites or at least one. LISK ramped up to at least two in 2010. So he would go for three or even four in 2011 and even higher in 2012. Somewhere he had to park those bodies.
Precious Dust, I hope by now you've had a chance to read this thread. If so, I'd like to ask you if any of the profiles you've read here are in line with your POI??? And if it wouldn't be telling to much, in which ways???? (In a general sense, not specifically.)
I've read quite a bit of this thread now, Seajay, and it's really interesting - there's a lot of good deductions, and it's fascinating to see how people who know a lot more about criminology than I do (which would be just about anyone who knows anything at all about criminology) "put things together". Unfortunately, or maybe I should just say inevitably, I'm unable to participate mentally in the discovery process that people here are working on collaboratively, because my perceptions are colored by having that POI. In other words, I can't utilize the sound reasoning about circumstances, abundant in this thread and elsewhere, to try to discern potential POIs; I have to work it exactly backwards from that, trying to "fit" my POI with those circumstances. And while some of the speculation here fits my guy to a "T", much of it doesn't; for instance, my POI was not a construction worker or a landscaper (or a clammer) - I'd be surprised if he got his hands dirty once in his life. And my POI wouldn't have to pretend to be a white guy, as he was one; and, towards the end of his life, likely a drug-using drunk white guy. Over the last couple of days I've discovered two new facts, one through a known player in this saga via his friend (and I also know that player or, rather, I knew his sibling), and the other a link between two parties whom I previously had no reason to believe were connected. That second part, that discovered link, kind of blew me away, and my contact who is forwarding this stuff to Suffolk homicide was also suitably impressed. I honestly don't know if homicide is interested or not; they appear to be remarkably squirrelly about acknowledging anything to anyone, even to someone as credentialed and ostensibly in the loop as my contact. And the police may have gotten 50 "tips" on this guy, for all I know, and have dismissed the possibility long ago (still, I perk up when the phone rings, LOL). Frankly, with my POI, I can't put all the pieces together to reach a satisfying scenario to explain each of the events of the case; he's just someone intimately familiar with the area who was in businesses that would attract prostitutes, had the history with burlap, the NYC and Oak Beach addresses, a familiarity with law enforcement techniques (I know, everyone has that, but this guy had it in spades), the intelligence, an ability to "draw people in", lots of money but a decidedly degenerate lifestyle, and a rather menacing personality (in my view, anyway).
I dont know if this was discussed before, if so, simply deletion will be welcomed.

December 8, 2011

... Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said he doesn’t suspect Gilbert was murdered, unlike the other 10 victims found nearby who were likely slain by a single serial killer.

“It is very easy to get engulfed in water, muck and fall down and not be able to get out of there. So we surmise that’s what happened,” Dormer said about Gilbert, a sex worker visiting a john in the area.

“And we’re going to do everything we can to find her.”

Read more:
I dont know if this was discussed before, if so, simply deletion will be welcomed.

December 8, 2011

... Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said he doesn’t suspect Gilbert was murdered, unlike the other 10 victims found nearby who were likely slain by a single serial killer.

“It is very easy to get engulfed in water, muck and fall down and not be able to get out of there. So we surmise that’s what happened,” Dormer said about Gilbert, a sex worker visiting a john in the area.

“And we’re going to do everything we can to find her.”

Read more:

Well, as I said, he was in there way over his head. And even when he was right by accident, he didn't get the real point. So ... what would be the point to discuss here? All it adds up to is kind of lack of expertise and professionalism and a panic-like fear of the media.
I understand Dormer is overwhelmed, but why is he waiting with an already written toe tag in his hand?

If it were pressure, he should have felt it 1 year ago, at the December search for "Shannan" almost 7 months after she disapearred, in the opposite direction.

Top botch moment was that.

I'm trying to put myself in his shoes; but it doesnt work.

If that was his theory, he must be calculating that discovery of SG is a matter of time, with all the cadaver dogs, and teams and stuff, given no serious animal action in the location.

Why is he risking himself? Why isn't he holding back his tongue a couple of days just in case a possible alternative discovery, like for example finding Shannan with a crushed skull?

This is not a serious question, it's more like rebuke.

Here is the real question.

Is there a way we can raise funds for the Gilbert family to hire another lawyer to retrieve the 911 call records. I can provide a humble contribution. Since officicals rule it as an accident, the call will still be treated as evidence?
I understand Dormer is overwhelmed, but why is he waiting with an already written toe tag in his hand?

If it were pressure, he should have felt it 1 year ago, at the December search for "Shannan" almost 7 months after she disapearred, in the opposite direction.

Top botch moment was that.

I'm trying to put myself in his shoes; but it doesnt work.

If that was his theory, he must be calculating that discovery of SG is a matter of time, with all the cadaver dogs, and teams and stuff, given no serious animal action in the location.

Why is he risking himself? Why isn't he holding back his tongue a couple of days just in case a possible alternative discovery, like for example finding Shannan with a crushed skull?

This is not a serious question, it's more like rebuke.

Here is the real question.

Is there a way we can raise funds for the Gilbert family to hire another lawyer to retrieve the 911 call records. I can provide a humble contribution. Since officicals rule it as an accident, the call will still be treated as evidence?

The reason why you don't understand Dormer could be, that you're just a too honest person, not a politician.
And since the investigation about SG was never closed but is, on the paper, still active, the tape with the call is still evidence. That reminds me to a case in Ohio, that is open investigation since 1963 and since nobody releases evidence, it will stay open till at least 2063 (my estimation). Some PDs do such weird things.
Peter can you name an SK stepping down in deviance. They all go up?

Second question which may relate to the above, the case of JT, what is your take?
Dismemberment and the defacing (tattoo) are acts of violence or just an attempt (hoping post mortem) to hinder the identification?

Setting aside your all opinions, is it possible that the very same person doing the dismemberments (particularly JT) is perhaps contented with a less messy method for GB4?

Doing some googling on the release of 911 tapes. Would like to revert to that issue.
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