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My theory is some person took Lisa. Why is my only question. Was it to keep her as their own? Or was it to sell her or worse.. I am not thinking about WORSE.. I can not ..

But I believe that someone was lying in wait, had their eye on this baby and waited and took her.

ETA: I do believe she is alive currently.
I think mom wanted out of relationship or vise versa. baby dead! I no longer think it was a accident. moo I believe dad didnt have anything to do with it. Hes either going along with her to find out truth or shes really controlling and he believes her. He seems to be aloof with her in the videos. moo moo moo
My newest theory (subject to change at any minute)...

I think DB did check on the baby around 10:30 and found baby Lisa either spit up on herself or had a messy poop and a drunk/medicated mom took off the babies clothes and decided to give her a bath. The mom was not paying attention, the baby drowned and the mom went into coverup mode. I have found that drunk people can sober up very quickly when necessary.(...I once called the police on my drunk cousin...she could barely walk or talk with eyes rolling back in her heard....the minute the police walked through the door she sobered up very quickly...)
As for what the cover-up mode entailed, I am still working that through and am unsure of how it unfolded...
Hmmm, I was thinking, what if.....Whatever happened to Lisa happened the day before...not only giving them a huge window of opportunity to dispose of the cell phones and the baby a great distance from the residence, but what if the shopping trip to buy baby items and wine was an alibi, set up because they knew she was already gone and planned to produce the receipt as proof she was still in the home as they were still making purchases for her. The wine would be a nice touch (conveniently) drinking with a neighbor in front of the whole street and bumbling off to bed drunk...unable to recall much of anything nor see or hear anything....I'm still just on the fence but it is getting harder and harder to balance here.

I think she may have been gone by the morning...and the parents at best re-homed her. They spent the rest of the day working on the alibi for the coming early morning call to police.
Hmmm, I was thinking, what if.....Whatever happened to Lisa happened the day before...not only giving them a huge window of opportunity to dispose of the cell phones and the baby a great distance from the residence, but what if the shopping trip to buy baby items and wine was an alibi, set up because they knew she was already gone and planned to produce the receipt as proof she was still in the home as they were still making purchases for her. The wine would be a nice touch (conveniently) drinking with a neighbor in front of the whole street and bumbling off to bed drunk...unable to recall much of anything nor see or hear anything....I'm still just on the fence but it is getting harder and harder to balance here.

I think she may have been gone by the morning...and the parents at best re-homed her. They spent the rest of the day working on the alibi for the coming early morning call to police.

You know, I am starting to wonder if something happened with the baby earlier that day. I am starting to wonder if JI going to work that night was to create an alibi. Remember, his first time on night shift. I am starting to wonder if sitting on the porch with her neighbor and getting drunk was an alibi too.

I am starting to wonder when the brothers of Lisa last saw their baby sister. And I wonder if that's why they don't want the boys interviewed.
My theory list is consistantly changing and evolving because of information I have or information that I don't have.

Today a theory I have running through my head is that Lisa passed away from being suffocated from DB in DB's bed. I think the story of Lisa having a cough and a cold was sure to be told early on to perhaps line up with what DB may have thought forensics could show in the future with Lisa's body. Meaning something to the effect of Lisa died from not having air in her lungs. I think that DB had her 6 year old in bed with her when JI came home just to make it seem that her son had been in bed asleep with her all evening. I think DB was drinking like she said and was worried that not only would she be arrested but her entire life of being a future wife to JI and also being a mom to her own son would be gone if she called 911 at that moment. She would be viewed as having been negligent.

And then I have the theory that someone in that neighborhood or a close friend or family member that can see DB's home is a stalker and took advantage and struck when the perfect opportunity came about. The 12 am sighting by the neighbor on the nearby street really keeps coming back into play with me. I can't discount it entirely.

And sometimes I have a theory that Lisa is being hidden by someone and this is a balloon boy situation. All the "lights, camera, action" with national media and the celebrity media atmosphere is disturbing to me. The video taken by local media of DB and JI entering a hotel to do one of the earlier Fox interviews and the business like and calm/controlled demeanor of DB is still wrote all over my thinking brain cells.

And... this afternoon I went back to the general discussion threads that I was a part of since day one and re-read several of them. It is shocking to me to notice so many discrepancies in the early hours and what is being said now.

I still have huge feelings of uncomfortableness about what DB and JI lacked in conveying to the media about Lisa early on, and now. I feel like I would react different if my own baby were missing. I can't convict them for that, but I really question some of the choices of words and lack of choices of words when they were given the opportunity to speak to the world early on in this case.

I pray Lisa is safe. Like I said, my theory jumps all over the place. I can convince myself strongly on each one until my brain wanders away to the next one.
That odd statement has been bothering me. Is it possible that Deborah WAS cheating and Jeremy suspected or knew, and Deborah was terrified that he may at some point ask for a paternity test on the baby, so she killed the baby and hid her? Maybe she wasn't just cheating recently. Maybe the baby isn't his. A long shot, but it could explain the odd statement. Think about his other comment - about how they need the baby back b/c she is the tie that binds them together. Maybe he didn't quite suspect that the baby wasn't his yet, and she was terrified he might start to.
I think someone planned, picked their time and took that baby. Someone who knew the husband was away and she was intoxicated enough to sleep soundly or maybe passed out. They may not have known the cell phones had been cut off for none payment and didn't know one was broken. Even with disrupted service she could have used a phone to reach 911. But I think they were grabbed just in case they got caught making a get away with the infant. He/she most likely came in the window turned on lights as needed and exited out the front door. Maybe they will find evidence of that someone in the house. I want to believe this because baby Lisa could still be alive somewhere.
The lady and her husband are in on it. They should look for this childs body somewhere between their home and his job. Sorry to say but these people will be another set of parents that get away with murder. Y would an intruder take cellphones that shows this was staged. They have created the perfect storm of reasonable doubt and may walk away from this unpunished. She killed her baby and he helped dispose of the body.
I have 2 things going through my mind, one that she took the baby to bed with her and she was very, very drunk, rolled on her and she suffocated, but what I can't figure out is how she could have disposed of her so quickly. The other one is that someone saw her and the neighbor drinking on the front porch, came in the back door, grabbed the cells phones and baby and took off out the back through the woods.

I wonder if the mother gave away, or sold Lisa. I wonder if the mother is now saying she was drunk, so she can say she wasn't to blame and/or doesn't recall what occurred.

Or, Baby Lisa is deceased due to the mother's negligence, and, the mother is
pretending to have been drunk, so she has an excuse for not recalling what occurred.

Either theory, the mother can blame a kidnapper.

Odd incidents that may or may not be related to the disappearance:

disappearance of cell phones

fire in a dumpster

the dad working a new shift
I think the buying of wine wasn't for her drinking pleasure. I think that part of it was to cover her lies if she slipped with her story or the wine was used for another purpose other then drinking and I will not state what I'm thinking on that one.
After watching what the body language expert had to say and even my own observation, here's mine:
It's Dad.
Dad knows mom likes to drink and most nights when she does, passes out/sleeps so hard she doesn't know what the hell's going on in the house anyway. So...
Dad tells someone this, and that he will also be working 3rd that night (first time; coincidence?) Perp watches the house and waits and goes in for baby Lisa and phones. Door was left unlocked.
Mom had some serious drinking issues. She's done this in the past and not "Known" what goes on in the house after she drinks, hence, perfect set up for baby daddy.
My working theory as of this moment, (I retain the right to revise as new information comes out) is this:

DB is an alcoholic and has been for a number of years. She is in denial. JI was going to be gone for the night and she took that opportunity to get wasted with her neighbor and have some "adult time." They plugged in the movie for the kids and told them to stay put in front of the tv. She put the baby to bed, way earlier than the baby was ready, and put something in her bottle to make sure she fell right to sleep. Maybe a crushed sleeping pill(s) in her bottle to guarantee she won't wake up and kill her buzz. I think this is not the first time, she has probably drugged the baby (and her son) many times with good results--meaning the child slept all night and woke up in the morning none the worse for wear. Only this time she gave her too much. She went to check on Lisa after her friend went home, and discovered Lisa had passed from overdosing on her sleep medicine. She freaks out and gets hold of her brother to come help her solve her problem. They take the baby and dump her someplace--weighed down in the river or in a dumpster--and she is running around making sure everything looks "normal" when JI comes home and she jumps into bed pretending she was fast asleep, though really her heart was pumping 500 beats per minute, knowing the awful thing she had just completed. I think mom killed the baby by an "on purpose accident" and JI is figuring it out, but not ready to admit it yet. (Although I think he admits it every time she tries to hug him or hold his hand and he behaves as though her skin burns him like fire.)

I do not think the baby was kidnapped, nor do I believe she was sold, or taken for "safe keeping." I think the baby is dead and the parents know it.
My theory is still a work in progress. However, I will say that I don't believe DB was drunk. It's extremely odd to me how long she waited to tell the media that (and LE) AND her attitude about it. She seems almost too willing to divulge details about her drinking, how much she drank, etc. IMO, she's beginning to set up her defense.
I truly hope and pray that the parents are not involved.

Following missing/murdered kids cases hurts like hell but it always hurts more when the victims have been betrayed by someone they knew, trusted and loved. Unfortunately all too often that is exactly the case. :(

- I do not believe DB blacked out that night though I have no problem believing she was drinking. I believe the blackout scenario is a very convenient ruse to cover her inconsistencies and inability to remember.

- I believe that DB and JI were having relationship problems long before Lisa went missing. (Impressions based off of statements and body language only.)

- I think Debbie resented being the primary parent responsible for 3 small children though I also think she loved appearing to be the 'perfect mom' to outsiders.

- I have always had an unnerving gut reaction that Debbie is highly manipulative.

- I cannot, in all my logic, find a plausible scenario in which a parent would cover up an accident by staging a kidnapping and then implicate oneself.

- I do not believe truth evolves.

I believe, based on the scant information available to us, that a tragedy occurred the night of October 4th. I believe Debbie was tired, frustrated, angry, quite possibly inebriated and in a moment of thoughtlessness just snapped. Then a frantic cover up ensued.

(I am unclear to JI's involvement dependent on when he left work and if that is verified by LE. He made a curious statement to media that alludes he had two hours available somewhere that day. If it turns out he left work prior to 3am I believe he was involved in the staging. If he did indeed only return moments prior to the 911 call then I think the cover up was actually interrupted.)

As always, sincerely hoping I am as wrong as can be! I loves me some good, ol'-fashioned crow! ;)

My theory has changed often, mostly as a result of observing DB and JI in the MSM. The more I watch DB, the more I see her as very self-centered, self-serving and manipulative.

Right now I have three different theories:

1. JI was working his first night shift, and that left DB feeling liberated and free. She was absolutely going to have her "grown up" time come hell or high water. Baby Lisa, however, did not cooperate. She is, after all a baby and was reportedly sick with a cold/cough, so was probably irritable, cranky, crying. DB did something to put her to sleep, cold medicine, Benadryl, maybe even alcohol. Baby Lisa went to sleep alright, but sadly didn't wake up. Also, DB said she gave her a bottle, so Baby Lisa could have aspirated it and choked to death as a complication of being drugged.

The lights on, doors unlocked due to DB being intoxicated and the chaos that ensues when she finds Baby Lisa not breathing. She can't call 911 because whatever she did to cause this would automatically implicate her in the cause of Baby Lisa's death. Thus, the coverup. Maybe she had an accomplice, brother? Not sure about JI.

2. DB wanted to do something else with her life, didn't want to be tied down with the responsibilities of a baby, maybe wanted to leave JI because she had another love interest, or maybe she just wanted to be free to party more. So she did something to end Baby Lisa's life, such as smother her. She then had to dispose of her body thus, the staged kidnapping. Maybe accomplice, possibly the "love interest".

2. The movie "Gone Baby Gone", starring Morgan Freeman: a kidnapping is arranged in which a small child is "rescued" from a self-centered, irresponsible, partying drugging mother who doesn't really care about her little girl.
i think the baby od or had allergic reaction to cold meds, and maybe was found by a drunken DB, in a drunken state she thinks that she will be in trouble with the law for drinking with 3 kids in the house, while under HER supervision.

She hides little Lisa's body.

then again, it is very possible that someone saw that beautiful baby, and wanted her for their own...there are a lot of sick people out there. (even ones who will cut the baby out of the womb..just sickening).

i need more info :)
My theory is still a work in progress. However, I will say that I don't believe DB was drunk. It's extremely odd to me how long she waited to tell the media that (and LE) AND her attitude about it. She seems almost too willing to divulge details about her drinking, how much she drank, etc. IMO, she's beginning to set up her defense.

Thinking out loud here:

I've been thinking about this too, but she claims she was drinking with the neighbor. Assuming the neighbor isn't involved, wouldn't she be able to corroborate the drinking and DB's "condition" that evening?

The only thing I can think is that she knows she was seen on film buying wine, and it gave her the idea to say she was drunk that night, which helps to explain away so many of her inconsistencies and makes it less believable that she could have been involved (could an intoxicated person pull this off?) If the neighbor doesn't corroborate her story (which she wouldn't based on the theory that it's not true), the it becomes DB's word against the neighbor's.

So far, we haven't heard anything about what the neighbor has told police. If she was there drinking, surely LE would have known this from day 1, since DB has always stated that the neighbor was over that night - they would have spoken to her immediately. Something about DB's admission about drinking heavily in her interviews led LE to immediately search the neighbor's house, followed by a search warrant for the Irwin's house. I suspect that DB's story doesn't match the story that the neighbor told LE.

I also can't get over seeing DB hand her brother the receipt and change in the store video, and didn't the store clerk say she bought the baby items on a separate transaction than the wine? I think she bought the wine for her brother. Not sure how old he is (is he under 21?), or maybe she owed him some money and paid him back by paying for his purchase. But I really think that the wine was his, and she's now using it as a cover story.

I don't think she was drinking that night. That's my theory today!
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