Post your theory-****NO DISCUSSION****

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I started with thinking the baby was abducted.
I quickly changed to 'Deborah harmed the baby'
Which then became 'Jeremy harmed the baby'
Which then turned back to 'Deborah harmed the baby and Jeremy is complicit'
Then: the boys tried to comfort crying baby Lisa and somehow harmed her by accident
Then: Lisa climbed out of the crib and crawled herself into trouble somehow
Then I switched to: they sold the baby
Then back to 'Deborah harmed the baby and Jeremy is complicit'

Yesterday, I started wondering again whether the baby was sold. The reason is that although Deborah sometimes seems to be truly sad, it is not a consistent portrayal of grief as would be seen with the death of one's child. It feels more like at certain moments, she misses the baby, but has absolutely no expectations of getting the baby back. She does not act like someone who is mourning a deceased child. She does not take actions to request that LE or the public help to find her baby.

The glitches with this are:
1) she adamantly and, to me, convincingly refutes this in the Megyn Kelly interview;
2) there would be a money trail, if not now, at some point. They would not be able to hide a big chunk of money without LE figuring it out.

So today I vacillate between:
a) Deborah harmed the baby or the boys accidentally harmed the baby, and Jeremy helped cover it up; and,
b) the baby was sold
My theory has changed often, mostly as a result of observing DB and JI in the MSM. The more I watch DB, the more I see her as very self-centered, self-serving and manipulative.

Right now I have three different theories:

1. JI was working his first night shift, and that left DB feeling liberated and free. She was absolutely going to have her "grown up" time come hell or high water. Baby Lisa, however, did not cooperate. She is, after all a baby and was reportedly sick with a cold/cough, so was probably irritable, cranky, crying. DB did something to put her to sleep, cold medicine, Benadryl, maybe even alcohol. Baby Lisa went to sleep alright, but sadly didn't wake up. Also, DB said she gave her a bottle, so Baby Lisa could have aspirated it and choked to death as a complication of being drugged.

The lights on, doors unlocked due to DB being intoxicated and the chaos that ensues when she finds Baby Lisa not breathing. She can't call 911 because whatever she did to cause this would automatically implicate her in the cause of Baby Lisa's death. Thus, the coverup. Maybe she had an accomplice, brother? Not sure about JI.

2. DB wanted to do something else with her life, didn't want to be tied down with the responsibilities of a baby, maybe wanted to leave JI because she had another love interest, or maybe she just wanted to be free to party more. So she did something to end Baby Lisa's life, such as smother her. She then had to dispose of her body thus, the staged kidnapping. Maybe accomplice, possibly the "love interest".

2. The movie "Gone Baby Gone", starring Morgan Freeman: a kidnapping is arranged in which a small child is "rescued" from a self-centered, irresponsible, partying drugging mother who doesn't really care about her little girl.

:doh: Sorry, this is #3.
I think this happened, or was planned to happen, prior to JI leaving for work. Could have been premeditated (I'm leaning this way) or an accident that happened before he left.

If it was an accident, or only one of them was directly involved, I'd think the other one would have come clean by now, or would soon. That is, unless one of them has something big to hold over the other.
I think the mother of baby Lisa was having a grand old time outside chatting away with her neighbor friend and at some point the baby woke. I'm thinking Lisa's mom shook her because the baby was "fussy" and wouldn't stop crying.. Well the baby stopped and was placed back into her crib. After her fun night with the neighbor at around 10:30 I think Lisa's mother checked on her and noticed the baby wasn't breathing so she freaked out and started calling SOMEONE? And they helped her or told her over the phone how to dispose of the baby.. Lights were left on in the house because Lisa's mom was still cleaning up. She noticed hubby pull in the drive way and ran in her bed. The son was in her bed because I think she needed some comfort after noticing what she did to her baby..the window was left open because most "robbers/kidnapper" break In that way and the "robber/kidnapper" just walked out the front door and "took" the phones on the way out.. Where's the baby? The baby and cell phones are in the house in the walls.. I still think maybe since the hubby is a electrician the wife has seen him doing stuff... The light switch cover was removed with the bracket and she stuffed everything in the walls. Maybe allover the house.. My theory as of today, it may change tomorrow.. I hope baby Lisa comes home safe but statistics show this may not be the case..
DB saw this night shift as a freeing experience. She could not only drink, but drink to her heart's desire. She could also partake in some drugs, which would help keep her awake - why waste all those hours doing the same old same old - party time! She ran out of drugs and needed something for in the morning, thus the 2:30 call, which in my opinion was something like, "ready when you are". (not to start rumors). She tells the little one he can have the kitty if he stays in bed till she gets back.

Jeremy knew she would probably take it to far. He has someone, a relative probably, come in and take Lisa. Remember the report that said JI was ruthless in taking his child from the first wife/baby mama.

Now, the person who took baby Lisa is stuck like Chuck and doesn't know what to do. There are thousands of kids who go missing every year - a fraction get media attention and even fewer get this kind of media attention. JI figured he could act all down and out about it, eventually calm DB down - break up with her at some point and go on his merry way, picking up Lisa somewhere down the line. He just acts too indifferent and not once have I seen him upset. Pictures show he loves her. Just doesn't fit.

or.... DB got so drunk she left the front door open, the baby wandered out (see picture of baby at storm door), and drowned or was taken by a passerby.
Debbie knows that Jeremy is going to be away from the house all night, and seizes the opportunity to get trashed with the neighbor. She puts Lisa down early at 6:40 to get her out of the way. She parks the 2 boys and the neighbor's 4 year old in the boys room in front of a video, and then Debbie and the neighbor take the party out to the porch. After getting alittle tipsy, the neighbor collects her daughter and leaves. Debbie has alittle trouble getting the boys out of her hair, so she separates them...putting one of the boys in her bed for the night. Debbie them goes into the "2nd living" and parties by herself.

respectfully snipped

my theory matches Mountain Kat's up until this point. I don't know what evidence has been collected out of the house, so I'll go with what we know now, which is not very much.

I believe DB drank a lot of that wine, and stumbled around quite a bit. Lisa woke up fussy. She fell asleep with mom, and mom passed out hard and smothered her. (can a 10 month old easily be smothered? I'm not sure). DB woke up at some point, realized what happened, adrenaline kicked in. She hid the body somewhere close by, PD just hasn't found it yet. DB crawled into bed, never fell asleep again. JI came home, and the "best actress in a drama" performance began.


DB was very drunk, Lisa kept waking up and was inconsolable. DB hurt her badly in a drunken rage.. enough to cause death. Adrenaline kicked in, etc.
My working theory as of this moment, (I retain the right to revise as new information comes out) is this:

DB is an alcoholic and has been for a number of years. She is in denial. JI was going to be gone for the night and she took that opportunity to get wasted with her neighbor and have some "adult time." They plugged in the movie for the kids and told them to stay put in front of the tv. She put the baby to bed, way earlier than the baby was ready, and put something in her bottle to make sure she fell right to sleep. Maybe a crushed sleeping pill(s) in her bottle to guarantee she won't wake up and kill her buzz. I think this is not the first time, she has probably drugged the baby (and her son) many times with good results--meaning the child slept all night and woke up in the morning none the worse for wear. Only this time she gave her too much. She went to check on Lisa after her friend went home, and discovered Lisa had passed from overdosing on her sleep medicine. She freaks out and gets hold of her brother to come help her solve her problem. They take the baby and dump her someplace--weighed down in the river or in a dumpster--and she is running around making sure everything looks "normal" when JI comes home and she jumps into bed pretending she was fast asleep, though really her heart was pumping 500 beats per minute, knowing the awful thing she had just completed. I think mom killed the baby by an "on purpose accident" and JI is figuring it out, but not ready to admit it yet. (Although I think he admits it every time she tries to hug him or hold his hand and he behaves as though her skin burns him like fire.)

I do not think the baby was kidnapped, nor do I believe she was sold, or taken for "safe keeping." I think the baby is dead and the parents know it.

I like this theory as well, except I don't think anyone helped DB.
The national media service is dying that this will turn out similar to that of Caylee Anthony.

Whenever you have a family that isn't overly cooperative, stories are inconsisant and a search warrant takes place at the family's home then it's very likely that the missing person in question is dead. And honestly, that's the only reason the national media cares about this case. I'm not saying that's the reason for this disappearence but that's why this case is getting attention.

This is why I follow fugitive cases and the reason as to why I believe this child is dead.
DB saw this night shift as a freeing experience. She could not only drink, but drink to her heart's desire. She could also partake in some drugs, which would help keep her awake - why waste all those hours doing the same old same old - party time! She ran out of drugs and needed something for in the morning, thus the 2:30 call, which in my opinion was something like, "ready when you are". (not to start rumors). She tells the little one he can have the kitty if he stays in bed till she gets back.

Jeremy knew she would probably take it to far. He has someone, a relative probably, come in and take Lisa. Remember the report that said JI was ruthless in taking his child from the first wife/baby mama.

Now, the person who took baby Lisa is stuck like Chuck and doesn't know what to do. There are thousands of kids who go missing every year - a fraction get media attention and even fewer get this kind of media attention. JI figured he could act all down and out about it, eventually calm DB down - break up with her at some point and go on his merry way, picking up Lisa somewhere down the line. He just acts too indifferent and not once have I seen him upset. Pictures show he loves her. Just doesn't fit.

or.... DB got so drunk she left the front door open, the baby wandered out (see picture of baby at storm door), and drowned or was taken by a passerby.

Very interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing.
One of these days, some low-life is going to stage the kidnapping of their child to get the media to pay them licensing fees for photos and videos... and it's going to serve the media right I am at least going to think that possibility now every time an oddly inconsistent parent is all over the news.

The good thing about this scenario is that the baby would be safe.
My working theory- they needed money. I won't be surprised if it comes out there is a life insurance policy on Lisa. Mom gets drunk because she knows what is about to happen... and she can't face it without something to help her get thru. Lisa is... disposed of for lack of better words... and the plan to cover it up had been in motion for a while.
My theory du jour.....

I think the mother murdered and disposed of Lisa and that this was planned. The wine drinking was both a partial alibi and "liquid courage" to help accomplish her scheme.

So we need a motive. Unlike Casey Anthony and Susan Smith, the baby wasn't in her way of partying (Anthony) or attracting male companionship (Smith). She seemed to like her current situation and was reportedly "engaged" to Jeremy. Sure, there were some cash-flow problems and she was still married to her last husband but things generally seemed to be going her way. And Jeremy was starting to work 3rd shift which meant a bump in his hourly rate so the money situation was looking a little brighter.

So what's the motive? Maybe Jeremy was willing to make the extra effort working 3rd shift to help ease their financial situation and help pay for the mom's divorce. But he wanted one thing - a DNA test to prove Lisa was his child. And the mom knows she's not - and that Jeremy is not going to be happy that she lied about this.

So with Jeremy's plan in place to make all this happen, mom knows a DNA test is gonna put her out on the street. So the only thing she could do to stay in Jeremy's home and get married is to get rid of the baby before he finds out she cheated on him.

It's a convoluted mess of a theory but now that we have a little more insight into her personality, I could totally see it happening.
I wonder if she sold the baby, knew it was gonna go down that night since hubby was gonna be away and she drank the wine to knock herself out so she'd NOT hear a thing. Left the window AND door open and lights on.
This has probably been brought up but I haven't seen it. Does anyone think that since she is such an attention seeking person she staged a kidnapping and gave the baby to someone to hold??? Maybe she and her husband were not getting along and she wanted attention, or thought it would keep the relationship together if this happened? Just a thought.
I think it was someone who knew about the dad working and mom so drunk, whether that was through communication, forum postings, etc., or by chance that night (a friend of the neighbor's?).

Because the phones were taken, too, and the way the screen is, I have a gut feeling it was really a friend/friends of the boys', and they were over with the kids that night after mom passed out. I think the boys don't know but aren't telling what they were up to that night. I think the kids' (theorized) behavior is part of why LE is so dead-set that the family is involved. LE can tell that the kids aren't telling something.

The gut theory isn't based on many facts, but it's interesting to consider, imho.
Plaidmom's Crackpot Theory of the Day:

Lisa was abducted, but not by a stranger. The person who orchestrated her abduction is either known to or perhaps even related to Deborah or Jeremy.

The person may not have acted alone, and perhaps, in fact likely, hired the job out. So money may have indeed changed hands, but not in the "traditional" baby-selling sense.

The person did this either for some sort of deep seated revenge or anger towards the parent(s) OR perhaps due to some sort of righteous (religious?) conviction.

If this person is not some sort of sick &@#$! who would harm a innocent child just to cause pain to the parents, there is still a good chance that Lisa Irwin is alive.
new user here - please be kind. :bowdown:

A couple of theories:

1. Dad did it. (I don't know his exact timeline though - haven't had the chance to read everything.) He's with a woman who's a less than wonderful partner. She's been cheating on him maybe, or is turning out to be a big disappointment to him in some way. He takes/kills the baby to punish her. He should know how she is - he got her when she was married to someone else, but it was supposed to be different because she really loved him.

She doesn't know for sure, but suspects something. She feels guilty because she really doesn't know what happened to the baby and is scared of him, thus the floundering and changing of her stories. Maybe the baby isn't his, or she is. To some men who are focused on their woman - everything else is insignificant. How best to punish her (never expecting things to get so out of hand and the situation to receive such scrutiny from the whole nation)?

2. some stranger really did abduct the baby. saw a couple of young women partying out front that night and took advantage of their inattention - or had seen the precious little girl earlier in the day out in the yard. Maybe the stranger was walking through the neighborhood, staying with a relative that lives nearby, or even saw mom and Lisa in the grocery store last week.

Mom's behavior reminds me of a friend's adopted (young adult) daughter who lies constantly.(early childhood spent in many foster homes may or may not have contributed to her creativity) Her lies change depending on the reaction she gets, and who her audience is. They evolve and are so outrageous, yet she'll swear on a bible that she's telling the truth. If called out, she digs in her heels and the lies become even more ridiculous. Maybe that's the way mom is and she really is being crucified in the media?

Regardless, I'm praying Lisa is safe and will be returned home unharmed. :dunno:

Again - the above are just theories.
I think that there are some shreds of truth in a lot of what DB says. That includes her timeline, even though it has kept changing. I also think that DB might be an alcoholic. I think that a lot of the times she is probably half trashed by the evening, but is still highly functional. The night that Lisa disappeared, however, there were just too many factors at play, the biggest one being that Jeremy was gone overnight. I believe that the 6:30-6:40 mark is the last time that she saw Lisa alive. If she didn't want the boys to see her drinking, and she was already on edge, and then Lisa decided to get cranky on top of it, she would have been desperate for a drink. So, she finally caves in, gives Lisa some medication (way too much) or loses her cool, and slams her head against something. The only thing on DB's mind is drink, so she lays Lisa down in her crib and heads for the place where she stashes her bottle. She either doesn't realize that Lisa is injured or overdosed, or she flat out doesn't care. She goes, she gets her bottle, she gets a couple quick drinks, she feels better. Her friend comes over and they have a few more drinks. By this point, she may have some concerns over Lisa, but once again, her urge to drink was stronger than her urge to care for her daughter. I think at 10:30, her friend left, and the noise that her friend and the friends kid made while leaving woke the boys (doors shutting, grabbing things that they had brought over, saying bye). More than likely, DB left the window open, the door unlocked, and the lights on. The damage to the window could have been from the neighbor's child not being watched, or one of the drunken adults falling against it. I think at this point, she either forgot about checking on Lisa altogether, and went to bed. One of the boys then got up, either to go to the bathroom, or to see why the lights were one, or something like that, and checked on his sister too. (I know in my house, any time the kids pass my room in the night or the early morning, they have to check on their baby brother, and the older boys still check on their little sister every time they get up.) The brother then realized that something was wrong with Lisa, and I feel that by this point, she was already dead. DB goes, sees that Lisa is dead, and her wheels start turning. She gets the boy back to sleep in her bad, probably reassuring him that Lisa is fine, she's just sick, she'll be fine. Once he's asleep, she grabs the phones and stashes them, maybe in her half asleep, half drunk stupor, she was going to try to float a story about someone robbing the house and stealing Lisa, but realizes that the boys might give her away. So, she takes Lisa, and she hides the body somewhere close by, but not readily apparent. She then decides that the missing phones will work with a story of someone coming in and stealing Lisa, or she forgets to put them back. I think the phones are wherever she typically stashes her drink when jeremy is home.
By the time Jeremy got home, Lisa really was gone. I think he does know about DB's drinking, but he is in denial as to how badly impaired she is most of the time. I think he suspects that her story is crap, but he is going with it because he knows that no matter whether Lisa is dead or alive, DB is his best chance of finding her. She let LE talk to the boys once, so it didn't look too suspicious, but she will not let them talk to the older kids again because she knows that at least one of them knows way too much.

Just my theory, and I would love to be wrong.
First, and these are just MY thoughts...

1) I agree to the "kidnap" theory to only a certain degree. As has been said many times...Summer and the warm weather is pretty much over NOW, but I can see she and the neighbor sitting out on the front porch having some drinks when the day is hot and the evenings start to cool down a little. A lot of people do that...not drinking, but, just to sort of be "part of the neighborhood". Obviously, NOT when they have small child and are gettin toasted...BUT, if you're gonna do it, at least have a monitor of some kind out there with you to hear whats going on....maybe 2 - one for the older kids and especially one for baby Lisa. **Don't know if she had one out there with her or not.
Many "kidnappers", or so I'll call them, are, IMO, opportunistic. The sitting out on the steps drinking probably was a weekly/daily/2X per week thing. The "kidnappers", knowing that, probably after weeks of figuring out the drinking "routine" and with the relatively expansive back yard, there "could have been" a way to have the child stay there until a more quiet time and THEN take her away. I HATE to say this, but no crying by Lisa while being taken could = "choroform and duct tape"????
Only snag...rumour or fact??? Dog not barking....

2) Short one....LOL
Mom depending on boys to keep an eye on Lisa while she's outside....she's covering for the boys and an accident they had with baby Lisa.....who knows...again, IMO, and just another scenerio and theory.

ETA : Aaack!!! Sorry, "not my kids"....I didn't type fast enough...same "boys accident" theory!!!
My theory is still a work in progress. However, I will say that I don't believe DB was drunk. It's extremely odd to me how long she waited to tell the media that (and LE) AND her attitude about it. She seems almost too willing to divulge details about her drinking, how much she drank, etc. IMO, she's beginning to set up her defense.

Which would then mean when she purchased the wine the deed was already done and the alibi was being set that point the hubby was home and would have known too......because he was the one looking after the children while mom shopped.
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