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My theory based on the new cell phone information.

DB stating that she wasn't concerned that JI didn't come home until 3:30-3:45 doesn't ring true to me. Maybe she had been accusing him of cheating on her and when he didn't come home until almost 6 hours after he was expected, she was really angry and really drunk. An argument ensued (Could the "clicking" noises the boys supposedly heard have been DB slapping JI or vice versa?) and somehow something happened to Lisa.

Now for the new cell phone info. Could the call have been made from JI's work cell to MW to make plans to meet? Maybe he was straying? When asked who could have done something like this in an interview, he strangely said "someone who has been cheated on" or something like that.
“My wife and I are closely following this bizarre case and we believe we have solved it. Deborah Bradley has a secret lover. She was drinking with a neighbor that evening and was feeling good! Since her live-in lover, Jeremy Irwin, was working the late shift there was an opportunity for some hanky-panky and her new lover came over after hours. She made sure the two boys went to sleep quickly by bringing them into her bed. Her new lover lives
locally and walked over so no one would spot his car and ask questions. While they're together, baby Lisa starts crying. They don't want the crying to wake the two boys so they quickly pick up Lisa. At this point something happens whether it's an accident or manslaughter, but they get panicky, maybe from all the booze and decide to make it look like a kidnapping by pushing in the window screen and disposing of the body (Baby Lisa dying in
the house accounts for the cadaver dog response). Since the new lover didn't drive over he takes the body of Lisa and starts walking home looking for a good spot to dispose of the body----this accounts for the two observations of a man walking with a baby. He finds a spot to bury the body, maybe even on his own property and then Deborah Bradley begins her tale and masquerade, while her live-in lover, Jeremy, has no reason to doubt her.”

We submit this for comments, criticism, and general discussion.
:welcome: You will love it here................

Interesting theory....
I feel now with the new phone info from MW that JT is involved. (yes, I'm saying MW is JT's ex girlfriend, jmo). Maybe DB was fooling around with JT, & got caught by JI? Or they needed help with baby Lisa's disposal and called him or he was already at his friends house across the street? Maybe there was a big party out front that night too? Whatever happened just screams DB & JI know where their baby is.

-JT had a friend who lived across the street from the Irwin's home (see video below)
-JT is in jail being held on a $10K bond on an unrelated charge of tampering with a vehicle
-LE went looking for JT early after Lisa disappeared

The neighbors who saw a man with a baby around 12:30 a.m. described a man similar to JI, tall, thin, balding etc.. Those neighbors live very close to the Irwin's also, very very close.

Guys doing construction could possibly give an alibi for JI that he worked until 3:30 a.m. I wouldn't suspect JI but he just looks like he's miserable and is possibly hiding something and it could just be he was the man seen holding the baby the husband & wife saw.

I believe JT had this MW's phone that night. DB or JI could have called him to help? That's as far as I've gotten so far.

I feel strongly that those three JI, DB & JT hold the answers and obviously, they are not talking. gah

jmo (I reserve the right if new information comes out to change my mind!)

Notice the landlords hair color?
Colonel Mustard with the Candlestick in the Library....
“My wife and I are closely following this bizarre case and we believe we have solved it. Deborah Bradley has a secret lover. She was drinking with a neighbor that evening and was feeling good! Since her live-in lover, Jeremy Irwin, was working the late shift there was an opportunity for some hanky-panky and her new lover came over after hours. She made sure the two boys went to sleep quickly by bringing them into her bed. Her new lover lives
locally and walked over so no one would spot his car and ask questions. While they're together, baby Lisa starts crying. They don't want the crying to wake the two boys so they quickly pick up Lisa. At this point something happens whether it's an accident or manslaughter, but they get panicky, maybe from all the booze and decide to make it look like a kidnapping by pushing in the window screen and disposing of the body (Baby Lisa dying in
the house accounts for the cadaver dog response). Since the new lover didn't drive over he takes the body of Lisa and starts walking home looking for a good spot to dispose of the body----this accounts for the two observations of a man walking with a baby. He finds a spot to bury the body, maybe even on his own property and then Deborah Bradley begins her tale and masquerade, while her live-in lover, Jeremy, has no reason to doubt her.”

We submit this for comments, criticism, and general discussion.

BsBM If the boys were in her bed and the decomp smell was by the bed; why would they bring Lisa to where the boys are if they don't want them to wake up?

“My wife and I are closely following this bizarre case and we believe we have solved it. Deborah Bradley has a secret lover. She was drinking with a neighbor that evening and was feeling good! Since her live-in lover, Jeremy Irwin, was working the late shift there was an opportunity for some hanky-panky and her new lover came over after hours. She made sure the two boys went to sleep quickly by bringing them into her bed. Her new lover lives
locally and walked over so no one would spot his car and ask questions. While they're together, baby Lisa starts crying. They don't want the crying to wake the two boys so they quickly pick up Lisa. At this point something happens whether it's an accident or manslaughter, but they get panicky, maybe from all the booze and decide to make it look like a kidnapping by pushing in the window screen and disposing of the body (Baby Lisa dying in
the house accounts for the cadaver dog response). Since the new lover didn't drive over he takes the body of Lisa and starts walking home looking for a good spot to dispose of the body----this accounts for the two observations of a man walking with a baby. He finds a spot to bury the body, maybe even on his own property and then Deborah Bradley begins her tale and masquerade, while her live-in lover, Jeremy, has no reason to doubt her.”

We submit this for comments, criticism, and general discussion.
Great theory. Welcome to Websleuths.
“My wife and I are closely following this bizarre case and we believe we have solved it. Deborah Bradley has a secret lover. She was drinking with a neighbor that evening and was feeling good! Since her live-in lover, Jeremy Irwin, was working the late shift there was an opportunity for some hanky-panky and her new lover came over after hours. She made sure the two boys went to sleep quickly by bringing them into her bed. Her new lover lives
locally and walked over so no one would spot his car and ask questions. While they're together, baby Lisa starts crying. They don't want the crying to wake the two boys so they quickly pick up Lisa. At this point something happens whether it's an accident or manslaughter, but they get panicky, maybe from all the booze and decide to make it look like a kidnapping by pushing in the window screen and disposing of the body (Baby Lisa dying in
the house accounts for the cadaver dog response). Since the new lover didn't drive over he takes the body of Lisa and starts walking home looking for a good spot to dispose of the body----this accounts for the two observations of a man walking with a baby. He finds a spot to bury the body, maybe even on his own property and then Deborah Bradley begins her tale and masquerade, while her live-in lover, Jeremy, has no reason to doubt her.”

We submit this for comments, criticism, and general discussion.

This is very close to what I think happened.

I do think DB held Baby Lisa very close to the time she died or possibly as she died. Then, in Jose Baez's famous words, she held the baby and "she cried, and cried, and cried". After her lover left with the baby, I think DB changed her clothes and discarded them at the foot of the bed. This is the source of the cadaverine that the HRD dogs detected. I think DB discarded the cell phones because it will show a late night "booty call" to a boyfriend.
Am I the only one here thinking that this woman finding a side lover is a stretch? This isn't to be rude, but to have two children (boys) in the home,... I know mine wake up at least 2 - 3 times during the night to come into the kitchen and grab some water or a snack. I mean, they at least get up to go to the bathroom and come find me after. This is IF they go to sleep when I tell them to.

The game of risk in some of these stories has me biting my nails over here, just something I would never do (it's also very immoral, imo - but not basing my opinion on that).

Then again, now thinking it through after my rant, maybe the children DID know this person and that's why they keep halting the children being questioned? I just don't know why Dad would continue to cover with his heart being broken - that's IF it's broken.

This case frustrates me.

WHERE IS LISA???!????!??!?!?
Yes, I do think it is a stretch that DB has a lover. I have small children also and yes, they too are up a lot at night. I've heard rumors of children sleeping like the dead through the night, but it doesn't happen very often for us.

The best theory I can come up with is some kind of a horrific accident. The accident was most likely due to DB's drunken state and/or neglect. I do think DB is grieving for her child. I think she held her for a long time after she passed. Then I think she changed her clothes and dropped them on the floor. That's the only way I can account for the death scent by the bed. If she died of a medicine OD in bed, there would be death scent in the bed.

I think one of the boys ended up in DBs bed because she and *whoever* were trying to cover the accident. She distracted him by bringing him into her bed so he would fall back asleep. It's the quickest way to get my kids back to sleep. He probably did see someone he recognized though which is why she doesn't want him re-interviewed.

I believe the cell phones were lost in at attempt to cover the late night call which brought the third party to the house. How would a kidnapper know the family doesn't have a land line?
I'm not sure about a lover either but this whole group, including some neighbors, the co-worker at the electric company JI works for, probably Jersey all know a lot. It appears to be only a matter of time now for an arrest. I hope. jmo
If you were going to stage a kidnapping, would you turn on all the lights and then call the police? Everyone knows that kidnappers sneak in under cover of darkness so a "fake" kidnapping doesn't make sense to me.

I know LE is investigating every detail and they are not obligated nor should they report every lead to the media/community. It could compromise their investigation.

This post isn't directed at anyone in particular, just thinking out loud with my keyboard. :)

ETA: Sorry, I forgot where I was and now see this is a no discussion thread. Mea culpa.
I don't think Deborah knew at first what happened to Lisa. I think she was taken by someone they know. I think Deborah has many secrets. She knows she will lose all of her children and possibly go to jail if those things are revealed. She now knows she had better not tell who has Lisa.
I think baby Lisa may be safe where she is. I sure hope so.
I at first thought Lisa's father had something to do with this. I am not so sure anymore.
Knowing that Lisa had a cold, Deborah put the sleeping baby next to her in bed so that she could hear her and attend to her quickly if she woke in the night. But Deborah had taken anxiety meds in combination with several glasses of wine, which sent her into a stupor. She fell asleep, rolled over onto the baby and suffocated her. Upon waking up and sobering up, she found Lisa dead, panicked and decided to cover up the death. It's possible that she phoned others for help or advice, then disposed of the phones to cover those tracks, too.

This is how I think it happened as well. I think she panicked because she was blotto, hence the coverup. I also think the brother helped with the coverup and the husband was told of events later and that is why they dont want to be interviewed separately, she needs to know he is not going to stuff up the story.
I've been reading along and am thinking that, like some, maybe JI and MW were having a fling. I think DB found out about MW and I think she got very upset. She took it out on Lisa, a fussy baby because she had a cold. She now can blame JI for not being home when the "kidnapper" came and took their baby. At this point I think that JI is ashamed that this happened and is thinking if only he had went home instead of MW's. Now he feels obligated to protect DB and both of their boys.

Or, maybe MW is the fling of DB? Maybe DB and MW doors swing both ways and the phone call was for DB to get her "friend" to help her after Lisa had passed.

I suspect house lights on when JI came home .... because DB was up late staging the scene. JI arrived home, DB jumped back in to bed and pretended to be sleeping.
What a horrific tragedy if Baby Lisa died, whether by negligence or intention and her little body dumped like trash somewhere. :(

I still cannot completely exclude, however, the possibility she may really have been kidnapped, at least until there is more evidence which we have yet to see.

Scenario 1: Is all about a person with a deep need and desire for a baby, maybe they lost a baby somehow or cannot have one of their own. Also, in this case person could very possibly be mentally unstable, possibly even psychotic and delusional, but most likely is local or at least not far from the area.

Scenario 2: Is all about money. Taken by someone who took her to sell to someone who wanted a baby. If this last scenario is the case, Baby Lisa is in all liklihood no where near Kansas City, quite possibly not even in the U.S. :(

Of course, none of these scenarios are good or what any of us want to hear or believe. Just more theories to contemplate in this very frustrating case. :(
I think the black out is a cover up.. she stated POSSIBLY a black out.. a black out considered.. you act normal but drunk.. remember in peices what you did...she knows somthing of what happened.

I suspect man friend posible came to visit.. odd.. very odd that hubby first night at a overnight job.. a second job.. not his daytime job. I think she had a visitor other than the female friend.. just my gut feeling.. somthing went wrong... perhaps she was in middle of some hanky panky and baby cried and shaken baby syndrome in drunken state.. panic and then who knows...
OK theory: mum is smashed, neighbor leaves and mum stumbles to bed, baby Lisa wakes up so mum goes and grabs her and brings her into bed with her - baby is suffocated by accident when drunk mum rolls on her in comes home they dispose of baby then realise after they took their phones so dump the phones after.
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