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I have wondered if the Mom did put baby Lisa down to sleep & then went out to have sum drinks with her neighbor on the porch & when she did come back to go to bed the baby was indeed sleeping when she looked in on her at 10:30(ish). But at some point while she was outside drinking if someone had been keeping an eye on her & perhaps saw she was getting "buzzed" or more & waitied for a while to go into the home & take the baby & was then walking down the street (12:15 12:30 sighting) by far as the 4 am sighting 3 miles away..Its possible the "person" did in fact take the baby into a wooded area or elsewhere & was then headed out again ...the 4 am sighting was near an interstate -could someone have come & then picked this person up with the baby at that area & went on their way?...I know it seems far fetched but something happened to the baby.......
Now that the Irwin's p.i. (unlicensed in MO.) has revealed that DB is on anti-anxiety meds and takes sleeping pills, but drinks alcohol, we have an issue of self-medication that can be lethal. It's indicative of impulse control issues and self-destructive behaviors. It's pretty well-known that you don't drink if you are on these meds. Her possible blackout may have been due to this toxic cocktail. Perhaps the police want to interview her separately about the other kinds of substances that she is using.

The first night JI works late, DB buys a box of wine with money from her brother (an enabler) perhaps so that it won't show on the debit card receipt. (JI must be a bit of a co-dependent if he is monitoring that closely.) So, she is deceiving JI about her drinking. We know the police want to talk about other people who were at the house that night. I find it odd that the neighbor across the street that Jersey stayed with knew the signal that if the lights were on, he could come over, and he confirmed that the lights were off that night at 11:30.

My other nagging thought since the beginning has been the balloon boy thing. Probably pretty far-fetched compared to the more obvious self-medication issue. The parental media blitz and the lack of involvement by other family members at the outset was of concern as have been the veiled pleas for financial assistance. If the polygraph was accurate and the police were truthful with her as to the results, she failed on the question of knowing where Lisa is.

That said, I still think third party abduction is the most likely cause.
I still believe a simple explanation will prevail in Lisa's disappearance; in other words, there were no accomplices, DB accidentally killed Lisa in her sloppy state and staged a kidnapping. After poster "indepmo" explained to us how close the Missouri River is to the house, I'm currently considering whether that's where Lisa's body found itself. However, the notion of the "recently disturbed soil" in the back yard causes me to wonder if PD has already found Lisa's body and have not made that public yet. I'm guessing no, but i hope reporters have checked with the coroner to make sure.

I've been back and forth trying to analyze JI's behavior. When you read the transcripts of the interviews, it's often quiet JI who jumps out and makes an explanation about the window or the fan or the phones. Kinda strange if he doesn't know anything. My gut tells me perhaps he does know that Lisa was killed due to DB's negligence, but he's just as bad as DB is when it comes to drinking and other recreational activities, and perhaps he's not exposing her because his ugly side might be exposed too. In other words, both DB and JI are big cowards and want to save their own hides before they do right for their daughter.

I have thought also that the inital missinf poster stated that Baby Lisa had a cold -cough its very possible the baby was being given tylenol or motrin for the fever or cold's always possible that if her Mom was drinking that she accidentaly gave her too large of a dosage of the medication or that she gave her a dosage before it was "time" for the next dosage to be given ..and that could have "overdosed " The baby?
Also when my son was small he had a fever cough cold..and was soundly sleeping in his crib when i was suddenly awakened by the sound of him *gasping* & what it truly turned out to be was a febrile seizure that he began having-it was SCARY!! this is quite common in children particularily under 5 yrs old if they have a sudden spike in body temp. If Mom was drunk & came into find the baby seizing I have no idea how she would handle that? It was very very scary for me -and i was SOBER -the body goes very stiff & the child is convusling....if Deborah had picked her up to "help" her & the baby was convulsing -she could have very well-fallen from her arms and hit her head etc..... I know how scary it is when a child seizes..and if you are not expeting this to occur it is not like you just KNOW what to do to handle it...but I dont know if this is the case at all..just thinking...????
Hate to write this,but I feel that DB has set up some "firewalls" for herself.

One is that she says that she drank to the poit of blacking out. Seems like a claim of diminished responsibility...MOO

The other "firewall" is what DB said when she was asked what she first thought of when JI woke her when he came home. She said " I thought of of the boys picked her up. " IMO this sounds like DB beginning to spin another story to take the focus from herself...

Really hope I'm wrong about this... MOO
From what little has been released without clear facts, I believe that something terrible happened during DB's watch. There was an accident that either included the boys or was DB's fault while in a diminished state. The inconsistent statements along with what seems to be genuine tears leads me to believe it wasn't preplanned. I think she may genuinely feel guilty but is trying like hell to cover up what happened and has moved on from her allegiance to her baby to preserving one's self. All of the inconsistencies point me in the direction that she knows what happened.

One thing I did want to point out. There was a positive hit in that home for a deceased person. Is it possible that the shorts and shirt taken into evidence during the recent search of the home contain evidence of a deceased child and that is what the dogs hit on? Don't you think the "spin master" attorneys would have already done a little research and found out if any previous person had died in that home already? Or maybe they don't feel the need to since these things haven't warranted an arrest...just yet. All of this is my opinion only.
This theory is pretty far-fetched, but it is something I have been thinking about. My thought process is probably skewed because I have a hard time accepting the fact that a "sane" mother would do anything to hurt her child. I posted previously in this thread about DB's alcoholism and how it could have contributed to the baby's death. Now I am going to go even further out on the limb...

How about some extreme form of Münchausen syndrome by proxy? While this syndrome usually is restricted to "care-givers deliberately exaggerate, fabricate, and/or induce physical, psychological, behavioral, and/or mental health problems in others." (quote taken from Wikipedia) I have read about cases where it involved the death of a child, so the mother could get the sympathy and attention.

So, where does this fit with DB? Her old "friends" from the Ft. Bragg days describe her as an attention hound. While I don't put much credence in their stories, they just might have a point, as evidenced by how she latched onto MSM opportunities.

Did anybody else notice that it looks like DB has had her hair colored and cut since Lisa went missing?

So going with the attention hound idea, when was the last time DB got a lot of really good positive attention? Probably when she was 15 and her mother died. So fast forward, 10 years and DB is pretty much stuck in a rut. She is married to one man, living with another, now a stay at home mom to 3 kids. Life is pretty routine. But DB does not like routine, DB likes attention and she likes being the only "girl" in the family. So...well I guess you can see where the rest of my story is going.

To make the ending short...let's just say she does something to make Lisa disappear.

Now she is center of national attention...good or bad, attention is attention in her mind.
I wonder if one of the boys went in to tend to Lisa, who may have been crying. Drunk mom on the porch ignores her so one of the boys go in and something accidently happens. DB comes in, sees that she is dead and does her cover up by having someone dispose of the body. This may be the reason why she does not want them questioned.


Drunk mom comes in to go to bed, baby is crying, she takes her into her bed, becomes frustrated and shakes her or over medicates her with cold meds or sleeping pills, Mom passes out and wakes up to find baby on the floor. This may be why dogs brought attention to floor area by the bed.
The more we hear, the more this is seeming like a staged event to me. At first, it was dad's first night of a new nightshift job, but has that since perhaps morphed into a one-time late night event where he needed to work late? So that perhaps this was the best night to stage an event? And Mom says she failed on the question about knowing Lisa's whereabouts? I never think this, but I am beginning to think this baby could have been sold, or given away. Mom made a point to be drinking with a witness, perhaps, to show how she wouldn't have heard anything, and of course Dad wasn't home. And of course those (possibly non-working) phones were all removed.

I haven't even been thinking they are guilty until now, just getting very very bad advice about avoiding talking to LE and not understanding that part at all, but if this was a one-night event for Dad to be working all night, now I am beginning to wonder. Also the sense of urgency is lacking...why Mom is not asking her boys every day what they heard, asking her neighbor to review the events of the night with her, etc...

JMOJMOJMOJMOJMO of course, but it is sounding more plausible. Also all of the "men in the night carrying babies" just sounds too convenient to me, as though they were planted.

But waiting to hear more about the dog's hit, of course...that could change everything.

Mom failed the polygraph.
Mom has changed her story several times.
Mom knows what happened to this child.

The one time event of hubby working at night is very reminiscent of when Andrea Yates waited for hubby to leave to drown all her children within the short time frame of when her mother in law was to arrive.

I believe Baby Lisa will never be found alive. I believe she was murdered.
I have a new theory after tonight. How about the drinking neighbor? She would know JI would be gone, she knows the house and knows DB was drunk. She could possibly have known the door was unlocked, or DB passed out before she left. She is the one DB claims told her the lights went off.

The only thing I can't make work is where is Lisa? If she knew DB drank 2 to 3 nights per week this could have been her chance, maybe she had talked to someone who said they would give money for a baby like Lisa and they didn't believe Lisa was being taken care of properly. Maybe it was her idea for DB to go get the wine at the last minute before JI went to work?
As to DB medication, I am on anti-anxiety medicine after the birth of my son as well due to my prior existing anxiety disorder. She could even have post-partum and it can happen anytime within the first year after giving birth.

If she was taking anti-anxiety medicine and drinking, I can tell you from experience, the drinks hit you alot harder. She will have become much more carefree and lost all sense of self-awareness. In addition, if you do not take the meds consistently everyday, same time and begin to skip or miss pills, you will start to have mood swings because the negative side effects of the medicine will come out. When you have one of the mood swings, you are not yourself and anything can happen. The mood swings are almost like an awake black-out. You say and do things you never would do normally, as the meds are partly contributing to it. Like I said, if not taken properly...

I believe she did something very neglectful that night, in addition to her reckless drinking. I believe she was responsible for that baby's death and in some way something negligent happened to that baby. It could've been anything from miscalculating LI cold medication, possibly dropping the baby, the baby hurt herself somehow when DB not watching, etc. I suspect the baby was dead before the two boys slept in DB bed. I think DB left the baby's body in the house, and had the boys sleep in her bed so the "abduction" can occur and they wouldn't be able to hear or see anything, therefore couldn't provide evidence either way whether or not an abduction really did occur. DB told JI what happened and he either helped or else she disposed of the body herself and JI is unaware. I believe the baby is in the river as well... it was too opportune. I'd be curious what time the boys went to bed to determine the time of death and if anyone at Starbucks saw JI receive any phonecalls or becoming visually upset or disturbed at any point. Im also curious if DB mannerism changed at any time with the neighbor.

Also, if I were abducting a baby, I would get in and out as fast as possible. I would not be hunting around looking for cell phones to steal. Her house was not very neat and how would the so-called abductor know exactly how many cell phones were in the house? If there is one adult sleeping, you would assume there is one cell phone. How would he know there were three? And if they are all sitting on the counter, how would he know that is it and not more? I sleep with my cell phone in my bed every night. If it was my husbands first overnight shift, with three children in the house, I would definitely be sleeping with one of those cell phones near me.
1. Baby dies on mother's watch. By accident. I cannot bear to think otherwise.
2. mother in inebriated state unable to think clearly. Maybe even passes out again for a while. Baby lisa on the floor by her crib while mother passed out second time.
3. Father comes home from work, finds the horrible scene. Mother comes to again, refreaks, both parents in frenzy and call mother's brother on one of the cell phones (2 20 am call)
4. Brother helps dispose of body (man walking down street holding limp baby after he has dumped clothes et all in dumpster and incinerated with lighter fluid or some such) while parents rehearse "kidnap story" and mentally prep to face police and media
4. Parents get rid of all cellphones, Mother unable to recall which one was used for phone call to brother. Father then calls police while Brother busy dumping Lisa in river.

Universe please prove me wrong and let her be alive.
On sleeping on it more I really also have this hunch the river will wash the remains ashore at some point somewhere fairly near, and it will be deja vu the Anthony case: impossible to substantially prove a thing: "a kidnapper threw her in the river".

The disposing of the tiny body in the river would also have been the answer to cover up a drowning in the bath at home.

Poor poor little baby.
It's truly heartbreaking.
Deborah's flood of tears struck me as stemming from grieving for a deceased baby and tears of just plain fear that she would be found out as having caused Baby Lisa's death or disappearance. The tears could be from guilt as well. I have thought this from the first moment of seeing Deborah on camera.

If Baby Lisa is deceased, I feel she is in that river. The clicking sound could have been a stapler used when 'packaging' the body. I have a stapler that I used when upholstering my dining room chairs. It could drive staples through anything and made a very loud clicking sound! I also would think an electrician would have a stapler of that strength.

This still could be an elaborate hoax as well. If the boys were in school again, Deborah had many hours to either peruse the internet, play games, and read about all kinds of things on the 'net. She had plenty of time to dream up any and everything.

It might be helpful to know what missing babies/children cases Deborah has followed. Did she follow Baby Harmony Jade's case? There are so many similarities there.

Deborah got married at 17. Did she feel she lost out on sowing her wild oats and dating? Did she come to resent having to keep up with and tend to 3 children? Prior to Baby Lisa being born, she took care of two energetic boys but at least could send them out in the back yard to play. Then here came Baby Lisa and all of a sudden her job seemed to be during every waking hour. One of my theories is also that she just got tired of everything and was depressed. She felt stressed to the hilt and found herself becoming more and more short tempered. I do not find it to be unbelievable that she could have just snapped and hurt Baby Lisa very badly and death was the outcome. I don't feel she acted alone, and did have help from one and possibly two people very close to her.

I hope I am allowed to say that I think Deborah may have become addicted to an illegal substance and that led to money problems recently.

Bottom line on all of my theories is that Deborah is responsible for Baby Lisa's disappearance. I will be shocked if she isn't and will hang up my sleuthing hat forever.
Deborah has used the word 'omen' in regard to the house. Does she believe in Omens? I believe she called it the omen house.

Baby Lisa will be 1 year old on 11/11/11. Look at all of the ones! Is Deborah superstitious? An omen can be a predictor of something good or evil. Could she have thought of Baby Lisa's upcoming 1st birthday on 11/11/11 as something evil?

It does sound crazy, but I do feel that Deborah is very immature and could very well be influenced in her thinking. Did she feel she needed to disappear Baby Lisa before the 11/11/11 1st birthday?

Theory? A big, elaborate plan centering around omens and numbers with mental illness at the root. MOO

Thank you for these insightful comments!

I'd started to wonder if -- given the parents' "stonewalling" (if I may call it that) -- they (or at least DB) did have in mind some magical, imaginary milestone that they/she believe in and, once that date is past, the baby will suddenly appear and/or the parents will open up to LE.

Still hoping the baby will appear alive and well. . .perhaps after 11/11/11??? MOO.
I still believe the mother knows what happened to Lisa -- but I also see a slim chance that the baby crawled out of the house, while DB was passed out.

With the lights on, perhaps the child decided to get out of bed. And went looking for Mom. The door was unlocked; was it open? Just a screen door to let air circulate?

We actually had a similar case in Utah, in 2003, where a child just a month or two older than Lisa, got out of bed and crawled out the door. Down the sidewalk, to the middle of a busy street. The people "watching" the baby, had no clue...and when the police showed up....WELL, you just gotta read the story.

It's possible. CLICK HERE to read Deseret News story, 2003.
Deborah's flood of tears struck me as stemming from grieving for a deceased baby and tears of just plain fear that she would be found out as having caused Baby Lisa's death or disappearance. The tears could be from guilt as well. I have thought this from the first moment of seeing Deborah on camera.

If Baby Lisa is deceased, I feel she is in that river. The clicking sound could have been a stapler used when 'packaging' the body. I have a stapler that I used when upholstering my dining room chairs. It could drive staples through anything and made a very loud clicking sound! I also would think an electrician would have a stapler of that strength.

This still could be an elaborate hoax as well. If the boys were in school again, Deborah had many hours to either peruse the internet, play games, and read about all kinds of things on the 'net. She had plenty of time to dream up any and everything.

It might be helpful to know what missing babies/children cases Deborah has followed. Did she follow Baby Harmony Jade's case? There are so many similarities there.

Deborah got married at 17. Did she feel she lost out on sowing her wild oats and dating? Did she come to resent having to keep up with and tend to 3 children? Prior to Baby Lisa being born, she took care of two energetic boys but at least could send them out in the back yard to play. Then here came Baby Lisa and all of a sudden her job seemed to be during every waking hour. One of my theories is also that she just got tired of everything and was depressed. She felt stressed to the hilt and found herself becoming more and more short tempered. I do not find it to be unbelievable that she could have just snapped and hurt Baby Lisa very badly and death was the outcome. I don't feel she acted alone, and did have help from one and possibly two people very close to her.

I hope I am allowed to say that I think Deborah may have become addicted to an illegal substance and that led to money problems recently.

Bottom line on all of my theories is that Deborah is responsible for Baby Lisa's disappearance. I will be shocked if she isn't and will hang up my sleuthing hat forever.

I agree with your first paragraph, beyond that, I'm not sure DB is so slick, or at least so slick that night. Something in her crying speaks guilt to me, not necessarily guilt about what SHE DID per se to her child, but guilt from the circumstances she created around it. If she was truly drunk, she wouldn't be rational enough, in my opinion, to create such an elaborate ruse.

Something was going on in that house that night that DB is afraid to speak about - a lover, drugs, an accident - I can't say. But she's holding something out. Do I think she murdered her baby? I don't. But SOMETHING happened that she doesn't want out.

Look to the brother, and I truly think he holds the key to this.
Deborah's flood of tears struck me as stemming from grieving for a deceased baby and tears of just plain fear that she would be found out as having caused Baby Lisa's death or disappearance. The tears could be from guilt as well. I have thought this from the first moment of seeing Deborah on camera.

If Baby Lisa is deceased, I feel she is in that river. The clicking sound could have been a stapler used when 'packaging' the body. I have a stapler that I used when upholstering my dining room chairs. It could drive staples through anything and made a very loud clicking sound! I also would think an electrician would have a stapler of that strength.

This still could be an elaborate hoax as well. If the boys were in school again, Deborah had many hours to either peruse the internet, play games, and read about all kinds of things on the 'net. She had plenty of time to dream up any and everything.

It might be helpful to know what missing babies/children cases Deborah has followed. Did she follow Baby Harmony Jade's case? There are so many similarities there.

Deborah got married at 17. Did she feel she lost out on sowing her wild oats and dating? Did she come to resent having to keep up with and tend to 3 children? Prior to Baby Lisa being born, she took care of two energetic boys but at least could send them out in the back yard to play. Then here came Baby Lisa and all of a sudden her job seemed to be during every waking hour. One of my theories is also that she just got tired of everything and was depressed. She felt stressed to the hilt and found herself becoming more and more short tempered. I do not find it to be unbelievable that she could have just snapped and hurt Baby Lisa very badly and death was the outcome. I don't feel she acted alone, and did have help from one and possibly two people very close to her.

I hope I am allowed to say that I think Deborah may have become addicted to an illegal substance and that led to money problems recently.

Bottom line on all of my theories is that Deborah is responsible for Baby Lisa's disappearance. I will be shocked if she isn't and will hang up my sleuthing hat forever.

If you are wrong, then I am as well and will eat my fedora and your sleuthing cap.
Could Dad have arranged to have Lisa taken away and hidden, in anticipation of a split? The bit about Lisa "holding the family together" seems an odd way to refer to a baby these days, since families seem to break apart all the time anyway. I wonder if he thought he would have a better chance at custody if he took her away while the mom was drunk. Just an idea. I still don't really have a theory.
I'm new here but have been following this case since Lisa went missing.

My theory is that DB was using drugs and Lisa crawled out of her crib that night and found DB's stash. That could be what DB is covering up. She may truly be upset and grieving but doesn't want to out herself and risk the other boy's being taken from her.

At first I thought maybe it was abuse they were covering up but Lisa looks happy and healthy in her pictures. So, I'm sticking with with my first theory.
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