PR interview

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Rocket I am signing off for now, but that kind of information that you posted is - well everyone I have told that to, has said, ohhhhhhhh, an omnimous ohhhhhhhhhh. And these are those who nothing of the case.


it is, Rocket !
It does sound like they found some makeup residue on her,else why would she be q'd about brands? and then PR's response she 'doesn't recall'.
she seems to have a very selective memory thruout the whole interview.
Excellent, JM! Patsy had a flashback of JB on the floor in the living room because she actually did see her on the floor in the living room. So...did she, in fact, hear her scream? Super find!

It sounds that way.She would have to have heard it for it to be a flashback..notice the next part where she says she's 'searching and searching' for the killer is in ref. to nightmares,not flashbacks.
And then the part where she had to have a med for the anxiety from the flashbacks.
To experience a flshback, one must have been there to witness the original memory. Right? Wrong?
right Rash.
And she even calls JR "that man" over and over again,as if to distance herself from him perhaps??
right Rash.
And she even calls JR "that man" over and over again,as if to distance herself from him perhaps??

Yes, the same way that she distanced herself from JB when she referred to her as "THAT child". Same thing, no difference.
To experience a flshback, one must have been there to witness the original memory. Right? Wrong?

Exactly....war veterans often have flashbacks. It is impossible to have a flashback of something that you didn't witness.
19 TOM HANEY: One number? Okay.
20 Now, I have to stop you here because at my house
21 if there is an emergency, if there is a problem
22 and my wife is screaming and yelling and
23 panicked, I wouldn't have her call anybody.
24 Because they would never figure out what she is
25 saying. And it sounds like you're in kind of an
1 emotional state, and John, he is the CEO, he is
2 cool, he is calm, he is down there, he is
3 processing this note and he tells you to call
4 911?
6 TOM HANEY: It just seems kind of
7 odd to me. What --
8 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know whether
9 it's odd or not, but that's what happened.
10 TOM HANEY: Okay.

Yes, and it seems odd to ME too. She admitted that she was NUTS after finding the ransom note, and was hysterical, and that John was "cool". Why then, didn't JOHN call 911? Why make his hysterical wife do it because SHE was the actress in the family??? IMO
3 TOM HANEY: To the best of your
4 recollection, we will just take a second here,
5 again with the red marker, let's indicate where
6 John goes? You said he goes to check on Burke?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: I think he went to
8 check on Burke.
9 TOM HANEY: Would you just draw
10 where he goes and then he leaves your sight so--
11 PATSY RAMSEY: He's not leaving my
12 sight. You know, he went through the first
13 room, he went this way.
14 TOM HANEY: Did he say he was going
15 to go check on Burke or did you tell him to, or
16 do you recall?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I just don't recall.
18 TOM HANEY: He leaves presumably,
19 to do that. You're standing here still, you're
20 the other red X. What do you do?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: I went back
22 downstairs.

OKAY folks...did John check on Burke or NOT??? She THINKS that John checked on Burke. Their daughter had just been "kidnapped"...and she THINKS that John checked on their son, Burke. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Wouldn't you not only check on your other children, but get them the heck out of their rooms and possibly the house?? But she THNKS that John checked on Burke. Well, alrighty then....
14 PATSY RAMSEY: I just kind of -- I
15 mean, I was just out of my mind, I am crying, I
16 am crying, I am stammering, and he is like
17 walking around everywhere, like checking -- sort
18 of checking around.

But she pulls it together enough to call 911? Hmmmmm
6 TOM HANEY: Let's take the call to
7 the Whites first. I think that was the
8 sequence?
9 PATSY RAMSEY: I think so.
10 TOM HANEY: And you called them.
11 Who answered, what is said?
12 PATSY RAMSEY: I think Priscilla
13 answered. And I mean, I don't know what I said
14 exactly. But somehow communicated to her that
15 JonBenet was gone and had been kidnapped and
16 could they come over. I don't know. I was just
17 hysterical.
18 Then I hung up the phone and called
19 the Fernies. And I believe John Fernie
20 answered.
21 TOM HANEY: Do you recall exactly
22 what you told him?
23 PATSY RAMSEY: I said -- I said --
24 I am not sure if I told him -- I just can't
25 remember what I told. "Oh, please, you got to
1 come, please can you bring someone over" or
2 something. I don't remember.
3 TOM HANEY: And understanding that
4 they are close friends, but did you think that,
5 give any thought to having all this traffic
6 coming over?
8 TOM HANEY: Folks coming to the
9 house?
11 TOM HANEY: You had gotten through
12 that portion of the note that talked about don't
13 call the police, the FBI?
15 TOM HANEY: We are watching you or
16 something like that?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I know.

It had been speculated before in alot of other posts, that maybe, just maybe Patsy didn't get to the part about not calling the police, or talking to anyone, because JB would be beheaded. Well, this interview proves that she DID READ that part, and did know that the "kidnapper" had threatened JB's life. But, yet....what does she do? She calls over her friends ANYWAY.
Now this is making me miss the theatrical performance that could only be portrayed by Patsy herself!:boohoo:
Here is another one...

3 TOM HANEY: And how about JonBenet?
4 PATSY RAMSEY: She was really a
5 sound sleeper. She was very sound asleep that
6 night. She fell asleep in the car and was just
7 wiped out. She went to bed.

PR and JR always say that they put JB to bed. Here PR says JBR went to bed. This is actually more in line with what BR says when he describes how JBR walked up the stairs herself.
There are quite a few places that I've seen already in the interview where she should have been questioned further, plus places where she's rambling along and they cut her off!

After your post yesterday Rocket, I went home convinced 100% that they are involved in this murder. I always felt they were but I wanted the proof to seal it. The proof such as in the MacDonald case, where I know, know, he did it. We have mounds of circumstantial here but I wanted something that took away that distant bell in my mind of "maybe not" and YOU GAVE IT TO ME.

I think there were two scenarios with the note. The first when she actually wrote it and John CAME UP FROM THE BASEMENT after he was finished staging and yelled for Patsy. And the second scenario that they staged for the police - finding the note. And in her haste in answering Detective Haney, Patsy substituted one part of the staging with the other. So she says I screamed for John and he screamed for me "when he came up from the basement".

What I loovvvvvvve about you and Ames is the fact that you take the evidence that you ARE GIVEN and work with it. Then I can relate to it and it works for me and the distant bell is removed by your insight. We have only what they say and their behavior to work with. Ames is very good at looking at their behavior, such as Patsy not moving from the couch when Fleet White screams "call an ambulance" and your finding this statement by Patsy.

I see it as John staging downstairs. I see him breaking the paintbrush and saying to Patsy write the note and she does it. I don't know how the murder happened, maybe you or Ames can tell me, but I do know for sure that they did it together.

Rocket, you said you found more and I would love to hear it.

This case can drive one crazy, because there is always a counter statement. There is no counterstatement with the statement "and he screamed for me when he came up from the basement". There is no reason, none, nada that she would have the basement on her mind at the interview if she were explaining the circumstances of that morning unless SOMETHING had occurred in the basement with John. Her mind got confused at that very moment and the truth came out. She was speaking too fast. Unfortunately, New York detectives were not interviewing her. or the FBI.
6 TOM HANEY: Let's take the call to
7 the Whites first. I think that was the
8 sequence?
9 PATSY RAMSEY: I think so.
10 TOM HANEY: And you called them.
11 Who answered, what is said?
12 PATSY RAMSEY: I think Priscilla
13 answered. And I mean, I don't know what I said
14 exactly. But somehow communicated to her that
15 JonBenet was gone and had been kidnapped and
16 could they come over. I don't know. I was just
17 hysterical.
18 Then I hung up the phone and called
19 the Fernies. And I believe John Fernie
20 answered.
21 TOM HANEY: Do you recall exactly
22 what you told him?
23 PATSY RAMSEY: I said -- I said --
24 I am not sure if I told him -- I just can't
25 remember what I told. "Oh, please, you got to
1 come, please can you bring someone over" or
2 something. I don't remember.
3 TOM HANEY: And understanding that
4 they are close friends, but did you think that,
5 give any thought to having all this traffic
6 coming over?
8 TOM HANEY: Folks coming to the
9 house?
11 TOM HANEY: You had gotten through
12 that portion of the note that talked about don't
13 call the police, the FBI?
15 TOM HANEY: We are watching you or
16 something like that?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I know.

It had been speculated before in alot of other posts, that maybe, just maybe Patsy didn't get to the part about not calling the police, or talking to anyone, because JB would be beheaded. Well, this interview proves that she DID READ that part, and did know that the "kidnapper" had threatened JB's life. But, yet....what does she do? She calls over her friends ANYWAY.

The friends were intentionally called to block the police from questioning them in any intensive way whatsoever. They needed the friends at the house to protect them from an onslaught of questioning.
Excellent, JM! Patsy had a flashback of JB on the floor in the living room because she actually did see her on the floor in the living room. So...did she, in fact, hear her scream? Super find!

Yep. and please keep going. Please
3 TOM HANEY: To the best of your
4 recollection, we will just take a second here,
5 again with the red marker, let's indicate where
6 John goes? You said he goes to check on Burke?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: I think he went to
8 check on Burke.
9 TOM HANEY: Would you just draw
10 where he goes and then he leaves your sight so--
11 PATSY RAMSEY: He's not leaving my
12 sight. You know, he went through the first
13 room, he went this way.
14 TOM HANEY: Did he say he was going
15 to go check on Burke or did you tell him to, or
16 do you recall?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I just don't recall.
18 TOM HANEY: He leaves presumably,
19 to do that. You're standing here still, you're
20 the other red X. What do you do?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: I went back
22 downstairs.

OKAY folks...did John check on Burke or NOT??? She THINKS that John checked on Burke. Their daughter had just been "kidnapped"...and she THINKS that John checked on their son, Burke. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Wouldn't you not only check on your other children, but get them the heck out of their rooms and possibly the house?? But she THNKS that John checked on Burke. Well, alrighty then....

Everything HAS to be I don't recall or "ask John" because they are lying and they do not know exactly where they could screw up so they say the above. It probably does not matter much though, since Haney let the "basement" sentence go right on by. He could have really pinned her with that one and may have even gotten a confession.
Here is another one...

3 TOM HANEY: And how about JonBenet?
4 PATSY RAMSEY: She was really a
5 sound sleeper. She was very sound asleep that
6 night. She fell asleep in the car and was just
7 wiped out. She went to bed.

PR and JR always say that they put JB to bed. Here PR says JBR went to bed. This is actually more in line with what BR says when he describes how JBR walked up the stairs herself.

And the hits just keep on coming. EXCELLENT.
Yes, the same way that she distanced herself from JB when she referred to her as "THAT child". Same thing, no difference.

I agree,I think she said it about 6x in the interview?Just that one paragraph alone.I'll have to go back and look.
Exactly....war veterans often have flashbacks. It is impossible to have a flashback of something that you didn't witness.

right,nightmares are bad dreams that may or may not be based on real memories..FB's are based on real traumatic moments..probably why she was so upset when they traveled shortly after the murder and she couldn't stay calm at all..didn't they end up going to several diff. places b/c she was so hyper?
3 TOM HANEY: To the best of your
4 recollection, we will just take a second here,
5 again with the red marker, let's indicate where
6 John goes? You said he goes to check on Burke?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: I think he went to
8 check on Burke.
9 TOM HANEY: Would you just draw
10 where he goes and then he leaves your sight so--
11 PATSY RAMSEY: He's not leaving my
12 sight. You know, he went through the first
13 room, he went this way.
14 TOM HANEY: Did he say he was going
15 to go check on Burke or did you tell him to, or
16 do you recall?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I just don't recall.
18 TOM HANEY: He leaves presumably,
19 to do that. You're standing here still, you're
20 the other red X. What do you do?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: I went back
22 downstairs.

OKAY folks...did John check on Burke or NOT??? She THINKS that John checked on Burke. Their daughter had just been "kidnapped"...and she THINKS that John checked on their son, Burke. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Wouldn't you not only check on your other children, but get them the heck out of their rooms and possibly the house?? But she THNKS that John checked on Burke. Well, alrighty then....

yes,and ask him if he saw or heard anything during the night ,'think,think...anything at all????even a light sound???!!!Did JB come in your room anytime during the night??!!! ' ..I'd be frantic,for them both !!!

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