PR interview

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It's always been the simple things PR lied about that make me see her as guilty. The bowl was part of her set of dishes. At least one R said as much in one interview when shown a photo of the bowl and asked if the bowl was familiar. Of COURSE her prints might be on it. It was probably taken in and out of the fridge several times. So to deny even owning it, means there is a good reason why. It's distancing herself, but in such a way as to seem unbelievable. It's just as silly as their saying "Yeah, we have a flashlight just like that but THAT one isn't ours." Or "That is a water glass". As if by saying that, no one would ever use it for anything else. Like a spent tea bag. To me, PR always seemed to use "magical thinking". Her saying something made it reality.

She didn't deny owning it...unless she did in either another interview, or another portion of the same interview that I have posted below....

12 TRIP DEMUTH: Do you recognize the bowl?
14 TRIP DEMUTH: Where do you keep them?
15 PATSY RAMSEY: In the kitchen.
Yeah, it's like one can imagine Patsy thinking "You buffoon! Don't you know the difference between a water glass and a tea glass? Do you honestly expect us to drink tea out of a water glass? How positively gauche!"

bawaaa That is funny.......very funny and likely so Patsy.:clap:
I think she did deny it in a subsequent interview. She said the bowl didn't look familiar. PR had a way of giving such vague answers, I don't recall many times in all the pages of interviews where she was shown something that she DID recognize. It was always "That shouldn't be there" or "I would never do it this way". Those words are meaningless to me, as they should have been to any investigator. Unless you ARE PR or a family member, how would anyone else know how she puts spoons in a bowl or the details of her household items.
I think she did deny it in a subsequent interview. She said the bowl didn't look familiar. PR had a way of giving such vague answers, I don't recall many times in all the pages of interviews where she was shown something that she DID recognize. It was always "That shouldn't be there" or "I would never do it this way". Those words are meaningless to me, as they should have been to any investigator. Unless you ARE PR or a family member, how would anyone else know how she puts spoons in a bowl or the details of her household items.

Exactly....or which steps that John and Patsy use to go downstairs in the morning....(to leave the ransom note on)?
Did she deny it in another interview...that the bowl was theirs? Because in this interview she says its theirs...

12 TRIP DEMUTH: Do you recognize the bowl?
14 TRIP DEMUTH: Where do you keep them?
15 PATSY RAMSEY: In the kitchen.

I thought she didn't recognize it but JR or BR said they did?
I thought she didn't recognize it but JR or BR said they did?

I don't know...DeeDee said that she thought that it may have been in another interview where Patsy said that. The interview that Patsy gave, that is at the beginning of this thread, she said that she DID recognize it.....go figure. I wouldn't put it past her to deny that bowl....she has denied owning just about everything in that house.
Awhile back, I posted some things that were in the Ramsey's house, that was either "out of place"...or Patsy just flat out denied owning it. I apparently left some things out. I must have skipped over a few....

7 TRIP DEMUTH: Some of these, they are just a
8 sequence, don't have any significance for you.
9 Anything about 101 or two or three that we talked about
10 that sticks out?
11 PATSY RAMSEY: Anybody know whose car that
12 is?
13 TRIP DEMUTH: I know there has been some
14 research done on the vehicles, and I can't remember off
15 the top of my head who owned that car. But you have
16 never seen it before?
I don't exactly know what she is referring to, but she didn't put IT there either. Something else that is "out of place"....

5 TRIP DEMUTH: Is that blocking the door to
6 the training room, do you remember?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I don't know if it was
8 fully blocking it, but it was a lot of stuff piled up
9 in that area right there.
10 TRIP DEMUTH: There is nothing unusual about
11 the location in this photo. It looks kind of where you
12 left it?
13 PATSY RAMSEY: I mean, I can't imagine I
14 would have put it right in front of there because they
15 had to go in there to play.

Sooooo....I guess that the "intruder" must have done it...
23 THOMAS HANEY: Anything else in
24 that photo, so the bag, the plastic bag?
25 PATSY RAMSEY: I thought I had left
1 that at the top of the stairs. Now, I don't
2 know, somebody moved it down there, or if it
3 fell down or --

I am quite sure that the "intruder" moved it.
2 THOMAS HANEY: What have you told
3 Burke about the murder?
4 PATSY RAMSEY: To date?
5 THOMAS HANEY: To date.
6 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, just that we
7 are going to try to find out who did this to
8 JonBenet. Find out, you know, I haven't told
9 him anything about how she was murdered or the
10 details like that.
11 THOMAS HANEY: Sure, not graphic,
12 but --
14 THOMAS HANEY: -- what details
15 would he know or had you talked with him about?
16 PATSY RAMSEY: To be quite honest,
17 we really haven't talked with him much about it.
18 It's too hard, you know, it's hard to talk
19 about.
20 THOMAS HANEY: Has he volunteered
21 information?
23 THOMAS HANEY: Has he had
24 questions?
25 PATSY RAMSEY: (Shaking head.)
1 THOMAS HANEY: Never "what's going
2 to happen, who did it"?
4 THOMAS HANEY: How about we talked
5 yesterday about him being harassed or followed
6 by some of the bigger kids. Doesn't that spark
7 something in him to say something?
8 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, you would
9 think he would, but he doesn't. He kind of, you
10 know, keeps with his little computer games and
11 just kind of doesn't want to go there.

Okay folks....if you were NINE years old, and your little sister was murdered, would you NOT ask any questions?? Would you just sit around playing computer games....(geesh, when the Ramsey's sent him out of the house, to stay with someone else...(wasn't it the Fernies?) didn't he carry his Nintendo 64 with him? I read that somewhere....). point is....his baby sister was murdered, and he asked NO questions....he just sits around and plays computer games. YEAH RIGHT....
And wasn't the golf clubs taken out with Pam Paugh, as part of the "getting clothes for the funeral" raid?? Why? According to Patsy...John didn't play much golf.

1 PATSY RAMSEY: Grapes. That is like grapes
2 that I put on the Christmas tree, like the artificial,
3 and that looks like a card table in five. There is a
4 sink sort of area here. And (inaudible). Golf clubs.
5 TOM HANEY: Whose are those?
6 PATSY RAMSEY: Those are John's.
7 TOM HANEY: Does he play much golf?
9 TOM HANEY: Do you remember the last time he
10 played?
11 PATSY RAMSEY: You mean recently here?
12 TOM HANEY: Well, no.
13 PATSY RAMSEY: No. I don't remember when.
20 TOM HANEY: Okay. How about the
21 practice note or this other writing on this
22 other page that starts off Mr. and Mrs.?
24 TOM HANEY: Okay. Again--
25 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know.
1 TOM HANEY: It seems a little
2 weird?
3 PATSY RAMSEY: It does, the whole
4 thing seems weird.

Didn't she admit later that SHE wrote the "practice note". But, that it was supposed to be the start of an invitation to a Christmas party. "Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey would like to invite you....etc."
22 PATSY RAMSEY: It was on the bar. This
23 just looks strange to me.
24 TRIP DeMUTH: Cleaning?
25 PATSY RAMSEY: Cleaning, Windex or whatever
1 that is.
2 TRIP DeMUTH: Underneath the table?
3 PATSY RAMSEY: (Inaudible.) I mean, I just
4 don't know why it would be there. It would
5 either be in the cleaning closet or under the
6 kitchen sink or somewhere (inaudible).

Maybe it was used for cleaning up the crime scene....
20 TOM HANEY: Okay. How about the
21 practice note or this other writing on this
22 other page that starts off Mr. and Mrs.?
24 TOM HANEY: Okay. Again--
25 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know.
1 TOM HANEY: It seems a little
2 weird?
3 PATSY RAMSEY: It does, the whole
4 thing seems weird.

Didn't she admit later that SHE wrote the "practice note". But, that it was supposed to be the start of an invitation to a Christmas party. "Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey would like to invite you....etc."

Then why go all to page 26 of the note pad to write an invitation???
Then why go all to page 26 of the note pad to write an invitation???

I believe that she just said that....I don't think that it was meant to be an invitation. It was the start of the original ransom note, and then they decided to just use Mr. Ramsey.
I believe that she just said that....I don't think that it was meant to be an invitation. It was the start of the original ransom note, and then they decided to just use Mr. Ramsey.

I know I read somewhere where she had written a practice note but whatever I read did not specify what she was talking about. Unbelieveable that they got away with this.

Maybe they should indict Alex Hunter.
I believe that she just said that....I don't think that it was meant to be an invitation. It was the start of the original ransom note, and then they decided to just use Mr. Ramsey.

yep,I wonder if that was her original version,and then JR decided to make it just to him,in order to make it seem to be someone(s) from AG that are upset with him.
I wonder how they got the rest of those pages out.I rem. the toilets etc were checked.
About the Windex- didn't I read that some of the "victim's advocates" cleaned up the kitchen counters with Windex just after they had been dusted for fingerprints? That could account for the Windex being out of place. Were the investigators aware that the counters had been cleaned? If so, why did they let this go by without a comment?
About the "victims advocates" of the ways to portray yourself as a "victim" is to have victims advocates there with you. That was a brilliant strategy on their part right there.
Please don't feel I am putting down victims advocates. Having had someone in my own family brutally murdered many years ago, long before there were such advocates, I truly feel they do a valuable service to the many legitimate victims that have no one to advocate for them.
It's just that in THIS case, they seem part of the staging to me.
About the Windex- didn't I read that some of the "victim's advocates" cleaned up the kitchen counters with Windex just after they had been dusted for fingerprints? That could account for the Windex being out of place. Were the investigators aware that the counters had been cleaned? If so, why did they let this go by without a comment?
About the "victims advocates" of the ways to portray yourself as a "victim" is to have victims advocates there with you. That was a brilliant strategy on their part right there.
Please don't feel I am putting down victims advocates. Having had someone in my own family brutally murdered many years ago, long before there were such advocates, I truly feel they do a valuable service to the many legitimate victims that have no one to advocate for them.
It's just that in THIS case, they seem part of the staging to me.

Victims advocates did use Windex to clean and it was allowed probably because everyone in the police department, etc. had perennial hangovers and anything goes. Keystone Kops in action. Sorry, I insulted the Keystone Kops, I take that back. Words cannot describe the actions of the DA and the police Department. I know Steve Thomas says he got nothing from the DA as far as backup but we do have Detective Arndt totally screwing up the case and she was considered good. And no one insisted on the interviews that first day. Pathetic.

As far as the Victim Advocates go, they were assigned. The Ramseys had nothing to do with it. Nothing brilliant on their part. Lets not give them any more than they deserve. They killed their daughter.
As far as the Victim Advocates go, they were assigned. The Ramseys had nothing to do with it. Nothing brilliant on their part. Lets not give them any more than they deserve. They killed their daughter.

That story of the "cleaning up" by the victim advocates never sits well with me, because it simply makes no sense. Patsy is said to be sobbing and hysterical all during the time JonBenet was missing, and the response of victim advocates is to toddle off to the kitchen and wipe away fingerprint powder? I would think that they would be hugging her or holding her hands and feeding her a steady supply of Kleenex to wipe away her tears while talking to her and attempting to calm her. I am quite certain that advocate training does not involve learning how to exercise the skills of a housemaid.

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