PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

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PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

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Sorry, I'm sort of a one-forum guy!

That's too bad. if you're a clone wars fan check out,
The Defense of Kamino and Other Tales (Star Wars: Clone Wars, Vol. 1)

Clone Wars, Vol. 3 has Mace Windu v.s Sora Bulq, both using Vaapad.
Clone Wars, Vol. 4 has Dooku and Vos.

Dooku's not a fan of aturu. "No grace, no elegance"

I'm a big Quinlan Vos fan.

Wow, that's a tough one. Never gave it much thought.

Reach out with your feelings. :crazy:
That's too bad. if you're a clone wars fan check out,
The Defense of Kamino and Other Tales (Star Wars: Clone Wars, Vol. 1)

Clone Wars, Vol. 3 has Mace Windu v.s Sora Bulq, both using Vaapad.
Clone Wars, Vol. 4 has Dooku and Vos.

Dooku's not a fan of aturu. "No grace, no elegance"

I'm a big Quinlan Vos fan.

Sounds interesting.

Reach out with your feelings. :crazy:

Well, my biggest problem is that a lot of the IDIs I've met are the smug, confrontational type, more interested in attacking people than making an argument. NOT the sort of people I could have a drink with after work.

There used to be a poster named Sendis on another forum. He was IDI, but he was very open-minded, and a real gentleman besides. Made some damn good arguments, too.

There used to be a poster named Sendis on another forum. He was IDI, but he was very open-minded, and a real gentleman besides. Made some damn good arguments, too.

What happened to him? Let me guess, you killed him in his sleep?

which forum btw
Would you call 911 first or read the entire note first?

Probably start reading, and pick up the phone as the adrenaline kicks in. This is a coin toss, though, because there may have been information in the note that would be useful for the 911 call. I'd have to say that I would read the entire note before I hung up the phone.
Probably start reading, and pick up the phone as the adrenaline kicks in. This is a coin toss, though, because there may have been information in the note that would be useful for the 911 call. I'd have to say that I would read the entire note before I hung up the phone.

what do you think of 11? if 11 made the choices she made, would any one here find her choices suspicious?
what do you think of 11? if 11 made the choices she made, would any one here find her choices suspicious?

Well, as I don't know her personally I have nothing to offer as to what I think of her. But I'm from New Jersey. We're testy. We don't like anybody. (Kidding).
If you mean what I think of her opinion, well, obviously as an RDI I disagree with it.
Her actions as far as the RN and 911 call would be suspicious if I felt she'd killed her child. You see, it isn't any ONE thing by itself that makes the Rs look guilty. It is all of it. But if I HAD to pick one thing (and that's hard to do) it'd be the RN, which is so obviously (to ME) written by Patsy. Close second is the lies regarding the pineapple. Whether she ate it, who owned the bowl, the whole pineapple scenario.
Well, as I don't know her personally I have nothing to offer as to what I think of her. But I'm from New Jersey. We're testy. We don't like anybody. (Kidding).
If you mean what I think of her opinion, well, obviously as an RDI I disagree with it.
Her actions as far as the RN and 911 call would be suspicious if I felt she'd killed her child. You see, it isn't any ONE thing by itself that makes the Rs look guilty. It is all of it. But if I HAD to pick one thing (and that's hard to do) it'd be the RN, which is so obviously (to ME) written by Patsy. Close second is the lies regarding the pineapple. Whether she ate it, who owned the bowl, the whole pineapple scenario.

well if mother to mother 11 can't convince nothing I say can. might as well talk about the Force.

have you had a chance to d/l and read
What happened to him? Let me guess, you killed him in his sleep?

which forum btw

I don't know what happened to him. I imagine he's still out there someplace.

I imagine that my criteria weren't what you wanted. But to me, what made him such a tough opponent was that he was willing to go right to the edge. By that I mean that he used his open-mindedness as a weapon. Since he was willing to hear and consider what I had to say, he could then take that, find what he saw as the holes in it, and turn it back on me. Sort of like jujitsu, if you know what I mean. (Not unlike what you do, in a way.)

Sure, the types like used to frequent the double-B forum were frustrating, but they didn't really have anything except personal attacks. And even when they DID have something, they ruined it with bad attitude. Even if they said something I agreed with, just their attitude would turn me off.

On another note, just so we don't get too far off the beaten track, my mother is no longer with us. She passed on last year. But she was a big help to me in this case because I could ask her "what would you do?" It always struck her as odd that PR claimed she didn't read the whole rn (and thus perhaps did not see the warning), yet she knew the ending.
Well, as I don't know her personally I have nothing to offer as to what I think of her. But I'm from New Jersey. We're testy. We don't like anybody. (Kidding).
If you mean what I think of her opinion, well, obviously as an RDI I disagree with it.
Her actions as far as the RN and 911 call would be suspicious if I felt she'd killed her child. You see, it isn't any ONE thing by itself that makes the Rs look guilty. It is all of it. But if I HAD to pick one thing (and that's hard to do) it'd be the RN, which is so obviously (to ME) written by Patsy. Close second is the lies regarding the pineapple. Whether she ate it, who owned the bowl, the whole pineapple scenario.

That's the way I look at it.
I imagine that my criteria weren't what you wanted. But to me, what made him such a tough opponent was that he was willing to go right to the edge. By that I mean that he used his open-mindedness as a weapon. Since he was willing to hear and consider what I had to say, he could then take that, find what he saw as the holes in it, and turn it back on me. Sort of like jujitsu, if you know what I mean. (Not unlike what you do, in a way.)

Do you even know what my fighting style is?
Hi Dave, Voynich et al. Just to say, I owe you both PMs which I'll send on Friday and to say that I am still going through all my sister's uni notes on Foster and JBR and Jameson etc. Will try to put something together on Friday. Just had a bad day. You know those days when absolutely everything goes wrong? Suffice to say, it started with dog sick on the kitchen floor and ended with a hugely heavy guy standing on my flip-flopped toe in the grocery shop (still feel quite faint). Anyway, will get my act together on Friday.

I see youse both as honourable fighters, with Dave perhaps being a fencer and Voynich being maybe a karate person.

Either way, I'd case you both in my fantasy 'Pride and Prejudice.' :)

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