pre-trial general discussion

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Jan 17, 2004
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There seems to be lots of discussion about murder weapon, evidence, travels and court documents. Maybe we could move that discussion to one pre-trial thread to keep it together until the trial starts in a week or so.
It's interesting that Jason's car made it from Duffield to Brevard and then to Burlington without a gas fill. It's not that difficult to believe he gassed up before leaving Raleigh, drove to Hillsville and back and then stopped in King for $15 in gas. He may also have stopped at other drive through cash gas stations along the way.
It's interesting that Jason's car made it from Duffield to Brevard and then to Burlington without a gas fill. It's not that difficult to believe he gassed up before leaving Raleigh, drove to Hillsville and back and then stopped in King for $15 in gas. He may also have stopped at other drive through cash gas stations along the way.

He filled in Duffield Va.
From there to Brevard , to Burlington is 360 miles....only 18 gallons in his 21 gallon explorer.
Well, it seems the Cooper trial is making a lasting effect. :flashback:

Not only did this pros suddenly request copies of the harddrive of a computer just before trial; but, now the judge has told the attorneys he expects this trial to last 4 to 5 weeks. He won't waste the jury's time with legal wrangling.:argue: The jury is in court until 5 p.m. each day. The judge and the attorneys will meet AFTER court and the jury has been dismissed for the day, and THEY will meet in the judge's chambers to take care of any 'legal wrangling.' That is UNTIL THEY'RE............... DONE!

:goldcrown:This judge is showing who is in charge here! :nono: NO grand-standing!

Thanks for the new thread. I think the most damning evidence is the gas station witness. Finally there is someone who saw JY at a different location when he said he was miles away......asleep.
I'm glad the judge laid down the rules so clearly beforehand to maximize the jury's time and keep things moving between 9:30 and 5pm.

They really should start court at 9am sharp. That's how it's being done in the C.A. trial in FL. And only 1 hr for lunch. Otherwise a trial ends up taking days longer just because there's only 6 hrs of testimony max per day (and that's on a full day with no interruptions).

I'm sure lots of judges as well as ADAs learned from the clusterduck of the Cooper trial. Keep things moving, keep the motions for before or after court, don't let the jury marinate in the jury room, waiting for testimony. Reining in a defense team is vital, esp. if you get one like K&B (or JB in the C.A. case) who try to muck things up and drag their feet and basically cause as much distraction and obfuscation as possible.

I think the Young case will move fairly swiftly, as these things go.
If JTF is correct in predicting that the DTeam will not present a defense case in chief, then will they not also have to use the same evidence-introduction procedures as Kurtz & Trenkle used during the Cooper trial?

If they propose/ask to do it that way, it will be at least a hint that they will not be presenting a defense.... Hmmmm.... And PY will probably :pullhair: .

As in:

Attorneys for the State: The Prosecution rests, Your Honor.

Judge Stephens: And for the Defense?

DTeam: We got nuttin' honey. :bee:
:truce: :nevermind: :crossfingers:
If JTF is correct in predicting that the DTeam will not present a defense case in chief, then will they not also have to use the same evidence-introduction procedures as Kurtz & Trenkle used during the Cooper trial?

If they propose/ask to do it that way, it will be at least a hint that they will not be presenting a defense.... Hmmmm.... And PY will probably :pullhair: .

As in:

Attorneys for the State: The Prosecution rests, Your Honor.

Judge Stephens: And for the Defense?

DTeam: We got nuttin' honey. :bee:
:truce: :nevermind: :crossfingers:

Oh dear, what will the Jason groupies do? :fence:


Hello, folks!

Great to finally see W/S's Team "Jostling for Justice" in here ... a case that stung us all those years ago - and we're still feeling and reeling as the sting never quite goes away, does it? You guys *rock* ... The BC trial all but obliterated my main-frame. Then, in the run up to this day ... I read from the very first through to the very last post ... and read and saw just about every pink and picture possible ... regarding Russell Williams, disgraced ex Canadian Forces Wing Cmndr. It's got to be the worst story I ever read ... after Karla and Paul Bernardo. I was gutted!!

JLY .... At the going down of the sun .... and when the final word is read ... we remember the innocence of brutally stolen lives. The verdict may not bring closure as one of Nancy's family stated ... tho we trust it may bring justice. Here's to believing that same justice WILL BE delivered to Michelle and baby Rylan. The trial will sure bring aching memories & heartbreaking scenes, flooding back to Michelle's family.. May they be guided and strengthened in their resolve.

(Please let me know when the curtain rises and we can jump in, using all those [^%$#@! - bleeped for now] expressions & adjectives that we feel about Jay-Bird. Oh, and ... JTF ... just for the record ... *please* won't you post, just one more time, that pic of J & B in their orange & white stripes....).

There is no way, NO way on our beloved Earth, that I believe and IMO, JLY is anywhere near innocent.
Hello, folks!

Oh, and ... JTF ... just for the record ... *please* won't you post, just one more time, that pic of J & B in their orange & white stripes....).


Defense opening statements????

Honestly, I can't see how his attorney can keep a straight face.

I suppose they will blab the standard "my client was a suspect from day one and they never looked at anyone else"....."witnesses will say they heard noises in the woods behind the house and saw suspicious men on several occasions"......."The ME inexplicably chose to ignore CCBI's request for a rape kit"....."size 10 shoes were found at the crime scene, yet my client wears a size 12"......How could the ford explorer have zero blood inside after such an horrific, bloody crime scene?"......."Jason Young propped his hotel room door at 11:50PM so he could go downstairs to ask the clerk a question. The state wants you to believe he left the hotel at midnight, but in fact, he went back to his room to sleep for the night" ......."Yes, my client was unfairly targeted for this murder simply because he was the husband. Yes, he was unfaithful, but he loved michelle and was looking forward to the birth of his son Rylan"
.....The evidence will show he is not guilty of this horrific crime":liar:
If JTF is correct in predicting that the DTeam will not present a defense case in chief, then will they not also have to use the same evidence-introduction procedures as Kurtz & Trenkle used during the Cooper trial?

If they propose/ask to do it that way, it will be at least a hint that they will not be presenting a defense.... Hmmmm.... And PY will probably :pullhair: .

As in:

Attorneys for the State: The Prosecution rests, Your Honor.

Judge Stephens: And for the Defense?

DTeam: We got nuttin' honey. :bee:
:truce: :nevermind: :crossfingers:

Jason has a reputation for remaining silent ... even when it came to collecting the million dollars. All he had to do to get full custody of his daughter and collect a cool million was to answer a couple of questions in connection with his wife's death and insurance policy. He refused. Remained silent. He was denied the insurance money and lost custody, even though his daughter had been living with him and his mother (+husband) for quite some time - more than birthdays and Christmas. He remained silent. Work questioned him and, based on an inability to answer, he was dismissed. Then he tried to be a nurse or youth basketball player.

I like that: truce, nevermind, crossfingers ... that's all Jason has left.

Was jury selection started today? I doubt listening to his lawyer and remaining silent has helped his cause - particularly since his pregnant wife, who had a promising future, was murdered.
Defense opening statements????

Honestly, I can't see how his attorney can keep a straight face.

I suppose they will blab the standard "my client was a suspect from day one and they never looked at anyone else"....."witnesses will say they heard noises in the woods behind the house and saw suspicious men on several occasions"......."The ME inexplicably chose to ignore CCBI's request for a rape kit"....."size 10 shoes were found at the crime scene, yet my client wears a size 12"......How could the ford explorer have zero blood inside after such an horrific, bloody crime scene?"......."Jason Young propped his hotel room door at 11:50PM so he could go downstairs to ask the clerk a question. The state wants you to believe he left the hotel at midnight, but in fact, he went back to his room to sleep for the night" ......."Yes, my client was unfairly targeted for this murder simply because he was the husband. Yes, he was unfaithful, but he loved michelle and was looking forward to the birth of his son Rylan"
.....The evidence will show he is not guilty of this horrific crime":liar:

Yep -- they got plenty o' nuttin' -- and I'm sure they know it.

I can't see why Klinkosum decided to stick with this man unless he is just a decent, honorable man. He apparently doesn't need to add 1DMurder defense to his resume -- as some other defense attorneys might -- since criminal defense is his main field; his resume is already very strong; he's with one of the best firms in Raleigh -- Cheshire, Parker; and on and on... Surely, Shirley, it can't be because he just likes JY(!). Perhaps his firm just wants him to stick with it, since he is defending an indigent rotter, IMHO, since so many (not all, I'm sure) murder defendants seem to be...

And Bryan Collins of the Public Defenders Office got the following kudos from The Honorable Judge Stephens in an article about him in 2005:

".... So when some indigent defendant says to a judge, 'I don't want a public defender, I want me a paid lawyer,' the judge can say, 'You don't understand. You've got better than a paid lawyer. You've got Bryan Collins," Wake Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens said during the ceremony in a packed courtroom......"

Anyway, on we go....

Hello, Dogwood! Thank you for posting this. I went thru the photo-gallery, too; interesting pics and some good ones of Becky Holt, Judge and ... the court scene in general.

There is a great picture of Linda Fisher, too. To me, that pic captures the exacting essence of this trial, DogWood. Linda's expression brings words to my mind such as ... "... patience, focus, observation, detail, timing ..."

It's an expression I might expect to see on the face of a professional sportsman .... on the second-by-second countdown to the heat. Go, Linda! There is recovery at the end of your race. Many are behind you.
Well, it seems the Cooper trial is making a lasting effect. :flashback:

Not only did this pros suddenly request copies of the harddrive of a computer just before trial; but, now the judge has told the attorneys he expects this trial to last 4 to 5 weeks. He won't waste the jury's time with legal wrangling.:argue: The jury is in court until 5 p.m. each day. The judge and the attorneys will meet AFTER court and the jury has been dismissed for the day, and THEY will meet in the judge's chambers to take care of any 'legal wrangling.' That is UNTIL THEY'RE............... DONE!

:goldcrown:This judge is showing who is in charge here! :nono: NO grand-standing!


Judge in Casey Anthony trial said same thing, so guess what the defense are doing?

sidebar, sidebar, sidebar....and every time I can hear Yul Brenner in the King and I saying etc, etc, etc, :floorlaugh:
Sneak preview of trial transcript.

Becky Holt: Did you....
Young: *unintelligible*
Becky Holt: and on the night of.....
Young: *unintelligible*
Becky Holt: Mr Young did you murder your wife
Young: *unintelligible*
Jason has a reputation for remaining silent ... even when it came to collecting the million dollars. All he had to do to get full custody of his daughter and collect a cool million was to answer a couple of questions in connection with his wife's death and insurance policy. He refused. Remained silent. He was denied the insurance money and lost custody, even though his daughter had been living with him and his mother (+husband) for quite some time - more than birthdays and Christmas. He remained silent. Work questioned him and, based on an inability to answer, he was dismissed. Then he tried to be a nurse or youth basketball player.

I like that: truce, nevermind, crossfingers ... that's all Jason has left.

Was jury selection started today? I doubt listening to his lawyer and remaining silent has helped his cause - particularly since his pregnant wife, who had a promising future, was murdered.

Jury selection started on May 31 -- I have not seen/heard if they have seated anyone yet.... Their main focus on the 31st was to see how many folks would not be able to sit for the predicted time due to vacations, child or elderly care, those "standard" kinds of things... So maybe we'll find out more tomorrow (Thursday morning).

Jason remained silent and, IIRC, did not attend the custody hearing because in that situation, he is required to answer all questions (unless the judge -- available by phone -- disallowed the question) -- no refusal or pleading the 5th, etc., allowed. You probably remember in BC's custody hearing, his attorney saying something like, " Brad you may answer the question, but I object to it," several times. The room was full of attorneys for both sides, but the principals did the steering. Every once in a while, they would call & consult the judge on a matter. I remember reading somewhere on this that JLY's attorneys advised him not to do the hearing precisely because of questions that might be asked. Tough spot for him.
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