
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Did the State show premeditation?

  • Yes

    Votes: 578 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 15 2.4%
  • Unsure/other

    Votes: 29 4.7%

  • Total voters
Where did the knife come from? If Travis was in Shower, who takes a knife to the shower? She would have had to have had it

Why did not roommate discover his body? Was she ever seen by roommatea. If roommate there till 3 why did not roommate see Her? Or hear her?
Then she would've borrowed her grandfather's gun, but instead, she stole it.

If she was really afraid of Travis, she would not have gone there. Besides, she had been to his home many, many times without a gun. I believe the only reason she brought the gun this time was to kill him unless he agreed to continue their relationship.

No doubt in my mind it was premeditation. All of the steps she took proves she planned on killing him and her explanations are half truths or outright lies. For example, the gun:

1. JA said Travis NEVER kept his gun loaded. So why would she choose to run into closet and grab an unloaded gun instead of running out of the house?
2. If the gun wasn’t loaded, how did Travis end up with a bullet in his head?
3. If he really owned a gun, why wasn’t there any ammo found in his house?
4. She said he had a gun holster so why wasn’t a holster discovered?

The bullet was from the same caliber gun as her grandfather’s gun which allegedly was stolen shortly before Travis was slaughtered. Co-incidence? Nooooo. This gun wasn’t stolen, it was taken by JA and staged to look like a break in. It was part of her premeditated plan to kill Travis.
We only have her word for the events leading up to the murder.
They were "broken up" but she still kept stalking him, and acting like there was a relationship, if only in her demented mind. I think the minute she heard he was going to Cancun with another woman, she schemed to prevent him from doing that. He was a possession she thought belonged solely to her. She headed off in a jealous, crazed rage . . .
1 Not using her own car
2, The 3 gas cans
3, dying of the hair
These and many more aspects of her behavior point to premeditation + lies, lies, lies
I think she showed up unannounced and he likely was terrified from the start, already knowing she was crazed. Who knows when she showed the gun and knife, but even the pre death photos show the terror and shock in his eyes.
She thinks she can outsmart JM and prosecution team, but her lies and smirking attitude are not going over well with the jury. I don't believe in the death penalty, but I make an exception in her case.
question guys....

Jodi said she parked the rented car at the house in the middle space like she usually does....well...than wouldn't the roomate that came home that day see it if it was in the driveway? He would have told the detective he saw her that day, and she would have been busted immediately.

Or, seems like he would have seen it leaving for work that morning or when he left; if it was in the garage....

Where was her car parked when she went to see Travis on June 4? That goes to premeditation if nobody saw it at the house?

Nee, that's a good question - wish I knew the answer. I'm not familiar with the area but wonder if on the street parking was allowed. If so, she could have parked the car close by (a few houses away).
Does anybody know the street address of Travis's house?
I also find suspect the secretly recorded sex tape. I think she set him up. I think she had planned on using this against him. For instance, she could have thought she would record him and then threaten to go to the Bishop or let his future girlfriend hear him... Something she could hold over his head.

Another thing that bothered me was how she was able to sneak into his house and go undetected by Napoleon. We know how keen a dogs hearing is so imagine how incredibly creepy she is that she can sneak into a house without alerting a dog.

I saw an interview on I think it was Dr Drew last week with one of Travis's previous roommates and he explained how Travis told him he once found Jodi hiding in his closet. That to me is very sick.
I also find suspect the secretly recorded sex tape. I think she set him up. I think she had planned on using this against him. For instance, she could have thought she would record him and then threaten to go to the Bishop or let his future girlfriend hear him... Something she could hold over his head.

Another thing that bothered me was how she was able to sneak into his house and go undetected by Napoleon. We know how keen a dogs hearing is so imagine how incredibly creepy she is that she can sneak into a house without alerting a dog.

I saw an interview on I think it was Dr Drew last week with one of Travis's previous roommates and he explained how Travis told him he once found Jodi hiding in his closet. That to me is very sick.

I agree! The sex tape was definitely a set up ~ There's a few times that she says "what was that?" making him repeat things he said just to make sure she got it on tape... You can bet she brought that tape with her on June 4th. Poor guy. So sad.

Something is not right with the sex pictures that day too... I don't think they had sex that day. I think she took the pictures of her 'ugly butt' with his camera without him knowing to use them against him too. I'm still thinking about that?? Anyone think this too? I hope there's more said about those pictures that day.
I also find suspect the secretly recorded sex tape. I think she set him up. I think she had planned on using this against him. For instance, she could have thought she would record him and then threaten to go to the Bishop or let his future girlfriend hear him... Something she could hold over his head.

Another thing that bothered me was how she was able to sneak into his house and go undetected by Napoleon. We know how keen a dogs hearing is so imagine how incredibly creepy she is that she can sneak into a house without alerting a dog.

I saw an interview on I think it was Dr Drew last week with one of Travis's previous roommates and he explained how Travis told him he once found Jodi hiding in his closet. That to me is very sick.

Yes, I think JA could be on her way to being diabolical but she made too many mistakes. I've been watching Dr. Drew also and there have been several references to her stalking TA and slashing his tires but none of it is apparently admissible in court - they can't prove she slashed the tires but I would think that his friends should be able to testify about the stalking behavior. Also, there were at least two different friends who stated that TA said that if he winds up dead it will be by the hand of JA - although it may have been in an "unserious" or "joking" manner. The problem would be how then would he let her come to his house and have sex with her if he was wary of her in the least? I think the cell phone conversations that no one but TA and JA were privy to just before she left California hold the answer there. I think she called him to tell him she was passing through, and talked him into letting her come by - possibly getting him hot and bothered over the phone. I hate to say it but men - and especially young men tend to let sex overrule their mind, it happens quite often.

When was the CUT finger thing?
And how does it tie into this premeditation?
Did she have an injured finger the day of/day after or soon after the killing?At the bar when she asked for a bandaid to stop the profuse bleeding?
Yes on premeditation.

If you believe she stole her grandpa's gun, then you don't need much more. Killing him presumably was at least one option she was considering.

Another fact pointing to premeditation is the very fact that she chose the week prior to Cancun to take her road trip. She was going to make sure Mimi never went on that trip with Travis. (I don't believe she didn't know Mimi was going.)

As others mentioned, gas cans, hair color, rental car, gun theft, subsequent cover up, and apparent intent to flee (with a 9mm gun and two knives found in her car) all point in one direction. Her other actions (previous stalkings and confrontations with bfs and their new gfs, tire slashings, stealing Travis's journals, hacking into his email accounts, that unreal email to Lisa, etc) just confirm "there's something not quite right with that girl."
East queensborough ave

Not sure of the number

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Thank you. I just found the street number and did a little research. On peoplesmart, they listed Travis Alexander, died 2008 and under his relatives it lists Jodi E. Alexander. Probably means nothing but I found it a bit odd.
I think it's important JM hammers home the fact that JA was stalking him... The breaking in of emails, slashing of tires, letter to Lisa, sneaking into his house thru the doggy door, hiding in his closet etc....I think the jury will want to know why she would go into such a rage, because this was a rage killing.
In the end I believe state will prove murder1,premeditation, but I still voted unsure. I'm just concerned about the gun.Trial sure has some exciting thing to come!Will Matt testify?
In the end I believe state will prove murder1,premeditation, but I still voted unsure. I'm just concerned about the gun.Trial sure has some exciting thing to come!Will Matt testify?

She stole(took,borrowed)her Grandfather's gun and shot Travis with it.Same caliber.Coincedence?I think NOT!

Welcome to Websleuths! :)
IMO People are missing the other intended victims in this case. I think she was furious, not jealous that he wasn't taking her on the trip.

Her anger seems to have been directed at his friends who told him to break up with her, the couple on the 48 hours video.

IMO she wanted them to know she was the one who did it, but wouldn't be able to pin it on her.

There's a story on 48 hours mystery where a woman kills her ex husband and even the daughter knew the mother did it. She had gas cans and everything. But the woman got away with it.

IMO Jodi left the cleaned and bleached camera in the washing machine because she knew that his friends would link it to her. She could have just taken it and smashed it up.

I think she also killed him in such a bold manner because she wanted it to look like two people did it, not one.

She could have gotten away with it if she hadn't taken the pictures and maybe the handprint on the wall.

But she thought she'd have "reasonable doubt" on her side. A lot of these idiots think that if you can't prove they did it they will walk.

This was completely premeditated and she continuing to victimize his friends even now.

I honestly don't think she killed him out of rage against him. I think she killed him out of rage against his friends. He'd cheated on her many times before and used her for sex the whole time, but the fact that he was going to Cancun with them and another woman, would mean they would have "won."

So she used him to destroy them. He was just the means to the end.
A few questions/comments:

Unclear if she purchased two x hairdye or two x sunscreen that appear on the purchase docket at the same time as she purchased a gas can. I can't imagine every buying two amounts of sunscreen at the same time. Sunscreen tends to last a long time. Any thoughts on that.

Does she have a history of taking gas containers on trips with her?

Is the State able to establish any prior rental arrangement JA made for hiring a car. My question, if she has a record, has she been fussy in the past about the colour of the car.

Was she particular about the engine size. Would she have typically driving a smaller car or did she need a car that had enough grunt to get her from A to B to C to A.

In the day or so leading up to her departure from her home to Arizona has a pattern been established about her typical daily living activities i.e. texting friends, watching television, phoning mother ... or were her days immediately prior to trip to Mesa all caught up with planning.

My gut feeling is that she was in the state of mind, Ïf I can't have you ..... nobody else can". While I'm not pro-death penalty she comes across as a smart-arsed attention-seeking ***** who is as guilty as hell.

Where I live (Aus), paedophiles are considered the worst of the worst. In all my dating history, had I even seen a hint that any partner I dated I would have stopped contact immediately and would have probably reported them to authorities as an alleged paedophile. Yet she makes comments about her children (from a future relationship) and his children (from a future relationship) could play happily together.

I'm not sure all I hear about Travis Alexander paints him in the most glorious way. I'm getting the feeling he was a bit of a ladies man, but in death, he doesn't need to be destroyed in the way she is attempting. I am also not one to subscribe to the less conventional avenues of religion, but try to take a tolerant stand. For all those Mormans out there, you must be horrified, embarrassed and shocked at what comes out of this woman's mouth.

Would be interested in feedback/opinion/fact that any of you have.
Looking for your thoughts on whether the 12 hours of leisure, sex, and pictures spent with the vic actually "kills" the State's premeditation theory. [Excuse the pun] Clearly, a juror could find her not "evil" enough to follow the State down this particular theoretical path due to the substantial period of time she spent with the vic prior to the homicide. I'm on the fence, but would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks from the "newbie"!!
Snipped for space by me

Hi Checkmate and welcome!

I think premeditation is being proven a little more each day. I'm responding after JA has spent 15+ days on the stand contradicting herself. As time goes on I believe less and less of what JA has to say. I'm unsure her visit was expected by TA and that he was waiting up for her at 04:00 hrs. I'm unsure they had consensual sex after waking up together. I don't even believe they woke up together. If they did, it was because JA begged him for one last good memory before he moved on with Mimi. For all I know, she had a gun on him the entire time and essentially raped him, if they had intercourse at all.I haven't seen them and am unsure if the jury has either but by JAs report, the video taken that day was of her on top of TA, not the other way around. If there was rope involved, I believe it was TA who was tied, not JA.

In any case, I do believe that if TA had invited JA to Cancun on 06/04/08 and showed any interest in rekindling their relationship, he would be alive today or he would have lived longer. Because TA wasn't interested in JA for anything other than sex if even that, she killed him.I believe she came prepared for both scenarios. My guess is she had her passport and clothes packed for Cancun ready if needed but she also came prepared with the items she'd need to ensure TA didn't get his vacation if she didn't get her way. I believe TA did help her take her bags to her car and kissed her good-bye and then went home and took a shower. I believe JA then broke back in and surprised him in the shower with a camera in one hand and a knife in the other.
I do very much believe that JA is a black widow and capable of resorting to anything. The more she talks,the more I believe it too.
Looking for people's thoughts on the proposition that the Defendant did not demonstrate premeditation due to the extended period of time she spent with the vic, including their activities, prior to the murder. Here, we know the Defendant spent the entire day with the vic. She didn't walk in and kill him in the doorway. Instead, she allowed him to have sex with her, they took a nap, layed around, even allowed him to take pictures of her in compromising positions.

If she went there with a premeditated and specific intent to kill, wouldn't the act have come much sooner rather than later? Spending 12 hours with your intended victim, taking pictures, being intimate, etc. could seem far beyond the logical point she should/could have emotionally gone, if murder was the sole reason for her visit. Can we say that this lady is actually that much of a psychopath, a black widow of the highest form, pleasuring herself for hours then killing her mate? Is that really this woman?

Looking for your thoughts on whether the 12 hours of leisure, sex, and pictures spent with the vic actually "kills" the State's premeditation theory. [Excuse the pun] Clearly, a juror could find her not "evil" enough to follow the State down this particular theoretical path due to the substantial period of time she spent with the vic prior to the homicide. I'm on the fence, but would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks from the "newbie"!!

I wonder if some of the sex pics weren't part of her premeditation especially the one with her in pigtails. It conveniently tied in with the 12 year old little girl crap. One fact, still remains she had the gun hidden somewhere during that time with the intent of shooting him. I think she probably made sure there was a knife included in their sex play. Having a rope involved in their sexapades made sure she would have it handy.
I have also thought of TA calling her a *advertiser censored* could she have thought in her twisted mind. "Well, you think I am a *advertiser censored* I will show u how much of a *advertiser censored* I can be." I think of poor Travis and how she de-edified him on the last day of his life. I can just hear JA saying if this is the last time we r going to be together let's make the most of it. Their last day on earth together and she uses it to let him know the power she had over him in more ways than one.

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