Profile of a Possible Abductor

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2007
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We have done this on other cases and it proved to be quite interesting after the arrests were made. The police and FBI have their own profilers working to narrow the field of possible suspects. Please feel free to put your own profile together as to physical characteristics, occupation, age, distinguishing marks or habits, and anything else you can come up with to find this person/persons.

Here is a profile given out by LE of the possible behavioral changes of person involved in Lindsey's disappearance:

Scott said people should watch for any unusual social behavior, ranging from increased alcohol use and smoking to anyone who suddenly wants to leave the area or sell their car. McCleary residents should report any suspicions to authorities.


Twersky said the FBI has more than a dozen agents in McCleary assisting with the investigation, including specialists from the regional Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team. Behavioral profilers have also offered input on any potential kidnappers.
I'll give it a try:

He is a Caucasian, male pedohile who, as evidenced by his quick and evidence free abduction, has done this before. About late 40's on up in age and somewhat intelligent. He may have been questioned as a suspect in another abduction or has spent time in prison; he has learned to be careful. My guess is that he doesn't live in McCleary but may know the town from frequent visits to family/friends. Family and friends may very well be his reason for being so careful...he doesn't want to shame them. He may have befriended Lindsey through casual conversation and by promoting a sense of trust (grooming). As with most pedophiles, he has an eye for the vulnerable child and provides a sense of trust in order to lure them closer.

My words: As nice as this sicko wants to present himself - he's really a low life bottom feeder slug!
I don't think he's ever done it before. He or she, should I say. There were no witnesses, but there could have been. In a small town, you never know who's watching. It was an impulse grab, she was there, the perp was there, and the control switches finally went to epic fail mode.

Completely MOO and totally unsupported by anything but intuition.
Sorry for snip

Here is a profile given out by LE of the possible behavioral changes of person involved in Lindsey's disappearance:

Scott said people should watch for any unusual social behavior, ranging from increased alcohol use and smoking to anyone who suddenly wants to leave the area or sell their car. McCleary residents should report any suspicions to authorities.

Reason I posted the article in the Miscellaneous thread about the guy who crashed into the tree in the logging road area, apparently intoxicated:
Two horrible tragedies, poor McCleary. They must all be so scared and sad.
White male.
16-40 years old.
Familiar with a small town atmosphere, though may not live in one. May have grown up in a small town, work in a small town, have close family or friends in a small town.
Had either a legitimate reason to be in McCleary, or has a job or routine that could make his being there seem legit.
Although he may have relationships with women, I doubt that they are satisfying and his girlfriends have a high turn over rate.
If he is married, (which I personally doubt very much) he will have had many extramarital affairs and they will be known to his wife.
May be involved with kids in a professional or volunteer setting, but I doubt he has children of his own, if he does he is not involved with them in any meaningful way.
Jekyll and Hyde personality seen by those who know him best. To the tune of saying he's a great guy, but you don't want to make him mad or he's quiet, but those are the ones you have to watch.
Cop enthusiast. probably watches cop shows, reads cop books, may own some of the basic cop gear like handcuffs, dash light, and/or gun.
Has transportation, car truck or van, no bike or motorcycle.
Has fantasized and rehearsed in his head so many times that if he hasn't done it before, he is so familiar with the feelings and thoughts, to him it seems like he has.
Is very good at surface self analyzing, but more than likely any question about his feelings and motivations that he has not rehearsed would be met with an inappropriately shallow answer or no answer.
Probably does not hold a postion of power or authority either in work or personal life. For this reason, I think that anyone that he does have the opportunity to weild power over would see him differently from those that he has no power over, to those who answer to him, he would likely be seen as incredibly overbearing and demanding.

ETA: Possibly known as the type to take calculated risks in personal and/or business life.
More later.

post is gone...very odd one. WW was a person looked into by many here but the now gone post was just ??? odd.
Mollymill23, I'm with you???/ We have known about WW and I even stated along with many others that he would be a good person to look into as he did brfriend JB and took him fishing. My reasoning was someone made a connection with JB knowing some of the troubles goung on within the family which makes children vulnerable for grooming by a sex offender. Who is this poster and surely if this is a red flag to them it is to law enforcement as well. My computer doesn't want me to open the file linked so if anyone elas opens it can you explain this co. in my neck of the woods?
Where was the post about WW posted at?
It was right here and was sort of cryptic. Disjointed sentences, strange use of capitalization, mention of the Green River Killings...wondering where he was at a certain time, wondering who split JB and LB up and sent JB home and on what authority...
How strange, who was it posted by?

Wish I would have seen it.
It was posted by someone who I think was trying to say they work for an agency that profiles SO's and processes DNA. There are a group of people who strongly feel LE let them down as they had reported Gary Ridgeway 2 yr;s before his arrest due to a loved one escaping from him. They were anti Whats his face senator because he took so much credit in breaking the case open when that wasn't quite a truth. Wish I would have saved their profile name, I have a round about way to look into this persons statement. If it turns up anything I'll post it, unless the mods feel it is off limits as I think they might be. This person may have posted, had regrets, paranoia with giving explicet details associated to the case and boy did they nail WW!
Reason I posted the article in the Miscellaneous thread about the guy who crashed into the tree in the logging road area, apparently intoxicated:

I see in the article they don't give a name. Kinda of curious who that might be a 23 year old. Have been following logging roads as of late and I beleive you can get to capital forest as well as 108 as well as route 8 E. & west. OK so I am bonkers.
It was posted by someone who I think was trying to say they work for an agency that profiles SO's and processes DNA. There are a group of people who strongly feel LE let them down as they had reported Gary Ridgeway 2 yr;s before his arrest due to a loved one escaping from him. They were anti Whats his face senator because he took so much credit in breaking the case open when that wasn't quite a truth. Wish I would have saved their profile name, I have a round about way to look into this persons statement. If it turns up anything I'll post it, unless the mods feel it is off limits as I think they might be. This person may have posted, had regrets, paranoia with giving explicet details associated to the case and boy did they nail WW!

I wonder if the mods moved the post to a closed area where they could only read it.. and it's been sent to LE?

I can't imagine them leaving something like that on the open forums.
It was posted by someone who I think was trying to say they work for an agency that profiles SO's and processes DNA. There are a group of people who strongly feel LE let them down as they had reported Gary Ridgeway 2 yr;s before his arrest due to a loved one escaping from him. They were anti Whats his face senator because he took so much credit in breaking the case open when that wasn't quite a truth. Wish I would have saved their profile name, I have a round about way to look into this persons statement. If it turns up anything I'll post it, unless the mods feel it is off limits as I think they might be. This person may have posted, had regrets, paranoia with giving explicet details associated to the case and boy did they nail WW!

I just thought of something.. G Ridgeway was a suspect long before he was arrested. They just couldn't arrest him because without enough evidence they were afraid he be acquited and if that happened they couldn't try him again (double jeopardy laws, I believe). I believe he also passed a lie detector test at one point too.

Anyway he was caught and convicted once technology (DNA testing) was more available.

I'm googling now to see if I can find anything about the company you are talking about. Did they give a name? Do you remember it?
I think the poster edited it herself or himself after freaking theirselves out with this discloser. I'v sluethed bit and so far have a male name (first) and this isn;t his first blast in warning people about other SO connected to other abductions. I think this person may be a zealot that is fanatical because he seems to be parinoid of goverment, Obama, conspirices ect... How strange to insert something so imformitive about WW DNA profiling being held. Obviously they are now a member so if your reading here please explain what you meant and why you ran away scared if this info is so valuable! It may seem like we bite here but were harmless and only want the predator to be caught. Please exspand because so far your other postings are concerning as well!
Hi ~

Two things. This seems to be the place that the cryptic poster has been discussed in the past. Perhaps it's a good place for current discussions regarding him. Just a suggestion.

The second thing I would like to bring up, considering the name of this thread, is the fact that the Astro's have very consistently read the charts and brought forward many key elements of the person that is shown to be responsible for Lindsey's disappearance.

In recent days, a "compilation of Saturn the Perp" has been posted which includes most of the attributions that are a result of these continued readings.

There are many who have acknowledged that they have read this post, proof being in the Thank You's listed under the post.

How can we direct a sleuth into the people or person that may be revealed using these important factors? Keeping in mind two factors, Lindsey Knew Him, and he was seen as an authoritative figure, at least to her, from Lindsey's neighborhood, I wonder if we can begin to sleuth some of the men who were in Lindsey's life that may fit many of the clues that the charts have provided?

The post on the Astro's Forum is on page 18 in Lindsey Baum's Thread and it is post #442.

I am specifically wondering if we can discuss/sleuth the person who owns the pool that Lindsey was swimming at on 6/26/09.

How can we incorporate these very vital readings into a reveal of who fits the compilation of Saturn The Perp and be within the rules of WS?

Thank you ~
It will be difficult. I agree we need to look at every one living on Maple St. to Mommsen and move out to others that were in Lindsey's vicinity over the last several weeks.

We will need to use initials and becareful NOT to identify anyone that has not been named in the media or that is not an RSO. As Christine said in the DG thread - we can do this, we just have to be smart about it. It may also require PM'ing each other to share info without putting it on the main board.

Using PM's can cause conflicts and hurt feelings when someone feels left out, so we need to be mindful of that also and PM each other discreetly, kwim?

snipp ...
I am specifically wondering if we can discuss/sleuth the person who owns the pool that Lindsey was swimming at on 6/26/09.
My thought also! There is WW that I don't seem to get past either, wonder why?
snipp ...
I am specifically wondering if we can discuss/sleuth the person who owns the pool that Lindsey was swimming at on 6/26/09.
My thought also! There is WW that I don't seem to get past either, wonder why?

I think there is a problem with verification of that info. Some have said it was the Nelson home and others have disputed that as rumor. Anyone have any info on this?

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