Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?

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she is toast

i think the prosectors are looking to let the family keep spinning and there will be a few more arrests before this thing is all over

she will be locked away a longggggggggggggggggg time

Hiya, robotdog!

I agree with you! I can easily see this happening that at least one of the Anthony's will be going down. Been saying that since August! LOL

ETA: one of the Anthony's meaning in addition to Casey!
With all due respect, can we please cease with the p*ssing contest here? No offense but if I wanted to hear almost off-topic head-to-head I would go back to law school. :) It's incredibly BORING.

OK since you went to law school can you put in your :twocents:?
I thought you had posted that if the jury decided against the death penalty then it would default to life.

I am quite certain that the Florida statute does not allow for the triggering of so substantial an event when the jury renders its decision as to the penalty for it is merely advisory by statute.

I have already cited the applicable Florida law.

Scroll back. It was not I who claimed that LWOP is risked if prosecutors ask for the death penalty. I say it is not.

I am getting some good out of statutes that are being posted!
I think they can change it. Maybe they are DNA testing to ensure it is her and maybe at the 12th hour they will confirm it and then once the body.....DEATH PENALTY. I'll PM you with some stuff.

Yes I've read that they can decide at a later date to proceed with the DP. Waiting for some stuff:behindbar
Hiya, robotdog!

I agree with you! I can easily see this happening that at least one of the Anthony's will be going down. Been saying that since August! LOL

ETA: one of the Anthony's meaning in addition to Casey!

hiya... :)
YES - totally agree
it will be one of the A's and i think it will be LA
No solid case.

End of story.

She will be free and parting like a rock star with a changed name a new home and millions of dollars in the bank...mark my words.

That girl will either walk or get a short sentence.

I respectfully disagree. Sometimes, society has a way of taking care of things.

The mere facts as we know them will outrage of the jurors, without any more evidence than already stated. Jurors are human beings. When they see her complete disregard to her daughters well being, she will get LPWOP hands down.

The evidence is important, but not the nail in the coffin. There's plenty of it, more to come, and much that the defense cannot convince the jury to overlook.

The clincher is the young beautiful child that is gone as a result of her selfishness. No jury will let her off on that, especially in light of her actions during the first 31 days.

Every juror is a son, daughter, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or sister brother. Every juror is loved by someone and loves someone.

I have faith in mankind. They won't let us down.
(2) The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree

From Florida statutes...

Evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life = malice ......... aforethought

I'm disapointed. I don't fully understand the legalities of the issue but to me, it reads as though they do not have a strong case. Without question they have a case, but not one that they feel is strong enough that the DP would be acceptable to a jury. I'm starting to wonder if the forensics we've seen is all they have. How is it possible that we've still heard nothing about the stain, the bag, the maggots???

You didn't read the entire post

So are you saying the only way they can prove she killed her is if someone witnessed it? Or if they found a murder weapon with her fingerprints on it? Isn't the circumstantial evidence and the motive very strong here? Also, isn't the proof of the unprecidented lies point to guilt? Isn't the DNA/air samples enough? Still awaiting evidence on the stain. Is the only way to convict in this country boiled down only to visual proof? How do you prove, according to these criteria a crime so diabolical that a two year went missing unnoticed for 31 days, thereby eliminating convential proof?

If there is no justice for Caylee....and I am worried about that based on what I read here...I am comforted by the fact that she is in heaven and at peace. I am comforted by the fact that even if KC gets minimum time or God forbid, gets off...hers and her family's life will never be normal again. She WILL end up like OJ...guilty of something else...because if let off, no one but low lifes will associate with her which WILL lead to more criminal activity. And for her parents, protecting KC will never bring their beloved granddaughter their fate is also sealed, whether are justice system prevails or not. Sigh....
I'm disapointed. I don't fully understand the legalities of the issue but to me, it reads as though they do not have a strong case. Without question they have a case, but not one that they feel is strong enough that the DP would be acceptable to a jury. I'm starting to wonder if the forensics we've seen is all they have. How is it possible that we've still heard nothing about the stain, the bag, the maggots???

Hi Pink! No body, no cause of death to begin with. It's better to get a conviction and a life sentence than not being able to prove all the elements needed for the DP. I'm not that disappointed either because this way JB will be able to try the case. :) MOO
I am not sure if this has been mentioned, but does anyone know is the maggots that were found in the trunk were studied? I know that often they can tell what the bugs have been eating. I know that this sounds terrible, but could the information from the bugs along with the hair and the decomp in the truck be enough to convict? Just throwing this out there...
This thread has brightened my day! History tells me that all signs now point 100% to a conviction of Casey exactly as charged.

Okay! I am counting on it, !

(is that Gregg Allman in your avatar or am I showing my stupidity?)
T14 or lower?

Now you want to know what law school I attended?

I just want to discuss this case not which school I attended. The topic is Caylee Marie Anthony and the thread is the death penalty. Please carry on...
Hi Pink! No body, no cause of death to begin with. It's better to get a conviction and a life sentence than not being able to prove all the elements needed for the DP. I'm not that disappointed either because this way JB will be able to try the case. :) MOO

If prosecutors could prove the elements necessary to support murder one, then they would prove the base requirements for either LWOP or the death penalty. The standard of evidence for the penalty options does not differ.
Soulless people are generally not afraid to die necessarily, but a narcissistic party girl is likely to be afraid to spend the rest of her life in jail. I would like to see her rot to anonymity.... She will likely be very afraid of being "forgotten" because she has no lineage to ever visit her or care.

State Not Seeking Death Penalty For Casey Anthony
Friday, December 5, 2008 – updated: 6:05 pm EST December 5, 2008
(part of article)
If something were to change, for instance if Caylee's body were to be found before the case goes to trial, prosecutors could change their minds and decide to go for the death penalty.
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