Protesters could be hindering conclusion.

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I mean seriously folks...... have you all checked out who's protesting? The Anthonys have more class then the protestors do. They need to get jobs, and worry about their own children.
Ok, in all seriousness...the protesters need to give it a rest. The Anthony's are going to explode ~ BOOM ~
Don't think they can take much more & KC is eating up all the attention while her family is going crazy!!!!
I have said it before and will say it again..
The protesters have a right to be there, I get that..
But, to me, they don't have a right to subject their children to it.
Also, what about the children in that neighborhood who must go to school each day and learn to become productive citizens? How many children are going to be so deeply affected by the drama there? Who is going to pay for these children to be counseled over this? And years from now when one of these children decide they would like negative attention and act in this manor, whose fault will it be?
I feel for the neighborhood. The very behavior they are protesting about all hours of the day, is the very behavior I am sure many families in that neighborhood are trying to avoid by leaving their children cooped up inside all the time. How long will it take a neighbor to snap on their kid because they don't get outside air at home? How many kids are starting to act out because they cannot have the peace of the outdoors..?
If this was a secluded area, I may feel different..but right now for the sake of other children in that neighborhood and what this circus is teaching them, I don't agree with any of them being there.
thanks sooo much for starting this thread! exact thoughts here right on! These ppl are just looking for some god these need a life!
I dont agree with some of the protesters, but I look at it this way...........nobody would be standing in front of that home if SOMEONE in that family even showed some concern about a little three year old girl.

Yes, they would most likely be sitting at home watching the Jerry Springer re-runs (that they starred in)!:eek:
ITA There is protesting...and there is lunacy. I'm against

1. People bringing small/young children to the protests. It subjects children to violence. Whether it be from the Anthony's or the other protesters. It is an ADULT situation and a good example for GOOD parenting is to not bring your children to harms way.

2. Baby Dolls and tombstones are in poor taste. No matter what the situation. Not everyone in that house murdered Caylee. In fact, none of them have been charged yet. I think it's horrible that people would try to "torture" anyone.

3. It's not a zoo. You can't come up the sidewalk and take a peek inside the "cage". That's not protesting. That's as bad as people on the freeway being "lookey-loos" causing the traffic to back up for hours.

I have said it before and will say it again..
The protesters have a right to be there, I get that..
But, to me, they don't have a right to subject their children to it.
Also, what about the children in that neighborhood who must go to school each day and learn to become productive citizens? How many children are going to be so deeply affected by the drama there? Who is going to pay for these children to be counseled over this? And years from now when one of these children decide they would like negative attention and act in this manor, whose fault will it be?
I feel for the neighborhood. The very behavior they are protesting about all hours of the day, is the very behavior I am sure many families in that neighborhood are trying to avoid by leaving their children cooped up inside all the time. How long will it take a neighbor to snap on their kid because they don't get outside air at home? How many kids are starting to act out because they cannot have the peace of the outdoors..?
If this was a secluded area, I may feel different..but right now for the sake of other children in that neighborhood and what this circus is teaching them, I don't agree with any of them being there.

I think it's time that some laws are created restricting public protests in residential areas. Let them go protest outside the Court if they object to Casey being allowed out on bond.
I think it's time that some laws are created restricting public protests in residential areas. Let them go protest outside the Court if they object to Casey being allowed out on bond.
Me, I think peaceful assembly to protest is a protected constitutional right. I think we need a law to deny bail to the parents of 'missing' children when they refuse to co-operate to find them, probably because they killed them. That's the law I think we need.
This is not a peaceful protest. It's harassment by people who seem as odd as the people they are protesting.

Absolutely and there's no excuse for LE not to step in for that reason alone!!
As long as humanity has existed, 'some' people have and always will, lie, cheat, steal, murder, etc. It's an unfortunate part of our existence. Many people, sadly enough, seem to thrive off other folks' happenstances. They're the curiosity seekers, the , who will use any excuse to ingratiate themselves into other people's business.

"I'm just trying to help,' or "If only the Anthony's would talk, if only they'd tell the truth," and so forth -- as if these are quality excuses for their own poor examples of behavior and why they're camped out in front of the A's home.

I think these protesters have drawn a fine line between so-called protests and downright harassment. What, exactly, ARE they protesting -- that some people lie, cheat, write bad checks, don't appear to be upstanding people? You don't protest these things -- it happens! People don't always behave the way they should -- so? Does this give anyone else the right to bother other neighbors - innocent people who simply have the unfortunate circumstance to be living in the same neighborhood, the same street, as the Anthony's? To me, nothing justifies this type behavior.

I can definitely understand protesting other things, mind you, but not this.

The Anthony family needs to be left alone.

I'm sure, in time, the police and other professionals who are working this case, will ensure justice prevails for Caylee. So many other children have been reported missing -- if these protesters profess so much concern for Caylee, how about making themselves useful and, given they all seem to have so much time on their hands, go volunteer at some of the missing children centers/foundations -- help find some of these children. I'm certain they could use more volunteers.
I have not seen all of the protesters so not pointing to any specifically and not speaking of all of them.... the ones who I have seen appear to have little concern for their appearance, their behavior or the fact that they have children out there. Not speaking in terms of money but in terms of self respect these certain ones do not seem to have much class. This bothers me because I am not against peaceful protests and feel they can be productive but how effective are you if you are just getting laughed at, I mean come on where is the cooler of beer? I am sorry for the neighbors having to endure this as well but I can imagine they are smart enough to understand the Anthony's have brought much of this onto themselves.

:crazy:They can be found wearing flip-flops, drinking beer and watching the game all right in their car-ports when they're not protesting at the Anthony's. Perfect cast for the Jerry Springer show.:crazy:
I've thought about this also.... if a two year old is having a tantrum (such as Casey is having) they usually thrive on attention. By giving Casey all this attention we are reinforcing her bad behavior. Sometimes even negative attention maintains behavior. In her sick warped mind, at least people care about her. In the words of infamous Adam Ant (1980's british singer) "I want those who get to know me, to become admirers or my enemies." so hate is still better than indifference. so if we give her indifference maybe she will crack...
I don't know I had some kind of awakening today and came up with the conclusion that the worst punishment for her would be indifference...
Me, I think peaceful assembly to protest is a protected constitutional right. I think we need a law to deny bail to the parents of 'missing' children when they refuse to co-operate to find them, probably because they killed them. That's the law I think we need.

I've been saying this all along. The protester should take his/her sign down to OCSD and raise hell that this woman is out on bond. If they have all this evidence why are they so afraid?
These protesters bother me to no end. They are in love with the limelight. They should all put their energy into something more exercise.
IMO, the protesters are simply boosting CA's ego. The more they rant, rave, and provoke her parents/family...the better she feels because they are standing up for her and taking her side. I can't believe the protesters haven't thought of this. Why force them to band together? Nothing will come out if the public continues to protest and make it "them (the As) against us (the public)". It needs to be "them against them" so something will break in this case and that beautiful little girl will come home!!!

So far I haven't seen ANYONE taking these loon's side.

I believe they are serving a noble purpose and that is to continue to bring attention to Caylee which would have been gone from the media by now if it were not for them.
:crazy:They can be found wearing flip-flops, drinking beer and watching the game all right in their car-ports when they're not protesting at the Anthony's. Perfect cast for the Jerry Springer show.:crazy:

The PERFECT cast for Jerry Springer is the whole Anthony family. They are what freak shows like that are on the air about.

An entire family so warped they don't care about a child who has been gone months and most likely somewhere all alone in a swamp being eaten by gators. A family so lazy they sit in their house and play video games and sit at a computer rather than look for their child.
I think it's time that some laws are created restricting public protests in residential areas. Let them go protest outside the Court if they object to Casey being allowed out on bond.

That has been tried MANY times in the past and all people who try to stop that end up with are big legal bills. The ACLU has pages of lawsuits where they have defended protester's rights. Many in subdivisions.
That has been tried MANY times in the past and all people who try to stop that end up with are big legal bills. The ACLU has pages of lawsuits where they have defended protester's rights. Many in subdivisions.

Well that's a shame because innocent uninvolved residents should have rights too.
The protesters would most likely disappear if the A's would ignore them instead of assaulting them and destroying their property in the public right of way.

No they wouldn't. Maybe a few might get tired and leave. But some will stay just cause their not bright enough to realize that nothing they say will have any affect. They will stay as long as the CAMERA is running.
They are bound and determined to beat a dead house(freudian slip I meant HORSE). With the new charges Casey is going to get more years in prison on FRAUD charges than some criminals get for murder. Why aren't the protesters outside of every prison protesting a criminal getting out of prison 5 years for killing her grandparents. (Salina, KS)
These are people who have no life, no education, and entirely too much time on their hands. Are the A's liars? YES! Is their daughter a murderer? YES! Will this all be addressed in a court of law? YES....... in time it will be.

Any nutcase out there could just wait for Casey to be transported and kill her if they wanted to just to make a name for themselves. Something will happen if this is not stopped immediately.

I agree:clap::clap::clap::clap:
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