Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

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One other thing, I would be interested to know what her IQ was ??? Maybe no way to find this info out, just curious....
I've read through this thread a number of times when I could today...There are a few entries where it has been said "relatives"...said so and so...I thought she had no other relatives other than GF,GM,Bro,Logan, her and baby Gabriel ????

What did you see that indicated other relatives, kappy?
One other thing, I would be interested to know what her IQ was ??? Maybe no way to find this info out, just curious....

Me too! I keep seeing references to her 'high intelligence', but as a former university adjunct professor teaching senior students, grades and grade point averages tell very little about intelligence. We had one student who had been her school's valedictorian and she never could score above 13 on her ACT tests and could not distinguish a complete sentence from incomplete. In cases like this, the grade point tells much more about the school itself than about the student.

I've seen it written that after EJ was expelled, she attended a 'charter' school. Could this have been an 'alternative' school that is intended specifically for those with behavior problems? Does anyone know what that charter school was? I think it would normally be very hard to be admitted to a 'sought-after' school on the heels of being expelled. Also, alternative/disciplinary schools tend to make the academic demands much less stringent and reward acceptable behavior rather than academic achievement. That could have contributed to EJ's high grade point average. An example is "if you don't get any disciplinary marks for a week, you get 30 bonus points". Those 30 points added to a grade say NOTHING about intelligence or achievement academically.

In Boston, does anyone know what kind of school she attended there? Did she live with her grandmother for that last year of high school? I've often thought that quitting college and walking away from a full scholarship for trivial reasons sounded very typical bipolar/borderline behavior. I've seen plenty of it; my bipolar and borderline daughter-in-law was just hospitalized today for the 5th time and I am caring for my 5 month old grandbaby. My son could easily be walking in Logan's shoes.
What did you see that indicated other relatives, kappy?

Post # 12 mentioned "a relative" could be referencing GF,GM or Bro. The other, which I can't locate, but still searching, had a statement in regards to Thanksgiving Day to the effect "relative's said" something to that effect that things looked like they were getting better. I knew I should have made a note of where I found it ! Again, "relatives" could just still be GF,GM and Bro.
Post # 12 mentioned "a relative" could be referencing GF,GM or Bro. The other, which I can't locate, but still searching, had a statement in regards to Thanksgiving Day to the effect "relative's said" something to that effect that things looked like they were getting better. I knew I should have made a note of where I found it ! Again, "relatives" could just still be GF,GM and Bro.

Oh there are Thanksgiving pictures. EJ, Logan, Gabe, grampa, bro. EJ and Logan are both wearing dark tops - they might be black turtlenecks or black long sleeved shirts. Some pics are in a kitchen sitting, standing around a table. Comparing them to the news videos of about Jan 14 where grampa is talking on the phone to EJ, it looks like the Thanksgiving pics are at his house.

And now I want turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc etc etc.
If I've missed this somewhere (and I probably have), please forgive me. I've seen GF mentioned many times, but very little - if anything - about GM. Is she still living? It seems that EJ has lost quite a few relatives, which could add significantly to her anger and insecurity.

*Passes the turkey platter to BeanE*

ETA (After a few sips of coffee): Of course she's living if she was in Thanksgiving picture. Why is GF mentioned so often and GM so rarely? Did she and EJ have a falling out?
I bring up the IQ questions for a reason ( and yes, I know you will shake your heads and say what is she thinking!!!)...however, when I got home yesterday my husband was watching A & E or the History Channel on Ted Kacznski ( I know EJ is no Unabomber)...but it said his IQ was like 156 or something like that and that he was a Genius...During his trial, I believe he was said to have had paranoid schizophenria, but it was later discounted. They gave a name for it and I can't remember what it was. Could it be she is that "Brilliant/Genius"...just throwing it out there...
I bring up the IQ questions for a reason ( and yes, I know you will shake your heads and say what is she thinking!!!)...however, when I got home yesterday my husband was watching A & E or the History Channel on Ted Kacznski ( I know EJ is no Unabomber)...but it said his IQ was like 156 or something like that and that he was a Genius...During his trial, I believe he was said to have had paranoid schizophenria, but it was later discounted. They gave a name for it and I can't remember what it was. Could it be she is that "Brilliant/Genius"...just throwing it out there...

If she were a brilliant genius, I think she would have boarded the first plane out of Texas for a country without extradition. :innocent:
If she were a brilliant genius, I think she would have boarded the first plane out of Texas for a country without extradition. :innocent:

She also wouldn't of sent a text message saying she killed someone and then follow it up with saying it again over a phone call that could be recorded. Not a genius move especially while she was still in the city she admitted to committing the very crime! That's like waving a flag in front of LE-come and get me! Did she seriously think LM wouldn't call the police after hearing his son was murdered? If she was a genius she should be able to control her rage long enough to get out the country before sending that text or she wouldn't of sent the text at all.
Sooo, obviously she had help all along the way!! Once G was handed off, she was on her own.....Look how quickly she was arrested...

I can't wait till G is found and all the pieces are put together!!
She also wouldn't of sent a text message saying she killed someone and then follow it up with saying it again over a phone call that could be recorded. Not a genius move especially while she was still in the city she admitted to committing the very crime! That's like waving a flag in front of LE-come and get me! Did she seriously think LM wouldn't call the police after hearing his son was murdered? If she was a genius she should be able to control her rage long enough to get out the country before sending that text.

I knew I'd get hammered on this. Let me re phrase...I don't think she is brillant or a genius by any means....I'm trying to relate high IQ's to any form of mental illiness....
I knew I'd get hammered on this. Let me re phrase...I don't think she is brillant or a genius by any means....I'm trying to relate high IQ's to any form of mental illiness....

I'm sorry Kappy! I didn't mean to hammer you! :blushing: My anger is towards EJ.. I understand what you're saying. She could still be a genius but her rage is just stronger than her intelligence.
I knew I'd get hammered on this. Let me re phrase...I don't think she is brillant or a genius by any means....I'm trying to relate high IQ's to any form of mental illiness....

Sorry Kappy, I too meant no harm. I hate giving EJ credit and can't see through my anger at her. I value your insight and opinion. :)

Something else I would really like to know, is who turned her in? Was it simply the FBI watching her Myspace? Or was it someone who knew her destination in Florida? I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised if the tip came from someone who has Gabe.
I'm sorry Kappy! I didn't mean to hammer you! :blushing: My anger is towards EJ.. I understand what you're saying. She could still be a genius but her rage is just stronger than her intelligence.

Tx/Kiss...hey, I am as angry as you are with EJ....I need to DVR the A&E Biography and capture the exact term they used in regards to the high IQ and PS...
Dr.: Mom Not Interested In Baby Gabriel

POSTED: 9:38 pm MST March 26,2010
UPDATED: 11:02 pm MST March 26,2010

After viewing a video of Friday’s custody hearing about missing baby Gabriel Johnson, well-known Valley forensic psychologist Dr. Erin Nelson said Elizabeth Johnson didn’t appear interested in her child.


Nelson said Johnson’s behavior indicated that her primary concern is not her son, but her own fate.

"The one thing I take away from today is that clearly Elizabeth Johnson is somebody who has her own interests as her number one priority,” said Nelson.
Johnson only became emotional when she was being questioned about issues that could impact the charges against her.

She did not visibly react when the judge awarded custody to McQueary and revoked her right to spend time with Gabriel.

“Her behavior doesn't bode well for her level of interest in the child,” said Nelson. "It is noteworthy that at the time that custody is awarded to the father, she is stoic."

Johnson still refuses to reveal what she did with Gabriel after she took him to Texas last December.

Nelson said that may not be an indication of guilt, but it could be a way for Johnson to retain control over the situation.

"For certain people, just that level of control can be intoxicating,” she said. “To have people all over the world hanging on your word, that's a pretty powerful place to be and that could a feeling she's not ready to relinquish.”

Nelson said nothing that happened in court Friday clearly indicates whether or not Johnson harmed her son, but the fact that Gabriel has been missing for almost three months is a concern.

“That amount of time without any significant hit or any that I'm aware of doesn't bode well for a happy ending,” she said.

Johnson having management problems in jail; sent to psychiatric facility

Within the last week Johnson has reportedly been placed on the sheriff’s ‘nutra-loaf program’ where the inmate eats only bread and water for allegedly assaulting two other inmates.

A spokesperson with the sheriff’s office says Jonson submitted a document titled “My Advanced Directive’s Will” to staff after being on the nutra-loaf program for several days. In the document Johnson says she refuses to eat the bread because she says it is full of rotten vegetables and worms.

Johnson’s letter prompted detention officers to transfer her to the jail’s psychiatric unit facility where she could be evaluated.
she's already loosing it in jail, I bet she's crack soon. We can all hope that she does.
“My Advanced Directive’s Will” ??? Rotten vegetables and worms??? WTH? She's showing paranoid schizophrenia signs yet again.

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