Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

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I think she has some type of mental disorder, but I do not think she is psychotic. Like I said in the other thread, she thought in essence that her lawyer was gossiping other clients to her. In reality, her lawyer was probably telling her scenarios that have happened which is public information. EJ may be smart, but she does not know how the criminal court system works. She still has the frame of mind of a high schooler. Woman do not fully mature mentally until at least 25 years of age....Her reactions are exactly how a highschooler acts. Especially, with how she has acted toward LM. Today was an eye opening experience for her and she was visibly shaken. People should not be able to have kids until after the age of 25 in my book.

I have to respectfully disagree. Her actions are NOT normal for even a high schooler. At 23, I was married with a 1 y/o and I can guarantee NONE of this is "normal". IMO, she is psychotic - possibly paranoid schizophrinic (sp?) You are right that she doesn't know how the justice system works, I think she thinks it's supposed to cater to her.
:twocents:, spend it wisely...I am not a psychiatrist...

I don't think she would have to be schizophrenic to be paranoid, delusional and exhibit many of the symptoms we are observing 2nd hand. If LM and her family think she may be bipolar, then I think they probably have a pretty good idea why they believe that. I personally think they are right on in that idea. My understanding is that it can be very difficult to diagnose. I see her running off with Gabe, having a messy room (representing to me her scattered thoughts), and running around SA (based on the sightings) as her being a bit manic. I don't doubt she had depressive symptoms at that time as well, but I don't see her demeanor after 2 1/2 months in her cell as a definite sign she was exactly like that in SA. I think, like bipolars often do, she is cycling, and what we see now is the bottom of her current cycle. Paranoia, anxiety, rage. I think there may be reasons she is fearful to leave her cell, and some of those may be reality, and others are part of her delusional thinking. I really hope she is getting treatment. I don't know one way or the other if she is, but I hope she is. This is all MOO of course. I think she is mentally deteriorating in her cell, and not necessarily in the same frame of mind as she was in SA. I think if she were raging in SA, there would be a destroyed hotel room (do we know if this happened?). I am linking to wikepedia because I think it is very easy to read and understand at a glance.


Diagnosing bipolar disorder is often difficult, even for mental health professionals. What distinguishes bipolar disorder from unipolar depression is that the affected person experiences states of mania and depression. Often bipolar is inconsistent among patients because some people feel depressed more often than not and experience little mania whereas others experience predominantly manic symptoms.

Depressive episode
Main article: Major depressive episode
Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder include persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation, or hopelessness; disturbances in sleep and appetite; fatigue and loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities; problems concentrating; loneliness, self-loathing, apathy or indifference; depersonalization; loss of interest in sexual activity; shyness or social anxiety; irritability, chronic pain (with or without a known cause); lack of motivation; and morbid suicidal ideation.[7] In severe cases, the individual may become psychotic, a condition also known as severe bipolar depression with psychotic features.
:twocents: I think she could be here now, but not back in December....I'm only basing this on the idea that people with bipolar disorders often have cycles.

Mixed affective episode
Main article: Mixed state (psychiatry)
In the context of bipolar disorder, a mixed state is a condition during which symptoms of mania and clinical depression occur simultaneously (for example, agitation, anxiety, aggressiveness or belligerence, confusion, fatigue, impulsiveness, insomnia, irritability, morbid and/or suicidal ideation, panic, paranoia, persecutory delusions, pressured speech, racing thoughts, restlessness, and rage).[11]
:twocents:, spend it wisely...I am not a psychiatrist...

I don't think she would have to be schizophrenic to be paranoid, delusional and exhibit many of the symptoms we are observing 2nd hand. If LM and her family think she may be bipolar, then I think they probably have a pretty good idea why they believe that. I personally think they are right on in that idea. My understanding is that it can be very difficult to diagnose. I see her running off with Gabe, having a messy room (representing to me her scattered thoughts), and running around SA (based on the sightings) as her being a bit manic. I don't doubt she had depressive symptoms at that time as well, but I don't see her demeanor after 2 1/2 months in her cell as a definite sign she was exactly like that in SA. I think, like bipolars often do, she is cycling, and what we see now is the bottom of her current cycle. Paranoia, anxiety, rage. I think there may be reasons she is fearful to leave her cell, and some of those may be reality, and others are part of her delusional thinking. I really hope she is getting treatment. I don't know one way or the other if she is, but I hope she is. This is all MOO of course. I think she is mentally deteriorating in her cell, and not necessarily in the same frame of mind as she was in SA. I think if she were raging in SA, there would be a destroyed hotel room (do we know if this happened?). I am linking to wikepedia because I think it is very easy to read and understand at a glance.

:twocents: I think she could be here now, but not back in December....I'm only basing this on the idea that people with bipolar disorders often have cycles.

I think you're right on target kissdegirl. The paranoia is quite pronounced in her right now. I think she is Bipolar with Borderline PD. I would love to read the letter she wrote to the Judge.
I think you're right on target kissdegirl. The paranoia is quite pronounced in her right now. I think she is Bipolar with Borderline PD. I would love to read the letter she wrote to the Judge.

Thanks DB. I would also love to read anything she has written recently, and I believe it would be very insightful. I wonder why the judge granted her request not to appear until her trial? I wonder what she may have written...
Wow, at least Gabriel wasn't there. I wonder where the blood came from unles I missed something. (holding eyes open with toothpicks)

No, I know! Sounds like they never found the source of the blood, doesn't it. I was glad Gabe wasn't there for that too.
No, I know! Sounds like they never found the source of the blood, doesn't it. I was glad Gabe wasn't there for that too.

At the top of the report it shows she was on prozac. Also notice the jewelry - rust earrings and 1 white ring - clr stones.
Wow! I knew about this incident, but had not seen this report before. It certainly paints a picture of the rage and violence EJ is capable of. The reports of her screaming at someone (who apparently wasn't there) makes me lean back towards the schitzophrenia possibility. Picturing this in my mind suddenly made me more concerned for Gabe's well-being. The way she destoyed Logan's property -- what if his calls requesting her to return Gabe made her snap and "destroy his property". I don't know why, but I feel really sick after reading this.
I wonder if she accidentally cut herself, or if she's a cutter.

It certainly is interesting to say the least that she was screaming 'get away from me' and 'leave me alone' when nobody was in the apartment with her. Maybe screaming at the dog?

And now it's public the medication she was on - Prozac. I wonder if that contributed to her violence.
Wow, at least Gabriel wasn't there. I wonder where the blood came from unles I missed something. (holding eyes open with toothpicks)

I think the report stated it was from the dog's paw :(

eta It said it was tracked from the dog's paw. I am still guessing it's from the dog, maybe the bottom of it's foot.
Wouldn't LE be obligated to call Animal Cruelty in that case?

I would hope so. They didn't really seem concerned about finding out where it came from.
Also, in the report it states that she was yelling that she didn't do anything wrong. Really shows how disturbed she is.
Near the top of the document on the very first page, left side of document, look at the section called 'Complaints/Evidence of Illness/Injury'. The check box for 'Yes' is checked, and a note written 'Wrists Hurt'. Also the check box for treatment being refused is checked.

And speaking of 'refused', look across the whole top of the document at the number of items of information she refused to provide.

Also of note is that when the 2nd officer arrives, the 1st officer has her in handcuffs in the parking lot, and she is yelling that she did not do anything wrong. Sort of goes along with her hearing on kidnapping Gabe when the prosecutor details the basic facts of the case, and Elizabeth states several times that everything the prosecutor said was 'completely false'.
I think the report stated it was from the dog's paw :(

eta It said it was tracked from the dog's paw. I am still guessing it's from the dog, maybe the bottom of it's foot.

More than likely the dog stepped on the broken glass or broken mirror and cut his paw.
So, if her wrists were "hurt", then I would take the dog comment as he simply tracked the blood, but not that he was cut? The statement says the landlord checked the dog for injuries but found none.
I've read through this thread a number of times when I could today...There are a few entries where it has been said "relatives"...said so and so...I thought she had no other relatives other than GF,GM,Bro,Logan, her and baby Gabriel ????

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