Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

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I think she sprayed them with windex, so she wouldn't have to be "out" with them, KWIM? I too think she was being taunted or's prison and you're there because your child is missing, and you are the reason why. It's not a luxury cruise, and I think she's had enough. Fortunately for us all, she can attempt to starve herself, but at the moment she becomes weak they will treat her and keep her alive. And TPN (IV food) is no sweet treat either. I don't see her as having halucinations. That food sounds disgusting. I don't doubt they use the rotten/near rotten fruits in it, and maybe there was a weavel in the first one they gave her, so she's disgusted and can't bring herself to eat any of it. MOO.

I was thinking this too Kiss. There could of been bugs in the bread, that's very possible especially if it had been sitting in a cabinet somewhere. I doubt the vegetables were rotton but I'm sure it wasn't a treat to eat. I don't know why she would even have access to Windex. Now throwing feces/ explanation. Sick..
Her mother is really the only one she seems to care about other than herself, so I think she is the "us". She took her mother's picture with her on the run, she wrote of her while drinking in SA, and now she references her again in her "despair", IMO.

She cares about her grandmother too.

I don't want an autopsy, I do not wish to donate any organs/body parts. That is against my religion.

Is she Catholic? Has anyone heard anything about her being religious at all? I know she met TS at a church to pick up Gabe but that wasn't her church, right? Does EJ belong to church? We probably covered this early on but I can't remember.

[B] I wish my grandmother be contacted [phone number] only. I wish to be cremated right away, put in a box not an urn and brought to mass to be buried above my mother's grave. I know my grandmother Sylvia [last name] will arrange this for me. [/B]

What happened to only talking to her brother? I guess he's on her s list too now.
I hate to say it but, I'm with Elizabeth on the food issue. I do believe this is cruel and unusual punishment. Although a judge feels otherwise, doesn't mean its so. Please be nice to me. MOO
And I do believe she has a severe personality disorder, not insanity.
I hate to say it but, I'm with Elizabeth on the food issue. I do believe this is cruel and unusual punishment. Although a judge feels otherwise, doesn't mean its so. Please be nice to me. MOO
And I do believe she has a severe personality disorder, not insanity.

I agree with you. I could not imagine eating something like that. I think Elizabeth has a hard time connecting actions with consequences. She had a choice not to act out and then she wouldn't be forced to eat the food. She had a choice to give Gabriel to Logan and she wouldn't be in jail right now. She wants what she wants and acts very impulsively and then when she has to suffer the consequences she flips out. I, too, think she has a personality disorder and is not insane.
Anyone know how the psych hospitals for inmates work? Is anything she says there confidential, or because she is a prisoner, do they have any obligation to tell LE what she says? TIA.

So, according to Sheriff Joe, EJ had refused to eat for a week prior to the assault on her fellow inmates with spray cleaner in their eyes. Is this more evidence of her determination and mindset. Once she set her mind to something, she won't budge? Interesting.
He said Johnson also wrote that she doesn't want to donate her organs and that she wants to be cremated and buried next to her mother's grave.

That prompted her jailers to place her in the psychiatric unit on Saturday to be evaluated. She remained in the unit Monday and was being fed normal jail food.

"She was a model inmate, but evidently maybe the jail conditions have gotten to her," said Arpaio, who calls himself America's toughest sheriff.

"I don't know what her agenda is," Arpaio said. "Maybe her conscience has gotten to her, but she sure doesn't like being incarcerated in our jail."

So there is someone who Elizabeth cares about.

From the same article it appears the assault was on:

two female inmates by spraying them (in the eyes) with window cleaner on Thursday. They were not injured.

She remained in the unit Monday and was being fed normal jail food.

I definitely think the psych eval has been long warranted and is desperately needed.

I have done a lot of thinking about this development and the "Will". I am not sure that the will wasn't anything more than a manipulative way to escape eating the "Nutra-loaf" and an attempt to establish a documented psychiatric defense on her terms.

I sure she thought the "Nutra-loaf" punishment was waaaaaay severe for (in her mind) "spraying a little Windex at somebody". Remember after she destroyed their apartment EJ told police she had done nothing wrong...

Don't get me wrong, I by no means am saying Ej is not a certified psych case. She clearly is, and this deal with the will may be as it seems.

Deep in my gut I think EJ has gotten wind of the developments with LM and the PI, and she is seeing the endgame on the near horizon. When LM gets Gabriel, the game is over.

Now she is in the Psych Unit eating decent food taking tests and talking to Social Workers/Shrinks. Something she has done many times in the past as a Foster kid. I smell manipulation. MOO.
LM has said before that when she is stressed, she doesn't eat. 7 days is long, but she also is not having much activity. She is trying to manipulate anyone to her advantage.
Elizabeth didn't mention Gabe in her 'will'. All about her.

My Advanced Directive & Will (dated 4/9/2010)

I am writing my advanced directive and will because I am incarcerated in Estrella jail and they are starving me and serving rotten food with worms in it. I haven't eaten in over 7 days and barely can write this. The water… makes us sick. I feel they will let me starve to death rather than feeding me safe, edible food. I don't want an autopsy, I do not wish to donate any organs/body parts. That is against my religion. I wish my grandmother be contacted [phone number] only. I wish to be cremated right away, put in a box not an urn and brought to mass to be buried above my mother's grave. I know my grandmother Sylvia [last name] will arrange this for me. White lilies for me is all. I don't think I'll have time to have my lawyer notarize this because I am starving and so weak and dehydrated so I will put a tank order in for a notary. I love you Marzzy. I am sorry be happy for us.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Johnson

Word counts:
I + me + my: 26
You: 01
He + him + Gabe + Gabriel + baby + child + son: 00
She + her: 00
I love you Marzzy. I am sorry be happy for us.

She wouldn't call Gabriel, Marzzy right? "I am sorry be happy for us"-that would not be good if Marzzy is a code name for Gabriel and she's talking about dying. Please let that be a name she calls her grandma-but where did Marzzy come from? Questions for Family?
I love you Marzzy. I am sorry be happy for us.

She wouldn't call Gabriel, Marzzy right? "I am sorry be happy for us"-that would not be good if Marzzy is a code name for Gabriel and she's talking about dying. Please let that be a name she calls her grandma-but where did Marzzy come from? Questions for Family?

Marzzy is what she calls her gramma
WHo is us thought on "the water is making us sick" and "be happy for us". Not trying to start anything, but I wonder if she needs a preggo test. But, I can't see her attaching any child to herself, so that may be far fetched. She could just be talking about the other inmates on the water issue.
Elizabeth didn't mention Gabe in her 'will'. All about her.

My Advanced Directive & Will (dated 4/9/2010)

I am writing my advanced directive and will because I am incarcerated in Estrella jail and they are starving me and serving rotten food with worms in it. I haven't eaten in over 7 days and barely can write this. The water… makes us sick. I feel they will let me starve to death rather than feeding me safe, edible food. I don't want an autopsy, I do not wish to donate any organs/body parts. That is against my religion. I wish my grandmother be contacted [phone number] only. I wish to be cremated right away, put in a box not an urn and brought to mass to be buried above my mother's grave. I know my grandmother Sylvia [last name] will arrange this for me. White lilies for me is all. I don't think I'll have time to have my lawyer notarize this because I am starving and so weak and dehydrated so I will put a tank order in for a notary. I love you Marzzy. I am sorry be happy for us.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Johnson

Word counts:
I + me + my: 26
You: 01
He + him + Gabe + Gabriel + baby + child + son: 00
She + her: 00

This is really sad. Like he doesn't even exist and never did.
Elizabeth has a documented history of physical violent for most of her life. It definitely didn't just start in jail. It takes very little - and even nothing outward - to set her off. There's a police report up in the top of Gabe's forum in the Important Links thread in which it's reported that she was in her apartment seemingly screaming and yelling at someone however there was no one there. An example of her needing no external influence to become enraged. She seems to have very deep seated problems.

I had read the police report you mentioned, and my understanding was that she was yelling at Logan over the phone, which would explain why it sounded like there was no one there. In that police report, Logan stated that Elizabeth called him on his cell phone while he was at work, and an argument ensued after she accused him of cheating on her. Therefore, I do not believe she was hallucinating, although she was obviously not thinking rationally. She did in fact have some external influence, or at least she perceived that she did. I know someone posted something previously about the possibility of Elizabeth having Borderline Personality Disorder. The behavior that is described in this report, in conjunction with all the other information we have about Elizabeth’s history makes this disorder, in my opinion, a good diagnostic possibility for her. This disorder tends to be more prevalent in women, especially those who have experienced childhood trauma, which we know Elizabeth has. It is characterized by unstable relationships, an irrational fear of abandonment and betrayal (which could account for the accusations and subsequent outburst described in the police report), intense moods, attention-seeking and manipulative behavior (which would account for the will she drafted), the inability to control emotions, and impulsivity. In my opinion, EJ meets all the aforementioned criteria. BPD is also highly comorbid with mood disorders, such as Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder, so it is likely a psychiatric evaluation would also lead to an Axis I diagnosis alongside the Axis II diagnosis of BPD.
I had read the police report you mentioned, and my understanding was that she was yelling at Logan over the phone, which would explain why it sounded like there was no one there. In that police report, Logan stated that Elizabeth called him on his cell phone while he was at work, and an argument ensued after she accused him of cheating on her. Therefore, I do not believe she was hallucinating, although she was obviously not thinking rationally. She did in fact have some external influence, or at least she perceived that she did. I know someone posted something previously about the possibility of Elizabeth having Borderline Personality Disorder. The behavior that is described in this report, in conjunction with all the other information we have about Elizabeth’s history makes this disorder, in my opinion, a good diagnostic possibility for her. This disorder tends to be more prevalent in women, especially those who have experienced childhood trauma, which we know Elizabeth has. It is characterized by unstable relationships, an irrational fear of abandonment and betrayal (which could account for the accusations and subsequent outburst described in the police report), intense moods, attention-seeking and manipulative behavior (which would account for the will she drafted), the inability to control emotions, and impulsivity. In my opinion, EJ meets all the aforementioned criteria. BPD is also highly comorbid with mood disorders, such as Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder, so it is likely a psychiatric evaluation would also lead to an Axis I diagnosis alongside the Axis II diagnosis of BPD.

Although it could be of course, this doesn't sound to me like someone yelling at a person on the phone, in particular the latter:
I asked him what she was saying. He stated she was yelling things such as, "Leave me alone" and "Get away from me".
It's interesting she believes donating her organs to save somebody's life is against her religion, but giving her son away to strangers, not knowing what will happen to him, isn't. Is this the "Narcissism Religion"?

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