Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

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Elizabeth said that her bread, or the loaf of bread that they fed her had rotten vegetables and worms inside. So that makes me thinks she's under some delusion, not in touch with reality. And it makes me if wonder then if she saw Gabe as some evil baby, or saw Logan in the baby, or something to that effect. She was off of her meds, so having delusion thoughts combined with the hatred and ill will towards Logan may have resulted in poor Gabe's fate. And I wonder too if her suicidal thoughts are the result of guilt. What transpired with her in jail, assaulting the inmates and getting punished further reinforces my conclusion that Gabe was not handed off. She so entirely miserable in jail that IF she handed him off, she would beg and plead with third party to bring him back so she could get her butt out of jail. But since no real third party exists, she sits in jail, in misery and with bad food as punishment. IF Gabe was alive, she'd turn him over in a heartbeat to be out of jail...

About the food in Sheriff Joes jail....most of it is donated from local food agencies. Basically what is donated can't be sold so it then goes to the jail. I have heard the same things about the rotten veggie's from others so I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I was also told the fruit the inmates get with their lunch bags is pretty much the best thing that's served. The inmates are served 2 meals a day. Because Sheriff Joe is required to feed them so many calories a day, he came up with a concoction and formed into a loaf. The inmates actually have a name for it but I forget what it is.

So with all that said, IMO, I don't think EJ is delusional at all. I do think she has major issues just not delusional.
Handwriting Specialist Analyzes Inmate's Will


Notes on handwriting analysis

very emotionally stunted young woman

emotionally starved person

someone abused, emotionally neglected, undeveloped, like an adolescent

fear, anger, severe insecurities, fear of abandonment, strong desire for security and safety

trouble maintaining control of emotions

'i am sorry' she says sorry but isn't

where talks about her own funeral arrangements
giving instructions in code for child's funeral, not her own

thinks only of herself
may have been necessity when she was young
but now she's an adult and still acting like a child


My Advanced Directive & Will (dated 4/9/2010)

I am writing my advanced directive and will because I am incarcerated in Estrella jail and they are starving me and serving rotten food with worms in it. I haven't eaten in over 7 days and barely can write this. The water… makes us sick. I feel they will let me starve to death rather than feeding me safe, edible food. I don't want an autopsy, I do not wish to donate any organs/body parts. That is against my religion. I wish my grandmother be contacted [phone number] only. I wish to be cremated right away, put in a box not an urn and brought to mass to be buried above my mother's grave. I know my grandmother Sylvia [last name] will arrange this for me. White lilies for me is all. I don't think I'll have time to have my lawyer notarize this because I am starving and so weak and dehydrated so I will put a tank order in for a notary. I love you Marzzy. I am sorry be happy for us.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Johnson
where talks about her own funeral arrangements
giving instructions in code for child's funeral, not her own

How in the world can he know this by reading her handwriting??? I mean I understand seeing emotional distress but how did it pull this out of her handwriting?
where talks about her own funeral arrangements
giving instructions in code for child's funeral, not her own

How in the world can he know this by reading her handwriting??? I mean I understand seeing emotional distress but how did it pull this out of her handwriting?

Wow...sounds like something I posted the other day about where to look for Gabriel...I have goosebumps.

ETA: Here's a link to that post
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Theories: How Would Elizabeth have killed Gabe?[/ame]
where talks about her own funeral arrangements
giving instructions in code for child's funeral, not her own

How in the world can he know this by reading her handwriting??? I mean I understand seeing emotional distress but how did it pull this out of her handwriting?

I wonder if maybe he means she's thinking about Gabe's funeral or death? Symbolically? I don't know. I wish he'd said more about it.
But the stories of things people do that don't make sense are everywhere and often, if they were treated that way, they have a harder time distinguishing that it is inapproppriate. Think child molestation victims that become molesters, think abuse victims that become abusers, abandoned children that never bond with their own children. If no one ever effectively bonded with EJ or since she was handed off to strangers often, she may not truly comprehend that something we see as wrong was basically sanctioned by the courts when it was she and her brother who were being placed. I guess I'm just saying it seems possible to me that smart people do actually dostupid things.
where talks about her own funeral arrangements
giving instructions in code for child's funeral, not her own

How in the world can he know this by reading her handwriting??? I mean I understand seeing emotional distress but how did it pull this out of her handwriting?

I think he pulled it out of somewhere, but it wasn't her handwriting. He goes from saying that she is selfish and thinks only of herself to saying she's talking in code about her child's funeral....I don't think so. She is selfish and thinking only of herself. She's being dramatic and feeling sorry for herself. She isn't talking about Gabriel.
I think he pulled it out of somewhere, but it wasn't her handwriting. He goes from saying that she is selfish and thinks only of herself to saying she's talking in code about her child's funeral....I don't think so. She is selfish and thinking only of herself. She's being dramatic and feeling sorry for herself. She isn't talking about Gabriel.

I agree, it is all about her. He states "This is a person who only thinks of herself and that might have been a necessity when she was very young to protect herself but now she's an adult and she is still acting like a child."
I think he pulled it out of somewhere, but it wasn't her handwriting. He goes from saying that she is selfish and thinks only of herself to saying she's talking in code about her child's funeral....I don't think so. She is selfish and thinking only of herself. She's being dramatic and feeling sorry for herself. She isn't talking about Gabriel.

I agree, I don't think she cares what happens to Gabriel if he is no longer with us or even if he is alive. She's so self absorbed no one of meaning exists in her world or matters but herself. :furious:
Devil's Advocate here please don't flame me. BeanE and you long timers here know where I stand on this case.

Perhaps she is acting as if the Gabriel chapter in her life is closed because she believes he is safe and will never be found, therefore no need to mention him.
Devil's Advocate here please don't flame me. BeanE and you long timers here know where I stand on this case.

Perhaps she is acting as if the Gabriel chapter in her life is closed because she believes he is safe and will never be found, therefore no need to mention him.

I won't flame ya :) The only thing is that she's been told enough times by enough people now that he couldn't possibly be safe because he's with strangers.
snipped from Jailhouse interview with EJ & TS:

Reporter: Does this sound normal in your mind? For a mom to hand over their baby to people that they don't know just because they were...
EJ: Yeah. I did it before, and no one had a problem with it. Everyone commended me and thought I did such a great thing.

If she still thinks this way-then she may just think he's fine with the couple and not worrying at all about him. I just think she doesn't care and if she did hand him over to a random couple she thinks of it this way so she can somehow live with herself.
I won't flame ya :) The only thing is that she's been told enough times by enough people now that he couldn't possibly be safe because he's with strangers.

Once again Satanic Solicitor here: To EJ, those people who said he's in "stranger danger", are the evil plotters who want to ruin her "plan". Once you disagree with her, you're on the list.
snipped from Jailhouse interview with EJ & TS:

Reporter: Does this sound normal in your mind? For a mom to hand over their baby to people that they don't know just because they were...
EJ: Yeah. I did it before, and no one had a problem with it. Everyone commended me and thought I did such a great thing.

If she still thinks this way-then she may just think he's fine with the couple and not worrying at all about him. I just think she doesn't care and if she did hand him over to a random couple she thinks of it this way so she can somehow live with herself.

When EJ reported Logan had kidnapped Gabriel, and then Gabriel was actually found with the Smiths, who she barely knew, and it was judged (by LE or by CPS???) that they were the appropriate people to keep him temporarily (?!?), I believe this event reinforced EJ's perception that "she's done it before and been commended for it". It is classic narcissistic response to perceive it as COMMENDABLE, even if those words were never used or meant.
But the stories of things people do that don't make sense are everywhere and often, if they were treated that way, they have a harder time distinguishing that it is inapproppriate. Think child molestation victims that become molesters, think abuse victims that become abusers, abandoned children that never bond with their own children. If no one ever effectively bonded with EJ or since she was handed off to strangers often, she may not truly comprehend that something we see as wrong was basically sanctioned by the courts when it was she and her brother who were being placed. I guess I'm just saying it seems possible to me that smart people do actually do stupid things.

I agree she may have developed some sort of bonding disorder - that came from being raised by addicted parents, foster care and too late gparents - who may have been too old to keep up with a child who was damaged by life. But to say this gives her an "excuse" for what she did is not fair to all the other children who rise above much worse.

While the people she lived with - may have been strangers to her, she would have had a case worker who knew where she was and foster parents who were known to the state. That doesn't always mean squat - as some foster parents are worse than the parents who the child was taken from - but many more are good decent people who take in children who have been through too much, too soon and they nurture and love them like their own.

If she handed her son over to virtual strangers - she would have no idea if they were raising him or if they were giving (selling) him to some other strangers to raise or if the people were fit to be parents.. She called his father to say she murdered him and stuffed his body in a bag that she put in the garbage. When smart people (and not so smart people) do really stupid things - most often it is on the spur of the moment, acting out in rage or other strong emotion.

This is all about EJ - it required time and planning. It reeks of cruelty and selfishness. This was a great big "F - you."
Once again Satanic Solicitor here: To EJ, those people who said he's in "stranger danger", are the evil plotters who want to ruin her "plan". Once you disagree with her, you're on the list.

She seems to cut people out of her life if they don't agree with her or ask her for details about Gabriel. She was talking to her grandfather-now he's out, then she would only speak to her brother and no mention of him at all in her "will", just the grandmother. She's running out of family members. If grandma upsets her who's she gonna call??

The lack of information re: foster care is a real problem for me in completing an accurate profile. We know she came out of foster care at the age of 12. When she went in is the question, for she had five different placements during her time in FC. IF she went in at the age of 3 that is a placement every 1.8 months, if she went in at age of 7 that's a different placement every year or less and could have indicated a severe problem. This has been a sticking point for me. Plus bonding of any type with this history is practically out of the question.

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