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S.T.A.L.K., Inc. updated their profile of the LI perp on March 3, 2012. Here is the link for those interested in viewing it:

S.T.A.L.K., INC.
Long Island, NY Serial Killer (Partial Profile)
Direct link to profile:

Interesting, that they now also go the way of a stalker profile. And well, since JK from S.T.A.L.K had direct access to the casefile of AC, we can probably give a little trust in his claim LISK isn't the AC-killer. Well, given the different behavior over time, it would be hard to believe anyway.
Interesting, that they now also go the way of a stalker profile. And well, since JK from S.T.A.L.K had direct access to the casefile of AC, we can probably give a little trust in his claim LISK isn't the AC-killer. Well, given the different behavior over time, it would be hard to believe anyway.

LOL! <modsnip>

Did you read the new Newsday article about there being more than one killer of the Gilgo Beach murders?
He's probably doing a lot of drinking, mixing it with prescribed tranquilizers to get even more goofed up, making obscene phone calls, and meeting prostitutes to plan out the next victims. Just what he seemed to be doing before the bodies were found. The calls received by family members said the person sounded drunk, like an older man, and he obviously enjoys taunting almost as much as actually killing. There may even be another dump site that he is afraid will be discovered.
I'm wondering if he hasn't switched his MO to killing woman and then setting them on fire inside their vehicle. There was another case of a Middle Beach woman (Lauren Fontana, 45) found at Short Beach, burnt beyond recognition, inside her flaming vehicle. This occurred within the last three days. It was broad daylight 11:54 or 11:55 AM and the car was parked right next to the children's play area.

Within the last two or three months, there has been at least one other case such as this one. Some have even wondered if the bodies of missing woman found murdered in burning vehicles (was it Detroit) might have been the LISK on a road trip.

If he did switch MOs then he is probably spiraling out of control.

Inspctr, this woman comes from the same town as your recent POI's wife once lived and sold her home in 2001.
After reading a news article about the recent conviction (after years of legal battle and an over-turned conviction... and spanning several states, including Maryland & NY) of a sex-trafficker/sexual sadist, I have to wonder how many commonalities this convict shares with the LISK (sans the killing, of course!) ?
He's probably doing a lot of drinking, mixing it with prescribed tranquilizers to get even more goofed up, making obscene phone calls, and meeting prostitutes to plan out the next victims. Just what he seemed to be doing before the bodies were found. The calls received by family members said the person sounded drunk, like an older man, and he obviously enjoys taunting almost as much as actually killing. There may even be another dump site that he is afraid will be discovered.

Oh, there is for sure at least one but probably several dumpsites for LISK. He travles, I think for construction jobs, which explains why all the murders really connected to him happened June-September, the main construction time for some parts on the East coast.
And yes, nothing easier than sounding like a drunk older guy. But harder to hide, that all you say is precise and on the point to cause maximized pain and domination. Which of course would be impossible for someone goofed up by tranquilizers.
I'm wondering if he hasn't switched his MO to killing woman and then setting them on fire inside their vehicle. There was another case of a Middle Beach woman (Lauren Fontana, 45) found at Short Beach, burnt beyond recognition, inside her flaming vehicle. This occurred within the last three days. It was broad daylight 11:54 or 11:55 AM and the car was parked right next to the children's play area.

Within the last two or three months, there has been at least one other case such as this one. Some have even wondered if the bodies of missing woman found murdered in burning vehicles (was it Detroit) might have been the LISK on a road trip.

If he did switch MOs then he is probably spiraling out of control.

Inspctr, this woman comes from the same town as your recent POI's wife once lived and sold her home in 2001.

Well, except for the entirely different victimology, the botched timing, the different psychopathology and the almost absolute impossibility of changing a strangler in a fire freak (because stranglers develop from sadist and/or anger assault rapist derivates, fire freaks from arsonists) ... well except all of that, why not work this angle too?
After reading a news article about the recent conviction (after years of legal battle and an over-turned conviction... and spanning several states, including Maryland & NY) of a sex-trafficker/sexual sadist, I have to wonder how many commonalities this convict shares with the LISK (sans the killing, of course!) ?

It would be easier to answer, if you can say, which case you're talking about. Thanks!

I see. I've read about it a while ago and forgt again.
Well, technically, he is a sadist/psychopath what I call usually the 101 type. Kind of dominance seeking looser who additionally to his paraphilia, SDM accordinf to DSM-III but not included in DSM-IV basically draws his self-esteem from controlling those women in every aspect of life. Well, kind of garden variety 60% psychopath, or may 70%.
What LISK is, and even more what Manorville is, is subject to some hefty struggle here. In my opinion, Maborville has a lot more in common with this Marcus guy than LISK because as I profiled LISK, he is rather in the mission-driven category, while Manorville displays psychopathic and sadistic behavior on the top. So, in a way, Manorville looks like an extremer version of Marcus, only he kills them instead of keeping them. Which probably is not entirely correct, he keeps probably parts of them.
STALK, Inc. updated their profile of the LI perp on 3.18.12 to include the following:

"The Loser"
"From what we understand, this loser has made a number of mistakes in the murders of his victims, that will come back to haunt him. As we post this comment law-enforcement is getting closer to catching this DUMMY. This killer of women and children."

S.T.A.L.K., INC.,
Long Island, NY Serial Killer (Partial Profile)
STALK, Inc. updated their profile of the LI perp on 3.18.12 to include the following:

"The Loser"
"From what we understand, this loser has made a number of mistakes in the murders of his victims, that will come back to haunt him. As we post this comment law-enforcement is getting closer to catching this DUMMY. This killer of women and children."

S.T.A.L.K., INC.,
Long Island, NY Serial Killer (Partial Profile)

I hope they're right!
STALK, Inc. updated their profile of the LI perp on 3.18.12 to include the following:

"The Loser"
"From what we understand, this loser has made a number of mistakes in the murders of his victims, that will come back to haunt him. As we post this comment law-enforcement is getting closer to catching this DUMMY. This killer of women and children."

S.T.A.L.K., INC.,
Long Island, NY Serial Killer (Partial Profile)

Interesting. They're really provoking him, aren't they? Calling him out in front of everybody like that. And if I was in his shoes I wouldn't be too thrilled with the comment about law enforcement closing in either. Wonder how he enjoys being on the receiving end of being bullied.
STALK, Inc. updated their profile of the LI perp on 3.18.12 to include the following:

"The Loser"
"From what we understand, this loser has made a number of mistakes in the murders of his victims, that will come back to haunt him. As we post this comment law-enforcement is getting closer to catching this DUMMY. This killer of women and children."

S.T.A.L.K., INC.,
Long Island, NY Serial Killer (Partial Profile)

Wow, now S.T.A.L.K tries to play in his arrogance? That is really a little disappointing.
Interesting. They're really provoking him, aren't they? Calling him out in front of everybody like that. And if I was in his shoes I wouldn't be too thrilled with the comment about law enforcement closing in either. Wonder how he enjoys being on the receiving end of being bullied.

He sees the desperate attempt of someone, who has virtually nothing in his hands. And after he is done laughing, he will do what he currently does, which probably has nothing to do with murder. Because his personal hunting season starts only mid of May on the East Coast. So S.T.A.L.K probably made a real mistake there.
He sees the desperate attempt of someone, who has virtually nothing in his hands. And after he is done laughing, he will do what he currently does, which probably has nothing to do with murder. Because his personal hunting season starts only mid of May on the East Coast. So S.T.A.L.K probably made a real mistake there.

I dunno, something tells me the updated profile had the desired effect.

Interesting. They're really provoking him, aren't they? Calling him out in front of everybody like that. And if I was in his shoes I wouldn't be too thrilled with the comment about law enforcement closing in either. Wonder how he enjoys being on the receiving end of being bullied.

I have a feeling that whatever it is he's feeling now (not good I would think), it's gonna get a whole lot worse with each passing day.

STALK, Inc. updated their profile rather quickly. The previous one was only 2 weeks ago (the day after The Radio Show). They don't usually update their profile that quickly.

Somethings happening, IMO.

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