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Can anyone explain why the prosecution cannot bring up the big fight that supposedly occurred between ICA and CA on the night of June 15th?

I have read in another post that the Anthonys denied under oath that it occurred (when was that?) and that bringing this up now would impeach them?

Can anyone explain would that would mean for the case against ICA?


in my humble opinion. Im really not sure that fight ever happened
It I belive was told to Lee by casey.... so to me.. that just says.
Nope didnt happen..
Welcome tvjunkie! To my recollection....kc did not have access to TL's jeep until closer to the 4th of July - when he had flown home to NY.....acandyrose has an excellent calendar - as does WS - in the upper part of the kc forum there is a link to a very detailed calendar outline.... hope that helps. You can read TL's testimony for the exact dates she had access - or you can view the testimony itself....Again in the top of the kc forum on WS - there is a thread with witness testimony....glad you found us.

After I saw Wendy Murphy on a few tv shows saying this exact same thing I went and looked it up. There IS apparently one report of Casey driving the Jeep Cherokee on the evening of the 17th of June. It is talked about on ACandyRose Timeline. I think this incident is what WM is alluding to.
I haven't really followed the Casey Anthony case that closely (there's not been any exposure in Australia). A little while back I decided to go through the WS posts and become familiar. My first thoughts were 'maybe she didn't do it'. I guess because the evidence was so blatantly obvious that I can't understand how a person could deny murdering their own child for that long :waitasec: Surely they would 'crack' at some point.

The deal breaker for me was watching a couple of the FBI interviews with Casey on You Tube. My husband and I were theorising last night .... if it were us and our child had been taken I can hardly imagine having such a calm disposition. I can imagine I would be frustrated and upset during the interrogation - like 'please, I can't do this right now, I need to get out there and find my child'. Here was Casey fixing her hair, day dreaming, engaging in random chatter ... it was truly astonishing.

Okay, my question as a 'newbie'. Did Casey's mobile phone (cell phone) 'ping' near the area where Caylee was found?

Also, how long will the court case run for?
Is Kiomarie going to be a witness for prosecution and/or defense, and is she a significant source of the details that Casey used for the Zenaida story?
Okay, my question as a 'newbie'. Did Casey's mobile phone (cell phone) 'ping' near the area where Caylee was found?

The beeline distance from the Anthony house to the dump site is only about 1125 feet. I think (but am not certain) that the ping location for the house and the remains site would be the same.
Ok I am trying to search and I am not finding anything...

Caylee's shirt in the pictures said "Big Trouble comes in Small Packages".

But the only letters found spell Big Trouble comes Small - at least that is what is in evidence.... did they find the "in" and "packages"?
I was just going over the acandyrose timeline for this case and noticed that there are indeed text messages on June 16 between KC and TL. I have never been able to find a transcript of those messages.

Did those messages come out in the trial? (from that day) Have the messages from that day ever been released and I just missed them? TIA
Bumping because the questions are four pages in now... please answer if you can.. thanks
Anyone know if it is confirmed that George went to work on June 16 after the accidental drowning? Yeah right, we all believe that. Just curious if the cell phone records for George and Cindy have been released or the cell phone pings for both. I do not think either were involved but since the DT is determined to put blame on George, just curious where he was that afternoon.
I just saw photos of the gas cans, there is only a little grey piece of duck tape on each can... Who would of just put a piece of duck tape on a gas can? What would be the reason for that? It seems odd that someone would ever put duck tape on the cans. Do you think George did that to let Casey know he was on to her or what's the deal with the duck tape on the gas cans?
I just saw photos of the gas cans, there is only a little grey piece of duck tape on each can... Who would of just put a piece of duck tape on a gas can? What would be the reason for that? It seems odd that someone would ever put duck tape on the cans. Do you think George did that to let Casey know he was on to her or what's the deal with the duck tape on the gas cans?

The small plastic vent cap broke and George put the Henkel duct tape on the hole to contain the fumes.
I hope I can ask a general WS question here. Can someone tell me if there is a way to pick up where I left off in a forum? I come to the casey anthony sidebar discussion forum alot, but it is time consuming to figure out which post I read last. I wind up going to the last page, and then paging backwards until I find my place. Sorry, but I am not very computer savvy and am still trying to figure out how to navigate around in these forums! Thanks!
I hope I can ask a general WS question here. Can someone tell me if there is a way to pick up where I left off in a forum? I come to the casey anthony sidebar discussion forum alot, but it is time consuming to figure out which post I read last. I wind up going to the last page, and then paging backwards until I find my place. Sorry, but I am not very computer savvy and am still trying to figure out how to navigate around in these forums! Thanks!

I understand your problem, believe me! lol Especially when the forum is jumping and the threads are flying pretty fast.

There is no real short-cut but I will tell you what I do sometimes that helps me. I will go to my profile and click on the "Statistics" tab. If you remember that you posted on that thread or "thanked" someone else's post, you can scroll down and click on "see all posts by skbsoccermom" or "see all posts thanked by skbsoccermom". At least that gets you in the general vinicity of where you may have left off reading. Sometimes it works better, others times not as much depending on if you have posted or "thanked" one in the thread.

By the way, it is nice to have you join us! I have enjoyed your posts. :welcome:
I hope I can ask a general WS question here. Can someone tell me if there is a way to pick up where I left off in a forum? I come to the casey anthony sidebar discussion forum alot, but it is time consuming to figure out which post I read last. I wind up going to the last page, and then paging backwards until I find my place. Sorry, but I am not very computer savvy and am still trying to figure out how to navigate around in these forums! Thanks!
BBM (Bolded By Me)

Hi there!

Threads with new posts (or threads that have yet to be read), have a small light blue square with a white 'v' shape directly in front of the thread title when you look at the forum page where all of the threads are listed. If you click on that square it will take you to the first unread post on that thread. Also, within each thread directly preceeding the date of the post is a small square. Posts that you've read previously will have a blue square, posts that are unread (new) will have a gold-yellow-orange square.

Hope this helps!

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