Q&A for the Levi Page Show

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Levi, many times here we have tried to sleuth Orlando T., friend of Ron's who was in all of the very early video's. He is a black man, and we have only heard a rumor that he and Ron had a dispute while Ron was still living in the tent, and nobody has reported seeing him since. In some of the pictures that have been released, we have seen pics of Haleigh with Orlando's kids at a beach. It seems strange a close friend would not stay beside you at a time like this.
Levi, I always enjoy your show and appreciate the wonderful job you do reporting of Haleigh's case. The A/C man is of particular interest to many of us. While he's likely to be a key witness and has probably been instructed not to talk to the media, I wonder if you've attempted to locate and question him or his employer. At the very least, I would like to know if a service call at 202 Green Lane was completed on February 9th.
I am curious to know if Misty and/or Tommy have been made aware of today's (5/13) developments in Ron's possible plea deal?
I noticed that Levi is covering the Haleigh case tonight but didn't see a post on here about it.
CathyinTexas Levi usually drops in sometime during the day to post his thread. :)

But you can post questions here also. He checks this thread.
I would like to know if Timmy was with Hank Snr when Hank had his accident, and if so, was he injured?

I'm trying to figure out if Timmy was well enough to be out and about the night of Haleigh's disappearance.

Levi, I don't know who will be on your show tonight, but if this can't be addressed tonight, maybe you can save it for JVM or NG. On the tape of Lindsy and Tommy listed below, what do you make of this? Tommy is adamant that he isn't involved and he doesn't think Joe is either....at least he doesn't know if Joe is involved. He tries to tell LE stuff about Ronald, but they don't want to hear anything he has to say about him. It's almost like LE has coerced Tommy into making these statements. I'm beginning to question LE's integrity. In tape number 4 Tommy spells this out! He says LE wants him to make up lies to make them look good! Hank Sr seems to think they have talked Misty into this scenario too. Should LE be invstigated? They seem to be turning their back to Ronald, and I'm getting concerned. The entire number 4 tape is full of Tommy's thoughts on Joe. He is not afraid of Joe and he is pretty clear, that he doesn't believe Joe is guilty.


Tape # 3 @ 3:15 mark, Tommy says the detectives tell him to (tell us what happened and you'll be out of here)
@10:15 mark, Tells Lindsy not to listen to the B---S--- his sister is telling. (stuff about Joe and Tommy. Misty is a little liar.

@12:00 mark, Tommy says he has told detectives a lot of stuff about Ronald, but they don't want to hear it!

@17:45 mark, I'm not gonna go along with a lie just to get myself out of jail. I'm not gonna put it on somebody that I don't know that did it. That's what they want me to do, go along with their little story and put it on my cousin, and I don't know if he did anything wrong or not. I'm not going to put him behind bars for the rest of his life for no reason. If I knew he did something, I would have killed him myself.

@20:20 mark, I could get myself out of here now if I would go along with their B---S--- story, but I'm not gonna make up a lie, or go along with a lie.

@21:20 mark, I don't understand why Misty would make up a lie like that. It's B--- S---!

@26:40 mark, I'm not gonna lie, though. I'm not gonna make up no F'ing story to get myself out of jail, sorry! I'm not gonna just go along with their story, you know? F that, it's B---- S---. I don't know if Joe was there, but I know I wasn't!

@32:25 mark, I know the truth and I didn't have nothing to do with it.
Maryann, that is a good question about LE. Tommy is clearly saying that he knows the truth and has told the police about Ron...not about JO but about Ron. That also goes along with Tommy saying that Misty is covering for Ron.
Levi. I'm also interested in knowing the answers to what Maryann123 has laid out in post #147 to you..
Thank you..
As an afterthought, I just want to add that Lindsy seems to be trying to coerce Tommy into going along with LE too. Listen to her on tape 3. She says, no, don't lie...just......! I'm not sure what she is trying to do. Did she threaten him with the divorce if he didn't go along? Now, that he's on board with LE, the divorce is on hold? Tommy saying he was afraid for his children is total bunk! On tape number 4 he talks trash about how crazy Joe is, saying he would kill him if he thought he had anything to do with Haleigh. He calls JO a little punk, which is how we all see him. Does this sound like a guy that is afraid of JO for himself or his children?

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